The Sound of Storms RECIPE 58%
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Almost a month had passed since Selene’s initial solstice decree, which left them with only two months to prepare. As everyone filed into the constricted meeting room for what Aria prayed was the last day of deliberations, emotions were already running high.

Two months was not nearly enough time to ready one army, let alone two. And with the Legion Council and Royal Assembly still somewhat tentative to trust each other fully, no one was especially excited to commit to transparency and resources, lest they put their people in harm’s way.

By early afternoon, they had multiple ideas roaming around the chalkboard, but none of them really formed a comprehensive strategy. The group took a quick break, but Professor Embris stayed back, her eyes roving back and forth across the board in deep thought. When Aria returned to her seat, she noticed the woman had erased everything and re-written something that actually, maybe , resembled a plan. The others filed in behind her, everyone reclaiming their spots.

“I think I’ve worked it out,” Jil said cautiously, turning to the three Legion Council members. “And before you start throwing objections at me, I want you to hear me in full. ”

Shara raised a single eyebrow, but nodded at her to continue. So the professor explained her idea to an eager audience.

One of the biggest issues they’d encountered during their debates was how to best protect civilians who wouldn’t be fighting. Jil had an answer for that. They would still have the Equinox Ball, as they held each equinox, to keep up appearances for both Vera and the public. But it would be staged.

This year, they would hold a “Unified” Ball at the Legion Academy, where both fae and shifter nobility would be invited in the hopes of “seeking a lasting treaty of peace,” she said. They would lure Vera in this way, giving her the opportunity she’s been wanting, in the heart of the shifter realm with their entire ruling force at her fingertips—ripe for attack.

Jil’s grave expression mirrored that of the others. “We give her one last chance to show her true colors, to back away from this unscathed, and if she doesn’t, then we are ready for war should she decide to strike.”

Aria’s heart pounded in her chest as the woman continued. Unbeknownst to Vera, Jil explained, anyone who arrived that wasn’t there to fight would be ushered into the vaults below ground for their safety, while troops and guards, dressed in finery, roamed the Academy halls at the ready. “She’ll be on unfamiliar terrain,” Professor Embris continued, “so she and her troops will be at a disadvantage there. If we make her think we’re earnest in our offer for peace—which we are, technically—perhaps we stand a chance of her making the sensible decision. And if not, she’ll be underestimating our readiness, which will play to our benefit.”

“Won’t our troops be at a disadvantage, as well? Our guards don’t have any more experience in Denover than she does.” the king asked .

“I was getting to that,” Jil eyed him, frustrated that he’d interrupted. “When we leave here, we will go back to our own realms and bring our guards up to speed about the entire situation. We will prepare over the course of a month on our own, finalizing squadrons and specialty units. Then, on the next full moon, we will lead them to the Academy where we will all train—together—until the equinox comes. This will allow our guards time to process, perhaps even make final arrangements with family, if necessary, before traveling to Denover,” she swallowed hard.

Aria’s heart sagged at the thought of any of their troops not returning. She glanced at Clem, whose family she had just met, and watched the color drain from his face.

“Do we not fear that she may have infiltrated your troops?” Shara looked to the king and queen, clearly concerned about a repeat of the battle at the border.

Joyen and Arach shared a glance before Joyen responded, “We will ensure that is not the case.”

Shara just nodded warily before Professor Embris continued.

“We’ve already discussed that Vera’s earth powers will likely be magnified. Though we don’t know what else Mallium might have given her…” Jil trailed off, remembering what Selene had said the day before: Mallium can create worlds, there is no limit to what he may have bestowed upon her.

Jil went on, wiping a trickle of sweat from her brow with the back of her leathered hand. “Arriving early will at least allow our warriors to learn the land before she does. It will give us the small advantage we need if we want to catch her off guard.”

“All right,” Shara said flatly. “I don’t know if it’s the perfect plan, but it’s better than anything else we’ve been able to put together. And I think it may be the only option where we’ll actually have a shot. ”

“I’m fine with anything if it will get us out of this gods’ forsaken room,” Kam signed from where he sat against the wall, shaking his head. Leah smacked his arm, even though none of the leaders saw him. Aria wanted to laugh at the sight but couldn’t muster it, still drawn to the discussion occurring in front of her.

“Do we have enough resources for that level of temporary housing?” General Falden asked Shara, her icy eyes narrowed.

“We’ll make it work,” the dragon replied. “We don’t particularly have a choice, do we?” Acasia bit her lip nervously. It was the first time Aria had seen the woman falter.

“We will also bring whatever we can to make the strain easier,” Joyen met Shara’s eyes, some unspoken acknowledgement passing between them. “Food, tents, anything we can manage. We don’t take the threat to your people—all of our people—lightly. We may have wronged you in the past, but you will not be burdened by us again. That, I can promise.”

A weak smile formed at Aria’s lips, seeing Shara nod at Joyen. It would require every single one of them, all of their resources, to make this plan work. But perhaps they could make it through this cordially, after all.

They spent the rest of the day discussing the details—Luka’s squad would travel to the Zephyr castle on the next full moon to help lead the troops back to the Academy, and Aria would travel to Vera’s home to personally invite her to the staged party. This would allow her to gauge Vera’s reaction, and possibly pick up on anything else that may be helpful in their preparations.

Meanwhile, the Legion Council and Royal Assembly would meet individually with the noble families to warn them—give them the option of turning down the invitation or, hopefully, contributing funds, weapons, and their people to the fight .

Aria prayed to Mallium for as much help as they could get, even if he was proving to be a terrible listener. Maybe I’d have better luck praying to one of the old gods of legend , she thought flippantly before remembering the walls in which she stood.

She walked out of the meeting room feeling lighter than she had in days. They had a plan— a real plan! As Shara had said, it wasn’t perfect, but it was something. And everyone had agreed to it, by some miracle. She, Taren, and the rest of the Royal Assembly would be flying back first thing in the morning to begin their work. And while Aria was thrilled to sleep in her own room again—

No , she wouldn’t let herself think about Luka right now. Or Evelyn. She’d let herself have a bit of fun, but now her people needed her at her best. Not distracted.

Most people had gone straight to the dining hall when they adjourned from their meeting, but she was too wired to sit in a chair anymore. She opened the door to her room and immediately started packing all of her things back into her bag, excited to be back in a familiar space. Her bed, her room, her books. All the things she’d missed in these weeks away from home came rushing back to the front of her mind.

She couldn’t decide if she was more excited for a bath, the view from her balcony, or wearing something besides the limited clothing options she’d brought that had sustained her for much longer than she’d anticipated. Gods, I miss my—

A knock jolted her from her thoughts.

“Come in!” she shouted at the door behind her, so enthralled in her task of squeezing the last items into her pack that she didn’t particularly care who was visiting. The door snicked shut and she glanced to see who had come in, but before she’d even turned fully, she could smell him. That freshly-rained, smoky, earthy scent wafting toward her .

“What—” she started, but was cut off by him grabbing her by the neck. She tore at his hand that sprawled around her entire throat.

But his grasp was delightfully gentle as he leaned into her ear and growled, “Did you think you’d get to leave without saying goodbye to me, Princess?”

Gods , she should smack him for surprising her like that. But the way he grabbed her… Heat spread across her skin as he pulled her close, dragging his stubble-lined lips across her jawline until they met hers hungrily. Her body melted at his touch, fire running through every limb as she returned his kiss, her mouth parting for his searching tongue.

Maybe she had been subconsciously avoiding him, avoiding this. She really didn’t want to say goodbye, not when they’d so recently allowed themselves the pleasure of each other’s company.

Evelyn’s warnings rumbled through her as Luka released his hold on her neck and moved his hand through her hair, the other one wrapping around her waist and pulling her in against his body as their mouths danced in tandem.

“Well?” he pulled away just long enough to ask.

“You didn’t really give me a chance—”

He cut her off again, unable to get enough of her lips on his. Aria’s heart pounded in her chest, keeping time with their frantic movements.

“We’re leaving tonight,” he said between kisses, neither of them daring to open their eyes. His lips traveled down her neck and brushed her exposed collarbone. “So I want you to think about this feeling every moment, waking or dreaming, until I can fulfill my promise of making you scream for me.”

She tangled her hands in his waves with a soft moan as he moved his hands to the back of her thighs and swept her off her feet. The feeling of his lips against that tender flesh along her shoulders sent sparks through her. She would have no problem thinking about this. No problem at all.

He set her gently on the bed and pulled her arms away from his neck before planting gentle kisses along her fingers and cupping them in his hands. Luka’s eyes darkened, his demeanor completely changed from when he’d entered her room moments ago. From predator to protector. “I wish I could come with you.”

“How many times do I have to show you that I can protect myself?” she replied staunchly, removing her hands from his grasp and leaning back on the bed.

“I know what you’re capable of, Princess,” he gave her a sly grin and cupped her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Maybe I’m just looking for an excuse to stick around and warm your bed.”

“Well, you’ll have an entire month to come up with a better one,” she smirked. And there it was, the lingering acknowledgement. They’d be apart for an entire moon cycle, and Aria didn’t like it one bit, though she wouldn’t admit that to anyone but herself.

Despite the reason for being introduced to the entire Fulgara squad, she’d grown to really enjoy their company. It was the first time she’d honestly felt like she belonged in a group setting, and she was going to miss them.

Luka’s face fell, just slightly, but it was enough to know he felt the same way. He pulled her toward him for one more slow kiss. “I’ll see you soon, Princess.”

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