L ess than an hour later, I find myself completely bored. Even with the debauchery occurring around me in Paradiso, my attention drifts to the lovely mortal I was so close to truly tasting. The tiny droplets of blood I was allowed were the sweetest, and now I’m craving more.
Heavy steps draw my attention to my left, and when the owner of them comes into view, I smile.
“Lucius. How are you?”
My friend, the vampire Lucius, nods as he settles into the chair beside me. He rubs my shoulder and ends with a quick squeeze.
“I’m well, but how are you? Obviously, there’s been some trouble.”
“Yes. Is that why you’re here?”
“Of course. Do you think I’d not touch base at a time like this?”
“I appreciate it. Have you heard anything about who’s behind it?”
Lucius shakes his head, his green eyes flickering with anger as he glances around before leaning close to me. “No, but I have my suspicions. Remember the vampire who was banished from the theater in Florence?”
“Italy. Yes, but that was…” I gesture vaguely.
“Over a decade ago. His banishment ended right around the time of the first war.”
“What was his name?”
“Oscar. I asked around and he’s been seen in a few places recently, asking about covens and alliances. I don’t know for sure, but the timing is unusual.”
“But why now? Besides, the mortals weren’t behind his troubles. His own coven banished him.”
“His coven leader was discovered beheaded in his own home three months ago. Sounds like revenge to me.”
“Anyway, I have some feelers out with trusted friends. I’ll let you know, but I wanted to see you in person since the genesis of this new event happened here.”
“I’m well. No one has contacted me directly yet.”
Benicio appears, dropping off a drink for Lucius without being asked. He’s good that way. He lingers, however, his energy agitated.
“May I interrupt?”
“Go on.”
“It’s Tristan, sir,” Benicio says, glancing around. “I think he would benefit from an audience with you.”
“Who is Tristan?” Lucius asks.
I roll my eyes as irritation pricks at my skin. “A very needy boy. Where is he?”
Benicio tilts his head to the left. “The lounge near the front. He’s brooding and looking for trouble.”
“Why don’t you ask him to leave?” my friend asks.
“It’s better to soothe him rather than punish him.”
“Ah. A jilted lover?”
“No. I’ve never invited him to my bed, but I believe that’s the problem. I’ll take care of it, Benicio. Thank you.”
Benicio nods and disappears into the crowd.
“Excuse me, friend, while I deal with this.”
Lucius puts a hand on my wrist. “Is he appealing?”
“Outwardly, he’s lovely. There’s something about his energy that doesn’t fit with mine, but if I were less discerning, I would indulge.”
Lucius stands, tugging on his jacket to straighten it. “Lucky for Tristan, I’m not picky at all. Lead the way. I’ll distract your pest for the evening.”
Chuckling, I pat his back. “Very well. Before we tend to that though, I may need your assistance.”
“An alliance with the mortals.”
Lucius raises both eyebrows in surprise. “Do my ears deceive me?”
“I’m afraid not. Those of us who benefit from the truce have a vested interest in maintaining it. Working with the mortals ensures a better outcome for us. They won’t hesitate to use extreme force this time.”
“True.” His brow creases. “What do you need at this time?”
“Just your commitment. I need those I trust around me.”
“You know I have your back. For eternity, my friend.”
“A fact I truly value. Come. Let me introduce you to the immortal madman, Tristan.”
“Is he to be trusted?”
“With your dick? Absolutely. Beyond that? I couldn’t say.”
“Fair enough.”
We navigate the crowd drunk on lust, alcohol, and hedonism, until I spot the brooding vampire leaning back on a velvet chaise, glaring at the crowd before him. As soon as he’s aware of my presence, he sits up and desire radiates from him.
“Hello, Tristan.” I sit next to him while Lucius takes the seat on the other side of him. Tristan’s eyes linger on my friend for a moment, clearly appreciating his attractive features, before turning back to me.
“Have you sent your mortal away?” Tristan asks, his tone filled with spikes of envy.
“He isn’t my mortal, love.”
“No? I smelled your scent on him. We all did.”
I brush his hair from his shoulder. “Now, now. I did that to protect him. Is this why you’re in such a mood?”
I gaze into the vampire’s pretty lilac irises as I stroke his long blond hair. Tristan looks like a porcelain doll tinged with evil. Delicate at first, but then his eyes glow, his fangs descend, and he’s the furthest thing from delicate.
“I have an idea. Lucius has traveled a very long way to see me. It would mean so much to me if he thoroughly enjoyed himself tonight. Who better to entertain him but the prettiest vampire here?”
A palpable spike of heat shoots through Tristan as he glances at Lucius again. I don’t know anyone, mortal or otherwise, strong enough to turn down an evening with Lucius. He’s incredibly attractive, with thick, dark hair, olive skin, and beautiful green eyes. I certainly enjoyed his time in my bed decades ago.
“Well, I am available,” Tristan says, acting slightly coy. “I could entertain you, Lucius.”
“I would be most grateful for your attention,” Lucius purrs. “You’re beautiful, Tristan.”
Tristan’s surly mood instantly melts under Lucius’s gaze. As the two lose themselves in each other, I rise and return to my previous location. At least Tristan is distracted.
As I sit and enjoy the atmosphere, I ponder who else I should pull into the fold. Perhaps Soren would be a good call. The vampire is unhinged in a way that makes me look like a little lamb, but that energy could be an attribute if channeled appropriately. Plus, he’s on the West Coast, so he may have some insight I’m unaware of.
Lucius knows Europe, Soren has the western US covered. I wonder if Jagger is still in Australia. He’s always been reliable, if a bit reclusive. Oh, and I should try to locate Hendrix, the world traveler. Last I heard, he was down in South America, but he’s always been easy to find when I want to.
I think that’s a good start. Tomorrow, I’ll reach out to them and see if anyone knows something. For now, I could use a snack to clear my head of the pretty mortal I’ll definitely be seeing more of soon.
I lift my hand and Benicio is there in seconds. “Sir?”
“Bring me a mortal, please. The prettiest you can find. I’m feeling peckish.”
“Right away.”
Leaning back, I try to focus on the club and all its happenings, but my thoughts immediately return to Geordi. I do love a challenge, and he’s possibly the biggest I’ve encountered in a long time. Certainly, the forbidden nature of him is what stirs my fascination.
Benicio appears again, presenting a charming looking man with strawberry blond curls, glasses, and a heart shaped mouth. He’s practically vibrating with excitement.
“Sir, this is Charlie. Charlie, the vampire Elias.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Charlie says breathlessly.
“Come, Charlie. Sit on my lap.”
Charlie scrambles to comply, gripping my shoulders for stability. His blood rushes through his veins as his pulse speeds up. If anyone can get Geordi out of my head for a few hours, Charlie can.
He’ll do nicely.