C hloe and I are sitting at the kitchen table, finishing breakfast, which is more like an early lunch because it took us ages to get out of bed this morning.
The atmosphere between us feels calm and relaxed. I can’t take the grin off my face, and I don’t want to.
“I need to talk to you about something,” Chloe’s voice is determined, but with an underlying note of nervousness.
I look up from my coffee, sensing the significance in her tone. “What’s on your mind?”
She takes a deep breath. “I’ve applied for a position, working as a journalist for a Las Vegas newspaper. I don’t want to return to London. It’s not where I want to be anymore. My life is here now. I think it always has been. I just never realized it before.”
Her words hit me hard. They elate and terrify me in equal measures. I’ve not been able to think about the future since Serena was taken, but I know this is the future I want. Then worry and panic begin to set in. I need to protect Chloe.
“Las Vegas? You’d be out of harm’s way if you went back to London. Las Vegas will never truly be safe until every part of Richard Armstrong’s legacy is destroyed.”
She shakes her head resolutely. “No, this is a chance at a fresh start for me. I need to move forward, not backward. I’ve already arranged a flight to London next week so I can visit my parents and clear out my old apartment.”
“I understand wanting a fresh start, but Las Vegas... the danger is very real here.”
“I know,” she says, reaching out for my hand. “But I can’t live in fear all my life. I love you, and I believe you feel the same way about me. I know your priority is to find Serena, and it’s mine as well. We can’t move forward while she’s still lost.” She hesitates. “But when the time is right, I want to start a relationship with you. Until then, I intend to find somewhere else to live.”
Her words bring a lump to my throat. Much of what she says is right, but the thought of her being in danger terrifies me.
“You mean so much to me, Chloe, and I want to protect you,” I tell her. “You don’t need to live anywhere else. I want you to stay here with me. I love you.”
She smiles, her eyes shining with happiness. “If you’re sure, then I’ll stay here, but I’ll need to keep my own room. I think we should slow things down between us. We can build our future together once you find Serena and bring her home. In the meantime, I’ll be here, waiting for you.”
Just then, my phone buzzes on the table. It’s Eaton. Damn, that man has the worst timing!
“I need to take this,” I mutter, standing up and stepping away from the table. “Eaton, what’s up?”
“Diego, we need to meet ASAP. I’ve got something important to share with you, but I don’t want to risk telling you over the phone in case anyone is listening in.” His voice is urgent. I’ve never heard him sound so intense before.
“As soon as I’ve explained to Chloe, I’ll be on my way,” I reply.
“Hurry. This can’t wait,” Eaton insists before hanging up.
I turn to Chloe, my mind racing. “I need to go,” I inform her. “Eaton has something important to tell me. He’s pretty insistent. I think this could be it…” I pause, leaving the words unspoken between us. “We’ll continue our conversation when I get back. But before I leave, there’s something I need you to know.”
She stands up. “What is it?”
Taking both her hands in mine, I look into her eyes. “My sister is important to me, but so are you. I love you, Chloe, and I will protect you forever. You’re mine, and I won’t let anybody hurt you ever again. Eventually, I will find Serena and bring her home, but I can’t put my life on hold anymore and neither can you. We’ve found something special, and I want us to be together as a couple.”
Her eyes widen in surprise. “I want that more than anything.”
I kiss her deeply, pouring all my love into that kiss so she knows exactly how I feel about her. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Stay safe.”
She nods, her eyes full of trust. “Go. I’ll be here waiting for you.”
I rush out the door, my heart pounding, and as I drive to my meeting with Eaton, my mind is focused on Serena and Chloe.
Eaton is waiting for me when I arrive, his expression grim but determined.
“Diego, we’ve found her. Serena is in Mexico. I’ve seen a video of her, and it’s time-stamped to yesterday. I’ve embargoed this information, and I’ve sent Max down there to see what he can find out. Only the three of us know about this, but I don’t know how long I can keep it a secret, so we need to leave right away.”
I know Eaton’s doing everything in his power to make sure we bring my sister home this time. Relief floods through me, followed by a surge of adrenaline.
“Thank God. Let’s go,” I urge, then hesitate. I must let Chloe know first. “You were right, Eaton. I have caught feelings. I need to speak to Chloe and say goodbye to her before we leave, just in case.”
Eaton nods with a knowing smile.
“I told you it happens when you least expect it. It hits you hard, and you can’t escape. Go. Do what you need. We have two hours before the plane leaves. Meet me at the airport.”