Three Pucking Wedding Dates (Hockey Harems #1) 25. Theo 41%
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25. Theo



I make my way through the living room, over the scattered pillows and blankets, careful not to trip over any of the sleeping girls on the floor. Oakley lies sprawled out on the couch, her wavy brown hair fanned around her face like a dark halo. Iris rests near the fireplace, and Avery’s curled up next to her, her breathing slow and even.

Must have been quite the girls’ night.

I weave around them, heading toward the kitchen.

My thoughts drift to last night, when Avery clung to my arm at the bowling alley, giggling and tossing flirtatious glances my way. It was clear she wanted me; it would have been so easy to give in and take what she offered. She’s not a bad-looking girl by any means. But something held me back, a nagging feeling that wouldn’t go away no matter how many times I pushed it down.

As I pause near the doorway, my gaze lingers on Oakley’s peaceful face. The restless fluttering in my chest makes it impossible to deny the truth any longer—it’s her. It’s always been her. With a deep sigh, I tear my eyes away and step into the kitchen, putting as much distance between us as possible, and focusing on making my tea instead.

The aroma of Earl Grey fills the kitchen as I heat the water for my tea. I’ve never been much of a coffee guy, but tea is essential before I box. A small smile tugs at the corner of my mouth; there’s something about the ritual that grounds me, preparing me for the rigorous workout ahead. The soft hum of the kettle becomes a soothing backdrop to the quiet morning.

As I reach for a teacup, a shrill ring shatters the silence. I wince and glance at the kitchen counter, spotting a phone vibrating next to the fruit bowl. Assuming it’s mine, I pick it up without hesitation and press it to my ear.

“Hello?” I say, my voice still rough from sleep.

“Finally! Oakley, you answered,” a voice drawls on the other end, clearly not expecting me. “There’s a million things I need to go over with you about my wedding.”

I furrow my brow as recognition dawns on me. This isn’t my phone; it’s Oakley’s.

And on the other line is Georgia, her stepsister.

“I mean, if you still want to come, that is. I understand if it’ll be a bit awkward, considering that you won’t have a date…and I kinda ended up with your man. I know that stuff you said about your dates, but sometimes people lie under pressure. It’s not that embarrassing to show up alone, you know.”

Listening to her talk makes my blood boil. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a quicker disliking to someone…but I’ve known I don’t like her anyways. This isn’t my first time speaking to Georgia, but I wouldn’t be shocked if she doesn’t remember me. I’m sure I’ve never met a faker woman.

“This isn’t Oakley,” I cut her off before she can say anything else.

“Oh…isn’t this Oakley’s phone? Did she change her number?”

“No…I’m just answering for her.”

I can’t help but roll my eyes as Georgia’s voice filters through the phone, her tone dripping with condescension. “Oh, you must be one of Oakley’s little friends. Well, I’m Georgia, her?—”

“I know who you are, Georgia.”

“Well, I’d be surprised if you didn’t. I’m pretty popular.”

My grip tightens on the phone, my nails digging into my palm. No wonder Oakley can’t stand to be around her long. “Not in a good way,” I correct.

Georgia is silent on the other side, for a short moment. “Well, she has always been jealous of me…”

I scoff. “Oakley has nothing to be jealous about. There’s nothing special about you.”

“Excuse me?” Georgia retorts, her voice edged with surprise and anger. “Who are you to say that? You don’t even know me.”

“I know you enough,” I reply, my tone firm. Inwardly, I question why I feel such a strong urge to defend Oakley, but I push those thoughts aside for now. “To know that you’re not even half the woman Oakley is.”

“Ugh,” Georgia scoffs. “You really think you know her, don’t you? Let me tell you something—” She lowers her voice, as if sharing a secret. “Oakley’s always been the one to mess things up. She needs us to keep her in line.”

“Like hell she does,” I growl, heat rising in my chest. “You’re just threatened by her because she’s stronger and more genuine than you’ll ever be.”

“Is that so?” Georgia challenges, her voice laced with derision. “Well, we’ll see who’s right when she’s standing there alone while I dance the night away at my perfect wedding with my perfect husband.”

My grip tightens on the phone, my anger at Georgia boiling within me. How could she take her stepsister’s man, get knocked up by him, and then brag about it? “Actually,” I interrupt her, “Oakley didn’t lie about having dates. In fact, she’s going to outshine you at your own wedding.”

“Excuse me?” Georgia snaps, taken aback by my response. “And who the hell are you?”

“Someone who knows Oakley far better than you ever will,” I reply dismissively, my heart pounding in my chest. “I’ll be her dance partner, and together, we’re going to make sure everyone remembers her instead of the bride.”

The silence on the other end is deafening as Georgia processes my words. I can almost picture her perfect fa?ade cracking under the weight of her own insecurities. I take a deep breath, trying to quell the storm of emotions raging inside me.

“Oh, you little?—”

I press the end call button, cutting off Georgia’s venomous words. The phone feels heavy in my hand, and I can’t help but question why I made that decision. A mix of confusion and curiosity churns within me as I try to make sense of my actions.

“Did I just hear that right?” Oakley’s voice startles me, her throaty tone breaking through my thoughts. “You’re going to be my dance partner? I thought you weren’t coming to the wedding?”

I turn to find her leaning against the kitchen doorframe. Her wavy brown hair tumbles over her shoulders, framing those vibrant green eyes that seem to see right through me. She looks both amused and confused by the situation, causing an odd warmth to spread through my chest.

Oakley’s phone feels heavy in my hand, and I return it to her with a nod. “You heard right,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady. “But don’t read too much into it. This doesn’t change anything between us.”

“Really?” Oakley raises an eyebrow, her green eyes searching mine for any hint of dishonesty. “So you’re just doing this…what, out of the goodness of your heart?”

I shrug, uncomfortable under her scrutiny. “It has nothing to do with you. I just don’t like two-faced people, and Georgia has to be the biggest one I’ve ever met.”

“Georgia has always been like that,” she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest. “But I still can’t believe you’d volunteer yourself as my dance partner. Especially after…” Her words trail off, and we both know what she’s referring to…

“Oakley, I meant what I said,” I reaffirm, crossing my arms over my chest. “Being your dance partner doesn’t change anything between us. It’s just…Georgia is clearly a nutcase. She has no right to treat you like that. I feel as though I’d enjoy putting her in her place.”

She studies me for a moment longer, then finally nods, accepting my words. For now, at least.

“Alright,” she says, her voice soft but firm. “Thank you, Theo. I appreciate it.”

I don’t respond, picking up my tea from the counter. The warmth of the cup seeps through my fingers, grounding me in this strange moment. As I turn to leave the kitchen, I glance back at Oakley one last time. She’s standing there, looking both relieved and uncertain, her phone clutched tightly in her hands.

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