F or the third time that day, Rebel dragged me into an underwear store. Bliss wasted no time, bypassing the racks of everyday T-shirt and sports bras and headed straight for the back of the store where they kept the sexy stuff.
My cheeks heated as they tossed scraps of barely-there lace at me, and I just tried to keep up, sorting through each one, giving big fat nos to all of them.
Rebel shoved her hands on her hips, her heavily pregnant belly jutting out in between. “Kara, this baby is going to be graduating college before you choose something. It’s just underwear. You’ll be smoking hot in any of it.”
I rubbed my hand over my own belly, though I didn’t have the obvious pregnancy bump my sister did. Yet. “I just want to look a certain way. Not…”
“Like Hawk’s Little Mouse?”
I shrugged. “I like when he calls me that now. It’s sweet.”
“It’s degrading, and Hawk is a pig. Mostly.”
I shot Rebel a look. “Says the woman whose man still calls her Roach.”
Rebel got a dreamy expression on her face. “But it’s so hot on Vaughn’s lips.”
Bliss screwed her face up. “Okay, enough, you two. It’s not degrading if you like it. And you clearly both do. You weirdos.”
Rebel raised an eyebrow at her. “Should we start on the whole ‘baby girl’ thing? I don’t think War even remembers your legal name.”
Bliss smiled at just the mention of her man but then clapped her hands. “Let’s focus on the task at hand, shall we? Sexy underwear for Kara’s photoshoot.”
I bit my lip. “This might have been my worst idea yet. And I’m not sure taking some sexy selfies really counts as a photo shoot.”
Bliss shook her head, holding up some sort of outfit that pretty much only consisted of straps and buckles. “No, I totally get it. You’re going to be as heavily pregnant as your sister before too long, and then you’re going to have a newborn. Get all the hot sex now while you’re in that second trimester horny stage. Enjoy it. Let us live vicariously through you by giving us all the details afterward. I’m pretty sure Ridge is never going to learn how to sleep through the night, and we’re all too tired to even think about getting some naked fun time in.”
My eyes bulged as she shook the strappy garment in my direction. I pushed her hand away. “Definitely not that one.”
Bliss shrugged and then threw it toward the cashier, giving us a wink. “He’s gotta learn to sleep through the night eventually, right?”
Rebel sniggered at her bestie but then paused, her fingers on a baby-blue teddy. Lace flowers covered the underwire cups of the plus-size garment, but the rest of it was see-through, with only the odd bit of embroidery as decoration. Laces wound their way up both sides, decorative more than functional, but sexy, nonetheless. She held it out to me. “Kara…”
I touched it gently, loving the soft silky texture of the material.
A tiny voice in the back of my head reminded me it would show off all the areas of my body I was conscious of. There would be no hiding my belly rolls or the cellulite on my thighs and ass.
But a little smile tugged at the corners of my mouth just thinking about slipping into it and the expression on Grayson’s face when he opened his phone at the hospital and found a photo of me in nothing but lace. Hayden would get his while he was at a family function with Liam. And Hawk was studying for his GED at the clubhouse. The thought of him staring at my photo while surrounded by all his brothers had heat racing down my spine.
I took the outfit to the register and paid for it proudly, not hiding it away like some shameful secret. I used money I’d earned from my job at the hospital, the thrill of having my own money and standing on my own two feet never getting old.
When Rebel dropped me off at Sinners an hour later, I sucked in a deep breath, letting myself in via the security door in the back that led straight into the maze. I’d phoned ahead and whispered down the line to Chloe, Hayden’s ma?tre d’ of the night, what I was planning, and she’d verbally high-fived me and said she’d keep the staff out of there. I’d have the place to myself until later, when it would open to the public.
I hadn’t decided whether I’d be staying for that or not yet.
It was early for a Saturday night, the maze empty but already set up for later, when couples finished their meals and went searching for a little dessert. Sultry music played over speakers. The lights were dim and cast a reddish-pink glow that bounced off the black walls, beds, chairs, and sex toys.
I snuck into the changing rooms and, taking a deep breath, reminding myself I wanted this, I stripped my clothes. I showered, dried my hair, put on some simple makeup from the kit in my bag. I wasn’t very good with it, but I liked the way the mascara made the color of my eyes pop and the glossy red lipstick drew attention to my mouth.
My fingers trembled when I put on the teddy, but when I looked in the mirror, I was pleasantly surprised by the reflection that stared back at me.
I was no skinnier than I’d been when I’d first arrived in Saint View. In fact, I think I’d probably put on a few pounds, courtesy of Hayden’s cooking. Or it might have been the pregnancy. But I tried to see myself through the lenses of men who’d spent months building me up, not just with words, but with actions. I couldn’t go anywhere without one of them touching me, taking me into their arms and whispering in my ear how beautiful I was.
Amber had actually asked me once if I got sick of it, but I’d quickly assured her that after a lifetime of being starved of affection, I wanted their touches as much as possible. That each of them made me feel like a queen in a different way, and somehow, between the three of them, they fulfilled every part of me that had ever gone begging, starving, or neglected.
In their arms, I felt whole again. At peace.
And even a little bit sexy.
Grayson’s shift would be finishing soon, and Hayden’s family commitment was supposed to have just ended. Hawk was always ready for a study break.
I just needed to send them an invitation to the party they didn’t know we were having. A ripple of excitement tingled across my skin. This was bold and brave, and it didn’t really feel like me. But I liked it. It felt like the woman I was becoming, now that I was no longer scared all the time. It was one I wanted to try on for size.
I wandered into the maze, setting down my phone on a bench and turning on the camera’s self-timer. If Rebel and Bliss hadn’t had kids and men of their own to go home to, I might have asked one of them to stay and be my photographer.
But my snatch was on full display, and I was already getting horny, just from walking around like this, so maybe it was better I was alone.
I posed myself demurely, perching on the edge of a bench, feeling incredibly silly, and then checked the photo.
I frowned at it. My legs were closed. I had my arms covering my belly. Apart from the fact I was wearing lingerie that barely contained my breasts and there was an array of sex toys in the background behind me, I could have been sitting on a church pew, taking a photo for my parents.
Not exactly the vibe I was going for. I set the timer again, but this time, I opened my legs wide like the women in the inspiration photos I’d saved to my phone. Arched my back. Threw my head back and parted my lips, closing my eyes, the way I did when I rode one of their cocks.
Heat warmed me just thinking about having one of them beneath me.
And when I looked at the photo, my mouth dropped open.
I suddenly saw myself the way they saw me, and my eyes watered. I wasn’t perfect. My breasts didn’t sit high and perky. My skin wasn’t blemish-free. I didn’t know how to edit the image to make all the little lumps and bumps disappear.
But I didn’t even want to.
I saw what they did.
Saw a woman who no longer wanted to hide away, even if she did like her man calling her “Little Mouse.” Saw the woman who’d spent time in therapy, talking through every trauma I’d suffered. I still had a long way to go, but every session brought me closer to the woman I wanted to be in the future.
In that photo I saw the evidence of my self-confidence blooming. And it seemed only right I share it with the three men who’d helped me discover that side of myself.
I threw the image into our four-way group chat and then nervously tossed my phone aside, too scared to even peek at it.
But the message tone dinged almost immediately, and then again and again.
I couldn’t help but sneak a glance at it.
Hayden: Holy shit, Kara. You’re so fucking beautiful. Send more.
Hawk: Fuck.
Hawk: Where are you? I’m already out the door.
Grayson: Good thing I’m at a hospital. I need reviving.
Hawk: You can’t send a photo like that and then not tell me where you are, Little Mouse. An address. Now.
Hayden: She’s in the maze at Sinners. I can tell from the background. I’m on my way.
Grayson: Leaving now too.
Hawk: Don’t you have another thirty minutes left of your shift?
Grayson: Eh. I’ll quit. Didn’t really want to be a doctor anyway. We’ll call all those years of med school and residency a fun side quest.
I giggled at their messages and found a few other places around the maze to pose, dropping each image into the group chat without saying anything else.
My heart pounded when the main door to the maze opened, letting in a quick rush of light and noise. I scuttled deeper into the maze, my heart rate picking up at not knowing which one it was. “Don’t say anything,” I called out. “I’m waiting for you at the glory holes.”
A groan was all that came back, though I couldn’t tell from that noise alone which one of them it was. It didn’t matter. That was part of the fun. My core throbbed as I knelt on the leather pads that covered the hard concrete floor, and waited, straining my ears for the sound of his footsteps.
My breath quickened when I heard them pass behind me and then circle around to the other side of the wall. I didn’t peek at who it was. I didn’t want to know. There was no fear it might not be one of my guys. I trusted Chloe to keep me safe and not let anyone back here for the first hour, so I could have this time alone with them.
He undid his zipper, and there was a rustle of clothing being removed on the other side.
Some of the holes on this wall were big enough only for a dick to fit through and designed to be lubed up and a tight fit. But others were larger, so the man could see the lips of the person on the other side. They even had chin rests, and handles either side, to make gripping the wall easier. I closed my eyes and dropped my chin onto one, trembling with nervous anticipation as my fingers closed around the handles.
The first touch of his dick to my lips had me almost self-combusting. My lips parted like they had a mind of their own, and he pushed his way inside my mouth, stretching me wide around him.
I instantly knew it was Grayson. His taste and size were so familiar now, after spending months in bed together, having sex in every way he could think of, and exploring each other’s bodies until I knew every part of the man I’d fallen so hard for. I moaned at the feel of him sliding on my tongue and mourned the loss when he pulled out, only to thrust back in.
It was a strange feeling not to be able to see him, but the little groans of pleasure from his side of the wall told me he was getting off on this as much as I was.
“Finger your pussy, Kara,” he groaned. “Get yourself as wet as your mouth. They’re going to need to fuck you as soon as they see you on your knees like this.”
I dropped one of the handles, desperately spearing my fingers between my thighs. The silky, sheer material covering my pussy was too soft to resist. I rubbed it over my clit, moaning around his cock, letting the vibrations drive him higher.
I was vaguely aware of the door opening again, but I was too lost to the sensations of Grayson in my mouth, my fingers on my clit, to pay it any attention.
It wasn’t until fingers trailed down my naked spine that I realized one of the others had found us.
“Close your eyes,” he whispered.
I relaxed into the darkness, torturing myself with slow rubs until strong fingers brushed mine aside and took over the job.
Pleasure spread as the man fit himself behind me, his bare thighs brushing the backs of mine. He stroked one hand through my hair, fingernails scratching gently over my scalp while the other slipped beneath my teddy to push between my folds.
Grayson went deeper, faster, thrusting into my mouth until his pants and groans were audible above the sexy music. “Gonna come, Kara. Need to come between those pretty red lips. Fucking hell.”
I swallowed him down eagerly, taking every drop across my tongue, the taste of him only heightened because I had my eyes closed.
He was barely done when the man behind me lifted me to my feet and pushed me up against the wall I’d just been leaning on. He lowered his head and kissed me hard, his naked body strong and solid on mine.
Hayden. No doubt about it. I knew as soon as my fingers touched his skin. As soon as his lips were on mine. He kissed like no other man, slowly, deeply, that connection between us sparking like crazy, even when I couldn’t see him.
I didn’t need to, because whatever it was that had always drawn me to him wasn’t physical. It was his heart I loved. His soul.
But it was his body that brought me to orgasm each night, neither of us ever able to get enough of the other.
“You look so fucking beautiful,” he groaned. “On your knees in my club, taking cock like that. Fuck, Kara.” He was frenzied, his kisses turning rough and fast, his fingers touching me above my underwear, beneath it, my nipples, my clit, my pussy, my ass.
He was everywhere but never for long, each part of my body lighting up beneath his touch and then left craving more as he moved on. I grabbed at him just as much, needing his dick inside me, desperately wanting to be filled. But he caught my hands, drawing them up the wall, pinning them there in one of his so his other was free to torture me in the best way.
Something pressed between my legs. Something thick and solid, sliding aside the silk to slick through the moisture at my core.
Hayden switched on the vibrator, and then it was inside me, filling my aching pussy.
I moaned, thrusting my hips, taking the toy deep and feeling every vibration right to my core.
He’d used toys on me before. They all had, but it felt different this time. All my senses heightened because I couldn’t see.
“Look at you, Little Mouse. All tits and ass and red lips I want to fuck.”
I twisted my head toward Hawk’s voice. I hadn’t even heard him come in. But knowing he was here, watching what Hayden was doing to me, only turned me on more.
“Grayson,” I moaned.
“He’s here too, hard as a fucking rock again, even though I can still taste him on your mouth.”
Hayden kissed me again, and I couldn’t hold on to myself any longer. Not when his kisses spun my head, his big body covering mine, and a toy vibrating inside me.
I splintered apart, clenching around the toy, my body trembling with pleasure.
I hadn’t even stopped shaking when Hayden swapped with Hawk. He lowered his head to my neck, kissing me there, sucking and licking my skin, until his lips moved to my ear. “That fucking lingerie is killing me, Little Mouse. It was all I could think of while I drove over here. But now I just want you out of it.”
He fit his fingers beneath the shoulder straps and drew them down my arms. The cups fell away from my breasts, and a moment later, the lacy teddy was somewhere on the floor. His fingers traced over my skin, tantalizing every inch with featherlight strokes.
The doors opened again. More voices. More noise.
My eyes flew open. What time was it? Was the maze open to the public already? Surely my hour hadn’t passed?
“I want to tie you up,” Hawk groaned into my ear. “Want to fuck you in every hole. Watch Gray and Chaos take you at the same time. Fill you up so fucking good you scream our names.”
I could barely breathe. I wanted that so bad. Every part of me aching to be theirs. But the thought of an entire club seeing me like this…
It was both hot and terrifying.
“Blindfold me.”
Grayson picked up a silky piece of cloth sitting with the sex toys and wrapped it around my eyes, plunging me into darkness once more.
“Nobody but us will touch you.” Chaos moved in behind me, kissing my shoulder.
I trusted them to keep me safe. They might have been willing to share me with each other, but that was as far as the agreement went.
Hawk kissed me hard, holding the back of my head and walking me backward. I wrapped my arms around his neck, soaking in the familiar feel of his naked body, my heart rate dropping back to normal, even as he fit silks around my wrists and raised them above my head, hooking them onto something hanging from the ceiling that held me there in place without the support of a wall or other structure behind me.
He knelt at my feet and put his face between my thighs, sucking and licking my pussy while fitting the same soft silks around my ankles. There was a solid spreader bar between them that prevented me from closing my legs.
Not that I wanted to.
At least not until voices I didn’t recognize drew closer, and I started thinking about who might be watching me, staring at my naked body, judging my heavy breasts and fat thighs.
Grayson stepped in behind me, snaking an arm around my middle and grabbing a handful of my breast to squeeze my nipple. I relaxed into his touch. At the feel of Hawk between my thighs, I was dripping with arousal, aching to release an orgasm he was building inside me. The voices around me were still there, but they faded into the background with every touch from my men. Every whispered word of how beautiful I was, every encouraging murmur about how each man there wanted to be them, had me preening beneath their praises until all I could do was concentrate on not self-combusting.
“Need to be inside you, Little Mouse.” Hawk got up onto his feet and circled his arm around my waist. He stepped inside the triangle made by the bar and my legs, and then hoisted me up into his arms.
He supported my weight, holding the backs of my thighs, doing all the work to maneuver me down to impale me on his cock.
We both groaned loudly when he found his mark, sinking deep inside my wet channel. Grayson moved in behind me, dick moving between my ass cheeks as I was sandwiched between them.
“I want you both,” I moaned, reaching one arm back for him, wanting to please him. But also desperate to increase the building need inside me so I could get over the line and come again. I burned with need, Hawk so deep inside my pussy. Bouncing me on his cock so it hit all the right places.
Grayson thrust inside my ass, and I cried out, my pleasure loud above the music and the soft moans of group sex around me.
He held my breasts while he took me from behind, he and Hawk slowly working out a rhythm, groaning and whispering the praise they knew I needed so desperately.
The sounds of sex around me amplified, more than just the noises the four of us were making.
Hawk whispered in my ear, “They’re all getting off on watching you, Little Mouse. Watching Grayson’s dick in your ass, while he plays with your tits. Watching me pound your little pussy while Chaos fucks me.”
I gasped at his dirty words, embarrassed and turned on by each of them and no desire for him to stop. The moans continued, until they were all I could hear, each one like catnip to my clit, a pounding rhythm starting up there that spread through my entire body until I was wild. “Take my blindfold off. I want to see.”
Grayson pulled it off from behind me, and I caught a glimpse of myself in a wall of mirrors.
I let out a rush of breath, staring at my body, the flush of my skin, their hands on every curve, and the roomful of men and women all watching us with nothing but lust and desire and appreciation for the show we were putting on.
“See how much every man in this room wants you, Little Mouse? See how they’re fucking but their eyes keep coming back to you?”
I tipped my head back, resting it on Grayson’s shoulder, letting Hawk kiss my neck.
“So fucking beautiful,” he whispered. “So fucking mine.”
He fucked me harder, pumping in and out of my body. He groaned deeply when Hayden thrust inside him, taking him from behind, all four of us joined at once.
Hawk came hard, a shuddering explosion inside my pussy that set off my own orgasm. I clenched around him and Grayson, every muscle inside me spasming until Gray fell over the edge as well.
Two more thrusts, and Hayden bit down on Hawk’s shoulder, groaning out his own orgasm against the other man’s skin.
My head spun. Or maybe it was the room. I had no idea. All I knew was that we stilled, my body completely boneless. But I didn’t fall, because they had me, just like I knew they would. I think I came again, my pussy so oversensitive that every tiny movement from one of them sent new waves of pleasure crashing down over my head, drowning me until my skin was ablaze, an inferno simmering away in my blood.
I was vaguely aware of being carried somewhere, and when I was finally able to open my eyes, I found myself in one of the private bathrooms, a hot shower running, and all three of my men washing me off.
Only to do it all again.