The Sound of Storms REMIT 68%
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It was still dark when Aria trotted down the steps and out the front gates of the Zephyr castle the following morning. Taren was in their flight leathers, talking to Finn and Evelyn, both packs on the ground beside them.

“Where’s Aria?” Evelyn asked. “Late as usual?”

“Getting those bedrolls you requested, actually,” Aria said, appearing behind them. “We only had two available. The rest were already packed away for everyone else. But I figured we’d take turns keeping watch, anyway, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“That’s fine,” Evelyn mumbled, still half asleep. “Are we ready?”

They all nodded and Aria secured the rolls to each pack, and slung the straps around her shoulders before releasing her wings. “Let’s go.”

Much to the dismay of Aria’s bladder, they stopped only once on the way to Vera’s estate to eat something and hydrate. She hated these day-long trips with a burning passion.

It was early evening by the time they passed over and through the forest that preceded the Erdanean castle, the tan stone glowing in the waning sunlight. It had been years since Aria had visited this place. She remembered it being much bigger, but in reality, it paled in comparison to her own home. Good , she thought. Vera didn’t deserve the luxury of appearing as powerful as she thought she should be.

Aria motioned for Evelyn and Finn to stay hidden in the line of trees and wait for her cue, as they’d discussed. With Taren by her side, she approached the gate, the guards covered head to toe in metal armor, their faces obscured by helmets.

Though she had no clue who they were, they recognized her immediately. “Princess Aria,” came a deep, skeptical voice from the one on the left as they sketched a bow. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”

She batted her lashes sweetly. “What, a woman can’t visit her grandmother?”

The guards looked at each other before placing their hands on the hilts of their swords. “Unannounced?” the guard on the right said, their voice considerably higher.

Aria eyed the movements. Best to pull the princess card, then. “Before you get all worried, we come on royal business. Myself and our two guests—” she motioned for the panthers to join her, “would like to formally invite Lady Erdane to our unified Equinox Ball next month.” She emphasized the word, hoping to trigger some sort of approval from the guards.

Evelyn and Finn emerged from their cover in their mortal forms and approached. But as they got closer, the guards saw their rounded ears and unsheathed their weapons.

“The queen ,” the high-voiced guard hissed the words, “will not be pleased with you for bringing shifters to our door.” Evelyn snarled instinctively before Finn nudged her arm, reminding her to behave.

“We have come to Vera in peace,” Aria raised her palms defensively. “My friends, here, wished to invite her personally. We have no weapons ourselves. You can check us if you wish. ”

It was true. They’d left their packs nearly a mile away, beyond the trees. The only weapons they carried were their own powers, despite Evelyn protesting about being able to hide knives where no one would find them. Aria didn’t ask her what she meant by that.

The guards looked at each other again, trying to decide how to proceed. Apparently no one had trained them on what to do if their leader’s estranged granddaughter showed up randomly with a couple of shifters in tow.

“Our queen is not interested in a truce—”

“Oh, Garreth, don’t be so pessimistic,” Vera’s voice lulled as she appeared behind the closed gate, barely visible through the slats. Just like the coward she is, Aria thought. “Why don’t we hear them out.”

Not a question, but a command.

Aria bit her tongue, wishing to lash but knowing she needed to lure instead. “Grandmother,” she bowed, feigning respect. “We have been working closely to secure ties to the shifter realm. We are all well aware of your recent efforts,” a knot gathered in her throat as she risked the admission, “and wish to seek a peaceful resolution that doesn’t require unnecessary bloodshed.” Not a lie , she thought, choosing her words carefully. “I’ve brought two of our allies from Denover so they could speak for themselves.”

“Well, go on,” Vera said impatiently.

Okay, then, Aria thought . Not the response she’d been expecting. “Might we come inside, and discuss this like reasonable adults?” Aria summoned a smile from the cavernous depths of her will.

“You’re fine where you are,” her grandmother replied flatly, a single shadowed eye peering almost comically through the gaps in the bars. “We don’t need to dilly dally over a simple invitation to a party, do we?”

Aria clenched her teeth. So there would be no peek into Vera’s operation today, or ever, probably. Fine.

Evelyn cleared her throat. “We will be quick, then,” she said, coating her voice in sugar. She had gone with one of her more formal sets of leathers today, which Aria had to admit gave her an air of regality. “I am Evelyn. My counterpart, here, is Finn. We are the acting emissaries to the fae realm.” Evelyn joined her hands in front of her waist. Aria was the only one who noticed how they shook slightly. “We have worked with leaders from both lands to plan this unified Equinox Ball,” Evelyn said, repeating Aria’s words from earlier, “and hope you will join us at the Legion Academy, located in south central Denover, on the border of the Panther and Wolf Provinces. Perhaps we can come to an agreement, save both of us the trouble…” Of war , she needn’t finish.

Aria marveled at the performance Evelyn was giving them, the woman transformed into someone else entirely. But she couldn’t tell whether Vera was convinced or not, because her grandmother was silent behind the gate.

“We hope you will consider our offer,” Finn added.

Evelyn continued, “We very much wish to spare as many lives as possible, and we are willing to hear you out. The party will give us a chance to speak casually, and then hopefully, an excuse to celebrate,” she said with a weak smile.

They all held their breaths, waiting for a response. Amid Vera’s silence, the guard on the right eyed Taren curiously. “You look familiar…”

“Taren Voltis,” Taren said, eager to contribute, “my parents are—”

“ Ah , I knew I recognized— ”

“Quiet,” Vera cut them off suddenly, the guards snapping back to attention. “I will consider your invitation.”

Aria breathed a silent sigh of relief, her face remaining stoic. She hadn’t necessarily expected an immediate response, but consideration meant they had delivered the information and could be well on their way. Although, perhaps it was worth one more attempt at getting inside…

“If we could—” Aria started.

“Be gone,” Vera said dismissively. Well, so much for that, she thought . “And if I catch you shifters in my territory again, I will not hesitate to revoke the generous patience I have offered you today.”

Aria’s blood boiled at the threat. She desperately wanted to remind her grandmother that she did not get to dictate who was and wasn’t allowed anywhere in Allar. But for the sake of their cause, she decided to let it go, remembering they needed to win her favor by whatever means necessary. She held back a snarl of her own as she said, “Very well, we don’t mean to cause any trouble. We’ll be on our way.”

Aria looked at Evelyn, who sucked in a deep, calming breath, and then nodded affirmatively. All four of them backed away slowly and headed for the trees they’d emerged from, Vera’s critical eye following them the entire way.

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