T here are many beautiful things in this world, and some are through-and-through beautiful, to be sure. The sight of Sabella’s firefly-covered antlers, how her face glowed with their gentle, golden light, the graceful way she led us through the forest, striding over roots and rocks as if she were more fairy than girl…
And then there are beautiful things that are also terrible. Things you cannot look away from but wish you could because they will leave indelible marks on your soul. They will be scars you lift your shirt to look at later, because you cannot help yourself and because the getting of them was important and should be remembered.
Here is Cleona, running faster than she’s ever run in all her days to meet her long-missed sister. Here is Robbie, shaking with sorrow to the very claws of his bird toes. Here is Branna in his arms, forever asleep, as pretty as the sunrise that’s creeping up over the barn.
The image cuts deep, as it must.
In my arms, Sparrow asks sleepily, “Are we home?”
But my throat has seized up with sorrow and I cannot form the words to answer.