The Sound of Storms RESTRAINT 73%
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Aria and her team made it to the spring a half hour later, the water already glistening under the faint moonlight. There were only a few trees around them, the area mostly clear. It might have been peaceful if they hadn’t just been ambushed.

“There’s a grotto beneath the spring, just over the ledge,” Taren beckoned toward the decline in front of them, a row stacking stones that formed a natural set of steps.

Once they all made it down, Finn and Taren unloaded the packs and unrolled the two sleeping mats, which was all they had to do to make camp for the night. They decided on the way there to settle for the cold, not wanting to draw unwanted attention with a fire. Sure, they were on Zephyr territory now, but Vera obviously didn’t mind playing dirty. It wasn’t worth the risk for a little extra warmth.

After refilling their canteens from the water dripping down the rock edge from the pool above them, they sat and ate the dried meat and fruit they’d brought with them, speculating more about Vera to no avail. Their conversation waned naturally, Taren having fallen asleep already, their mouth slack as they leaned against the wall .

“You two sleep,” Evelyn nodded to Finn and Aria. “I won’t be able to, anyway. Too wired. Our backs are protected, we’ll be fine with one person on watch.”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind staying up,” Aria protested. “There’s no way I’ll be able to sleep right now, either.”

“Keep me company, then,” Evelyn said, “We can go sit up on the cliff ledge of the spring. It’ll give us a better view, anyway.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Finn mumbled, picking himself off the ground before sparing Taren a glance. “I’ll get them into their roll,” he grinned softly, gesturing for Aria to join Evelyn who was already halfway up the rock face.

Aria’s eyes finally adjusted to the thin light of the night sky as she stepped out of the cave mouth and followed Evelyn up to the ledge. Evelyn turned around when she reached the top and pulled Aria up behind her with a firm hand around her wrist.

Evelyn sat with her feet dangling over the ledge. Aria joined her on the soft, grassy ground. The land stretched before them in quiet solace. “I believe we’re even now,” Evelyn looked at Aria with a tilted grin.

“I don’t know about even ,” Aria teased. “I seem to remember you were in a much more dire situation than we were with that guard.”

“I could’ve just sacrificed you for the greater good,” Evelyn replied, her brows raised.

“You wouldn’t have, and you know it,” Aria said confidently. “You like me too much to do that now.”

“Don’t remind me,” Evelyn chuckled.

“You know, I didn’t really take you for the bloodthirsty kind, but damn. You showed him no mercy. ”

“I tend to get a little protective over the people I care about,” Evelyn glanced at her from the corner of her eye. “Something you should already know from experience.”

Aria laughed through her nose. “Yeah, I never thought I would be at the receiving end of that defensive streak.” But she had to admit that she liked it. Liked feeling protected. “You know, you played a convincing emissary.”

“Did I?” Evelyn met Aria’s gaze with those golden eyes, nearly glowing in the dark. Aria only had a moment to admire the concern on Evelyn’s face before the panther looked back out at the expanse of the land, the water bubbling quietly behind them.

“Could’ve fooled me,” Aria shrugged. “If I didn’t know you as well, I wouldn’t have thought you nervous at all.”

Evelyn cursed under her breath. “What gave me away?”

“Oh, I didn’t mean—”

“No, tell me,” Evelyn insisted, “I want to know so I can do better next time.”

“Uh, your hands shook a little,” Aria explained. “The slight hitch in your voice. Just small things. But Vera could hardly see us anyway, I’m sure I was the only one who noticed it. It’s not easy, pretending to be someone you’re not.” Aria’s eyes traveled down the apples of Evelyn’s cheeks to her tight jaw, the swell of her breasts as she took in a long breath, letting it out slowly.

Evelyn didn’t say anything if she noticed the way Aria stared. Her eyes were far away. “I’m normally very confident when it comes to playing whatever role I need to. But something about authority… I don’t know,” her head shook slightly. “I’ve always had trouble standing my ground against people with power. Except you,” she teased, and then paused. “I just hide my nerves as well as I can, I guess.”

“Makes sense,” Aria said .

“What does?”

“I grew up raised by people with power, and all I want to do is challenge authority,” Aria scoffed. Evelyn laughed at that, the light trill of the sound dancing along Aria’s skin. “You don’t have to internalize it, you know.”

“I know,” Evelyn said quietly. “I’m just very used to being alone, dealing with things on my own. It doesn’t bother me,” she shrugged, “most of the time, at least.”

“What about the squad? You don’t lean on them?”

“We’re all kind of notorious for not sharing things. Except Kam. He’s an open book,” she chuckled fondly.

“You’re really lucky, you know? To have them,” Aria hesitated. “Aside from Taren, I’ve never had those kinds of friends before. You’re all basically family.”

“They are my family. My only family, actually,” Evelyn smiled to herself, something in that stony facade seeming to crack. “At least you have them now, right? I know we took a while to warm up, but we’re all glad to have you two, too. As much as it pains me to admit it,” she teased.

Aria’s heart twinged, the affection she felt for Evelyn—for all of them—growing and beating heavily in her chest. “Well, thank you for giving me a chance, then. Letting me prove you wrong.”

“The feeling is mutual,” Evelyn placed her hand on Aria’s arm, the gentle touch sending a tingle across her skin. The panther removed her hand—just as quickly as she’d placed it there—to gesture at the spring behind them. Something Aria couldn’t quite place flashed over Evelyn’s face. “Are you good to watch for a bit? I’d love to rinse off.”

“Uh, sure, yeah,” Aria mumbled, taken aback by Evelyn’s sudden departure from their conversation. “Yeah, of course. Go ahead. ”

“Thanks,” Evelyn smiled in return and stood, walking toward the water. “It’s been a long day and this water looks amazing.”

Aria didn’t dare look back as she heard Evelyn peel her leathers off, heard them hit the ground, heard a light splash as Evelyn waded down the slope and into the warm water.

Heard the panther let out a low, satisfied moan at the feeling against her bare skin.

Heard her own pulse thundering in her skull.

“Actually,” she heard Evelyn call from behind her, “why don’t you join me?”

Don’t turn, don’t turn, don’t turn, she commanded herself .

“Someone needs to keep watch,” Aria replied loudly, keeping her head toward the landscape.

“I’ll smell anyone in the air, and you can sense anyone on foot, right? Everything around us is earth,” Evelyn replied, that sweet persuasion in her voice. “And you did promise to swim with me, you know.” She paused. “Unless you really don’t want to join me, which—”

Aria mumbled, “It’s not that—”

“I can’t hear you when you talk to the sky, Princess.”

Aria whipped around instinctively to repeat herself, a swear crossing her lips when she saw Evelyn submerged waist-high in the water, her pale skin iridescent, reflecting the moonlight against the dark backdrop. Her hair was wet and slicked back away from her face, draped lazily over those full, heavy breasts, her rosy nipples peeking through the strands.

The scene was enough to stop Aria’s heart.

“What did you say?” Evelyn teased, biting her bottom lip.

“I said…” Aria trailed off, unable to form sentences.

Oh gods, this was dangerous. She’d barely recovered from her night with Luka, and… She didn’t even know what to do ab out him. But right now, with Evelyn before her like this, she wasn’t sure she cared.

“The water feels great,” Evelyn said enticingly, running a hand over the surface. “I’ll even turn around while you get in, if that’s what’s holding you back,” she cocked her head. “I was just really enjoying our conversation, and I can’t hear you way over there.”

Aria let out a sharp laugh at that. Modesty had never been a problem for her. But if she got in that spring, she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to keep her hands to herself. And that might be a problem. Maybe not at that moment, but it would certainly complicate things for future Aria.

It was clearly not a problem for Evelyn, who waded toward the edge where Aria now stood, not even realizing her legs had carried her toward the water. Meeting Evelyn’s bright eyes under those dark lashes— now Aria was feeling a bit shy.

“Fine,” Aria huffed. “Turn around.”

Evelyn did as she was told and Aria stripped, leaving her flight leathers in a pile beside the ledge. Her breasts peaked against the chill, but every muscle in her body relaxed almost instantly when she slid into the warm water behind Evelyn. “Shit,” Aria muttered. “That does feel good.”

“Can I turn around now?”

“Sure,” Aria said nervously. “But I think you should…”

Evelyn turned and closed the distance between them. “We’re just bathing, Princess. Enjoying the spring. Catching up after a long day. No reason to be nervous.”

The lullaby in Evelyn’s voice said otherwise. Those eyes. Those lips. Aria could barely form the thought she wanted to get out when Evelyn looked at her like that. It might have been just bathing right at that moment, but…

“I know,” Aria said, “I just thought you should know— ”

“That you and Luka shared a bed?”

Aria’s jaw went slack. “How did you—”

“You think I couldn’t smell your scent all over him the next morning?” Evelyn gave her that sinful grin—the same one she’d seen just hours earlier when the panther had prodded a sword into her enemy’s neck—before flipping her long hair behind her shoulder, revealing her breasts fully. The look of a predator. She continued, “We ran into each other on his way back to his room. He couldn’t deny it. I knew it the minute I saw him.”

Aria’s gut roiled. She thought they had been so careful. But Evelyn knew. And was currently giving her a lustful look anyway.

Evelyn knew. And didn’t care.

She couldn’t believe Evelyn would betray Luka in any way, which meant he must not mind the panther’s advances. Evelyn wouldn’t go behind his back like that. Would she?

Luka’s words drifted to the surface of her memory. She hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but now she was certain he knew how Evelyn felt. And Aria was fully in control of this situation, he made sure she knew that. If anything, he had given her permission to explore. I’ll be here , he’d said. Whoever you choose.

Evelyn now stood dangerously close, close enough Aria could hear the breath leave her lips, smell the woody scent wafting from her. “I told you I like a challenge.”

“I’m not a puzzle to be solved. Something to be won,” Aria met her gaze fiercely. If they were going to do this, she needed that assurance, at least.

“No, you’re not, Princess. But you are a prize. One I’d very much like to earn,” she purred with that low voice, hovering, giving Aria every opportunity to back away, to change her mind. “ But I’m plenty clean now, if you’d like to kick me out for a little privacy.” She hesitated. “Or…”


“Or,” Evelyn’s finger traced lightly up Aria’s arm, “we could kill a little time until our watch is over.”

Maybe it was the lingering energy from their run-in in the woods, or maybe it was the glow of Evelyn’s skin, just begging to be touched. But Aria had already made her choice. And she would deal with the consequences later, should it come to that.

She smirked, her eyes lingering on Evelyn’s full lips. “I wouldn’t mind a little distraction.”

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