The Vampire King’s Victory (Ever Dark #9) 4. MAKING HISTORY 18%
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C hristian threaded his way through the soldiers in the garden. They seemed to populate almost every chair, bench, bit of grass around him, and the house was even more packed from what he could see.

The “battle” hadn’t lasted very long. The soldiers had been unarmed quickly by the Wyvern. The Weryn and the Ashyr Vampires had pinned the soldiers in place after they had been disarmed. A wolf growling in one’s face would do that. Not to mention invisible bonds holding one immobile did that, too. There were also Caemorn’s skeleton animals which had the soldiers so freaked out that they had frozen in place.

The Siryn had then swept in and sung the soldiers to sleep so that they could be easily carried from the streets and brought into the estate so that no civilians could see them. The soldiers were awake now, but the Siryn were humming calming songs and Eyros were seeded among them in case they tried to do something foolish. Though with their leaders all captured and in Vampire hands--both those that Julian and Daemon had found in the vans and the ones that they had found in the midst of the fighting--Christian thought they had enough reason to stay put.

Their means of escape were also limited as their vans were already being driven out of sight and stored in garages owned by Vampires all around the city. If one simply looked at the streets surrounding the Manor, it was as if the raid had never happened.

Though those who knew they were coming tonight will know that something is wrong. We’ll find more out from the leaders, I suppose.

He was just about to continue his way to the manor when Christian saw Elgar coming through the back gate. Elgar had been leading a group of Eyros Vampires around to the neighbors’ homes to make sure that if anyone had seen anything they quickly forgot it. Balthazar had placed blocks in most of the neighbors’ minds not to notice anything that happened around Ravenscroft Manor, but still, Elgar had gone out with a dozen of their Blood Brothers and Sisters to ensure that these blocks held. A raid was relatively memorable.

Christian waved at his Blood Brother. Elgar had, of course, Eyros’ skull tucked protectively against his chest, but he smiled and made eye contact briefly with Christian as he came to Christian’s side. The soldiers who caught sight of him in his ill-fitting sweatpants and sweatshirt with the skull in his arms leaned away as he walked past them as if touching him might give them a disease.

“How goes it? Neighbors practicing the hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil routine?” Christian asked.

This was the first time he’d had a chance to speak to Elgar since his and Julian’s return from Moonfall. Of course, Elgar had known of his absence. But Christian was still shocked when Elgar curled his free arm around Christian’s shoulders and embraced him for a brief moment at least. Elgar almost immediately let him go and stared down at the skull, and not Christian.

“You returned. I am glad. Master was… was very upset,” Elgar stated as he stroked the smooth dome of Eyros’ skull. “As was I. I have already grown fond of you and Julian so even if it were not my duty to keep you both safe I would have worried.”

Christian felt a stab of guilt at this. Being a part of this family meant that there were more people than ever to worry about him and to consider. But going to Moonfall was not a choice. Not really. And it ended up with the best possible results. He was still boggling over the fact that Caemorn was the true Kaly. He was so relieved by it actually.

The Kaly slices that they had met had seemed like a half-mad child and to have such power in the hands of people like that… Well, it didn’t bear thinking about. What these Kaly slices had already done was likely the least of what they would do. But Caemorn was not mad. Not now and not in the future that they’d seen him in.

And we’re friends. All three of us. Julian, me and Kaly. How strange!

But Christian then focused on the friend in front of him. Elgar was swaying slightly from side to side. The damage done to this amazing Vampire by the loss of Eyros and that time in the ground was incalculable. Would Elgar be happy or feel betrayed knowing that Eyros had understood and accepted his own death in order to undo the damage that Kaly had done? He might have taken that knowledge from himself, but he’d known.

“I know it was hard, Elgar. And I am so sorry for the hurt I caused you, Balthazar and others. But I had to do it. It was for the good of us all.” Christian tentatively reached over and touched the skull in Elgar’s hands. “I also know how hard it was to lose Eyros in the past, but what happened… it had to happen in order for us to get here.”

Elgar’s eyes lifted to his. He felt his Blood Brother’s desire to touch his mind and know everything, but Elgar held back.

“You have not yet told our Master everything that occurred in Moonfall?” Elgar asked.

Christian shook his head. “No, not yet. Haven’t had a chance.”

“Then I will not look. I will not know before our Master,” Elgar stated.

Balthazar could have just looked through his mind--and Christian thought he would later--but there was so much going on in this present moment that Balthazar wanted to wait. When he found out everything, Christian thought Balthazar might have to sit down for a full week to absorb it. He would also somehow find a way to make this knowledge into something he could tease Caemorn about endlessly, but also as a weapon at other times. He would have to caution his Master about that.

This will be a huge shock to Caemorn. He seemed glad to know who he truly was in Moonfall. He seemed wiser, older, but a little sad too, though that may have been simply because he was seeing us go, Christian thought.

He saw Caemorn now standing near the rose garden. He was patting the head of a skeletal bear that pawed at his leg like a pet might wanting attention. The glowing blue eyes in the bear’s skull though made the skeletal animal far more scary instead of cute. Caemorn’s head lifted and he turned towards Christian, keenly aware of being watched even without the Eyros gift. Christian waved at him. He inclined his head.

How did I not see that he is Kaly before this. He even has the mannerisms of the Immortals.

One of Caemorn’s skeletal animals padded past Christian. It was a wolf. It lifted its head and appeared to pant. Christian gingerly touched its skull which caused it to give a happy shake before it went on patrolling the soldiers. Caemorn had ceded control of some of them to various other Kaly Vampires, including Lisette, who gazed upon the soldiers with disinterested silver eyes while the soldiers cringed away from her. Lisette also smiled and inclined her head when she saw his attention was upon her. He gave a brief wave.

“You have great power in their eyes,” Elgar said suddenly.

“In whose?” Christian frowned

“Everyone’s. You are the best friend of the prince. The king adores you. And you are the Childe of Eyros, though they are less inclined to love you for that,” Elgar said softly.

“I’m not really interested in politics, Elgar,” Christian stated with a touch of discomfort.

“I know. But you have the ear of many powerful people and the world is changing around us faster and faster.” Elgar gestured to the human soldiers.

They both watched as Sophia, carrying a tray full of cups of water, was offering them to the bewildered and frightened soldiers. Christian didn’t have to read the soldier’s minds to know that the last thing they had expected was for the Vampires to be offering them drinks. Unless, of course, it was blood.

One of the soldiers--a guy who looked not much older than Christian--took a cup from her and then did a double take as he clearly saw how “young” she appeared.

“W-what’s a kid doing here? What are you doing here?” the soldier asked her. He attempted to grab her arm, but Sophia deftly stepped out of reach. “You’re a little kid! There are--these people are… ah… they’re…”

“Vampires!” Sophia filled in for him helpfully and then smiled, showing her fangs. “We’re all Vampires! Well, Dr. Stone and the other Acolytes aren’t, but still!”

“K-kid vampires?” The soldier looked ready to faint.

“You don’t look well. I think you need Dr. Stone.” Sophia sounded alarmed. She cast about until she saw the physician who was also making his way through the soldiers, checking for any wounds. She waved at him frantically while calling his name. “Dr. Stone! Dr. Stone! I think he needs your help.”

The doctor hustled over to the soldier, dropping down onto his haunches beside the young man. He pressed the back of one hand against the soldier’s sweaty forehead and tsked slightly.

“You’re all right, young man. Just in shock. Most of them are,” Dr. Stone said.

“You’re a doc? A Vampire doc?” the soldier asked, face going paler and sweatier as he spoke.

“I’m an Acolyte. A human. Just like you… well, just like all of you will be,” Dr. Stone said with a touch of not exactly sadness, but something like it.

“He fears that we will enslave humanity,” Elgar whispered.

“But we won’t,” Christian sighed.

Elgar said nothing and Christian glanced up at him. He didn’t have to read his thoughts to know that Elgar wasn’t so terribly sure that this wouldn’t be the future for humanity.

Maybe this is what I’m here to do in terms of politics. To remind Daemon with Julian that humanity needs freedom.

“What are you carrying there, Sophia?” Dr. Stone asked, inspecting the tray of drinks she had. “Water? Well, water is good, but whisky would be better.”

“Oh! All right, I’ll go get some.” She frowned and pivoted towards Christian. “Christian, come with me! If I take the good whisky while you’re around Balthazar won’t be so mad at me.”

Christian grinned. “I don’t think he really gets mad at you, Sophia. You convinced him about the cats and all.”

“Well, yes, but that was fate. He and Meffy are in love,” she said solemnly.

Christian blinked. He was really trying not to be jealous of the black cat that seemed to get more kisses than him.

I should be glad Meffy is there to distract him at times so I will be able to do my research with Caemorn .

“Yes, well, my statement still stands though I will come with you into the house though I do need to--”

“Go to the dining room where all those military people are!” Sophia’s eyes were shining. “History is being made and you need to be a part of it.”

“Elgar, do you want to join Sophia and I as we make history? Or, at least, watch it?” Christian asked.

But Elgar shook his head. “I must see to things out here. Our King and our Master will need me to Whisper.”

“Right. Well, don’t work too hard.” Christian patted his arm, which made Elgar smile and then he joined Sophia.

She was skipping, but still managed to carry the tray of water without spilling a drop. He couldn’t help but be impressed. He also wondered if she knew about Caemorn.

“Not until you went into Moonfall,” she answered his unasked question.

“How did you know--oh, right, precognition,” he said.

“Once you went there and came back, the future was settled and I could see quite clearly,” she said with a happy nod.

“Will you tell me what’s coming?” he asked despite himself.

“You want to be surprised! Besides, you already have some inklings from Kaly himself what’s coming,” she told him.

They had made it to the french doors into the manor just as Elena was coming out, carrying blankets.

“Oh, Christian! You’re back!” She looked pleased to see him, but then she was biting her lower lip. “Did you and Julian find his parent’s soul gems?”

Christian nodded. “We did.” He paused for a moment and added, “Heath wasn’t there.”

She nodded and lowered her head. “Well, that’s to be expected.”

Caemorn is Kaly. He may be able to retrieve Heath… wherever he is.

Christian pressed a hand on Elena’s left shoulder. “Don’t give up hope.”

She brushed away a tear and drew in a steadying breath. “I should be grateful for all the things that we do have.”

“Elena, the choices you’ve made are the right ones,” Sophia said quietly. “You’ve done all you can to make the future you want. No matter what happens you should find some peace in this.”

Elena’s eyes flickered over Sophia’s face, trying to read her thoughts from her expression. Christian wondered if she found reading Sophia’s actual thoughts as difficult as he did. Her mind was like a mirror that only reflected his own questions back at him. Whatever answers--if any--that she found in Sophia’s face or mind, Elena just nodded and walked past them.

Christian wanted to ask Sophia if Heath was recoverable, but he didn’t. Her words hadn’t seemed positive to him. But Sophia--like Seeyr--said and did things that needed to be done. One couldn’t read too much into them though. Christian gestured for Sophia to precede him inside. They hadn’t gone ten feet before William and Isabel popped out of a side room. They, too, had bowls and glasses, feeding and watering the prisoners evidently.

Seeing him and Sophia, William hustled up with Isabel trailing behind asking, “Wasn’t that fun? We took down a whole platoon or whatever this is!”

Isabel shook her head in amusement. “They can hear you, William. You’re freaking the soldiers out again and we just calmed them down.”

William tossed his head. “Who cares, Isabel? The truth is that only time will ease their minds. Or make them more paranoid! Now they know that their guns aren’t all powerful.”

“We’re just lucky that they came at night and weren’t as prepared as they could have been!” Isabel pointed out.

“Who says it was luck?” Rajani asked, appearing seemingly out of nowhere much like a Helm Vampire.

“Are you saying that you had some role in this? I would have thought you should have stopped any attack from happening,” Isabel said with a sweep of one arm around them.

“We don’t control everyone… yet.” The House Wynter Vampire smiled almost sweetly. “But we had enough Acolytes in tangential places of power that they were able to dissuade a daytime attack that could have proved far more dangerous.”

Christian shivered a little at the thought of the doors, windows, walls and maybe even the roof of Ravenscroft Manor being stripped away during the noon hour. An air strike could have devastated them in that case.

“Exactly, Christian, you understand,” Rajani said, hearing his thoughts.

“Someone will think of it, Rajani. We must prepare,” Sophia stated just as sweetly.

“Yes, we must. Hopefully, the people in the dining room can be convinced that friendship is better than anything else,” Rajani stated as she smoothed her hands down the front of her Jedi-like robes. “Speaking of which, Christian, your presence is requested.”

Christian nodded. He’d felt Balthazar’s mind touching his, not exactly calling him, but keeping a tight line on him. He understood why. But now he felt that his Master was keen on him seeing that history being made.

“Coming, Sophia?” he asked.

“I must get the whisky. Do tell Balthazar that it was for the common good for the soldiers to drink his good whisky.” She looked up at him with such big almost anime eyes that he laughed.

“All right, I will! Don’t you worry,” he told her.

“What’s this about whisky?” William perked up immediately. “We’ve been giving them water.”

“Dr. Stone said it would be good for them,” Sophia said.

The rest of the conversation was lost as he and Rajani left them by walking towards the dining room, stepping over soldiers and nodding at other Vampires. The House Wynter Vampire had her hands clasped in front of her almost as if in prayer with the sleeves of her robe covering them. Her mind contained a pleasant hum. She wasn’t uneasy at all.

“Do we have enough people in power to stop a day raid, Rajani?” he asked.

“There will be those in positions of power who fear losing their power or simply fear us,” she answered after a moment. “We just need to be prepared for them.”

“I bet you wish Daemon had given us more notice he intended to reveal our existence to the world,” Christian said.

But she shook her head. “Kaly had already done that. The damage was just too extensive to hide. I should have thought about your parents’ cell phones. That was how they found us. They will need encrypted ones from now on.”

Christian winced. His mother and father were actually in the dining room with the leaders and the others. They were there not only to make the leaders feel a little less like the only humans in the room and to show that they were not imprisoned or in danger.

“Yeah, Julian and I being on television last night was bound to draw attention to my folks,” he said with another wince.

“Your fame will be good for us,” she said.

“Good?” His eyebrows lifted into his hairline.

“I know you thought of your program as a way of exposing the evil Vampires in humanity’s midst, but the show also was to open people’s minds to the possibility of something more ,” Rajani stated.

He considered this. “Yes, it could be seen that way. Both Julian and I did want people to believe.”

“Now, when you restart your show, actually telling them and showing them Vampires exist, it will help humanity get used to the idea,” Rajani grinned.

“Wait. When Julian and I restart our show? You want us to bring back the show?” Christian asked.

“Of course, we do! You will be a key outlet in order to reach the hearts and minds of humanity,” Rajani sounded enthusiastic. “Imagine filming shows with humans who wish to become Vampires! You can have them find out about each Bloodline. That will intrigue people. They will think of it like Harry Potter houses.”

Christian tapped his chin. “You want to make the choice seem exciting?”

“Of course! Being a Vampire is exciting. We want them to see the Bloodlines as clubs they want to join,” she said with another infectious smile. “You and Julian are not just newly-made Vampires, but Vampire royalty! Yet you are both very approachable. People will flock to you for the facts.”

Christian laughed softly and shook his head. “Not exactly what Julian and I thought we would be when this all started out.”

“No, but isn’t this better than what you hoped?”

They had reached the door to the dining room. He could feel the press of familiar and beloved minds inside. His family circle had grown. He and Julian not only had their Masters and the Houses, but they would soon have Julian’s parents back too. Maybe they would do the show together. All four of them.

Christian put his hand on the door handle and said, “Yes, this is so much better.”

Then he went inside to help make history.

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