Three Pucking Wedding Dates (Hockey Harems #1) 42. Oakley 69%
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42. Oakley



T aking a break from the dancing, I knock back a shot at the bar, feeling its fiery trail burn my throat. The burn makes me wince, but there’s also something satisfying about it—a reminder that I’m alive and still in control.

“Oakley, come dance!” Iris calls out to me, her eyes shining with mischief as she sways to the beat of the music.

The liquor buzzes in my head as I rejoin Iris on the dance floor, our laughter intertwining with the pulsing rhythm of the music. She twirls around me like a whirlwind, her movements wild and free. I can’t help but smile, reveling in the joy that radiates from her. Her happiness is infectious, and as we dance together, I feel the weight of my worries begin to lift.

“Remember when we used to do this all the time?” I ask Iris, shouting over the pounding music.

“Of course! We were unstoppable!” she shouts back, beaming as we continue to dance. “We’ve got to make more nights like this happen!”

“Deal!” I agree, grinning at the thought of making new memories together. We share a knowing look, both aware that life has thrown us curveballs we never anticipated. But tonight, we’re reclaiming our carefree selves, if only for a few hours.

The music slows, and I find myself gazing out the window, my eyes drawn to the twinkling stars above. Then, something else catches my attention. A figure standing outside in the shadows, illuminated for just a moment by the glow of a passing car’s headlights—Theo.

My heart skips a beat, but it’s not just because of him. Avery is there too, her body pressed against his as they share a kiss. The sight feels like a punch to the gut, and my throat tightens with unshed tears. Avery has no way of knowing about my connection with Theo, but…maybe our connection isn’t what I thought it was, if he can just turn around and kiss Avery like our nights together these last few days have meant nothing to him.

“Oakley!” Theo calls my name as he enters the bar, concern etched across his handsome face. I try to compose myself, swallowing hard and wiping away the moisture that has formed at the corner of my eye. My emotions are a whirlwind, threatening to burst forth any moment, but I refuse to let them show.

“Hey,” I respond weakly, averting my gaze as I reach for another shot glass. I’m not sure if it’s to dull the pain or to prove a point, but downing another burning mouthful feels like the only thing to do in this moment.

“Maybe you should slow down,” Theo suggests gently, his hand covering mine on the bar counter before I can pour myself another drink. His touch sends a jolt through me, making it even harder to focus on anything but the storm brewing inside.

“Excuse me?” I snap, yanking my hand away from his. “I can handle my own drinking, thank you very much.” My voice comes out harsher than I intended, but the hurt and anger boiling within me won’t allow for anything else.

“Look, Oakley, I just…I don’t want you to regret anything tomorrow,” he says, his voice low and steady. I can hear the sincerity in his words, but it only serves to fan the flames of my fury.

“Like you have any right to tell me what to do,” I retort, bitterness lacing every word. My heart aches with the memory of what I saw just a few moments ago, and I can’t help but let some of my pain slip through. “You were just outside kissing Avery, and now you’re suddenly concerned about my well-being? Give me a break.”

The world spins around me as I confront Theo, his piercing blue eyes locked on mine. I can hardly believe my own words as they spill out, accusing him of kissing Avery. “How could you? I trusted you!” My voice shakes with a mixture of anger and pain that I can’t quite suppress.

“Oakley, wait—” he says, but I cut him off, unwilling to hear whatever excuse he might have.

“Save it, Theo. You can’t talk your way out of this one,” I spit out, the weight of each word heavy in my chest. I can feel the stares from the other patrons in the bar, but I don’t care. I won’t be silenced this time.

For a moment, he just stands there, looking confused and hurt by my accusations. But then, much to my surprise, a chuckle escapes his lips. It’s a low, deep sound that sends a shiver down my spine.

“Are you seriously laughing right now?” My hands ball into fists at my sides, my nails digging into my palms as I try to control the whirlwind of emotions coursing through me.

“Oakley, listen—” he tries again, but I’m having none of it.

“No, you listen! This isn’t some joke, Theo!” I shout, my face flushing red with anger. “You kissed my friend, and all you can do is laugh?”

“Oakley, please,” he pleads, the laughter gone from his voice, replaced by an almost desperate edge that I’ve never heard before. “Just let me explain.”

Before I can blink, Theo’s hand is on the back of my neck, pulling me in. His lips crash into mine, fierce and demanding. The intensity of the kiss catches me off guard, sending a wave of heat through my entire body. Every nerve ending ignites as his tongue tangles with mine, leaving me breathless and reeling.

“Damn it, Oakley,” he growls against my mouth, his voice thick with desire. “You have no idea how much you mean to me.”

My heart races as I struggle to process the whirlwind of emotions. Part of me wants to push him away, to tell him he has no right to touch me like this after what happened with Avery. But another part—a much larger part—craves his touch, desperate for the connection we’ve always had but have only just begun to explore.

As our lips continue their heated dance, I become acutely aware of the people around us. At least Iris has joined Avery outside—I think—so they haven’t witnessed anything, but whispers and stares follow the scene we’re making, and embarrassment creeps up my spine. It’s one thing to confront him in private, but to do so in the middle of a crowded bar? I can’t help but worry about the judgment that’s sure to come our way.

Reluctantly, I break the kiss, placing my hands on his chest to create some distance between us. “Theo, we can’t do this here,” I whisper, meeting his gaze. “Not in front of everyone.”

He studies my face for a moment, his eyes searching for something. Then, with a sigh, he releases me, taking a step back. “You’re right,” he murmurs. “We need to talk, but not here.”

“Fine,” I agree, my voice trembling as I try to regain control of my emotions. “But I still want an explanation, Theo. I deserve that much.”

“Of course,” he says, his expression serious and his voice sincere. “I promise, I’ll explain everything. Just not here.”

Theo’s eyes lock onto mine, a mixture of resolve and vulnerability. “It was Avery who kissed me, Oakley. I didn’t initiate it, and I didn’t want it,” he confesses, his voice steady but soft. My chest tightens at his words, my anger toward him dissipating, replaced by a sense of relief that’s quickly overshadowed by the lingering hurt.

“Then why didn’t you push her away?” I demand, needing to hear him say it.

“Because I was too shocked,” he admits, rubbing the back of his neck in discomfort. “But I promise, Oakley, you’re the one I truly want.”

I search his face for any hint of deception, but all I see is sincerity. It’s difficult to process everything that has happened tonight, but Theo’s unwavering loyalty tugs at my heartstrings, making me want to believe him.

“Oi, what’s going on here?” Reid’s slurred voice cuts through the tension, and we both turn to see him stumbling toward us, clearly intoxicated.

“Reid,” Theo sighs, his protective instincts kicking in as he reaches out to steady his brother. “You’ve had too much to drink.”

“Ah, don’t worry about me.” Reid waves him off, grinning lopsidedly. “I’m just having fun. But seriously, what’s up with you two? I thought I saw some smoochin’ from across the room. I thought we were keepin’ things…” His voice drops to a comedically loud whisper. “…Casual.”

“None of your business,” I snap, my cheeks burning hot with embarrassment.

“Maybe we should call it a night,” Theo suggests, concern etched on his face as he watches me closely. “You could use some rest, you’re drunk, and I’d like to continue this conversation in private.”

I hesitate, glancing around the crowded bar and feeling the weight of the stares still lingering on us. Maybe he’s right. I’m tired, and the last thing I want to deal with is more gossip about my love life.

“Drunk?” I scoff, indignant at the implication that I can’t handle my liquor. “I’m perfectly fine!” My voice wavers just enough for Theo to raise an eyebrow in skepticism.

“Okay, maybe a little tipsy,” I admit under my breath, stubborn pride refusing to let me concede completely. As I attempt to prove myself by taking a step forward, I stumble, my heels betraying me on the slick dance floor.

In an instant, Theo’s arms wrap around me, catching me before I faceplant into the ground. The warmth of his embrace and the concern reflected in his eyes shatter any lingering defenses I have, leaving me vulnerable and exposed.

“See?” I mumble, trying to regain some semblance of control. “I told you I’m not drunk.”

“Oakley,” Theo murmurs, his voice gentle yet firm, “you nearly fell. Let me help you.”

Our gazes lock, and for a moment, I see the depth of his feelings laid bare, a silent plea for trust. I swallow hard, guilt gnawing at me for doubting him earlier when he’s been different ever since we slept together again. I at least owe him a chance to explain.

“Alright,” I whisper, allowing myself to lean into his strong presence. “Thank you.”

Theo nods, his relief palpable as he pulls out his phone and dials for a taxi. Reid has wandered off, but Gray assures us he’ll make sure he gets back to the hotel okay. As we wait, the hum of conversation and laughter fading into the background, I can’t help but feel a newfound sense of gratitude for these men who have come back into my life, even after years apart.

“Taxi will be here soon,” Theo announces, his voice laced with determination. “Let’s get you home safe.”

The cool night air greets us as we exit the bar, my body shivering from the sudden temperature drop. I wrap my arms around myself, trying to steady my wobbling legs.

“Here, take my jacket,” Theo offers, slipping out of his coat and draping it over my shoulders. The warmth from his body envelops me, a comforting reminder that he’s here by my side.

“Thanks,” I mumble, still feeling embarrassed about my earlier actions.

We stand together on the sidewalk, our breaths visible in the crisp air. Cars zoom past, creating a symphony of honks and engines revving, but their noise fades into the background as I focus on the man beside me.

“Oakley, I want you to know that I meant what I said earlier,” Theo says, breaking the silence between us. “I care about you, and I’m not going anywhere.”

A mix of gratitude and lingering insecurity floods through me. “I care about you too, Theo. But…I just…it was really hard to see you two together, even though I know she likes you.”

Theo sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Honestly, I haven’t given her any kind of encouragement, but I think she was just caught up in the moment. People make mistakes, Oakley…” He pauses, his gaze locking onto mine. “We all do.”

My heart thuds as the truth of his words sinks in. Yes, we’ve all made mistakes, but what matters now is how we move forward. And deep down, I know I want to move forward with Theo by my side.

“Okay,” I whisper, reaching for his hand. His fingers intertwine with mine, sending a spark of electricity up my arm. “Let’s give this a chance.”

“Really?” Theo asks, a hopeful smile tugging at his lips.

“Really,” I confirm, mirroring his smile.

As if on cue, the taxi pulls up beside us, bathing our intertwined hands in a pool of yellow light. We step inside, and as the car takes off, I lean into Theo’s embrace.

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