“ W hat do you think, Julian?” Daemon asked, his breath whispered across Julian’s left ear and his hands rested lightly on Julian’s shoulders.
“What do I think? These are rooms fit for a king!” Julian said as he surveyed the space before him.
“And a prince.” Daemon ran a finger down Julian’s throat.
Julian shivered and his cock hardened. He imagined Daemon’s fangs sinking into his skin rather than just a caress. The pull of his blood into Daemon’s mouth. The thrust of Daemon’s hips against his ass.
Daemon chuckled. “I thought you wanted to look around.”
Julian’s eyes had slid half closed. “I--I do. But we are in our bedroom, yes?”
Another chuckled. “As if we need a bed . I actually thought you might like to make love in the pool overlooking Nightvallen. The bed and the pool are on the top floor though.”
“Your-- our suite is three floors? You said that earlier,” Julian asked.
“Yes, this floor is where I greet guests. The second is where I prepare and dress. The third has the bed and pool with a retractable roof so I can gaze up at the stars when it’s not raining,” Daemon admitted. “Though with the Ashyr Bloodline gift I can create a forcefield that keeps the rain off.”
Julian turned in his arms, eyes wide. “Seriously?”
“Yes. That is when I don’t use the Horys Bloodline gift to banish rain clouds and bring about clear night skies,” Daemon answered with a faint smile. Julian could feel Daemon’s pleasure at his amazement at the scope of the gifts. “But I do love a good rainstorm.”
“Me, too,” Julian admitted, feeling a kind of thrill when he heard thunder in the far off distance.
“That storm will arrive later. When we’re ready to sleep,” Daemon told him, answering his question before he asked it. “Look around, Julian. We will make love after you satisfy your curiosity.”
Daemon released him and stepped back as if to somehow lessen the pull he had on Julian. To be honest, it was hard to move away from Daemon. Julian had noticed that. He’d thought it was just an emotional reaction to being away from a new lover, not that he’d ever experienced it before even in the full thrall of attraction with anyone else. But now, he had a feeling it was more basic. He was Daemon’s Childe. He realized then, more than before, that Daemon could have controlled him like a puppet, but the Vampire King was remarkably hands-off.
“It’s part of why I love you,” Julian found himself saying as if they were having this conversation and it wasn’t something just in his head.
But Daemon nodded, understanding. “We’re alike, Julian. There would be nothing worse that I could do to you than to crush your spirit. It would crush mine as well.”
“Even when I make mistakes? Potentially, bad ones?” Julian didn’t know why he was asking. He already knew the answer, but it was calming to have it confirmed.
“Yes, even bad ones. You need to learn. You need to grow. Though you are a man already, there is still much out there that you need to experience,” Daemon stated easily. “Now, go explore. I’ll wait here if you have any questions.”
Again, Julian felt that reluctance to leave Daemon’s circle of influence. He felt a bit like a toddler as he slowly turned from Daemon to survey the room. He actually looked back over his shoulder to see that Daemon hadn’t moved, hadn’t left him.
“It’s because of how we started here, right? This… feeling?” Julian’s voice cracked a little.
Daemon hesitated a moment then nodded. “Any Childe wants to be within their Master’s sight. You’ve been remarkably independent. But, here, in a space that is uniquely mine--now ours --and considering our history…” Daemon broke off and lowered his head. “I shouldn’t have left you. Even if you were dying. Especially if you were.”
“You couldn’t come. And I had to go,” Julian pointed out. “You were with me out there. That’s how I found that club and Christian…”
“I will be forever haunted by what I did,” Daemon said softly.
Julian rushed to him, cupping Daemon’s face and lifting it so that they were eye to eye. Daemon’s alien yet beautiful crimson eyes were fixed upon his.
“You don’t need to comfort me, Julian. You shouldn’t,” Daemon said firmly. “I need to accept this as one of my bad mistakes.”
“But I’m okay! Everything’s okay! It’s better than that!” Julian cried, intent on making Daemon understand that the hesitancy to be away from him was not a bad thing.
Not really. He felt loved and safe when Daemon was there. But he could do things on his own as he had proven by going to Moonfall. He shared all of that with Daemon.
“I was here when I heard you in my mind. That bond. That connection.” Daemon gave a full body shudder. “I was so surprised . I’m not often surprised. And I…”
Julian leaned in and peppered Daemon’s face with kisses. “You endured so much with the deaths of all those other people that you hoped to spend eternity with. You can’t judge yourself so harshly. I’m here . It all worked out. Well, it will . We have the rest of the Kalys, my parents and then humanity to deal with.”
“Don’t forget the other Vampires and Immortals. Not everyone will be happy I’m back or appreciate what I’ve done in revealing our existence,” Daemon remarked with a weak smile.
“So we’ve got our hands full with the present and the future. Let the past be the past,” Julian suggested.
Slowly Daemon nodded. He then turned his head towards Julian’s right palm and kissed it softly. “I was supposed to be comforting you .”
“We comfort each other.” Julian smiled broadly. “Walk with me. Don’t stay here. Be with me as I see these things for the first time that are yours and loved by you.”
Daemon nodded again. Julian released his face, but reached down and threaded their nearest hands together.
“Now, let’s see what you want your visitors to know about you and how comfortable it makes them,” Julian said with a grin. He cast around. “You don’t believe in walls, do you?”
“Why would one want to block these views?” Daemon asked with a broad, sweeping gesture.
The floor was completely open. The outside walls were glass, and there were a few dividers, Julian would have called them, but not true interior walls. There were seating areas with wide, deep couches surrounding fire pits arranged throughout the space so that every view could be captured.
Several seating areas looked out at the city. There were splendid views of the other palaces and the grand courtyards. Julian glimpsed into airy galleries in other buildings. There were covered walkways where people could glide between structures out of that pesky rain or snow. He could almost imagine the students that would come, wearing their academy uniforms--old and young, beautiful and ugly, but all intelligent and interesting in their own ways--racing through the streets to get underneath the almost delicate stone roofs.
“The school will be in Nightvallen?” Julian asked.
“Yes, I’m still working on its design,” Daemon answered.
“Still working… you’re creating this place, aren’t you?” Julian had turned narrow eyes upon his Master.
Daemon just gave him a secret smile. “I am dreaming about it.”
“That seems to be another power beyond Armageddon!” Julian protested.
Daemon hummed happily. Julian shook his head, realizing he likely wouldn’t get much more out of Daemon about that right now.
Hand in hand, Julian led him towards the opposite wall of glass, but stopped short as he saw that the “sectional walls” were not just there to break up the flow of the space, but had other purposes. He realized that many of the walls had weapons on them. And not just any weapons, but magical weapons.
The hair on the back of Julian’s neck stood on end as the magic rolled down the blade of a longsword that hung on one of the walls with the hilt towards the ceiling and the blade hanging Damocles-like towards the floor. The blade was almost four feet long and three inches wide with a hilt and guard a mix of silver and gold set with a single diamond at the end. The diamond was the size of a golf ball and its facets twinkled at Julian as if daring him to stroke them. The blade was inscribed with symbols that glowed softly like moonlight on water.
“Symbols of all the Bloodlines,” Daemon explained. He caught Julian’s hand before it closed upon the hilt to bring it down. “Reaper is a powerful weapon.”
“Reaper?” Julian asked.
Daemon nodded. “One strike--one scratch --from it and one’s opponent dies inevitably even if they survive the battle.”
Julian shivered. “There must be a cost to wielding such a powerful weapon.”
“Yes,” Daemon answered, but he said no more and his mind was black.
“Why do you keep it out like this where anyone could take it?” Julian asked as he took a respectful step away from Reaper.
“Because I would want to know who is foolish or brave enough to touch it,” Daemon explained.
“Good point.” Julian nodded.
They started towards the other set of windows and crossed a rectangular, open area where there was a multi-tiered chandelier over the entirety of the space. Julian looked up at the crystals hanging there and frowned. He thought the lights coming from inside them moved .
“A gift from Kaly,” Daemon murmured.
Julian swallowed. “Soul gems? Filled soul gems?”
“You could free these people,” Julian said with more passion than he had intended.
But, then again, how could he not be passionate when his parents were currently trapped this way?
“They’re my enemies,” Daemon answered.
Julian blinked and looked up again. “Oh, they…”
“They deserve to be where they are, Julian. You must trust me on this,” Daemon told him simply.
Julian wanted to get out from under the chandelier though. “What is this space used for? It looks big enough to dance in.”
Not that he would want to dance under the ghostly glow of people’s souls, enemies or not.
“It has been used as a more intimate place to dance than the grand ballroom,” Daemon said as they finally passed out from under the ghostly lights.
They’d reached the far wall. Julian’s steps quickened as they neared the fall wall. This wall of floor to ceiling windows looked out upon the Ever Dark’s vast forest. There were hills, upon rolling hills of trees as tall as the California redwoods. Julian imagined an intricate root system connecting them all down deep beneath the earth. They weren’t many trees, but simply branches of a single large organism. His Vampiric eyesight allowed him to catch something gray and white loping along the edge of the forest nearest them before disappearing into the darkness.
“Werewolf,” Daemon said.
“Like Tarn and Farun,” Julian murmured. “But free.”
“For now,” Daemon remarked.
Julian turned towards him and lifted an eyebrow. “You want a pet werewolf?”
“All serve the king in the Ever Dark, but no, if they come too close to the city, one of the Vampires will capture or kill them,” Daemon explained. “Without me fully present, the cities in the Ever Dark have become islands of safety in a sea of danger. The creatures here will settle down and keep a respectful distance in time.”
“Do you think Tarn and Farun are done with Caemorn? He does have his bear now,” Julian remarked.
Daemon chuckled. “No, I think his furry friends will be back. But they will negotiate much better terms.”
“Can they turn into humans or whatever?” Julian asked.
“Most of them have forgotten how to. The Weryn Vampires can sometimes ease them back into their former forms, but not often,” Daemon explained. “They are not quite like your idea of werewolves.”
Julian turned back to the forest. If he stared hard enough, he thought he could see more things moving between the trees. There were places where the branches swayed far more than in the rest of the forest and he thought something huge and likely monstrous was walking there. He shivered even as he felt a sense of utter safety.
“You are safe. None would dare breach my walls. And no , I am not being overconfident,” Daemon chuckled again.
Off to the north was a mountain range with snow-covered peaks. There looked to be regular shapes on the peaks. Julian was reminded of At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft. Were the mountains hollowed out by creatures who built the homes within and without? He thought he saw a spout of fire rise from the highest peak, but it was gone so quickly that he couldn’t be sure if he had seen it.
“Those mountains…” Julian said then paused.
“Yes? What of them?” Daemon sounded unconcerned.
“Does anyone--or anything--live there?” Julian asked.
“Once.” Daemon casually glanced back at the chandelier.
“I believe that some have crept back into those cavernous halls,” Daemon stated as he regarded the far mountain peaks with slightly pursed lips. His fangs though were out.
Julian wondered if it was safe at all to wander the woods in the Ever Dark or if he would be sticking within Nightvallen’s walls.
“We will go out together, Julian. But there are always risks in the Ever Dark. It is wild and can never be altogether tamed,” Daemon answered him, rubbing his back.
“You know, I was rarely afraid on Earth.,” Julian admitted. “Except those few times when I felt something other nearby.” Julian showed Daemon his bare forearm. There was gooseflesh and his hair was lifted on end. “You weren’t kidding that the Ever Dark is dangerous.”
It was then that Julian caught a glimpse of the glimmer of the twin moons on water in the far distance. He realized it was an inland sea or perhaps an ocean. And if he squinted he could see a port with ships far south. Julian excitedly pointed to it.
“You have ships?! Are there cities nearby you can sail to? Or beyond the horizon?” Julian grabbed the front of Daemon’s shirt as he eagerly bobbed up and down.
“There is much to discover, Julian. Already thinking of your show?”
“Totally! I mean I can just see it!” Julian pictured it. “I’ll be near the mast as Christian films me doing the opening with the black water spread behind me and strange lands on the horizon! I’ll tell our audience that we are heading to areas very few--if any--have seen. That there will be friends and enemies we’ll meet. Monsters that will challenge our skills. And secrets galore to learn.”
“Will I be allowed onboard, Captain Julian?” Daemon’s smile was playful.
“You can be my First Mate.” Julian laughed then he went serious as he said, “Scientists are going to go crazy over this. My parents hadn’t even gone into any of the buildings and they were out of their minds with this place. But there’s so much more than they ever realized.”
“I cannot wait to be properly introduced to them,” Daemon told him.
Julian bit his lower lip. “You think Caemorn will be able to bring them back?”
“I do.”
“I do too, actually.” Julian’s head bobbed up and down. The movement stopped as he realized, “Oh, Caemorn knows he’s Kaly!” His eyes grew huge. “He--”
“Yes, he knows,” Daemon said.
“But I wanted us to tell him!” Julian felt like a child that was denied opening a gift. He tried to put that aside as what mattered was that Caemorn knew and was seeming all right with it.
“He and Balthazar are bonding. This is a good thing,” Daemon assured him. He touched Julian’s chin. “Besides, there will be much to talk about.”
“The two of them need one another, don’t they? I mean, they’re Blood Brothers. Not to mention Christian has powers that come from Kaly,” Julian said.
“They do need each other. I was selfish in the past for not encouraging their friendship,” Daemon said slowly. “But they are both outsiders among the other Immortals. Kaly is second only in power to me. Eyros knew everyone’s secrets and could control people. Not powers that make other powerful beings terribly comfortable.”
“No, I can see how that wouldn’t serve them well. Not to mention their personalities.” Julian grinned. “I love Balthazar. He’s puckish and irreverent, but I can tell where that could have been seen as arrogance.”
“It was. Being reincarnated was good for Eyros,” Daemon stated. “Not that I wished any bad things upon him. But it has made him kinder, I think. More grounded and responsible. He was rather a laughing god before. Now, he chuckles.”
“He pretends he doesn’t care but it's clear he does a lot,” Julian agreed.
“And Kaly was always dour and quick to reject others before they had a chance to reject them. Or simply not to engage at all,” Daemon pointed out.
“So you matched the extrovert with the introvert?” Julian’s eyebrows lifted.
“Might have.” Daemon lifted an eyebrow and then laughed. “Definitely.”
“It’s like Christian and I a little bit,” Julian stated.
“Yes, very much so. Shall we continue our tour?” Daemon offered his arm.
Julian took it and Daemon led him over to a stairway to the second floor of the suite. The stairwell opened up into what was likely a clothes’ horse’s dream matched with a spa.
There were clothes everywhere . They were mostly black or white with occasional splashes of crimson and snowy grays. Some clothes were on racks, others were neatly hung up, but even more were sprawled over velvet covered puffs as if Daemon had laid them there as he considered what to wear. Boots of every height from ankle to near mid-thigh--mostly black leather--were stacked in rows. Their rich scent filled Julian’s nostrils. Julian let out a delighted laugh as he saw the floor length wolf fur coat that Daemon was always wearing.
Julian dashed over to it and picked it up before throwing it around himself. “It’s here! How did it get here?”
“Magic,” Daemon chuckled. He cupped Julian’s cheeks. “It looks quite good on you.”
“I feel like a little kid in his dad’s clothes, but it is comfy.” Julian leaned against Daemon’s chest as he looked around at all the other clothes. “Will you wear any of your modern clothes you got?”
“Of course. But aren’t you fond of leather, silk and fur?” Daemon asked.
“I have nothing against it. But you look pretty incredible in a suit,” Julian admitted.
“I will keep that in mind.”
Looking around at the whole floor, which was just filled with all things wonderful and Daemon, Julian quipped, “I don’t think there’s enough space for my things here. We might need another floor.”
“Whatever you want, my Childe,” Daemon murmured.
Julian’s eyebrows rose. “Are you going to dream of another floor for my stuff? Because I don’t have many clothes, but a place to edit and to study would be nice.”
“You can have whatever you want,” Daemon promised him.
Julian felt that familiar--yet would it ever be truly familiar--feeling of being treasured yet slightly alarmed at what Daemon would do for him.
“I need to be careful what I wish for,” Julian said.
“Not in the least. You could not be spoiled,” Daemon assured him as he stroked his fingers down Julian’s neck again.
“Really? Because I’m pretty sure that you giving me anything I want--”
“You hardly ask for anything. I will have to tease out of you like a single string from a garment what you want,” Daemon insisted.
Julian ducked his head. “Believe me, Daemon, when I tell you that having my parents back, my best friend with me forever, and you , it's more than enough. I don’t need anything else.”
Daemon leaned in and kissed his forehead. “It gives me pleasure to spoil you. So you must let me do it upon occasion. Especially when it comes to making this space your own.”
Julian glanced around some more. Floor to ceiling mirrors studded the place. There was a deep soaking tub installed on the floor. There was also something that looked like a massive shower. There were settees where Daemon could sprawl out, not to mention massage tables.
Julian imagined running his hands over Daemon’s magnificent body and then he imagined Daemon running his large hands over Julian’s body. Both ideas were quite brilliant. Daemon stroked one hand down Julian’s spine and his red eyes smoldered.
“Shall we see the top floor?” Daemon’s voice was smoky.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, I think so,” Julian sounded breathless. He felt heated.
Daemon took him by the hand once more and they ascended to the top floor of the palace. Julian gasped.
“How can this be here? We just talked about it!” Julian cried.
The room was divided into two parts. In one was a massive bed that was covered in cool gray bedding and tons of plump pillows that almost called for Julian’s head to be laid down upon them. There was nothing else in the space. No artwork. No weapons. No mirrors. It was a space of calmness, of peace, of complete rest. And Julian knew that looking up at the stars from that bed with his head nestled on Daemon’s chest would be beyond divine. And the fact that they could sleep with the roof retracted without fear of the sun was stunning.
But it wasn’t that perfect bedroom that called to him. It was the other part of the room that faced the forests, mountains and sea beyond. It was nearly a replica of his father’s study back on Earth, except it was sleeker with monitors and powerful computers and cameras and scanners and… It was everything he and Christian would need to work here.
Julian advanced over to it and touched the U-shaped desk. The wood was smooth under his fingertips and familiar with scratches he remembered making. The electronics smelled faintly of ozone. He recognized them. They were his computers. There were bookcases that formed the “room” for his work. They didn’t, of course, block that incredible, inspiring view. They were from his home on Earth, but there were also new volumes that dared his fingers to open them. Julian turned around to see Daemon leaning negligently at one of the bookcases smiling.
“How?” Julian asked simply.
“The Ever Dark provides for her prince,” Daemon answered. “It was brought here.”
“How?” Julian laughed. “Through a gate? By whom? You? When?”
“You wish it were here, do you not?” Daemon asked.
Julian nodded. He had actually been regretting not going back to his and Christian’s house before they left. But that had been impossible because of the humans. There weren’t exactly electronics stores in the Ever Dark so he had hoped to cobble something together from the things that Balthazar’s people brought. But these were his and Christian’s things. He realized there were even their go-bags.
“Were my clothes downstairs as well?” Julian asked.
“They’re being brought by Balthazar’s people so there was no need to short circuit that process. But everything from your home that you want will be here when you need it,” Daemon answered.
Julian shook his head. Amazed. Stunned and not sure if he could believe this was happening.
Daemon came to him and put his hands on Julian’s shoulders. “What you need, whatever you want, you will find here. This is your home now, Julian. Fully and completely.”
Julian embraced Daemon. “My parents… they’ll find their things here, too, won’t they?”
“They will be taken care of,” Daemon assured him.
Julian shut his eyes for long moments. He couldn’t believe that such joy was his. When he opened them, he saw over Daemon’s shoulder that through sliding doors there was a huge corner terrace with views of the city and forest. There were comfortable chaise lounges and low tables. Julian could easily imagine sprawling on them. But there was something even better than those things. Two things actually.
“Pool,” Julian murmured. “And a hot tub. That’s a nice addition.”
“I’m glad you approve,” Daemon murmured against his throat.
The vibrations of those lips against his skin had a pleasurable shiver running through Julian. With a playful grin, he said, “You did promise to make love to me in that pool, didn’t you?”
Daemon held him closer. “And I always keep my promises.”