The Vampire King’s Victory (Ever Dark #9) 7. YOUR PALACEMINE? 32%
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B althazar rubbed his hands together eagerly as Daemon and Julian walked off towards the central palace. Sauntering like they owned the place. Which they did.

But I have a palace too! A palace!

He felt rather delirious. Oh, who was he kidding? He was delirious. Deliriously happy! He took in a deep breath, hands on hips, as he surveyed Nightvallen. The city was more magnificent than he’d imagined. Ten times as large as anything he’d seen in the Ever Dark, and despite it being abandoned, it felt more alive than the Spire. The marble was well polished. The gold on top of Daemon’s tomb gleamed.

I wonder if he’ll knock that down, Balthazar thought with a grimace. Not a great place for memories for him. Let alone Christian and Julian.

Christian was staring down at a bit of ground. There was nothing different about it than the rest of the space. But one brief glimpse into his fledgling’s mind told him that this was where he had been attacked. Right here.

Are you all right, dear heart? Balthazar asked him.

Christian let out a breath. Yes, I’m fine. I just feel like a completely different person than when I was last here. It seems like the attack was ages ago.

Yes, Balthazar agreed. Both our lives are hugely different.

“Things are going to be difficult for Elena coming here. She’s sense Heath’s passing,” Seeyr said as she gestured to the spot near where Christian had been attacked.

“Are you part-Kaly that you can sense the remnants of his soul?” Caemorn asked her.

“I foresaw this,” she said simply.

“All of it?” Christian asked. “Everything?”

She nodded. “Well, I should amend that. Some things were unclear. Others were fully obscured until decisions were made. But yes, I knew that there would be death here for two Vampires who attacked the prince and his best friend.”

“The weight of knowing all of that… I can’t imagine,” Christian said.

“That’s why though I am eager to see my palace again, I am dreading it,” Seeyr told him. “Because there will be so few of my Bloodline even after we all gather.”

“Mistress.” Sophia rested her blond head against Seeyr’s side as cats mewed piteously for the Immortal’s attention.

Meffy was a light, asleep weight on Balthazar’s shoulder. He liked to think that Meffy was a much better behaved kitten than the others.

“You’ll make more, won’t you?” Fiona asked.

“Oh, yes, with all of humanity now as possible members--not to mention the vetting we’ll be doing at the… ah, well--let’s just say that I have a much better opportunity to find people like Sophia here who can stand the gift and the ages,” she said.

Balthazar drew in another draught of the place. He felt dizzy with it.

“There’s a smell, a scent to this place, isn’t there, Christian?” he asked as he looped his arm through his fledgling’s.

“A smell?” Christian tilted his head to the side and his nostrils flared. “I don’t… it smells fresher here, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, and there’s something indescribable!” Balthazar rubbed his thumb and forefingers of his right hand together. “I don’t know. I can’t quite quantify it.”

“Scents often can conjure up the most vivid memories,” Seeyr suggested. “You might remember some more things here.”

“Every street does give me this sense of familiarity . Almost like I will turn down one and find myself,” Balthazar agreed.

Sophia had once more picked up the bags. Kittens were hanging off every part of her, but she managed to bobble to her feet.

“Can I teleport you to the Seeyr palace?” Fiona offered, almost a little shyly. Seeyr was impressive even though both women were Immortals.

“Oh, yes, dear, that would be most kind of you. I do find I am little tired yet,” Seeyr said with a welcoming smile.

“You’ll come back here and teleport us as well, won’t you, Fiona?” Balthazar asked.

She cast a look over her shoulder with her lips curling up. “You need the exercise. Besides, Arcius and I are going to stay here to welcome everyone from the House and help them with all the things. They’ll be the ones carrying something other than themselves.”

Balthazar had opened his mouth to object to the exercise comment, but she did have quite a good point about directing people. The whole House was frantically packing. It would be convenient to have Fiona and other Wyverns ferry people about.

Arcius smiled at him. “Besides, Balthazar, you and Christian should see the palace first , don’t you think?”

“I suppose. But I want you all there to--to--”

“Be amazed?” Christian offered.

“Yes! Glory in it! I want us all to glory in it!” Balthazar spread his free arm wide.

“I have my own palace to glory in.” Fiona gazed upon the aetherial structure that was the Wyvern palace in the distance.

“Yes, yes, but we must do mine first! Then we can admire yours,” Balthazar waved away the Wyvern Palace as if it were made of matchsticks.

Fiona laughed instead of becoming angry. She just shook her head. “Oh, Balthazar, may you never change!”

“I realize I am perfect as I am,” he agreed.

Christian snorted. Arcius pinched the top of his nose. He had a feeling he was being mocked.

Most definitely mocked. But I can show I am a bigger man.

“Your palace is amazing, Fiona. It really looks like it's floating there,” Balthazar admitted grudgingly, as he rubbed his cheek against Meffy’s softness. That took some of the edge off the mocking.

Her eyes went again to the needle-like towers. “Yes, it is. I just wish…”

She stopped and bit her lip as if she had revealed too much. He felt a wave of uncertainty from her. It was an overwhelming wave that he felt he might be crushed under.

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid to call it yours! You’re so used to organizing things, you’d be running that place even if you weren’t Wyvern!” Balthazar snorted, trying to express how capable she was at all times. Which had been annoying in the past when she wasn’t using that superpower to help him.

She surprised him by an earnest, searching glance. “You really think so?”

He knew, at this moment, that he could brush off her question with a joke and she would retreat into herself. But he wasn’t going to do that. He wasn’t going to undo all the progress they made for a cheap and cruel laugh.

He broke off from Christian and went to her. He took both of her hands in his. “Yes. But I understand about being uncertain. Being afraid of having all this responsibility. People counting on you. Things mattering .”

She slowly nodded. “It’s just been me for a long time, you know. Arcius didn’t rely upon me. Caemorn ordered me about. I never even took on a junior Confessor because I wanted to travel light.”

She shrugged almost helplessly. Her smile was a bit tremulous. He squeezed her hands.

“We’re not going to get used to this overnight,” he told her.

“No, of course not. But you, at least, have been leading a House,” she said. “You’ve been taking care of people for a long time.”

“It’s a House of misfit toys. They don’t expect much of me,” he said, feeling somehow exposed.

Her gaze, again searching and earnest which he had never truly associated with her, was upon him once more, “They’re wonderful misfits. You’re the best misfit.”

“Indeed.” He tried to look ridiculously proud, but it sort of collapsed on itself.

“You’ve stepped right up, Balthazar. I don’t think you’ve even noticed. But from the very beginning, you’ve been willing to do whatever it takes,” she told him.

“You’re making me blush,” he said with a shake.

“You love compliments,” she reminded him with a grin.

“But when they’re coming from you they’re true,” he explained and felt that rawness of emotion he didn’t like to show.

She saw it and there were bright tears in her eyes, but she was smiling and he felt true warmth and friendship from her. An understanding.

“It’ll be all right,” she said. “We’ll do it together. We’ll figure this out.”

He nodded, unable to speak for just a moment, before he said, “I’m sorry.”

She blinked at him, completely confused. But Arcius wasn’t, even though his old friend wasn’t looking into his mind at all. He knew what Balthazar was saying. What he’d said in the past, but not as well. He wanted to reiterate it here when they were both on the cusp of something amazing and didn’t need one another.

“I’m sorry I was an ass. I’m sorry we wasted all this time being enemies when we should have been friends,” he said. “I was terribly jealous of you. I was afraid I’d lose Arcius to you and I couldn’t…” His throat was tight. “I couldn’t… after Roan… I just couldn’t…”

She touched his cheek. “You’re not the only one. Both of us were jealous of the other. So stupid. I should have been there with you and Arcius, resigning from the Order. It was wrong. I knew what Roan had been doing was terrible, but I didn’t want to get involved!” She put a hand to her forehead. “God, when I look back on it, I can’t believe I was so cruel.”

“You were afraid,” he said. “Afraid of losing all that you’d worked for. I had nothing to lose.”

She shook her head. “It was not my best hour. It haunts me now.”

“But it’s the past. We can let it go,” he told her and let out a breath. That scent in the air was stronger. It was pleasant like night flowers, cool stone and water. “We start here and we go forward.”

She lifted her head. “Yes. I want that so much.”

“Are you really not going to take me to Eyros Palace?” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “Now that we’ve fully cleared the air? For friendship’s sake?”

She laughed, her laughter like music, and wrapped his arm. “No! Because I wouldn’t deprive you of a wonderful walk with Christian through our home. Now, get going or I’ll make you carry Sophia’s bags!”

Balthazar glanced over at Sophia. She was crying, but happily. Even Seeyr was dabbing her cheeks with a cloth. Arcius was outright beaming. Christian was giving him this approving, loving look that had him standing taller. Caemorn was staring at the tomb, pretending not to be there. Elgar was, of course, looking lovingly down at his skull and smiling.

Fiona went over to Seeyr and Sophia. She put her hands on their shoulders and said, “Don’t worry, Balthazar, I’ll have things well in hand. All precious things--including your underwear--will make it to the Eyros palace.”

“I would expect nothing less,” he told her.

And the three of them disappeared. He turned back to Arcius.

“So will you be staying in the Wyvern Palace or the Eyros one?” Balthazar teased.

Arcius blushed and he didn’t blush. “I think I shall have a home in both. Plus, King Daemon indicated to me that there is a wonderful place for a new temple and--”

“I’m happy for you, old friend.” Balthazar put a hand on Arcius’ shoulder. “You and Fiona.”

Another blush on the berserker's face. “Yes, well, you see I saw her as my student for so long and then I realized she was far beyond me. She made me see that.”

“You couldn’t take advantage of anyone if you tried, let alone Fiona.” Balthazar shook his head.

“But it’s still a good thing that he considered it,” Christian said. “Better to be safe than sorry.”

“True.” Balthazar nodded. “Elgar, do you want to come with Christian and I to the palace or wait here with Arcius and Fiona, when she gets back?”

“I will remain. Your palace must be perfect for you. I will ensure this,” Elgar said without looking up at him.

Balthazar’s heart ached a little. Elgar was his fledgling and he did adore him. But he wasn’t sure how to help him.

“I am fine, Master. I promise,” Elgar said, catching his thoughts. He smiled broader at the skull. “I am very happy.”

“All right. If you say you are, I’ll believe you. I won’t press so long as you promise to be honest with me,” Balthazar told him.

Elgar nodded at the skull. “I will always be honest with you, Master. I am like a glass through which you can see fully.”

Balthazar still wasn’t sure he was satisfied, but it was as much as he thought he should do at the moment. He clapped Arcius’ shoulder again. “Take care of him, won’t you?”

Arcius put a hand over his heart. “With all I am, Balthazar.”

Another squeeze before he broke off and swung around towards Caemorn.

“Don’t think we’ve forgotten about you,” Balthazar said. “Will you be staying with us? Or heading to the creepy Kaly Palace by your lonesome?”

Caemorn arched an eyebrow. “By your tone, it appears you seem to think I would be lonely going to the Kaly Palace by myself. I assure you that you are quite mistaken. I like my own company.”

“You and your bear,” Balthazar said with a meaningful look at the skeletal bear that was nibbling on Caemorn’s robes.

“The bear’s behavior is affection for its Master. I did not inculcate in it the need to--to--”

“Adore you?” Balthazar asked. “Be your boon companion? Make sure you’re never alone--”

“I am most happy alone!” Caemorn growled.

“Damn, well, I was really hoping you’d stay with us,” Balthazar said, knowing his words--and genuine request--would stump Caemorn.

He wasn’t wrong. Caemorn blinked very slowly at him. If Caemorn were a cat that would mean he loved Balthazar. But his Blood Brother was just incredibly confused and hiding it so as not to appear weak.

Christian was suddenly by his side. “We realize that you likely have to establish your place over at the palace--or you think you do--but I agree with Balthazar that I’d like you with us.”

Caemorn stopped blinking and a faint smile crossed his lips. “Yes, well, you are correct, Christian, that if I don’t claim a space as mine, the other Kaly will take it.”

“Must have the best,” Balthazar said but without a sting.

“Yes, and as we won’t be having an Immortal come and reside there, I think I shall definitely oblige myself with those quarters,” Caemorn said.

Christian snorted or maybe it was a controlled sneeze that was hiding a nervous laugh. Balthazar frowned slightly. He had no idea why what Caemorn had said was so hysterically funny or why Christian didn’t want the Kaly Vampire to know it was funny.

“Yes, well, I’ll mark out some good territory for you in my palace,” Balthazar said.

A slight lifting of Caemorn’s eyebrow. “That would be welcome. I will also make sure that Christian has a place with me as we train.”

“Are you really sure you want to go there alone, Caemorn?” Christian asked as he turned his head to the cathedral-like building.

“If there is something to fear there, I would like to find out so that I can use it to my advantage against the others,” Caemorn remarked.

“I just realized that we left Artemis-Kaly back at the manor!” Christian became rigid.

“It’s all right. I zapped him before we came,” Balthazar said. “He will be transported here and, well, he’s going to be in my palace, not the Kaly one.”

“Wise,” Caemorn said with a nod. “They would likely know plenty of secrets about their own palace.”


“But do not underestimate them,” Caemorn warned.

“They likely know about all of my palace’s secrets, too?” Balthazar laughed softly. “Yes, I know. But I’m hoping…” He frowned. He almost felt a physical tug from Christian’s mind, whatever his fledgling was hiding was so strong. “I’m hoping they are too arrogant for their own good.”

“Well, I must go and start preparing to bring back the Harrows,” Caemorn said and did that weird half bow which Balthazar almost returned, but just waved. “I will expect my rooms at the Eyros Palace to be the best , just beneath yours of course.”

“Of course.” Balthazar’s lips twitched and he wanted to smile instead of sneer.

Caemorn then turned on his heel, and with his skeletal bear by his side, started striding confidently in the direction of the Kaly Palace without looking for the brazier to guide his way.

“He almost acts like he’s been here before,” Arcius muttered and he stroked his beard speculatively as Caemorn disappeared out of sight.

“There’s a good reason for that,” Christian said.

“Because he’s Kaly,” Elgar said quietly.



The “whats” were from him and Arcius. Christian looked over at Elgar with a slightly exasperated expression.

“You said you weren’t going to look into my mind until after I told Balthazar!” Christian cried.

“I kept my word.” Elgar stroked his skull. “It was seeing him here. I suddenly knew. I recognized him. He is himself here, not those crazed, mad things we’ve faced.”

“There’s a reason for that, too,” Christian said. “Let me… ah, share it with you.”

All four of them gathered round in a circle, touching almost like Wyvern Vampires, as Christian showed what had happened to him and Julian in Moonfall.

After everything had been passed, Balthazar reeled back from the group. He stared down the street that Caemorn had disappeared into. One hand over his mouth. His emotions were all over the place. He, Seeyr and Kaly had planned it all. Every single thing.

“He has no idea!” Arcius cried. “The other Kalys don’t even know!”

Christian shook his head. “They’re drawn to him, but they have no idea why. The rage that Artemis-Kaly expressed towards him as a fledgling is… well, they knew somewhere inside who Caemorn really is, just like they knew about you subconsciously, Balthazar. Both of you are threats to them.”

“He must be told!” Arcius shook his head.

“Why?” Balthazar asked. “Why must he be told?” When all of them looked at him with confusion, he explained, “He’s happy now. He’s free of the past. As his power grows, he’ll just think it's a natural part of--of him . He doesn’t need the burden--”

“He’s already been told,” Christian said.

“But he doesn’t--”

“In the future,” Christian explained, moving his hands through the air, “he knows who he is. And he’s happy there.”

Balthazar put his hands on his hips. “This time travel business--”

“It’s not really time travel. Moonfall is simply on another timestream than ours. We go there at the same time no matter when it is here,” Christian explained. “It was comforting seeing him. How he was. How things are going to be. I got this sense… of peace.”

“And a little melancholy,” Balthazar pointed out.

“Because he was thinking of all the good times we’d had. Sometimes those are so--so poignant that they can make you sad,” Christian told him with a wry smile that said he knew those emotions very well. “Seeing the Harrows will do that. Joy so keen that it cuts right through you.”

“So my whole plan… My whole damned plan with Kaly was for this to happen. All of this?” Balthazar spread his arms wide. “Death. Rebirth. Roan. All of it?”

“I don’t know if you knew all the particulars. But you were willing to do whatever it took to fix things,” Christian said.

“That is our Master,” Elgar whispered.

Balthazar quickly turned to Elgar. He awkwardly drew his older fledgling into a hug. The skull was between them. But Elgar went from stiff and unresponsive to melting against him. They were not romantic partners, but Balthazar, of all people, should have known how important it was to have a Master who loved his Childe.

“Elgar, I’m so sorry. I should have told you!” Balthazar cried, meeting Christian’s gaze over Elgar’s shoulder.

Elgar’s voice was muffled as he had his face pressed against Balthazar’s shoulder, “You couldn’t, Master. The other Kalys might have learned it from me. The least people possible had to know. And you suffered more than I. I only wish I had risen earlier to protect you from Roan.”

Balthazar gave Elgar a fierce kiss on the side of the head. His elder fledgling gave out a soft pleased sound. Meffy squeaked as he was being disturbed from his 20-hours of rest a day. He pulled back.

“So do you think Caemorn will be more insufferable or less knowing he’s Kaly?” Balthazar asked.

“More,” was said in unison.

But then Christian added, “Like I said, he was at peace. Whatever we do, if Kaly is at peace I can’t think of much better. Because it means the rest of the world must be fantastic.”

Balthazar nodded. “Must be so to put a smile on Kaly’s face.” He slung an arm around Christian’s shoulders. “Let’s take a nighttime stroll home.”

Christian kissed his cheek. “Let’s.”

Meffy mewed.

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