Their Steamy Cabin 8. Savannah 89%
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8. Savannah


I standin front of the mirror, looking at the gorgeous flowing gown I’m wearing. We are standing in front of the mirror where Char, my former boss at the diner, just helped sew a piece of ribbon back in place. It got snagged on a branch while I was outside for my individual portrait photographs.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this? This all seems a bit too quick for my tastes.”

“Just wait until you meet the one. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life, Char.”

It’s funny how my former boss ended up my maid of honor. I didn’t exactly have a lot of options, but when I never got back to her about why I was MIA, her voicemails and texts became more concerned in tone. She was worried that I was kidnapped and murdered, and that was the reason why I didn’t return her calls. When I finally filled her in on my whereabouts, she was happy to hear I was alive and couldn’t wait to meet my fiancé, even if she thought I was a little crazy for diving in head first.

“I think it’s funny that you fell madly in love with some bumpkin from the woods,” she says, tending to my dress, keeping it properly fluffed up. “A very hot bumpkin, but still a bumpkin from the woods.”

“He’s shown me that life can be different, that it doesn’t have to be nonstop stress and anxiety. I honestly don’t know how much longer I could have kept it together living with my father, with how everything was going.”

“A good man can do that,” she says, putting her hands on my shoulders. “I’m proud of you. For holding it together until life finally turned around.”

The music begins to play, signaling the main event of the day. We have a mixture of more modern music and traditional wedding tunes, but when it comes time to walk down the aisle, we include the “Wedding March.” We’re outside Evergreen Valley, enjoying an outdoor ceremony. For Hunter, it was natural, since he was such an outdoorsman. For me, it’s because I never want to be confined to the city again, and everything being out in the open is symbolism.

Despite all my certainty, I couldn’t help but feel nervous as hell as I waited for my turn to walk down the aisle.

My father isn’t here. I don’t consider him my father anymore, but I don’t really know how to refer to him otherwise. I’ll be going down the aisle alone, no one to give me away. Which really works for me. I always found that tradition odd anyway.

Hunter is already at the altar. He cleans up fantastically well. He does look uncomfortable in a tuxedo, but I don’t think I look natural in such an elegant gown either.

The march’s crescendo hits, and I know that’s my cue. I head down the aisle, walking steadily and softly, not wanting to trip over myself. I know Hunter’s friends have cameras rolling, recording the event for us to revisit all we want, in the coming decades, and I kind of want to avoid that non sequitur of comedy.

I reach the altar without incident, and privately cheer myself on for my accomplishment. Hey, I’m no fancy girl. The nicest dress I wore before this one was nowhere near as frilly, and I can count the days on one hand where I’ve ever worn heels.

The veil is lifted off my face by Hunter. He looks my way, his smile beaming. We did stick to this tradition, him not seeing me in my wedding gown until this moment. With how awkward I wore it, I did worry that it wouldn’t suit me, but Hunter disagreed. “You’re just beautiful, baby,” he says, quiet enough for me to hear but not ruin the dignity of the moment.

The officiant, Pastor Michaels, recites the vows. A feeling of warmth and devotion flooding me as he speaks about us choosing to loving, to hold, to honor, and in sickness and in health. I look at Hunter, swelling with pride for the hometown man.

Finally, we’re asked the big question. Will you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

“I do,” Hunter says, without hesitation.

My turn? “I do,” I say, equally ready and with just as much enthusiasm.

After the pastor pronounces us husband and wife, we’re instructed to kiss, and we do just that. We demonstrate our love, for the whole town of Evergreen Valley to see. Well, as much as they can see without us being arrested for public indecency.

Claps and cheers fill the air. The whole town has been nothing but supportive and hasn’t shown me any scorn for being an outsider. I feel loved and accepted by the community in a way I just didn’t when I lived in the big city. This is my home now, and forever more.

We are tempted to duck out from the wedding early. We wanted to get home and get to doing what we had the excuse to call “consummation.” But a wedding is a celebration for everyone else, too, not just the bride and groom.

“Hunter’s got himself a ball and chain now,” Bear chuckles as his friends gather with him and me.

“Why’s she a ball and chain?” Hunter asks.

“Dunno. That’s just what people called their wives?”

“It’s some of that old nineteen fifties’ misogyny,” one of his other friends noted. He’s more lean and clean cut than the others in the group, in that he actually shaved his face. Not to suggest my eyes are wandering, but I’d rate him as quite handsome. His name is Hawk, my memory keeping up with the situation. It was a nickname like Bear had, his given name escaping me, so Hawk he’d remain. “Comparing your wife to you being in prison. Like, they used to put an iron ball next to you to keep you from running off.”

“Well, I don’t want him to run off,” I say. “But I do hope I don’t hold him back from doing what he wants to do.”

“It’s really weird how much they were into acting like you hated your wife,” the third friend added. Fox is a bit more gruff than Hawk, but not by much. He’s got that tasteful stubble going. “I’ve never seen Hunter happier than since Savvy entered his life.”

“Past was weird, man,” Bear says, punctuating his words with a drink. “It was a different time.”

The four of them have been longtime friends since childhood, I gather. All of them having nicknames, besides Hunter. I guess it’d be weird for one of them to be named Steve, with Hawk, Fox, and Bear nicknames for the rest of them.

“Think we’d all want a girl like Savvy, but unfortunately there’s only one of you,” Fox chimes in. “And I don’t think she’s the kind of girl that wants four husbands.”

I laugh. “Hunter is more than enough man than I can handle. Sorry, boys.”

“We’re happy for you, too, and proud of you as well,” Bear says. “Y’all are going to make one hell of a couple and have some damn beautiful kids.”

I blush at that suggestion. I’m sure Hunter and I would get to that point, but we’ll get there when we get there.

After paying our respects to the rest of the town, we hustle toward Hunter’s truck. They cheer us on as we pull away from our wedding, the clacking and clinking of empty cans behind us.

We’re both eyeballing one another, ready to pounce. But the road is treacherous and windy, which makes that sort of hanky-panky very ill-advised.

“So, have you developed any strong opinions about where you want to honeymoon yet?” he asks, his eyes on the road. We had decided to wait to plan our honeymoon until a few months after the wedding, not wanting to feel like we were living in a whirlwind.

“I thought you said you’d like to hike together through the Alps.”

“Yeah, but that was my first suggestion. But we only get to have one real honeymoon. The rest are just vacations. How about Japan?”

“If we went to Japan, I’d like to know how to speak a little of the language, so I’d need time to study. That can wait.”


“Too fancy for us, I think.”

“Okay… Italy?”

“Like the idea of the food, maybe eventually.”

“Bahamas? Maybe somewhere else tropical?”

“Too cliché,” I say. “The Alps sound romantic. I can’t imagine anything better than traveling with the man I love through a majestic mountain range full of new sights and sounds. And a journey that’ll have plenty of little hidden places for us to take a step off to the side of the road and enjoy one another.”

“That last part is very important.”

“We’re going, then. We can start booking it in the morning.”

Finally, we reach his cabin. We rush toward the door, Hunter sweeping me off my feet, ready to carry me across the threshold of what is now our marital home. He takes me right to bed, and sets me down on it, lavishing another powerful kiss.

“I’ve been holding myself back all day, babe. I want nothing more than to tear that gown off of you and fuck you harder than I’ve ever fucked you before.”

“And I’d love that, except that ripping thing. I’d like to save this gown, thank you very much.”

Chuckling, he helps me strip out of it. It’s kind of awkward to wear, and it’s clear why it’s a once-in-a-lifetime sort of thing. I plan to store it away in a wooden box for safe keeping. With me left only in my garters and underwear, I turn to Hunter, in only his boxers and socks. I had to help him out of his twelve layers of clothing too. I never knew that tuxedos were so complicated and that there was a thing called a cummerbund.

Despite the decidedly unsexy nature of our undressing, we’re still roaring for one another. He’s on me. Kissing me. Touching me. His fingers make my skin shudder, tingles forming in the wake of his touch. His hand runs down my body, and into my panties, rubbing against my nub, the shock of electric bliss pounding through me. I wriggle out of my panties, not wanting them in the way of our lust for one another. I wrap my arms around him, running my hands down his back.

Hunter’s mine now. In the eyes of the law, in the eyes of God, in the eyes of anyone who matters, this man is forever tied to me, and I can barely believe that it’s true. Every bit of muscle, every bit of coarseness, every bit of man is all mine.

I push his boxers down his ass, enjoying how he has the right amount of firmness down there too. Everything about him is perfect and every bit mine to enjoy until we grow old and dusty together.

Hunter’s hands are magic, massaging my pussy so delicately, his fingers slipping into me, exploring me so wholly and completely. My own hands round his hips, and feel how hard he is for me.

“I’m surprised no one noticed me walking around with chubs all day,” he whispers as I grasp his length. “The anticipation of having you again made it hard to keep down.”

“You’re not a hormonal teenager anymore, so you can control it better than you think you can.”

“Can I? I swear it’s visible. Look for it in the wedding video. It’ll be like some sort of easter egg.”

I slap him on the back playfully with one hand as I jerk him with the other. He pays me back by stepping up his massage, and the fires of pleasure rage through me stronger as he does so. I’m dripping wet for him, and yearning for him to just out and out fuck me already, but Hunter never plays like that. As he’s gotten to know me more and more, he’s learned that he can make me come multiple times, and tonight is going to be no different.

I lie on my side as he moves his fingers inside me, a thumb on my clit, the other hand running down my body, squeezing my tits, massaging the rest of me, slapping my ass, making me writhe and buck against him, fucking myself on his fingers. All the while we’re still making out sloppily, tongues and lips in a frenzy, enjoying one another fully as if it”s going out of style.

As I whip myself back and forth by his machinations, all I can do in return is to stroke him. Feel him throb. Caress his balls, heavy and hot as the rest of him. He smirks at my eagerness to please, but he knows that he’s the one in control right now. My heart pounds faster as the sensations he delivers to me are becoming too much to manage. I can’t help but melt into him like putty, to scream and yell for him, so turned on with everything he’s doing to me.

I give in. I come. I cry out for him. I let that sheer bliss take me, coming hard on his fingers. I might have even squirted a little.

Hunter’s smile grows as he watches me struggle against him. I writhe and shudder so fully, him holding me steady.

“Good, good. You’re all nice and warmed up for me now.”

“I’ve been warmed up for you since we got in,” I say, my voice hoarse and out of breath from screaming for him.

“Better safe than sorry.”

“Not that I didn’t enjoy the warm-up, but I want you, Hunter. I need you. Inside me. Fully. Fucking me. Taking me. Filling me. Give it all to me, my love.”

He purrs as he spreads my legs farther apart, bringing his cock to my mound, and rubbing himself against me.

I take hold of his member, and guide him straight toward my slit, spreading myself wide. The delight of feeling him tickle my pussy lips never gets old, always getting me a little wetter in anticipation of what’s to come. I guide him in, and then Hunter takes it the rest of the way, filling me fully as I commanded him to.

“Are we consummated now, or is that when we finish?”

“I have no idea.”

“Does it matter?”

“Absolutely not. Just fuck me, you goofball.”

He lets out a hearty chuckle, before obeying me once more. He always takes it slow and steady at first, letting me get used to all of the wonderful friction that his cock brings, how it slides in and out of my tightness so easily yet so smoothly.

The fires of bliss aren’t fully extinguished from his hand, so it’s easy for them to start burning again. Every stroke of his cock made them burn hotter, ready to push past the heat his fingers brought. I grind against his dick, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, holding him tight. We kiss, before my moans break away, and I throw myself into him even more.

We’re so attuned to one another. It’s telepathic in a way. We know exactly what the other wants and how to give to them. The sex has only gotten better with each encounter we’ve shared, and it was pretty fucking good the first time around. Hunter knows exactly how to squeeze my hips, tease my tits, and hold me close. How to whisper to me, so the heat of his breath tickles my ear and brings me that little bit extra.

All of this comes together and makes everything that much hotter. My legs lock around his hips. I never want him to stop. Never want him to pull out. Even when I was on birth control, I needed every bit of him. I wanted to drain this man dry and leave him as satisfied as he was satisfying me.

He’s groaning, I’m moaning. We can’t help but sing the praises for one another in our own ways. We look into one another”s eyes, and know more than ever we’ve found the person that completes us. Him in the middle of nowhere, me being found in a literal ditch. It didn’t matter. Somehow, someway, we found one another, and our lives vastly improved from that chance coincidence.

I can’t hold back. The heat is roaring through me again, and I can’t resist the sheer intensity of it all. I know that it’s going to be one more flick of my clit, or one more thrust of Hunter”s cock that’ll finally send me over, to let my pussy juices explode upon him once again. My vision goes white, my senses overloaded from what I’m experiencing, all of my being dedicated to fully feeling nothing but pleasure.

He’s right there with me. He’s throbbing within me, my pussy squeezing him, milking him, demanding that he give me anything and everything. And he fully obeys. He injects me with his warm, potent, powerful seed, the heat delightfully tickling my insides as pulse after pulse hits me. It sweetens everything I’m feeling at that moment.

Yet my mind wanders. How I want this to take. How I want to give him a family. How we’re going to build such a marvelous future together. All built on this fleeting moment of joy.

Hunter remains within me. His cock strong, who knows for how much longer. We share a gentle kiss, humorously tame when compared to the filth we have just enjoyed.

“I love you,” he whispers. “I don’t know if you’re sick of me telling you, but I fucking love you.”

“No. Tell me about it every day. Always. Hearing it from you is music to my ears, Hunter. I love you too.”

“I’ll do just that.”

We wrangle ourselves onto the bed, him finally sliding out of me, leaving only his dripping cum behind. I massage myself, pushing it back in. I have no idea if that actually helps anything, but it can’t hurt, and it does make me feel sexy as all hell, knowing that I had made him unleash so much into me.

He holds me close, embracing me with his arm around my tits. I hold his arms tightly to me. My body aches. I’m exhausted.

But I’ve never been happier.

And it’ll only get better from here.

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