A ries sighs contentedly as he lifts his head to look down at me. The cave floor is cool beneath me, but I don’t mind it after working up a sweat just now.
“Do you want to shower?” he asks, brushing my hair back from my face.
“Shower?” I blink in confusion.
His grin is slow and lazy. “We can get freshened up before I show you around the rest of this place.”
“You have a shower here?” I ask, not sure whether to be impressed or leery. It is a cave, after all. How nice can the shower really be?
He chuckles. “I’m a dragon. Did you really think I would bring you to an ordinary cave?”
“In that case…” I kiss him quickly. “Can we shower together?”
He grins. “I think we can make that work. Come on.”
Aries helps me up and grabs my hand. We’re both still naked as he leads me through a narrow opening along the back wall. On the other side, I find myself in a beautiful passageway glittering with precious stones inlaid along the walls that gleam in the light filtering in through the cracks far above our heads.
“Wow,” I breathe, admiring the way the passage is open all the way up to the ceiling of smooth stone. “It’s so pretty.”
“We’re not even there yet,” he says with a chuckle.
A moment later, the passageway ends, and we step through another opening. I falter, shocked into silence as I attempt to take it all in.
The cavern is large–much larger than the one we entered from. The temperature is cool but not cold and is well-lit thanks to the light filtering in from above. The far side of the space is piled high with gold coins, jewels, and items made from silver, including a giant candelabra that looks more expensive than my entire apartment back home.
I look at Aries questioningly.
He shrugs. “I’m a dragon; what did you expect?”
I shake my head, laughing as he tugs me to the left.
I turn away from the treasure glinting in the sunlight, and that’s when I finally notice what he referred to so casually as a shower. Except it’s not a shower at all; it’s a waterfall that cascades into a serene pool. The walls on its three sides glow a slightly purplish hue that paints the entire place like a fae wonderland. I walk to the edge and peer down, noting the crystal-clear water that reveals a smooth bottom.
Still, I brace myself for a chill and am shocked when I dip my toe in and find it as warm as bathwater.
“How do you keep it so hot?” I ask, wading in behind Aries.
“This mountain stands atop a hot spring,” he explains. “It’s what regulates the cave’s temperature and keeps the waters so warm.”
“And the purple?”
“Amethyst stones.”
Before I can ask anything else, he dunks himself under the water. With a happy sigh, I do the same. When he re-emerges, he swims to the far end and shows me a small alcove carved along the wall stocked with soaps.
I can only shake my head. He’s right. Here I was, expecting a normal cave–not a mistake I’ll make again with my resourceful dragon.
We take turns washing under the gentle waterfall, and I can feel the tension draining out of my muscles beneath its hot spray. For these few moments, the outside world doesn’t exist for us. No orcs invading this land, no evil wizard attempting to destroy the worlds for his own gain. There’s only Aries and me and this safe haven he’s made for us.
It’s soothing in ways I didn’t know I needed.
Once we’re all clean, I splash Aries, and we have a water fight that turns into lovemaking in the gentle waves. But soon after, reality begins to press in around the edges. We need to get back before we’re missed. There’s too much at stake to remain here forever.
Eventually, Aries helps me out of the pool and guides me over to another carved rock that has towels and even a robe waiting. Aries holds the robe out to me, allowing me to slip my arms inside before wrapping it around myself.
“I see you’ve thought of everything,” I tease. “How many girls have you brought here exactly?”
“I’ve never brought anyone here,” he says.
I stop wrapping my hair in a second towel and gape at him. “Not even Leo? Why not?”
He chuckles. “Dragons are territorial about their lairs. The only one my beast would ever allow to see this place is his mate.”
I press a kiss to his mouth. “I’m honored. Does that mean your dragon anticipated your mate needing another dress?”
He grins. “What kind of treasure hunter would I be if I didn’t have spoils for my woman?”
We head back through the glittering passageway, stopping at one of the small openings we passed earlier. I laugh as I realize we’re standing inside what is essentially a walk-in closet.
Aries motions to the dresses hanging on the right. “Take your pick.”
I sort through the dresses, choosing a blue one that matches Aries’ eye color. He helps me put it on and lace it up. I try not to worry about what Lucinda will think when I arrive in a different outfit than when I left.
When I’m ready, Aries takes my hand and leads me back to the mouth of the cave.
The view from here is gorgeous, and I can see how wonderful it will be here once the war is over, but then my bubble shatters. Off to the east, I spy a destroyed village, and my heart sinks. Even from afar, I can see the effects of a fire.
“The orcs…” I say.
Aries nods grimly. “They marched right through the village rather than taking the road around it.”
“Wait, this just happened?”
I turn to him sharply. “You knew?”
“Our scouts brought word late last night. By then, it was too late for reinforcements.” His hands are fisted, and I can feel the fury radiating through the bond.
“All day,” I say, “you knew, and you didn’t say anything.”
It’s not an accusation. But I can’t help wishing he’d let me help shoulder some of the worry he’s carrying.
“I wanted to have a few hours where it was just us,” he admits quietly.
The weight of what we’re up against hits me in a way it hasn’t before now. It’s more than the destroyed village or the loss of control of the Athenaeum. It’s everything at once.
The lives lost.
The lives still depending on us for survival.
Aries’ crown.
I blink back tears as guilt for it all presses down around me. “Aries, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”
He makes a face and shakes his head. “The orcs did this.”
“But if you had been here instead of with me?—”
“If I hadn’t come through the portal, I never would have found my fated mate,” he points out.
“And Constantine would never have supplied your enemies with weapons of destruction.”
Not to mention the blight draining Astronia of its magic.
“Hey.” He grabs my chin in his hand. “We can’t afford regret.” He brushes his thumb over my cheek. “With my father gone so suddenly, the war would have happened eventually. And if I hadn’t come to the library when I did, you would have faced Constantine alone. This is our destiny, Paige. The good and the bad. We’ll face it together.”
I weave my fingers through his. “Together,” I echo, ignoring the hollow pit in my stomach as I think about how many others before me have already been lost to destiny.
My birth parents.
The entire library.
I can’t help feeling like fate is nothing more than a tidal wave of loss intent on wiping out everything in its path. And I’m not sure there’s anything we can do to stop it.
Hours later, I sit on a stone bench in the castle gardens, tucked into a secluded corner I found, knees pulled to my chest, staring at the fading light filtering through the trees. The guilt from earlier twists in my gut, heavy and suffocating. The village... all those people. I should’ve found a way to send Aries back here sooner. Maybe then, they’d still be alive.
I hear footsteps behind me and tense. Aries already said he’d be gone the entire evening, doing training exercises. Blossom and Mag are undoubtedly doing the same, which leaves a very short list of people I want to summon a brave face for at the moment.
“I’ll be right out,” I say without turning around, hoping whoever it is will take the hint and leave.
“Yeah, I’m sure you will.” The voice is familiar, though we haven’t spoken much. I glance over and find Leo standing in the small opening between hedges, hands in his pockets, watching me carefully. “You looked like you could use some company.”
I blink, surprised he’s here. Leo and I haven’t really had a one-on-one conversation—beyond him professing a life debt to me for saving him from marrying Esma. He’s always with Aries, cracking jokes or offering support to his big brother—and me by extension. But now, there’s a quiet scrutiny in his eyes as he focuses on me.
“I’m okay,” I say, trying to wave him off. I’m not exactly in the mood for whatever banter he’s famous for.
He shrugs then steps farther into the little alcove. “The problem is this is my favorite brooding spot too. So, I guess we’ll just have to share.”
I glance at him, half-expecting a cocky grin, but his expression is softer than I thought it’d be. Still, I try to brush him off. “I’m not brooding. I’m…processing.”
“Ah. Is that what they call it in your world?”
I snort but can’t quite summon a smile.
He doesn’t seem to mind.
A moment passes, and he doesn’t move to leave.
I try to ignore him, but the quiet presses in too hard. “It’s the village,” I finally say, my voice quiet. “All those people... it feels like I should’ve done something to stop it.”
Leo stays silent for a moment, and I half expect him to crack another joke. But when he speaks, his tone is serious. “It’s not your fault. You know that, right?”
I rub my hands together, trying to get rid of the nervous energy coursing through me. “Logically, I know that. But I also know there are more villages at stake. And what if... what if we lose? What if I can’t do enough to help? Every time I try, I feel like I’m just... failing.”
His expression softens. “I know how you feel.”
I think of the way he’s always smiling and laughing. At the way he wields a sword in the training ring with Aries. And I shake my head. “No offense, but I doubt that’s true.”
Leo straightens, crossing his arms over his chest. “You think I’m not scared of that exact thing?”
I glance over at him, surprised by the rawness in his voice. “Are you?”
He snorts. “I’ve been scared since the moment Aries left for your realm and, suddenly, everyone was looking at me like I was supposed to have the answers.” He shakes his head. “I’m the second-born prince. I’m not supposed to be the one leading armies or making big decisions. That’s Aries’ job. I’m just the backup. The spare.”
I frown. “You’re more than that.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I have no desire to rule. But when it’s thrust into your lap and you have no choice but to step up… it’s terrifying.” Leo chuckles, but there’s no humor in it. “Feeling like you’re not enough? That’s a feeling I know very well.”
He’s quiet for a moment, and I feel the weight of his words sinking in. I never realized how much he carried with him. All this time, Leo’s been acting like everything’s fine, but underneath, he’s been struggling too.
“I thought you were always so confident,” I admit, almost embarrassed at the way I’d dismissed what must have been a difficult role for him.
“For a long time, my confidence was mostly smoke and mirrors. It’s easier to pretend you’re not scared when you’ve got a whole kingdom who sees you as the funny, carefree prince. But the truth is, every day Aries was gone, I woke up wondering if that was the day I finally screwed it all up. Lost the kingdom. Got people killed.”
I blink, taken aback by his honesty. “Then... how do you keep going? If you feel like that all the time, how do you keep moving forward?”
Leo turns to me, his expression softening. “Because it’s not about me. It’s about them. The people we’re fighting for. The ones who believe in us, even when we don’t believe in ourselves.”
I look down, his words hitting me hard. “But what if we fail? What if we lose everything?”
“We might.” His voice is steady. “But that doesn’t change the fact that we have to try. We keep pushing because people are counting on us. Not to be perfect but to be there. To show up. And, Paige, you’ve already done that. You’ve already shown more strength than most people ever could.”
I shake my head. “I don’t feel strong.”
“You don’t have to.” Leo leans closer, his voice dropping to a quiet, serious tone. “Strength isn’t about feeling strong. It’s about what you do when you’re scared out of your mind. You think I don’t want to run in the opposite direction sometimes? You think Aries doesn’t feel the pressure? We’re all terrified. But we fight anyway.”
I can feel the tightness in my chest loosening just a little. I glance over at Leo, his face open and honest. “You really think I’ve made a difference? I’m not even Astronian.”
He gives me a half-smile. “Aries’ utter devotion to you aside, I see the way the men look at you. Like they respect you. Like they’d fight for you. Hell, even my mother likes you. That’s gotta mean something, right?”
For the first time all day, I feel something shift inside me. A spark of confidence. And more than that, hope.
“You know,” I say, “for a guy who usually jokes around, you’re not half bad at pep talks.”
Leo grins. “Don’t tell Aries. He’ll never let me live it down.”
I laugh softly, the sound surprising even me. “Thanks, Leo. I needed this.”
He stands up, stretching his arms over his head. “Anytime. Just remember, Paige—courage isn’t about being fearless. It’s about pushing through the fear. It’s about being willing to face something so the rest of our people won’t have to.”
“Wow, you should give a speech or something.”
“Nah, I stole those words from Aries, who stole them from our father.”
I laugh, shaking my head.
As he turns to walk away, he calls back over his shoulder, “I hope this means I get my favorite brooding spot back.”
I watch him go, feeling the weight on my chest lift just a little more. I still have doubts. I still have fear. But Leo’s right. Strength isn’t about feeling strong. It’s about whether or not you let the fear win. The guilt and self-doubt I felt before was just as much a threat as the horde or Constantine himself. Esma’s insults, the village we lost—I refuse to let those things take me down.
I’ll fight—until my last breath, with my whole heart—to save the people I love.