The next two days came and went so quickly, Aria barely saw Luka more than when they slept next to each other at night.
She’d been so consumed by practicing during the day that she still hadn’t made time to track down Evelyn, who was on the opposite side of the Academy leading exercises each day, busy with her own schedule.
But Shara had demanded a break in training so the grounds could be readied for a grand party that night, and gods be damned , she was going to find Evelyn and finally quell the panther’s worries. First, though, she had to get ready.
Aria hadn’t bothered to bring more than just the one outfit she thought she might wear to the staged Equinox Ball, so she slipped into that dark navy gown that fit her tightly up top with a high neck and long sleeves—her entire back exposed—and a bottom that flowed out in waves. She’d braided her hair last night so that, now, let loose, it fell in waves around her face with one side pinned back by a silver brooch.
Kohl lined her eyes and a bit of rouge dotted her cheeks. She felt prettier than she had in a long while as she admired herself in the mirror. She felt like the princess she was, a princess who might be leading her people to their death in just a few short days.
A light knock startled her from her thoughts. She made her way to the door and opened it to find Luka standing there in a perfectly-tailored emerald suit, coat and all, his hair unbound and beard trimmed short. The cream shirt he wore underneath was unbuttoned at the top, revealing just a peek of his collarbone. He offered his elbow to her, drinking her in. “I was going to ask if I might escort you to the grand hall, but I think I’d like to ravish you first.”
“I was just thinking the same. That’s a beautiful color on you,” she said, taking his arm and shutting the door behind her. “I can’t wait to tear it off you later.”
He nearly purred in her ear as they walked arm-in-arm through the halls. They came upon the vibrant scene awaiting them in the spacious room, fae and shifters alike swaying and dancing to the music coming from the band in the corner, made up of soldiers who had brought their instruments along.
Aria recognized Taren’s friend Evan among them, his smile bright as he beat his hand drum. She had to laugh at how little she knew about him, even now, not even realizing he played until this very moment. She made a vow, then, to actually make Taren’s friends her friends, too. She’d kept herself at a distance from people for far too long. That would change after the equinox.
At their entrance, eyes slowly shifted in their direction, ogling the way their arms linked. But none of the stares were malicious. If anything, they were envious. For once, she didn’t hate the attention being on her. With Luka beside her, she suddenly felt as though she could conquer anything that lay in front of her. That they could conquer anything. Together .
Taren caught her eye from across the room, giving her a small nod and diverting their attention back to Finn, where it would likely remain for the rest of the evening, if Aria had to venture a guess.
“Do you see Evelyn?” Aria asked, scanning the bustling floor.
“She’s probably outside somewhere. Not really one for crowds,” he pulled her toward him. “Are you finally going to talk to her?”
“Gods willing she still wants anything to do with me,” Aria sighed.
“I don’t think that will be a problem,” he laughed knowingly. “Come find me when you’re done.”
She slipped her arm out of his and started her search for the panther. After scouring the courtyard and coming up empty, she made her way back through the groups of people in the hall and grabbed a glass of stout wine before trying the balcony.
“There you are,” Aria smiled easily.
Evelyn rose from her position where she leaned over the balcony wall to turn and face Aria, nearly knocking the air out of Aria’s lungs in the process. Evelyn’s black dress hugged her body tightly, a deep vee flanking her breasts that came to a point at her navel. Her hair was gathered to one side and fell in large curls past her shoulder, her glowing eyes accentuated by dark lines of kohl on both eyelids.
“Gods, you look magnificent,” Aria whispered, unable to stop herself from walking toward Evelyn. “I’m sorry for waiting so long to find you. For being childish.”
“Please, as if you’re the one who needs to apologize,” Evelyn scoffed, taking a swig of her wine. “I should be the one on my knees right now.”
Aria smirked. “I would not be opposed to that. ”
“Not the greeting I thought I would get from you this evening,” Evelyn raised those dark, thin eyebrows suggestively. “Though, really, I’m just happy to get a greeting from you at all. I thought you might ignore me forever.”
“I’m done sulking,” Aria replied dismissively. “I have been for a while, actually. But thank you. For apologizing.”
Evelyn’s chest released with a breath as their eyes met. “I wish there was something more I could do to make it up to you. I shouldn’t have kept you in the dark for so long. But your forgiveness is greatly appreciated.” She paused, weighing her words. “You look beautiful too, by the way. I’m surprised to see you in a gown. Not that I’m complaining,” Evelyn said coyly.
“I like to highlight my feminine side every once in a while,” Aria laughed. “Not often, but it does happen.” Her eyes traced the curve of Evelyn’s body, down that delicious vee that framed her cleavage, and back up to those full, sensuous lips. Evelyn was being so kind to her, it made her feel guilty for taking this long to make amends. “Are you sure you won’t hold it against me? That I took my time coming to you?”
“Aria, there is one thing I would like to hold against you, and it is not a grudge.” Evelyn held her gaze. “Luka told me of your courtship, by the way. I’m glad I can congratulate you myself,” she raised her glass in a cheers, her genuine smile reflected in her eyes. “I’m so happy for you both. Truly.”
Luka’s squad and Taren had been the only ones they’d agreed to tell. The true joy in Evelyn’s features reassured her it had been the right decision, not to hide it from their closest friends. “Thank you, that means a lot,” Aria clinked her glass against Evelyn’s lightly, bringing them closer. “And you’re sure you’re not upset by it? Upset with me?”
Evelyn’s eyes fell to the floor. “No,” she winced. “I’m not at all upset with you. Just myself. ”
Aria’s brow furrowed. “Why? Not for spying, still, are you? Because I told you, I’m over that.”
“No, no,” she muttered, her mouth shifting with worry. “It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about this now. I don’t want to be dour. Tonight is for celebrating, yeah? Let’s go back—”
“Evelyn.” Aria tilted her head.
She sighed. “I think part of me wanted to be upset when I heard about your courtship. I felt like I should be upset by it. I had thought…” Evelyn’s eyes wandered past Aria, her mind far away. “I don’t know. This is silly.”
“It’s not silly,” she said. “What’s wrong?”
“I just…” She hesitated. “I thought I was developing real feelings for you, beyond just physical. And I do care about you. A lot. You and Taren, both. But I care about you in the same way—just as friends. It’s as if, no matter how hard I try or who I seek out, my heart just… doesn’t feel a romantic connection. To anyone.”
Aria studied Evelyn’s pained expression. It hurt her a little, to know that Evelyn didn’t feel that same pull that she had. But it made sense, given Evelyn’s history, and comforted her to know she hadn’t upset the panther by her decision to court Luka.
“But you and Luka—”
“It was the same with him,” she said, her eyes downcast. “I thought for sure, if I was going to fall in love with anyone, it would be the man who never once doubted me. Who supported me through everything. Or maybe the woman who saved my life,” she gave Aria a weak smile. “But even with him, I never felt that spark. It’s why I ended things with him. Because he deserves more than what I could give him. He deserves you ,” she gave a half-hearted smile. “You deserve each other. ”
Aria took Evelyn’s free hand in hers, their fingers joined loosely. “Thank you. But you also deserve to be happy,” she said softly. “Are you? Happy?”
She huffed a laugh. “Is anyone truly happy right now?”
“You know what I mean.”
Evelyn fidgeted with Aria’s fingers casually. “You know? I think I am. My entire life I’ve been holding this guilt that I don’t feel that way about anyone. But I’m tired of trying to force it. I think I’m okay with just sleeping with people when I want and not getting romantically attached.”
“Good!” Aria exclaimed, ignoring the way her body reacted to Evelyn mentioning sex. “You shouldn’t have to force it! It’s not like falling in love is mandatory,” she laughed, “no one is going to judge you for it. And if they do, they’ll have to answer to me.”
Evelyn giggled. Aria could tell she was thinking no one is going to fear you, Princess, but she said, “Thank you.”
They both sipped from their glasses but didn’t drop their hands. The wine was beginning to create a lovely buzz across her body, and their conversation had done nothing to quell her desire for Evelyn’s mouth on hers.
Evelyn studied her. “What’s on your mind?”
She swallowed roughly, realizing she’d been staring at the pout of Evelyn’s lips. You , she nearly blurted. If there was ever an opportunity, she realized, this was it. “Did Luka tell you about our agreement?”
Her eyes narrowed, intrigued. “Agreement?”
“I, uh…” She breathed deeply. “I believe I told you I needed a bit more research before coming to a conclusion about your talents?” Aria trailed her fingers lightly across Evelyn’s forearm.
Evelyn’s eyes flitted across Aria’s features, understanding dawning on her face. “Is that what you want, Princess? ”
Aria’s throat bobbed as she met Evelyn’s gaze. “Perhaps… a side-by-side comparison would be best.”
Evelyn traced a long nail along Aria’s jaw, her eyes smoldering. “Are you asking me to join you both?”
Aria’s chin lifted with the pull of Evelyn’s finger, bringing their lips close enough to touch. She suddenly panicked that maybe Evelyn didn’t want the same thing she wanted. That her confession had been a hint for Aria to stay away. “Only if that’s something you’re interested in.”
“Oh, I am very interested in that,” Evelyn’s words tickled Aria’s lips, sending shivers up her spine in relief. The cool night air mingled with their shared breath to peak her breasts against the fabric of her gown as desire chafed between her thighs.
Evelyn backed up, Aria nearly whining at the sudden distance between them, before a group of shifters walked out onto the balcony. “See you inside,” the panther whispered with a wink before heading back into the lively room.
Well, that went better than expected , she thought with a shake of her head. Aria took a moment to steel herself before returning to the crowd, cursing the fact she had to return at all when all she wanted was to drag them both back to her room instead. But her troops and her parents fully expected her to make an appearance tonight, potentially the last time they would all be gathered and allowed to behave freely.
She refilled her glass and looked around the room, the aromas of fine food wafting around her as she searched for Luka. Kam and Leah, along with a few of Taren’s friends—even Nyvia, she realized—now gathered near the band. The group watched Finn and Ambrose taking turns twirling Taren around in circles, smiles spread wide across all of their faces. It brought a smile to Aria’s face, too, her friend’s joy infectious .
Nyvia met her gaze and raised her glass with a nod. Aria returned the gesture with a grin. Warmth radiated through her, both from the wine and the content she felt watching her friends—old and new—enjoying themselves. Together.
In fact, she couldn’t pull her eyes away from all of the happy faces that surrounded her. Every single person in the room seemed eager to drop the weight of the next few days at the door and simply enjoy the company of one another. There were fae and shifters dancing together, forgetting the centuries of history that haunted them and allowing themselves a new beginning. But still no sign of the man she was looking for.
A warm hand slid along the small of her back as the music picked up, the tune of a popular couples dance chiming around her. “May I have this dance?” Luka enveloped her before she could object, pulling her toward the spinning bodies.
“I don’t—”
But her words were cut off as Luka dipped her low, his waves tickling her forehead as he brought his face close to hers. She giggled, suddenly wondering why she would ever deny him a dance. He lifted her until their noses met, their feet in sync. It had been a while since she’d learned this dance—one that apparently the shifters knew, as well—but he guided her expertly around the room, matching the moves of the others around them in unison.
“Were you following me? Is that why I couldn’t find you?” Aria’s breath grew labored with the rush of movement.
Luka’s lips teased against her ear as her back rested against his chest while they swayed. “I would follow you to the end of the world if it meant we could be there together, Princess.”
Aria’s breath hitched at the very real possibility of that scenario. She closed her eyes, reveling in the feeling of him against her, the rest of the room disappearing until it was just the two of them. Solid. Real. Nothing else mattered at that moment.
Luka spun her around again until she faced him, a single tear sliding down her face and catching the light like a precious gem. He brushed his thumb against the moisture, concern furrowing his brow. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” she said with a quick shake of her head, a placating grin on her face, “I just hope it doesn’t come to that.” His worry didn’t ease as their movements slowed, the song coming to an end. “Come on, let’s eat,” she said, guiding him off the dance floor and toward the long table lined with every kind of food imaginable—meats, cheeses, breads, vegetables, fruits, and a plethora of desserts—already picked over by the time they got there.
General Glacius stood at the end talking to Acasia, the two eyeing each other in a way that made Aria uncomfortable to even be in the same room, like she was intruding. She picked up a slice of bread and shot Luka a glance, gesturing in their direction.
“Yeah, that’s a thing,” he bit into a meat pie with a pleasant, knowing look.
Aria raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Did not see that coming.”
“You and me both,” he rolled his eyes. “I found out the hard way.” Aria almost choked on her bite. She’d just recovered from her coughing fit when her mother approached them.
“You two look like you’re having a good time,” Joyen eyed Aria with a suspicious tilt of her head.
Luka bowed to her, still upholding formality for some reason Aria couldn’t discern. “It’s hard not to enjoy the camaraderie this evening. It doesn’t hurt that Aria is a great dance partner,” he smiled .
Aria chortled. “And you’re full of shit.”
Joyen laughed at the exchange. “I’m just glad to see everyone mingling. It was kind of your mother to suggest such a night,” she acknowledged Shara, still engrossed in whatever Acasia was saying.
“She’s always loved entertaining,” Luka said. “It stopped happening as much after my father…” He trailed off. “Anyway,” he cleared his throat, “she seems to be doing better now. I think us working together has helped patch the hole that was left there.”
“We’re very appreciative. Of everything,” the queen said, grimacing slightly as Arach appeared beside her, swigging his wine heartily.
The king nodded in agreement, raising his glass. “To a unified Wren,” he winked.
Luka chuckled and met Arach’s glass. Aria beamed as they repeated the same toast he and her father had made during Luka’s first evening in her castle, but this time, she could tell they both meant it.
“Aria! Come dance!” Taren called to her from across the room.
And for the first time in her life, she did so without protest.
Hours passed and Aria’s shoes were nowhere to be found—kicked off in a corner somewhere long ago.
Most of the leaders and older soldiers had left to return to their beds, some accompanied by partners, some without. Almost everyone left in the room now found themselves close together, bodies rocking and spinning and swaying against each other in unbridled ecstasy fueled by strong wine and stronger music .
Luka’s firm hands rested on Aria’s hips, guiding her back and forth against him. Aria’s eyes met Evelyn’s where the panther stood leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, watching the once-formal dance floor devolve into something far more elicit. She arched a brow at Aria. A challenge.
Aria motioned for Evelyn to come to her. At the invitation, Evelyn peeled herself off the wall, navigating through the sea of bodies until she was close enough for Aria to grab her hand. There was no use talking, the music was far too loud for anything less than shouting. Instead, Aria guided Evelyn’s hands to her waist, resting just above Luka’s, bringing Aria eye level with Evelyn’s exposed flesh that had been taunting her all evening.
The three of them might as well have been the only ones in the room for all the attention anyone paid them, the others far too absorbed in their own partners, their own pleasure. Evelyn met Luka’s eyes above Aria’s head and he gave her a nod, a wicked smile, the permission she needed to explore.
Earlier that evening, Aria may have objected to the publicity of the soft kisses Luka placed along the back of her neck as Evelyn’s hands traced up Aria’s side, their bodies keeping time with the music. But in that moment, the only thing she could think about was how she wanted more . Needed it. Like air, like water. She wanted to drink them in and drown in their affection.
Evelyn leaned into her, their faces hovering together, breath mingling as they swayed. Aria gasped at the rigid length of Luka brushing against her lower back, but her sigh was swallowed by Evelyn’s lips upon hers—just briefly, just a taste. She nearly came undone at the tease of them both around her.
“Let’s get out of here,” she demanded, just loud enough for them both to hear her over the pounding of the music. Neither of them dared to object.