Their Rustic Retreat (The Men of Evergreen Mountain #5) EPILOGUE 100%
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No one was really surprised when I announced my engagement to Tristian.

I guess all the time I spent with him and how I wouldn’t shut up about him when he wasn’t around kinda gave up the game.

And I guess girls in Evergreen Valley tend to fall in love hard and fast. My brother’s engagement and marriage came quickly, as did all of his closest friends.

Now, it is our wedding day.

I’m surrounded by plenty of examples, and many of them have been together for close to two years at this point, and they’re all incredibly happy, and their relationships are flled with loyalty and love.

The Moore homestead is seeing another marriage today, not too long after my brother’s. My parents were absolutely thrilled, and I’m already getting my ear talked off about grandchildren.

Lavender recently announced her pregnancy with her and Hawk’s child. I thought that maybe it would spare me such speculation, but moms are going to do mom things sometimes.

She’s going to have to wait. I’m going to get my veterinary license and set up my practice. Evergreen Valley needs me. Family is important, but I’m young. I got time.

Tristian, of course, is behind me all the way. He’s got his own stuff to figure out, but he does tell me he looks forward to being a father someday soon.

The setup of my marriage ceremony isn’t too terribly different from Hawk’s. Lots of people gathered to celebrate our love and devotion for one another.

Savannah and Hunter sit together, Savannah carrying a newborn daughter of their own, their second, their first son sitting next to them quietly. The new daughter’s name is Robin, something that stirred another stupid yet wonderful debate between Tristian and I. They’ve been growing a custom-furniture business out of Hunter’s crafts, and it's been doing very well. Good old-fashioned hardwood that’ll last a hundred years seems awfully rare in today’s society.

Char and Bear’s journey into parenthood isn’t as far along. Char’s only just starting to show. They’ve taken a special interest in Tristian and I, helping him on his journey in setting down roots and easing me into being a good wife. They even got me to do sewing with her and Savvy on weekends.

Fox and Tabitha have been thriving in their own ways. The two of them don’t work together in a business sense, but it inspires me that, although they both have separate jobs and dreams, at the end of the day they both return home to one another, and support one another. It shows me it can work, and inspires me despite Tristian’s and my different goals in life.

Fox has also been Tristian’s lifeline when it came to the mob and if they care about him. He got the approval to spill the beans on his old boss, and he did so: for murder and a bunch of other crimes they pinned on him, the boss will be going away for a very long time, and if he ever gets out alive, he’d be setting the world record for the oldest prisoner ever released.

Hawk and Lavender have been taking charge doing the grunt work of getting the wedding going. Hawk and I still playfully call each other names, but we’re coming to terms with the fact we’re both adults now. We can’t stupidly bicker with one another as much anymore. We got jobs, hopes, dreams, and worst of all, responsibilities.

There’s a few people on Tristian’s side of the aisle. I guess he had some friends from his old life who weren’t as toxic and were worthy of inviting.

I’m nervously waiting in the wings for the organ music to start to play. Everything should go fine. This will be the happiest day of my life, and I believe that.

I have that fantastic-looking wedding cake to look forward to. It’s from Hannah’s Sweet Stop, and the aforementioned Hannah is tending to it, putting on some last-minute touches. She looks as nervous as me, but it strikes me as odd. I’ve seen her at these kinds of events before, and she’s as calm and collected as they come. I wonder what’s nagging at her so badly?

Finally, the organ music starts to play. It’s quite the relief, all the waiting around being so exhausting as I waited for what was to come next.

I grab my flowers, take a deep breath, and begin to head down the aisle. All eyes are on me, because I’m not nervous enough as is.

There was a rehearsal for this. And in that rehearsal I tried to step gracefully down the aisle, a very feminine and elegant way of walking, that is completely unlike my usual hustle and bustle.

I had hoped to capture that essence now. I’m trying, yes, but I have no idea if I’m succeeding.

I reach the altar, and the local pastor smiles my way.

My groom is waiting for me. Tristian cleans up really well when he wants to, but I’ll be honest and prefer him rough, like he usually is. There will be plenty of time for that handsome man, though, so I’ll enjoy seemingly innocent Tristian while I can.

The look in his eyes as he sees me is adorable, and I pray I’ll be able to look back at this moment for the rest of my days.

Our minister went through the usual words about the meaning of marriage. About how it meant being fully dedicated to one another, no matter what may come.

It’s all a formality. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t know what it all meant, if we weren’t willing to stand with one another against armies if we had to.

Reuben shuffles up to me when he’s called, the ring being kept in a box around his collar. I thought it would be cute, and seeing it happen, I’m absolutely right. Tristian takes the wedding band off him and presents it to me.

I adore him, yearn for him, and I love him. And he feels the exact same about me. This is our way of announcing it to the whole world, and celebrating it. We say the words. The ring is put on my finger. Husband and wife, the start of our happily ever after.

We embrace in front of everyone, our lips meeting, and we keep it rated G. There are children watching us, after all.

The cheers are loud. They are as happy for us as we are for ourselves.

The night erupts into dancing, food, music, and chatter. It turns into less of an event about us, and more about pure joy for the whole town. And I’m just fine with that.

Eventually, we leave our own wedding in cheers, and start to head to Smithport.

We had a big honeymoon planned. A trip to France, a gift from my parents. We would see the sights and sounds of Paris, and also to do some hiking in the French Alps. It seemed like an adventure that we’d both love, and a beautiful way to start off our relationship being official.

This meant getting on a plane in Smithport, which worked in other ways too. I still lived with my parents, and Tristian was staying in that tiny apartment as he worked on building a cabin worthy of being a family home.

The things you do on your wedding night are things you don’t want to do with your parents in the other room.

Plus, as small as Evergreen Valley is, it doesn’t really do luxurious hotels all that well. We got a small motel which is a mediocre bed and still advertises that the big appeal of their TVs is that they are in color. Not really much of a draw when we’ve entered the twenty-first century.

For the start of your honeymoon, you wanted something fancy. A king-sized bed—no a California king-sized bed. Fine wine, room service, countless other luxuries. A good prelude of the fun to come.

We head up to our room, and the entire time we ride the elevator, we’re giggling nervously with one another, the anticipation killing both of us.

Getting through the door, closing it behind us, there’s nothing stopping him from ravishing me right then and there.

And he does. His lips are on mine, this time in a much more carnal nature; the adrenaline starts pumping through me, my desire burning so damn hot. Our tongues entwine, and I’m clawing at him, and then he’s clawing at me.

A brief moment, rationality strikes me. “Slow down,” I whisper.

“What, you don’t want this right now?”

“No, it’s not that. Just that this gown is special, and I want it to be something I treasure for decades to come. I think I should remove it in a more traditional manner. Like, anything that isn’t recklessly in the throes of passion.”

He laughs. “Oh, I guess. Sure.”

Tristian steps aside and goes to the big fancy bed. He looks my way as he starts to strip himself. He rented this tuxedo. Not out of cheapness, but because, in his words, "The fuck am going to do with a tuxedo after this?" They don’t tend to have the same sentimental value as a wedding dress.

What I’m wearing is custom made. Savvy and Char helped me make it perfect. I want to keep it and see it down the line. If things get rough, maybe my daughter will get married in it. Maybe I’ll just be wearing it as an older woman and remembering the start of my happiness. I don’t know when I would want it; I just knew that I did.

I gingerly set it down, ready to be properly stored. I did act in haste, because damn did I want my husband, and all of this could wait till the morning. Soon, all I’m left in is a delicate lacy white top, panties, and garters, looking far fancier than I’ve ever looked before.

When I return to Tristian, he’s sitting on the bed, waiting for me, already buck-ass naked. He looks my way, stroking his thick cock, all ready for me.

“Aren’t you excited to get started?” I say as I saunter over to him.

“Hey, when it’s with you, I’ll always be ready to go.”

I want to show how badly I want him too. He strokes his cock as I approach, and I let my comparatively dainty hand go to take over for him. Feeling his hardness, how strong he is needing me, it drives me a tiny bit wild. I’m the sexiest woman in the world to the only man whose opinion actually matters to me.

He strokes my cheek, urging me toward him, and I flash him a devious smile as I slide down to my knees on the edge of his bed. I kiss his cock, playfully licking it, running my tongue up and down its length. He shudders under my power, as I go deep under him, toward his balls, taking those tender orbs into my mouth and giving them equal tender attention. I appreciate all of him, his strength, every bit of his sexy body, and I show it with equal extra care.

I leave the carriers of his seed behind to run back up his cock, as I open my mouth slightly to tease him with some wet kisses, before easing him into my mouth. There’s a lot of man in front of me, and I take great pride in taking as much of it as I can, and watching as he squirms with passion.

He gasps and moans, helpfully keeping my hair out of my eyes as I go down his length fully, my tongue twisting around him as I suck his member so intensely. He struggles, murmuring something about God as he taxes himself with how I’m going at him again and again.

I massage his balls as I continue my worship, and I feel him tense up. I slurp up the bit of precum that leaks out of him as I shoot him the most sinful look I can imagine. I bob up and down on his cock as my eyes devour him as much as my mouth does, and he’s melting in my hands. Having such a big strong man at my mercy is a thrill, but sometimes Tristian knows how to make it even more thrilling.

He strokes my cheek and gives me a stern look. “I need you, babe. I need you the old-fashioned way. I need to feel your pussy around my cock.”

There’s something brewing inside of him, and I can’t help but smile that he wants to give it all to me, just in a slightly different way than I was planning.

I don’t hesitate. I scramble up on top of him, those strong hands of his roaming up my body. I wiggle those lacy panties down my legs to expose my sex to his, rubbing myself up his thigh until I get to where I need to go. He pulls my tits out of my top, massaging them, zeroing in, squeezing them and letting me feel his oh-so-skillful touch.

His cock pokes at my slit, and I look at him with anticipation. I know he’s aching for me, but I can’t help but run a finger into my own folds, and see how wet I am for this man. The idea of having him do this to me, and the excitement that this is only the beginning. That I will keep getting to have him for decades to come.

As I guide him into me, I shudder with glee as he penetrates me, filling me wholly, so perfectly, as if he was created made just for me to enjoy. We’re so filled with desire for one another already, we quickly start making love in a way that has us both feverish with need. I slide up and down his cock, the fire searing through me with each and every bit of friction between us.

Tristian’s hands grip my waist as he guides me up and down his length, adding his own spice and power to our tryst. He plunges deep into me, driving me to cry out for him. He does it again. And again. We throw each other fully into our passions, letting lust guide us and letting the intense bliss of it all pound through us more and more. Our spirits merge, our love for one another so full and intense.

It doesn’t take much for me to get where he was, lingering right on the edge of orgasm. I ride him hard, his strong arms pulling me up and down his length.

It helps that in the height of all this ecstasy, he puts a single finger on my clit, rubbing me harmonically with our fucking. The little garnish on the top of everything else makes this something incredible.

I can’t take it anymore. I’m shaking, the verge of a climax ravaging me so intensely. I want it. I need it.

And when it finally hits me, fuck. It’s the most intense thing I’ve ever felt in my life.

Until the next time Tristian fucks me and blows my mind.

My lover boy is right there with me. His cock shuddering, spasming, filling me fully with each and every bit of his seed. I scream for him, ringing out my praises for him to be heard by the whole world if they would let me tell them.

Spent, I collapse forward, exhausted, right into his arms. No one tells you how tiring getting married is, and if I didn’t have horniness keeping me awake, I think I would have passed out on the bed immediately.

Snug in his arms, we lovingly look into one another’s eyes, our smiles slight yet genuine.

I keep expecting to wake up. That this is just some overly elaborate dream.

No. This is just the serenity of my life now. My own little slice of perfection.

We’ll have struggles along the way, yes. I have hopes, dreams, ambitions. Some which might not be realized. Some which might come sooner than I’m prepared for. My spirit will be crushed at times, and I’ll feel heartache. I know I’m just asking for it by becoming a veterinarian.

He’ll struggle to adapt to a slower-paced lifestyle. How to learn to build things with his own hands, how to get along with small-town life, and figure out if he wants to do something more when he gets his feet on the ground. He’ll try things. He’ll fail. That is simply how life is.

No matter what happens, we’ll have one another to lean on. The strength to keep going, all forged by our dedication and need for one another. Our lust, our desire to give more to the other, even if we must sacrifice some of our own happiness.

That’s what our love is. Pure. Unbreakable.


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