The Stars Over Bittergate Bay Chapter 14 27%
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Chapter 14


J onas resolved to ignore the ice cream situation. It wasn’t intentional. Dom had given Sidney far too much ice cream, and watching Sidney lick at it had been the worst seven to ten minutes of Jonas’s preternaturally long life.

Sidney was still eating ice cream even after Jonas had gone to the bathroom and come back, and there was something a little like a knowing smile on Dom’s face that made Jonas want to hide in his truck.

But he wasn’t thinking about it anymore. They were driving down to a private little inlet of sea and sand that locals referred to as “the cove.” It would be quiet there, and the angle on Sidney’s star cluster would be similar to the one he’d get from the house But the cove was well away from the lights of Elmmond, which were always brighter around the Ascension.

As Jonas had anticipated, the gravel and sand parking lot that sat at the head of the tiny beach was empty. When Jonas turned off the headlights, Sidney leaned forward to look up at the stars and inhaled sharply.

“Christ, Jonas.”

They were turned southeast, the town and the rest of the country firmly behind them. Out in front, the bay met the ocean, and the ocean met the sky. The stars looked like diamonds spread out over a sheet of blue velvet. The rumble of waves on the shore, and the quiet hush of reeds in the wind were the only sounds aside from their own breathing. It was more romantic than Jonas had remembered. But then, he’d never have known. He’d only ever come here by himself.

“Oh, we should have brought the telescope,” Sidney said. He was hunched forward onto his knees, still staring up into the skies. “Look, there’s Leonidas. And Fiagnelle!” Jonas leaned forward to see if he could recognize anything in the clusters of stars.

“I did bring the telescope, actually,” he said. Sidney tore his gaze from the stars to blink at Jonas.


“The one you were using at Holyworth. I had this spot in mind when we left the house, so I put it in the truck bed. I know the angle won’t be exactly the same, so we don’t have to stay long—” Sidney still stared at him, and Jonas could feel his face heating. He hadn’t meant anything by it, it had just occurred to him when he was getting changed, and it was easy enough to pack it up. “We can go back,” Jonas said.

“No,” Sidney said. “No, this is perfect.” Then he leaned forward and kissed Jonas on the cheek.

For a moment, Sidney’s hand was on Jonas’s chest and his body was curled toward Jonas and Jonas thought about pulling Sidney across the bench seat and kissing him until neither of them could breathe properly. But that wasn’t what this was. Jonas didn’t know what it was. And before he could find out, Sidney was sliding away, climbing out of the truck.

Jonas gripped the steering wheel and took a deep breath. Humans wanted things from demons. He had no idea what humans wanted from other humans. A kiss on the cheek was innocuous. And Sidney hadn’t made a move toward him in the shed, and Jonas was reading too much into all of it. Like he always did. He could hear Edmund saying so in his head, ‘It’s not that serious, Jonas. It doesn’t mean anything.’ And it hadn’t in the end.

Sobered, Jonas got out of the truck in time to see Sidney picking his way carefully over the rocky shore toward the sand, telescope slung on his back. Jonas followed after him, the night air cool and refreshing. His stomach was pleasantly full and he realized as he walked that he’d had a nice time at dinner. The conversation hadn’t lagged or strained. Talking to Sidney was easy. And who was the last person he'd met that he could say that about?

Sidney crouched in the sand, unfolding the tripod. He’d picked a place beside a large boulder, where his notebook was already resting out and open.

“I think this is going to be perfect, actually,” he said the minute he noticed Jonas standing beside him. Sidney pulled the satchel off his shoulder and thrust it up at Jonas. “Can you get the scope out for me? It’s hard to get these legs in the right position on the sand. How long do you think the tide will be out?”

“We’ve got plenty of time.” Jonas said, glancing out at the water, where the shallow water rippled around a nearby sandbar. “It’s moving out now.”

“Excellent,” Sidney said. He clicked the latch on the bottom of the tripod and got to his feet, dusting the sand off against his trouser legs.

As Jonas screwed the eyepiece into place, he could feel the soft heat off Sidney’s skin in the cold night air. Jonas wanted to touch him. He wasn’t going to.

“You’re really quick with that,” Sidney said, his tone appreciative as he leaned close, watching Jonas’s movements. Jonas was glad it was dark enough to hide his blush.

“I invented it, remember? I do know how it fits together.”

“Do you do much other mechanical work?” Sidney asked.

“Here and there,” Jonas moved forward to slot the telescope into the top of the tripod. “I was toying with clockwork mechanics for a while. More out of curiosity than anything else.” He leaned forward to glance through the scope, turning it left and right to make sure it was secure. When he straightened up, Sidney was beside him. They bumped arms, and Jonas stepped back to make room for him. Their hands brushed, and for a moment, Sidney glanced up at Jonas, the starlight reflected in his eyes.

Beauty was a strange thing to Jonas. He’d lived a long time, almost three hundred and fifty years, and certain types of beauty had become prosaic to him. Nature still caught him off guard sometimes: the color of the sky after a storm, or the first bloom of asters in the fall. With creatures it was different. Maybe it was oversaturation. Living with the fae, and Asterion in particular, beauty was as easy to artifice as air was to breathe, so maybe it had lost some of its charm.

But Sidney looked like the personification of the night sky that Jonas had loved for centuries. What little light there was on the beach illuminated Sidney’s dark eyes. His hair fluttered down over his forehead, as soft as the wind. The small huff of his breath, the tension between them, like the moment before the crashing of a rolling wave. Watching it crest, the sound and sand shifting as the water collapsed in on itself, reforming into something the same and infinitely new.

Sidney’s fingers slid between Jonas’s, and Jonas looked down as Sidney drew their hands up.

“What are you doing?” Jonas murmured. He hadn’t meant to say it aloud, but what little self-control he’d had was fast fleeting. Sidney smiled.

“You’ve got surprisingly nimble hands.” Sidney dragged his thumb over Jonas’s fingertips and Jonas swallowed and tried not to shudder. He would have loved to show Sidney just how nimble his fingers could be.

Before he could punish himself for the thought, Sidney did something wholly unexpected. He raised Jonas’s hand to his mouth and kissed Jonas’s knuckles.

Jonas gasped. The softness of it caught him off guard. Sidney was watching him guilelessly, his eyes wide and mouth open ever so slightly, and while Jonas had been a variety of things over his lifetime, he was suddenly and uniquely vulnerable and full to the brim with longing.

He couldn’t even blame himself for wrapping his free arm around Sidney’s waist and pulling him close. They kissed, Jonas bowed forward over Sidney, as Sidney wrapped his arms around Jonas’s neck and pulled him closer. Sidney’s lips were pliant his mouth soft and warm and still tasting ever so slightly of vanilla, and when Sidney moaned Jonas ached to hear it again.

Sidney’s mouth slid down to Jonas’s jaw and then into the thin seam of Jonas’s neck. It was heady to be manhandled. Jonas wasn’t used to it, his skin tingling as Sidney slid his hands down beneath the collar of Jonas’s shirt. It was intoxicating to be wanted. To be moved by someone else’s pleasure. Sidney’s fingers skimming across his skin had Jonas straining for more touch. He’d never considered how good it might feel. Wasn’t sure how to ask for more of it now.


“Can you,” Sidney’s voice was muffled by Jonas’s skin, his lips brushing the sensitive space beneath Jonas’s jaw, “pick me up?”

Easily. Gladly. Jonas wrapped his arms around Sidney’s waist and lifted. Sidney spread his thighs, his legs wrapping around Jonas, as Jonas got two good handfuls of Sidney’s backside. Sidney shifted, and Jonas could feel Sidney’s length, firm against his stomach. He tipped Jonas’s chin back and kissed him, and Jonas staggered forward in the dark slowly, knowing he wanted the rock to press Sidney against.

The moment he was perched on the boulder, Sidney began to move his fingers down the buttons of Jonas’s shirt. Jonas shivered and tried to remind himself why he hadn’t done this in half a century. There were reasons to avoid affection. There would be consequences.

“We’ll freeze to death,” Jonas muttered, not that he actually cared. Or would let them freeze. He was entranced by the way Sidney was undressing him. Jonas let his hands trail along the hem of Sidney’s sweater. When Jonas grazed the skin of Sidney’s stomach, Sidney’s hips jumped. “Anyone could see us out here, you know.”

“See what?” Sidney panted as Jonas dragged his fingers lower, across the soft hairs that led below Sidney’s waistband.

“Just because the cove’s deserted right now doesn’t mean it always is.” Sidney wrapped his legs around Jonas’s hips. He leaned back on the rock, pulling Jonas down on top of him with a moan of pleasure.

When Sidney’s thumb opened the top button of Jonas’s trousers, Jonas forgot about the reasons and the consequences he’d been trying to enumerate earlier. Sidney’s fingers were cool and soft, and his teeth were digging into Jonas’s bottom lip with exactly the right amount of pressure. Jonas groaned.

“Do you care if someone sees us?” Sidney murmured, his breath warm against Jonas’s jaw. No. God. He would have done this in the middle of town square if it was his only option.

“No,” Jonas said. He could feel Sidney smile, his kiss turned soft as he pulled away slightly.

“I,” Sidney began, his chest rising and falling before he started again. “I like you.”

“Oh,” Jonas said. Sidney smiled then, a small thing.

“I thought I was being obvious.”

“I can be a little thick-headed at times,” Jonas said. Sidney kissed him, and then got a good grip on Jonas’s shoulder, holding, grinding up, and though he was looking down, Jonas saw stars. He reached for Sidney’s hip, pushing him down against the stone and Sidney moaned, his eyes wide and dark, and Jonas wanted him. Wanted all of this. Wanted more.

It was dangerous. Stupid. Don’t do it, said a small ignorable voice that was in no way attached to his cock. Barely attached to his brain.

Sidney slid his fingertips over Jonas’s pectoral and rubbed his nipple. Jonas’s body went tight and liquid at the same time; he grunted involuntarily when Sidney teased him again. Jonas could feel Sidney watching him. He could also feel Sidney’s cock firming against Jonas’s stomach with every twitch and moan that Jonas made.

“Is this?—?”

“Good,” Jonas agreed, nodding, as Sidney continued. “Yes. Gods, Sidney—” Sidney leaned forward, one hand sliding beneath Jonas’s shirt to catch one nipple, flicking his tongue over the other. Jonas gasped and bucked his hips. He was so close.

“You’re so sensitive.”

“Observational science really is your forte,” Jonas mumbled. Sidney smirked.

“I want to suck your cock.”

Oh, no.

Oh, yes.

“I’ve got a better idea,” Jonas said with his last modicum of common sense. He reached between them, pressing his palm against the thick bulge of Sidney’s cock. Sidney hissed and rutted against his hand.

“Fuck, Jonas.”

Jonas slid his fingers down into Sidney’s trousers, beneath the waistband of his shorts and stroked Sidney. Sidney bucked, his head thrown back and Jonas leaned forward, letting Sidney slide against his palm. Gods, that throat.

Jonas gave in, sinking his teeth into the skin of Sidney’s neck. Not too hard, but hard enough that Sidney cried out, a sound a pleasure that Jonas wanted again and louder.

“I—Jonas—” Sidney pushed Jonas’s stomach back, scrambling for Jonas’s waistband, sliding Jonas’s cock free. When Sidney stroked him, Jonas thrust forward into the friction, grazing the base of Sidney’s cock. Then he did what only seemed sensible and took them both in hand.

Jonas watched Sidney thrust against him, hypnotized by the sounds, the small whimpers Sidney made.

“Jonas, I’m close.” Jonas tightened his grip, leaning forward slightly, braced against the cold stone. Sidney’s mouth was barely open, panting, and Jonas brushed the pad of his thumb against the bottom of Sidney’s lip. There was no part of Sidney that Jonas didn’t want to touch. When Sidney tilted his chin down and sucked Jonas’s thumb into his mouth, Jonas nearly lost himself. Sidney’s eyelashes fluttered closed and he came with a groan.

Before Jonas could give his own warning, Sidney looked up at him through those dark lashes. He took Jonas’s thumb deeper, hollowing out his cheeks as he sucked obscenely, and Jonas came harder than he had in years.

Jonas’s chest heaved, as he tried to catch his breath. He was dizzy. And when Sidney kissed him again it felt like an anchor. Like solid ground. Sidney leaned back, gasping for breath, and Jonas kissed Sidney’s neck where he’d bitten it, reveling in the sensation of Sidney’s pulse against his lips.

“Jonas,” Sidney’s voice was weak, his eyes wide as he looked up at Jonas. Jonas kissed Sidney again. He couldn’t help himself. Jonas wanted to hold him. Wanted to kiss him and clean him up and take him to bed. It wasn’t a good idea, but that didn’t matter so much at the moment.

“It’ll be about time for your stars,” Jonas said. Sidney pressed his forehead onto the top of Jonas’s shoulder, and Jonas could feel him laughing.

“I’ve never cared less about stars in my life.”

“That’s the endorphins talking.”

“No, it isn’t,” Sidney said with such sincerity that Jonas had no idea what to say in response.

“Sorry if that was—” Sidney was packing up the telescope as the clouds rolled in. As far as stargazing had gone, it was a wasted night. As far as everything else was concerned, Sidney had no idea.

“Don’t apologize.” Jonas took the brown leather satchel from Sidney. Sidney grabbed his notebook. “I had fun.”

Fun. Sidney snorted.

“I didn’t think you hadn’t.”

“Then why were you apologizing? Was it no good for you?”

“Quite the opposite,” Sidney ignored the heat rising to his cheeks. “You’ve got a gift for understatement.”

“It was fun,” Jonas smiled. “It was other things as well.” Sidney nearly choked on his demand to know what exactly else those other things were. Though he supposed that it wouldn’t do to ask when he didn’t have an answer ready himself.

They got into the truck in comfortable silence. He was no closer to understanding what was happening between himself and Jonas Rookwood than he was before dinner. But somehow that didn’t bother him as much as it had then.

Halfway into town, a question had begun to itch at the back of Sidney’s brain.

“Why did you kiss me?” Sidney asked, a repeat of the conversation they’d had the day before. Jonas smiled to himself as he turned down a side street.

“If I’m keeping track, you’re the one who keeps kissing me.”

“I’m not sure you can say that this time.”

“We met in the middle,” Jonas said, looking smug. He paused and glanced at Sidney, his expression morphing into something softer, but largely enigmatic, before he looked back out at the road. “I like the way you want things. The way you crave things and then you just sort of… take them. I don’t really know what that’s like.”

“I don’t crave things,” Sidney said. Even though he sort of did.

“I’ve known you for three days and you’ve done nothing but ask questions and pursue ends, despite being given only bizarre new information in return. You’re not put off by ghosts or merfolk, or,” Jonas paused, stopping at a light. “Or me.”

“Was I supposed to be put off by you?” Sidney smirked. Jonas nodded.

“Most people are.”

“I find that exceedingly hard to believe.”

“I kissed you because I wanted to. Being the object of your craving, your wanting is,” Jonas stumbled, biting his bottom lip, as he very clearly rifled through a mental catalog of words that weren’t fitting right. Sidney knew what he meant though. The way it had felt when Jonas had pinned him down on that rock. The way Jonas wanted him had been intoxicating and largely indescribable.

“Magical?” Sidney offered, a gentle tease. Jonas groaned.

“Never mind. Forget everything I said.” Sidney laughed out loud, resting his head against the window. Something brushed against his knuckles, and he looked down to see Jonas’s fingers, slotting between his on the bench seat.

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