Leaves crunch under my boots as I walk to the porch, bags hanging from my hands. A crisp breeze blows my curls away from my face, and I inhale the scent of autumn. Cade bought pumpkins for all of us the other day, and they sit on the stairs awaiting their time to be carved. This is probably my favorite time of year. When the leaves change colors and fall from the trees. When the temperature turns chilly enough to need a hoodie. And the nights are perfect for bonfires and beers.
Inside, I catch a whiff of pumpkin spice and cinnamon, and I head to the kitchen. Kai is at the stove, pulling a tray of something from the oven, a pale pink apron wrapped around him.
“Do I want to know what you’re making?” I ask, setting my bags on the table before going to his side.
He shoots me a glare and drops the oven mitts on the counter. “Pumpkin cookies, for Shari’s party tomorrow. And before you ask, yes, they are safe to eat.” He frowns and sets his hands on his hips. “I think.”
“Well, let’s wait for Cade to get home before anyone tries them.” I grin at his disgruntled look and wrap my arms around him, turning him to face me. “It’s just a precaution. We don’t need anyone dying over a cookie.”
Although Kai has been doing pretty good with his baking, cooking is another matter entirely. Baking he seems to be getting the hang of. He mutters something under his breath that I choose to ignore. I take a breath and frown. Usually I like the smell of pumpkin spice, but for some reason, it’s just not doing it for me right now.
“Come on,” I say, taking his hand in one of mine, while grabbing the bags from the table in my other. “I have something to show you.” I lead Kai to the living room and push him onto the couch, holding out my shopping bags. “I did some shopping today, and I may have stopped by a costume store.”
“Oh no,” he groans. “Please tell me you didn’t buy us costumes for the party tomorrow.”
I grin and reach into the first bag, pulling out Sterling’s costume. Kai chokes and has to thump himself on the chest.
“Is that …” he trails off in a fit of laughter, actually snorting once before he gets himself under control. “A dog warden costume. Seriously fucking hilarious.”
“I thought so,” I grin and put it back, taking out Cade’s. “A Prince Charming costume. Because Cade is my prince charming.”
Kai smiles and nods. “Mine too.” We share a look before he asks, “What about my costume?”
I grin and hold up his, watching his face closely for his reaction. His smile drops, and he glares at me.
“Seriously, Ellis? A fucking hotdog?”
A laugh bursts from me so hard I double over. “I thought .. it … was perfect,” I say between breaths.
“I don’t even eat hotdogs!” He grabs the costume from me and holds it up, frowning.
“You eat Cade’s.” I can’t stop the words from leaving my mouth, and Kai’s gaze snaps to mine. I give him a cheeky grin and raise one brow, daring him to deny it.
He tosses the costume to the side and stands in a rush. “You little brat,” he growls, grabbing me around the waist and throwing me over his shoulder.
I shriek and laugh as he takes me upstairs and dumps me on the bed. “Wait,” I manage to say before he does anything else. “I need to shower. I worked out today at the gym. I’m gross.”
“I don’t care,” he says darkly.
“Yeah, but I do. Just give me two minutes.” I jump from the bed and head to the bathroom, taking my clothes off as I go.
Kai lasts three minutes before he storms into the bathroom and joins me in the shower. “You’re taking too long,” he growls, shoving me against the wall and claiming my mouth.
I melt instantly. My fingers tangle in his rapidly dampening hair and I roll my hips against his. The past couple of days I’ve been incredibly horny, and it’s almost like I can’t get enough of my guys. Kai lifts me, wrapping my legs around his waist and he presses his cock against my entrance. Pleas fall from my lips as he teases me, running those wicked fangs over my throat. And when he decides he’s had enough teasing, he thrusts inside roughly.
I scream and cling to him, letting him completely fill me. It doesn’t take me long to get off. My body seems like it’s always primed for them the past few days. When the shaking stops, Kai shuts off the water, forgoing the actual washing, and walks me to the bed, never pulling out of me.
The sensation of him inside me while walking fans the flames that the first orgasm didn’t quench. When he lays me on the bed, propped above me, I tilt my neck, needing the pure euphoria his bite brings. With a feral grin, Kai sinks his fangs into my throat, and the first waves of my orgasm crash through me. I don’t even notice when Kai quickly pulls away.
It isn’t until my orgasm passes that I realize he is staring at me with wide, disbelieving eyes. “What?” I ask between breaths.
He shakes his head, brow pulled down over his eyes, and he leans in to lick at the puncture marks. Normally that action would course through me, but something about Kai’s expression has cooled my lust. When he pulls back again, a drop of my blood on his lips, his gray eyes swim with emotion I can’t name.
“Ellis,” he breathes, cupping my cheek gently.
“Kai, you’re scaring me.” I try to sit up, but he keeps me where I am. All traces of desire have fled, like having a bucket of cold water dumped on me.
He licks the drop of blood, closing his eyes, and a slow smile spreads across his face. “Ellis, you’re pregnant.”
“Wh-what?” I gasp, squirming out from under him to sit up.
He grins at me, placing his hand on my belly, and his eyes line with blood. The first time I saw Kai cry, I freaked out. I never realized vampires cry blood. Even knowing that now, it doesn’t make it any less unsettling as a single bloody tear slips down his cheek.
“I can taste it, the change in your blood,” he says quietly. “You’re pregnant, baby girl.”
I stare at him. Unable to process his words. My hands drift to my stomach, and I place them over his. It makes sense. I’ve been feeling off the past couple of days, queasy in the morning, horny all the time. And food and scents I usually enjoy have turned my stomach. My periods have never been consistent, and when I removed my implant, they went right back to being all out of whack. So I never even thought twice about my period being late.
“Pregnant?” I ask, eyes blurring with tears.
Kai nods, his smile spreading even wider before wrapping me in his arms and holding me tight. “We’re going to have a baby, Ellis,” he breathes.
Those words freeze me, and I pull back sharply, placing my hands over my mouth. “But …”
He frowns, taking my hands in his. “What? I thought you wanted this?” He searches my face, the one bloody tear track stained on his cheek.
“I do. I really do, but …” I swallow and look away from him. “What if it’s not yours?”
He laughs, and I snap my gaze to him again. “Ellis, baby girl, I thought all of our discussions about starting a family made it clear. I don’t fucking care whose baby it is. That child is mine.” He places his hand on my stomach again, and stares at me so intently I can’t break his stare. “He or she is mine to protect and love, and I will raise them as if they are my flesh and blood.”
My tears spill over, and I cover his hand on my stomach. I know that’s what they all said when we discussed this. But in the moment, I had a surge of fear he would change his mind. To hear his reassurance opens a dam inside me. I’m going to be a mother. We are going to have a baby.
Kai pulls me against him. “This is everything I’ve ever dreamed of,” he says quietly, running his hands up and down my back. “I am so fucking excited to start this phase with you, baby girl. But …”
He pulls away and I look at him, my stomach dropping in fear. “But what?” I whisper hoarsely, mentally preparing myself for the worst.
“But I’m going to need you to be patient with me. When a vampire’s beloved is with child, they can’t drink from them. I won’t be able to feed from you. It’s too dangerous to the child. Luckily, I have Cade, but it’s not quite the same.” His gray eyes bounce back and forth as he studies my expression. “Typically, male vampires will get violent as hunger takes over. We get jealous easily, and become very possessive and protective. The need to keep our beloved and child safe becomes our entire focus.” He cups my cheek, rubbing his thumb along my cheekbone. “So I’ll need you to be patient with me. Like I said, it shouldn’t be as bad for me, since I have Cade, but just so you know.”
I lean forward and kiss him. “I’ll always be patient with you, Kai.” Just the thought of having his protection while I’m pregnant eases some anxiety within me. Knowing this child will be loved and cared for makes my heart swell. Then, it sinks. “I guess I need to tell the others.”
“Don’t worry, baby girl. I can sense that uneasiness inside of you.” Kai tucks a curl behind my ear and kisses my forehead. “We’re all in this together. We’re a family, and they are going to be just as thrilled as I am. Besides, you won’t have to tell Sterling. He should be able to scent the change in you any day now. Cade on the other hand, you’ll have to tell. He won’t be able to tell unless he uses his magic to heal you for something.”
I release a breath, looking at my vampire closely. “So this is really happening? I’m really pregnant?”
He smiles wide, fangs on displays. “Yes. We’re really having a baby.”
A baby. I close my eyes and let it sink in. A family. With my guys. It’s really happening.
I sit in the clinic on the table, the paper wrinkling under me, and chew on my nail. As soon as the clinic opened, I was here, calling Allie to come talk to me. I made sure Cade wasn’t here, because I’m not quite ready to tell him. I need the proof.
Allie steps in the room with a smile. “You’re pregnant!” She holds out the test results to show me, knowing I’ll need to see it with my own eyes.
“Holy shit,” I breathe, taking the results with shaking fingers. “I’m really pregnant. Kai was right.” I meet Allie’s shining eyes and blink back my tears.
“Congratulations,” she says, wrapping me in a hug. “El, I am so happy for you.”
“I’m going to be so fat for your wedding,” I huff, wiping my tears.
“Psh. You’re going to be a fucking goddess, girl.”
“I can’t believe it.” I shake my head, pressing my hands against my belly. “I mean, I was trying so hard to not get my hopes up. And I guess I probably should still be cautious, right? How far along am I?”
“If I had to guess, three months. It’s hard to know for sure until we do an ultrasound, but since Kai could tell by your blood, and Sterling still hasn’t noticed, you have to be close to three months. I’m assuming you want to wait to do an ultrasound until the guys are all with you?”
I nod while mentally doing the math. Three months ago we were on the beach, and Sterling made it perfectly clear that night we all slept together what he was trying to do. Oh gods, it worked. “I guess there is no way to tell whose baby it is?”
Allie shook her head. “You could do an amnio, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless its absolutely necessary. I think we’ll be able to make an educated guess based on how your pregnancy goes.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, if it’s Kai’s, it’s not going to be an easy pregnancy. Vampire pregnancies are rough. The baby takes a lot from the mother, and it can be dangerous. We’ll have to keep an eye on you to make sure you’re staying healthy.” She squeezes my hands encouragingly as fear settles in my stomach like a stone. “If it’s Sterling’s or Cade’s, you’ll probably have a fairly easy pregnancy. Shifter’s, especially wolves, are strong, healthy babies. It’s honestly most likely Sterling’s. Although, with your Harpy blood, who knows.”
“I mean, it doesn’t really matter in the end. At least in terms of who the dad is. I think, I hope , they are all accepting.”
Allie snorts. “Girl, I have never met three guys who are so willing to share their woman. I don’t see why they wouldn’t share their children.”
“I just don’t want any of them getting upset if they don’t have a child of their own, you know? I’m worried it will eventually lead to problems.”
“I get it, but honestly, I don’t think you have to worry about that.” She smiles at me, and helps me down from the table. “Those guys are so incredibly in love with you. And I just know they’ll be just as in love with any babies you bring into this world.”
I hold her words close to my heart as I leave the clinic and walk to my car. I’ll have to talk to the guys about it later. Right now, I have to go home to get ready for the Halloween party tonight on pack lands.