The Time Tournament (Order of the Dragon #1) EPILOGUE 98%
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October 1429

I hurried back to my chamber, my mind set on tomorrow. My plan was simple: burn off all this pent-up anger before the Harvest Day ritual. The last thing I wanted was to be there, but duty as a Commander demanded it. We all knew she wouldn’t survive. Nobody ever got picked as Mother of the Dragon on the first try after the last one passed. Especially not someone who wasn’t even betrothed to a dragon shifter. Still, they all went ahead with the farce.

Everyone was already asleep, but then the silence in the halls of Moltenclaw Keep was broken by a groan. Of course, it was the human again. Even Taddeus didn’t complain about the hospitality we offered, but she had to make a fuss every time her fragile body felt a little discomfort.

I peeked into her room. She was curled up like a ball, trying to cover herself with her uniform. No matter how she adjusted, either her legs or shoulders would stick out, leaving her in a losing battle over which part deserved warmth.

My father laid the burden of training her on me. But only the Fates knew how she could ever fly and stay safe. She’d be better off keeping both feet planted firmly on the ground. But would she listen? Of course not. Oddly, she never asked for a blanket. If she did, my father would’ve brought one, maybe even five. Tarra would’ve done the same. Hell, the whole village would’ve shown up with a cart full of blankets. But she never asked. And of all people, I was the unlucky one to catch her rummaging through the guest chamber. What an infuriating, stubborn, and downright exhausting woman.

I turned back and started toward the cave entrance, but then I stopped in my tracks. I needed to end this blanket debacle once and for all.

I ran toward the Rotonda, shedding my clothes as I went, and quickly shifted. In seconds, I was soaring through the night sky. When I reached the Solomonari village, I landed on the nearest house with blankets hanging to dry. Using shadow sounds, I snatched the driest blanket with my claws and took off, heading back without a second thought.

By morning, they would see the talon marks and know I’d been there. They’d understand I must’ve had a reason. Nobody dared to question me or my house.

Back at the Keep, I dressed and went straight to Rider Costin’s chamber. Before I even entered, I could hear her teeth chattering. This woman had the endurance of a mouse. How we were supposed to win the Time Tournament with her was beyond me. I had to trust Father and the Pure on this one. But I had to commend her efforts—she wasn’t giving up without a fight.

I gently removed her uniform and covered her from shoulders to toes. Her muscles relaxed within minutes, a serene look washing over her face.

I stood there for a while, just watching her. I wasn’t sure why. Father was right. She was beautiful.

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