“Your hair is so beautiful,”I murmur as I draw a comb through Alina’s damp strands. She’s lounging in my lap in the bathtub, her body practically humming with content.
Or maybe that’s just my purr whirring through her that I’m sensing.
It’s no longer a sexual rumble, but a soothing one, much more similar to the one Orcus emits in her presence.
My jaguar is momentarily satisfied.
Yet my cock is still hard against Alina’s bare ass.
I’m pretty sure I will forever be aroused in her presence, and I’m not the least bit displeased with that fact.
“Thank you for brushing it,” Alina whispers. “It feels nice.”
I kiss her neck. “I’ll happily brush your hair every day for the rest of our lives.”
She shivers, her body melting into mine even more. “For… for eternity, right?”
I smile. “Yeah, little panther. For eternity.”
“Once we mate?” she clarifies, obviously having heard Reaper’s comments about her pending immortality.
“Yes.” I set the comb aside and clasp her chin to guide her face backward so our eyes can meet. “How do you feel about that?” I imagine it’s a bit overwhelming for her.
Although, she was born in a world where supernaturals taking mates is considered normal, so perhaps it’s not all that unexpected.
“I… I feel relieved,” she whispers. “I like being here with you. With Reaper. With Orcus, too. You all make me feel safe and warm and…” She trails off, her nose scrunching.
“And?” I prompt her.
“Needy,” she admits, squirming a little in my lap.
I chuckle, my arm banding around her lower belly while I keep my opposite hand on her chin. “Fae have quite the sex drive, my panther queen. It’s okay to feel needy. I think it’s pretty clear that I feel similarly.” To showcase my point, I press my cock against her ass.
She blushes fiercely in response.
It’s adorable.
“Mythos Fae Omegas are even more sexually charged than most,” I add. “Or that’s what Orcus has said, anyway. Reaper is quite excited about it.”
Alina’s cheeks turn redder. “I’m not sure how to respond to that.”
“You don’t have to respond at all.” I release her chin to palm her cheek. “But I wouldn’t be sad if you wanted to kiss me again instead.”
Her lips curl a little, then she leans into me and slowly turns around in the water to face me.
It’s a massive whirlpool-style tub, making it easy for her to move and straddle my hips.
Of course, this position presses her hot center to my throbbing shaft.
Which just makes me want to devour her all over again.
But I don’t want to push her. So instead, I simply kiss her. It’s a tender embrace, one I allow her to lead with her tongue.
She’s hesitant at first, then grows bolder as she presses her tits to my chest. I slide forward to allow her legs to wind around my back, our sexual position exciting my inner beast. He’s practically feral for her.
However, I still have my piercings in. Thus, I can’t fuck her yet.
Although, that could be quickly remedied.
Her pussy grinds against me, her breathing coming in a sweet pant as she presses herself even closer to my chest. “Flame,” she exhales.
“Alina,” I return, my teeth grazing her lower lip. “Tell me what you need, sweetheart.”
She quivers, her long, dark lashes parting to reveal her big, beautiful eyes. “I just want to be near you.”
“Then be near me,” I tell her. “I’ll be whatever you need me to be, little panther.”
Her arms tighten as she hugs me and buries her face in my neck. I wrap myself around her in kind, my nose going to her freshly washed hair. We showered before getting in the tub, mostly so we could just soak and relax in the whirling water.
I’m happy for that decision now, as it’s clear she needed it.
“This is all so different from how I thought Monsters Night would go,” she says near my ear, her voice low. “But the Duke said something about how my fate with the monsters would be a lot kinder than my fate in the village. He said my future mate, or mates, would worship me.”
I’m not sure who this Duke is that she’s referring to, but… “He wasn’t wrong,” I say aloud.
“He, uh, didn’t mention the breeding part, though,” she adds as she pulls back to study ny face. “What… what does that mean, exactly?” Her brow furrows. “I mean, I know what the term means. But… for us. You want… children?”
I run my thumb across her bottom lip. “Yeah, I do.” I slowly return my gaze to hers. “Do you?”
She swallows. “I didn’t before, back in the village. The men there repulsed me. The idea of creating a family with them…” She blanches, her expression telling me everything I need to know about that concept.
“But now?” I prompt. “How do you feel about the idea of receiving my barb? Knowing what it might create?”
Her pupils dilate a little. “I don’t know,” she admits softly. “I…” She frowns. “It’s strange. I know it should intimidate me, especially with how fast everything has changed. But I don’t fear it?” She phrases it as a question, like it confuses her that she’s not afraid.
“That’s not the same as wanting a child,” I point out.
She considers me for a moment. “I think it’s too new for me to determine my true feelings. I just know that it no longer repels me like it did in the village. Instead… the notion feels pleasant. Like it’s something I want to embrace.”
I nod. “It’s a big change for you to accept,” I acknowledge out loud. “For me, Orcus, and Reaper, we’ve all been searching for our mate for so long that this doesn’t feel sudden or unexpected at all. There’s simply no alternative for us. No competing desires. There’s just you.”
“Just me,” she repeats with a breath.
“Just you,” I echo. “I know it’s overwhelming, but what you experienced with me and Reaper today? That’s only a taste of what we can offer you.”
Goose bumps pebble down her arms despite the warm water, her lower half pressing intimately into mine. “Only a taste?” Her throat works as though she’s thinking about said taste. “I… I don’t know if I can handle more…”
I chuckle. “We’ll see, won’t we?”
Because I can smell her approaching heat.
While I might not be a Mythos Fae, I am a Shifter Fae. And my jaguar is all Alpha. He’s content at the moment, simply observing through my eyes and patiently waiting for his chance to truly pounce.
It’ll be intense.
And Alina is going to love it.
There’s just one part that concerns me—her stance on children. While she seems to consider it a pleasant prospect, it lacked the excitement I’m used to hearing in a fae’s voice when speaking about faelings.
Granted, she wasn’t born a fae; she’s human.
Which is why I need her to understand what’s going to happen during her heat. Orcus has explained it as well, but her consent—her willingness—is vital.
Moving too fast could push her away, and I would never forgive myself if that happened.
She’s our mate. Our world. Our destiny.
She needs to know that we won’t force her to do anything that she’s not one hundred percent comfortable with doing. Her consent before her heat is imperative. Because once she loses herself to the need to procreate, she won’t be of sound mind to make decisions for herself.
It’ll be up to us—her mates—to ensure her wishes are respected.
“When you go into heat, your body is going to lead your every instinct,” I tell her softly. While I might not be a Mythos Fae, I am familiar with Shifter Fae heats. And from what Orcus has said, the process is very similar for the Omegas of his kind.
“Meaning your mind won’t be in control,” I explain. “You’ll be consumed by the need to fuck. And you’re going to beg us to fill you with our seed. To breed you. To create a life together.”
It’ll be an innate need that she hopefully won’t regret after it happens.
Unless the mortal part of her—the one staring incredulously at me right now—reacts otherwise.
“I realize it’s a lot,” I whisper, my fingers combing through her damp strands. “We’re trying to ease you into it.”
“I know,” she says, her voice equally soft. “Thank you.”
My mouth curls. “Don’t thank me for doing the right thing, sweetheart. Your comfort will always come first. No matter what.” I press a kiss to her lips, my smile growing as I hear her stomach rumble with a need to eat. “And speaking of comfort, it’s time for lunch.”
Alina doesn’t protest as I pull her out of the tub and wrap her up in a fluffy towel. She’s still a little dazed from our conversation, or perhaps her dreamy state is from the multitude of orgasms she’s had today. Regardless, it’s cute.
I comb her hair again—because I want to.
Then find a robe for her to wear. It’s too big and hits her at midcalf, but she’s comfortable and that’s all I really care about.
I grab one for myself as well—the fabric not nearly as oversized on my taller frame—and guide her out into the suite to where Orcus and Reaper are deep in discussion.
They pause when we enter, Orcus’s gaze instantly going to Alina. His hard expression melts almost immediately, his dark eyes flickering with glimmers of red as the Alpha inside him admires his chosen Omega.
“You look pleased,” he murmurs, devotion underlining those three words. “Like a queen.”
“Because she’s fucking magnificent,” Reaper says, winking at her. “Which reminds me…” He vanishes into the kitchen and returns with a tray. “Six cupcakes for six glorious orgasms.” He presses a kiss to her cheek. “Such a good pet.”
Her cheeks pinken.
But rather than comment, she plucks a cupcake from the tray and peels off the wrapper to begin eating it.
“Six?” Orcus echoes, sounding impressed.
“She had four,” Reaper amends. “We had one each. That’s six.”
Alina’s face is bright red now.
I just shake my head with a laugh and kiss her opposite cheek. “Just safeword him if he starts to bother you,” I tell her, making her eyes widen.
“She has a safeword now?” Orcus asks, no hint of jealousy in his tone, just mild curiosity. “Care to share?”
“Chicago,” Reaper replies as he sets the tray of cupcakes down on a nearby table.
Orcus frowns at him. “I’m getting to that. I want my question answered first.”
“No, that’s the safeword,” Reaper clarifies. “But yes, we also need to discuss our plans. You tell them what’s happening, and I’ll go get the nest packed up.”
My eyebrows lift as Reaper vanishes once more, presumably to pack. “What’s going on?”
“We’re going to Chicago,” Orcus says, causing Alina to pause midbite. “The Elite City King kidnapped our Strigoi, and I need to go find out why.” His irritation is palpable, and an emotion I share.
I gape at him. “Why the fuck would someone kidnap our Strigoi?”
“I haven’t the faintest clue what’s going on,” Orcus admits. “And the Monster City Queen—Helia—wasn’t much help. But she gave me permission to portal, so that’s what we’re going to do.”
“Permission,” I repeat with a laugh. “I bet you took that well.”
The look he cuts me confirms my assessment. “We’ll eat lunch and then go find a safe location to make camp. I didn’t trust the supernaturals here before, and I really don’t trust them now.”
A fair assessment. “All right.” My arm is still around Alina’s lower back, so I give her hip a squeeze. “Looks like we’re going to Chicago.”
Her eyes are round, her lips smeared with strawberry icing.
I lean in to lick some of it off her mouth, desiring a taste.
She blinks. “Chicago.”
I frown, pulling back. “What did I do?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “I mean… I was saying the city, not the…” She growls a little, the sound causing my inner predator to perk up with interest. “I need a new safeword.”
I can hear Reaper chuckling from the other room.
“I agree,” Orcus says. “But you don’t have to pick one right now.”
He’s right, I think. “We can ask again before our next session,” I say out loud.
“Okay.” She swallows, her eyes telling me she likes the sound of having a next session. But there’s also a hint of something else in her gaze. An emotion I can’t quite define.
Is it related to why she has interest in Chicago?I wonder. Are you going to finally tell us why you want to go there?
Alas, she doesn’t.
Instead, she blinks again, finishes her cupcake, and grabs a second from the tray.
Orcus clears his throat, his gaze having been on her mouth. “Let’s eat,” he says, his voice gruff. “Then we’ll talk more about this Elite City and what else I learned from Helia.”