Three to Fall (Saint View Slayers vs. Sinners #3) 10. Kara 29%
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10. Kara



S inners was packed with bodies from one end of the restaurant to the other. Music played loudly, people danced in any spot they could find, and kids ran about underfoot, completely getting in the way, but everyone indulged their energy, smiling at them as they zoomed by or even adding to the chaos by charging around after them.

We’d sung “Happy Birthday” and cut cakes. Drinks flowed. Hayden’s waitstaff wandered around with overloaded trays of finger foods, trying to palm them off onto anyone who’d take one, even though all our stomachs had been filled hours ago. Hayden had even managed to get out of the kitchen, ditching his chef blacks for jeans and a T-shirt and leaving the kitchen cleanup to his staff.

Everyone was having a good time.

Except for me.

The clock on the wall counted down the minutes and then the hours to the time I’d need to leave to catch my bus, each second becoming one I dreaded.

Rebel wandered over sometime around eleven with a hand rubbing across the swell of her baby-number-five belly. “I’m beat,” she admitted. “I’m too old for partying all night anymore.” She groaned when she looked at the clock. “Is it seriously only eleven? I’m pathetic.”

I smiled at her. “You’re growing a baby. That takes a lot of energy. Not to mention chasing around after four kids under five.”

“This is why I volunteered to have all the kids tonight. I’m ready to ditch. Do you mind?”

I shook my head. “Of course not. All that’s left now is the drinking part, and you can’t do that anyway.”

“I swear, between being pregnant and breastfeeding, I haven’t had a drink in five years. Forever the designated driver.”

She sighed, but I knew she didn’t really mind. I wouldn’t have picked her as the type to love being a mother. But my sister was one of the best ones I’d ever seen. Her kids were lucky to have her.

As was Hayley Jade.

I swallowed hard and hugged my sister. “I love you. Thank you for everything.”

She leaned back, her eyebrows knitting together. “What do you mean? I didn’t do anything.”

I cleared my throat and made up a lie. About the fiftieth one I’d told that night. “For taking Hayley Jade home with you all tonight.”

Her frown smoothed out. “No problem at all. She’s not the crazy one.” She grimaced at Madden, who was running around the room with his T-shirt over his head like he was a soccer player who’d just scored a goal. “I don’t know who let him eat all that candy, but hopefully the sugar crash will knock him out for the night before we get home. Do you want to say goodbye to Hayley Jade before we go?”

I nodded, following her over to where Fang stood with Lavender asleep on his shoulder, Remi and Hayley Jade at his feet, poking paper straws into an uneaten piece of cake and giggling.

Fang immediately slipped his free hand to the back of Rebel’s neck, and she gazed up at him. “Take me home.”

He leaned down and kissed her mouth. “With pleasure.”

She was so happy. And I was happy for her, that she’d found three men who loved her so well. I knelt at their feet and tapped Hayley Jade on the arm. “Aunty Rebel is going to take you home now for a sleepover with Remi.”

She grinned and nodded, brushing cake crumbs off her icing-smeared fingers.

I didn’t care that she was sticky. I pulled her into my arms and held her close, closing my eyes to stop the tears pricking behind them. “I love you so much. I hope you know I’d do anything for you.”

She nodded against my chest and squeezed her little arms around me tight. Panic rose inside, and I held her longer than I should have, just trying to memorize everything about how it felt to have her there. What she smelled like. How soft her skin was.

“Hey!” Rebel patted us both on the head. “It’s just one night. You’ll be back together in the morning. Right, Kara?”

I could barely breathe. “Right.” I clutched Hayley Jade’s arms, drawing back to look her in the eye. “It’s not goodbye. Just a see you later.”

Hayley Jade nodded happily, no idea anything was wrong, and ran off with Remi. Fang led the way to the exit while Kian and Vaughn rounded up their boys.

“You good, sis?” Rebel asked with a final lingering stare.

I looked down and wiped my eyes quickly. “Sure. Of course. I’m just being silly. I probably have PMS.”

It was a plausible excuse, one Rebel accepted. “Okay. If you’re sure…”

I was. “Go. Love you. Thank you.” I walked away to the corner of the room to compose myself before I could cry.

Something cold pressed against my arm. “Cocktail? Made it myself.”

Grayson put the pink drink into my hand, and I smiled gratefully at him, taking a sip of the fruity liquid. I blinked in surprise. “You made this?”

He nodded, sipping on his drink, though his was a much less interesting cola concoction. “I’ve been helping Steve behind the bar all night.” He gazed around the room. “Your friends drink a lot.”

I laughed but then sobered, picking out Queenie and Aloha dancing in the middle of the room. Ice and the other prospects sitting at the bar. Bliss and War making out in a corner since their kids had been picked up by their sitter. “They’re not friends. They’re family,” I corrected, feeling it all the way to my toes.

Grayson put his arm around my shoulders. “I’m glad you found them. And they’re lucky to have you. We all are.”

I peered up at him, trying to fight off the urge to cry again when he put his arm around my shoulders.

I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet.

We hadn’t had enough time.

I didn’t want to waste another second of it.

I slipped my fingers between his. “Come on.”

He didn’t ask where we were going. I led him through the crowd, weaving between people I loved, and collecting Hayden and Hawk along the way.

None of them said anything.

My intent was clear as I followed the hall to the solid door with Sinners engraved in the wood.

Hayden took the key from his pocket and stepped up to fit it to the lock. He glanced at me and turned it. “Lock it behind us? Or leave it open for others to join? All the kids have been picked up.”

These people might have been no strangers to public sex. And there was a part of me that got hot every time I thought about the night we’d come in here to watch Grayson. But tonight, I just wanted it to be us. I shook my head. “Not tonight. I want the three of you to myself.”

We slipped through the doorway and Hayden flicked on a combination of lights that lit the pure-black room gently. Taking his phone from his pocket, he tapped the screen a few times, then peered up at the speakers hidden in the corners of the high ceiling, until sultry music came from them.

I faltered, need for them getting me this far, but then not having the experience to know what to do next. I had no idea where to even begin or what was expected of me. I had no idea how to please three men at once, but I wanted to.

Hawk saw the flash of indecision in my eyes and took the hand that wasn’t holding on to Grayson’s. “Come on.”

He led us through the maze, retracing the steps we’d taken the last time we were here, until we stood in front of a huge bench, big enough for all four of us.

“Tell me what to do.” I practically begged for his guidance.

He glanced at the others.

They said nothing, and Hawk seemed to take that as some sort of permission. He stepped forward, pulling me into his arms and dropping his mouth onto mine.

He was so warm, so familiar. He was the man who’d taught me what sex was supposed to feel like, and so he was the man I went to for direction.

His lips brushed over mine. “What’s your hard limit, Kara? What don’t you want to do tonight?”

“I don’t have one. I want all of you. Everything.” They were the words I said out loud.

The ones I said in my head were: I don’t want regrets. Give me something to remember when I’m not here. Show me you love me, so I have something to hold on to when everything feels lost.

I half expected an argument. Expected him to disagree or say I wasn’t ready.

He kissed me instead, carefully, his mouth worshipping mine until I was breathless.

Hayden moved in behind me, kissing my neck, his hands gliding down my sides to stop at my hips. One reached out farther, hooking into the belt loop on Hawk’s jeans and drawing him in, sandwiching me between them tight.

Hawk’s mouth slid to my ear, kissing the sensitive spot just beneath, and my eyes fluttered open, searching for Grayson.

His gaze connected with mine, and slowly, he pulled off his jacket, tossing it beside an armchair opposite the bench bed.

He lowered himself into it, watching the others kiss me, which was the exact purpose of that chair and clearly the whole reason it had been placed there. He rolled his sleeves to his elbows and undid his top button, loosening it from around his throat.

“We’re going to get you naked,” Hawk whispered against my skin. “Then I want you to go ride Gray. He’s on the outside of the three of us. If this is going to work for you, he needs to be comfortable too.”

It was an unexpectedly polite thing for Hawk to say, when his usual demeanor was guttural and harsh and probably even a bit selfish. But I knew there was a fondness between him and Grayson. A mutual respect, not born of attraction, like the one between Hawk and Hayden, but a friendship and loyalty that had started when we’d begun working together and cemented itself when Gray had put his life on the line for me.

I slipped my feet out of my ballet flats, and Hawk’s fingers came to the sides of my gauzy shirt. It was new, prettier than any of my others, though still in the subdued tones I think I would always prefer. It was loose and flowy, and when Hawk dragged it over my head, it came away easily.

He stared at me in the lace and silk bra Bliss had bought with me yesterday afternoon, when I’d confessed to her I had nothing nice to wear tonight and no idea where to buy it from. I was still living off the money my sister had given me when I’d first arrived, had barely even made a dent in it because my needs here had been fully taken care of by these men and the other members of the club.

But this had been something I didn’t want them to know about. And Rebel had encouraged me wholeheartedly, determined I should feel like a queen for my first foursome.

It felt ridiculous even thinking that in my head. I’d been such a wallflower for so many years. And now I was wearing pretty underwear and feeling confident enough in my own skin to have sex with multiple men all at once.

Hawk’s fingers traced over the lacy, see-through cup of my bra. “What’s this, Little Mouse?”

I shivered when his fingers pinched at my nipple through the sheer fabric. “Do you like it?”

His gaze burned hot, holding mine. He lowered his mouth to my breast and sucked my nipple through my bra. His other hand cupped me, thumb rubbing over my tip until both nipples were beaded, taut and needy.

Hayden’s lips trailed along my shoulder. “He likes it.”

I twisted my head, needing to see his expression.

He lowered his mouth to catch my lips, kissing me softly. “And so do I. So much harder to take it off you when you look this good in it.”

Despite the voiced hesitations, his fingers seemed to have no problem finding the clasp at my back and undoing it. The straps slipped down my shoulders, and Hawk moved his mouth just long enough to let it fall to the floor before he was back, sucking on my nipples.

With him ducked and at work, it gave me a better view of Grayson. His erection pressed hard against the fabric of his suit pants, the outline thick and long, even concealed the way it was.

He breathed too fast, and I stood in front of him, naked from the waist up, while two other men put their hands and mouths and tongues all over me.

There was nothing but heat in his gaze. No jealousy.

A little part of me relaxed at his expression.

He undid another button on his shirt, and then a third, the rest falling away quickly to reveal his abs and pecs, and the tattoos across them. My gaze danced across the ones on his forearms, normally hidden by his shirtsleeves.

But it was his fingers undoing the buttons on his pants that drew my attention. The slide of his zipper. The slight lift of his hips as he dragged his pants and underwear down just far enough to release his erection.

Hawk and Hayden followed, Hawk getting my fly undone, while Hayden tugged down the neat black jeans I’d purchased. I couldn’t remember ever owning a pair before this. It was an odd change from the long skirts I’d grown so used to.

All I was left with was the panties that matched my bra.

“Go to him, Little Mouse,” Hawk whispered in my ear, ending with a flick of his tongue. “Let him decide if he has you with those still on, or if he wants them on the floor.”

He stepped aside, making way for me to walk to Grayson.

He let out a low hiss of breath and snaked his fingers around his cock, stroking it up and down, torturously slowly while he waited for me. “Come here, Kara.”

I did as I was told, a rush of heat taking control of my body.

He reached for me, fingers hooking in the elastic waist of my panties and then swiping side to side, brushing over my lower belly and my mound. “Take them off. I don’t want anything in the way of getting inside you.”

My breath caught, heat flooding me at his commands. It never failed to turn me on when they told me what to do like this. It was like they knew how to turn off the switch to all my worries and just be in the moment, here with them.

Nothing else existed outside of this. I had no child to worry over. No husband hunting me down. No sister dead in a morgue.

I just got to be me.

I slid my panties down my thighs, leaving myself fully naked and on display for him, waiting for my next instruction.

Grayson stood, dropping his pants and underwear to the floor and kicking them aside.

I went to touch his skin, but he caught my wrists and spun me around so my back was to his chest.

He was warm behind me, his dick prodding at my lower back as his arms wrapped around my middle, one taking a handful of my breast, the other trailing over my tummy rolls and then lower, between my thighs to rub my clit.

I gasped at him touching me there, the tiny bud instantly responsive to his touch.

Or maybe it was responsive to the show Hayden and Hawk had started up on the bench, the two of them laid out on their sides, making out, their kisses deep and strong and powerful in the dim light.

“They’re hot together,” Grayson murmured in my ear. “I wanted you to see them.”

There was no denying that. They were both ridiculously attractive men, and it was only multiplied when they were together. Hawk grabbed at Hayden’s shirt, impatiently lifting it so he could get his hands on his skin.

“Watch them while I make you come.” Grayson nudged my thighs wider, forcing me to turn my foot out so I was opened up for him. His finger moved from my clit to my entrance, coating himself in the arousal pooling there before pushing it up inside me.

I let out a little moan at the intrusion, loving the way it felt and instantly wanting more. He pumped his fingers in and out of me, watching the two men just as much as I was.

Hayden reached one hand over his shoulder and fisted the back of his shirt, helping Hawk out by pulling it off entirely. His hands came to rest on the back of Hawk’s head as he ran his mouth down the length of Hayden’s body, his tongue running over every ridge of his abs before stopping at his belt.

Hawk got up on his knees. “Undo your belt.”

Hayden raised an eyebrow. “Giving orders to me now as well?”

Hawk rolled his eyes. “I am if you want me to suck your dick. Otherwise, feel free to stay fully clothed. I can always go suck Grayson’s.”

Grayson paused in surprise. “Uh…I know I said you two were hot together, but I didn’t really mean I was into you like that…”

Hayden chuckled good-naturedly. “He’s full of shit. Don’t worry. He doesn’t want anyone’s dick but mine. True, Hawk?”

Hawk shot him a dirty look. “Just fucking take your pants off, would you? God, I wish I didn’t like you.”

Hayden caught his arm and drew him back down until they were face-to-face. “You do though. So stop denying it.” He pressed up on his elbows, dragging Hawk down by his neck to kiss him and then pushed him down his body.

Grayson returned to my clit and Hawk undid Hayden’s fly to get his pants off. His mouth was on him a second later, and I couldn’t turn away. He bobbed up and down over him, taking Hayden’s dick deep into his mouth and gripping his balls none too gently.

Hayden groaned; his head thrown back as he thrust up into Hawk’s mouth.

My core clenched pleasurably at the erotic show they put on, Hayden pulling Hawk’s shirt off when he took a moment’s break to work Hayden’s cock with his hands.

Grayson fit his mouth to my neck, placing open-mouthed kisses there while he added a second finger to my core. “You’re so wet.”

I blushed at his dirty words, feeling the arousal between my thighs, my body gushing for him every time his fingers hit my G-spot. My knees wobbled, and I was sure I was drowning his hand in my juices.

His free hand groped my breasts, squeezing and pinching the nipples, then matching those movements on my clit.

Hayden groaned and grabbed the back of Hawk’s head, his voice deeply guttural. “Gonna come.”

So was I.

As Hayden’s hips jerked off the bed, Hawk not pulling away, my own orgasm barreled down on me. My head swirled, my legs threatened to give way, and my pussy clenched hard around Grayson’s fingers. More than two of them. I was so wet I couldn’t even tell how many of them I’d been able to take.

“Oh God!”

The spasms focused themselves around my core, but a blissful, pleasurable feeling spread out farther, taking over each limb and spreading warmth across my skin in a hot flush. I dropped my head back on Grayson’s shoulders and let him prolong the orgasm, too lost to the feeling to be aware of Hayden and Hawk any longer.

“Need to be inside you,” Grayson whispered, sitting in the chair again.

With one hand on his dick, the other on my hips, he guided me down on top of him so I was impaled on his erection, facing away from him.

I groaned at the delicious stretch of my body around his. And then again at the instinctual need inside me to move, to bounce on his cock and ride out the last morsels of my orgasm.

He gripped my hips, thrusting up into me from beneath me. My breasts bounced while I ground on top of him, gasping when Hayden settled himself on the floor in front of us and spread both of our knees wide, getting in between.

I shouted when he put his mouth on my clit, sucking me there and making me lose any rhythm I’d found. I went boneless, flopping back against Grayson’s chest while Hayden licked me and Grayson thrust into me from beneath.

Hayden’s gaze caught mine, and I stared down at him, fascinated with how hot he was there between my thighs while another man was inside me. He didn’t care his tongue was an inch from Grayson’s cock, all he cared about was throwing me into another orgasm.

One I had no hope of denying when he looked at me like that.

“Need to come, fuck,” Grayson groaned.

“Need Chaos to lick your balls for you?” Hawk asked lazily from the bench, stroking his erection while he watched. “He’s real good at that.”

“Shut up, Hawk,” all three of us groaned in unison.

He sniggered, but I was too lost to the feel of the two men to care. I took two handfuls of my breasts, and that added friction got me over the line for the second time. A dam burst inside me, my orgasm flooding free again, this one even more powerful than the first since every nerve ending was already sensitive.

Gray shouted from beneath me, coming hard, his fingertips gripping my hips.

I pushed Hayden away, knowing he’d stay there between my thighs all day, even though my body was spent and he clearly wanted to give me another orgasm to add to his tally.

He laughed softly. “You need a minute?”

“Maybe a few.” My vision was blurry, and I floated on a cloud of bliss, Grayson still deep inside me, though neither of us moved, both of us too boneless with pleasure to budge an inch.

Chaos kissed the top of my head, lips gentle on my hair. “Rest for a minute while I take care of Hawk. But, Kara?”


“We aren’t done.”

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