Throne of Secrets (Prince of Sin #2) Twenty Adriana 36%
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Twenty Adriana

S EVERAL HOURS LATER , my sister and stepmother finally returned home.

“Eden and I will be moving into House Gluttony for the duration of the competition,” my stepmother announced, giving me a pointed look. Maybe I hadn’t hidden my nerves as much as I’d thought. “I expect you’ll mind your behavior. Understand?”

I bit my tongue so hard I nearly drew blood. My war with Axton wasn’t entirely my fault.

Eden gave her mother a surprised look. “Ad can’t stay here alone, Mamma. People will talk.”

“Who shall know?” she asked.

“Any columnist who looks into the families of the suitors, for one,” Eden said. I blinked back my surprise. Eden normally never contradicted her mother. “It will be better for her to remain by my side. If she stays home and the truth of our connection is revealed, people will say there’s a rift and it will cause a bigger scandal than if we get ahead of it.”

My brows rose. It was a valid argument, one my stepmother was having trouble disagreeing with. I didn’t want to take Sophie’s side, but living with the prince while the competition was underway would be… torture.

“You’re very kind, Edie, but your mother is correct. I should stay here. My presence will only cause a scene in the castle. Everyone knows how much we dislike each other. And it wouldn’t be fair if he took that out on you. Axton needs to focus on the suitors, not feuding with me.”

She gave me a pleading look. “Please. I can’t imagine not sharing each moment with you. This is the most thrilling event of the century! Please say you’ll come. I promise you’ll change your mind about him once you see how lovely he can be.”

“Edie,” my stepmother chided, “stop being dramatic. You only need to worry about the prince right now. Not gossiping with your sister.”

My sister’s eyes started to glisten with unshed tears, her lower lip trembling. “But what if you’re both wrong? What if he thinks we’ve tricked him and I lose the competition?”

Sophie shot me an annoyed look, as if I’d created that issue.

I felt backed into a corner. I wanted to avoid the competition at all costs, but the investigator in me saw an opening. One I’d be foolish to turn down.

Moving into the castle provided me with a very good excuse to poke around and see what rumors I might unearth without my network. My informants were off the playing board until I could locate them again, which limited my sleuthing.

If I was caught digging into Axton’s secrets… my sister would suffer the consequences. But if I didn’t discover the truth, the whole realm could suffer instead.

“I’ll go with you,” I said softly. Hoping if anything went poorly, she’d forgive me. “When are we expected there?”

Sophie looked ready to murder us both. Instead, she lifted her hand, testing to see if her hair was still as perfectly plaited as before. “A carriage will be here first thing tomorrow.”

I excused myself to my room under the guise of packing, relieving myself of any more hostile looks from my stepmother or doe-eyed recountings from my sister about Axton’s generosity.

It took all of thirty minutes to put my clothing in an old trunk; all the while the key in my pocket practically hummed its insistence.

Despite the chaos of the world, there was one place I was determined to visit before anything else went terribly wrong.

If there ever was a much-needed time for an escape, tonight counted as one. After visiting Carlo to don my disguise, and paying him a handful of coins I could ill afford to keep our arrangement from Ryleigh, I stood outside the Seven Sins, heart racing in anticipation.

Snowflakes freckled the hood of my cloak as I stared at the unassuming door.

I had no idea if the key would even work tonight, but desperate times called for desperate measures. I swore my eagerness was strictly due to gathering information for my column and about the dragons. But I knew if any of the Princes of Sin were near, they’d know it was a lie. I wanted to see my masked stranger. I craved his company no matter how hard I tried not to.

With a prayer that someone would be looking out for me, I held it to the door, waiting as a few tense seconds ticked by. Just when I started to draw my hand back, the door disappeared, granting me entry. I expelled a quiet breath and hurried inside, aiming directly for the bar.

“What’s your poison?” the masked bartender asked, shaking a violet-colored cocktail, then pouring it into an elaborate glass.

He slid it down the bar, the drink stopping precisely in front of the woman who’d ordered it. It was impressive. Noting the elongated ears poking out from his golden-blond hair, I guessed he’d used a bit of Fae magic. Light court, given the color of his locks.

“What do you suggest?” My voice carried over the excited din of the club.

I glanced around, searching for somewhere to sit. The club was as packed as always, couples already paired on the dance floor and lounging on the sofas.

Since I wasn’t certain my masked stranger would even be here and it wasn’t yet midnight, I decided to soothe any nerves by taking a cocktail up to the rooftop.

The bartender paused in the preparation of his next drink, looking me over. I wore the dark blue wig again and the “ice queen” costume, as Carlo had dubbed it, but there really was no telling what the glamour allowed the Fae to see.

He didn’t hesitate to answer, “Winter ale.”

“I’ve never heard of it.”

“We’ve never stocked it before—and probably won’t again. We were owed a favor.”

Intrigued, I ordered the ale and took the tankard, sipping the frothy upper layer. It was delicious. Like mulled spices soaked in a light ale, then mixed with warmed brandy. It shouldn’t work together, but it was a wondrous match. It felt like I was sipping on a chilled dessert.

Fortified for an evening of either very bad or very good decisions, if my stranger arrived, I made my way up to the rooftop garden, taking my time as I passed by rows of night-blooming flowers, their fragrances a feast for the senses.

If my stranger was here, I wondered if I should apologize for not keeping our date, or if I should see how he reacted first.

I still had a burning curiosity about his identity, one I had no business indulging.

I paused once I noticed the figure leaning over the railing. From the back he looked to be the same height and build as my stranger. Still, I wouldn’t be certain until he spoke.

I moved on silent steps, my pulse speeding for some reason.

Perhaps it was simply excitement rushing through my veins, anticipation of what was to come, what we’d been leading up to all week. Or maybe I liked him and was nervous our time together was almost over. Which was a foreign concept to me.

“Nervous, Lady F?” he asked when I got close, his focus still fixed on the city.

I moved to his side, letting out a quiet breath of relief. I didn’t realize how much I’d been worried that he might not show up tonight.

I’d only known him for a few days, but his companionship was a welcome relief. Especially after the events of the day. Potential dragon attacks. My sister being the suitor. My network going as silent as the dead. My run-in with the prince at the office. Moving into his castle tomorrow… Today might be worse than the All-Sinners Ball.

Instead of letting on that my thoughts had been consumed by the past, I focused on my companion. Tonight, I vowed to be present, to think of the here and now. It was our last time together and nothing would ruin it.

“Not at all. I was admiring the view.”

A small smile curved his lips, his head tilting slightly in my direction. “I thought that line was old and tired.”

“Luckily, I am not.”

Once again, I used his own words from the last time we’d spoken, earning a delighted chuckle from him. I allowed myself a moment to relax and soak in the lighthearted banter.

My stranger turned to me, and for one drawn-out moment, I forgot how to breathe.

He dragged his attention over me, and I swore I felt his hunger turn ravenous through the layers of magic and the mask keeping his true face from me.

For the first time, I wished to see him. To read each flicker in his gaze, to decipher exactly what he was thinking and feeling. To ink it permanently into my memory.

Which was not something I should desire tonight or ever.

He was looking at me so intensely, I wondered if he’d somehow figured out how to see through the magic disguising me.

“You’re dangerously beautiful.”

“Dangerous in what way?”

“In the way that I can’t stop thinking about you.”

A pleasant flush came over me. “I can’t decide if that’s very good or very bad.”

He laughed, the sound so rich and dark it was addicting. “Neither can I.”

I took a sip of my drink, hoping to cool the warmth spreading through me. I should be trying to figure out who he was, subtly asking if he knew anything about the dragons or the silence of the shadow network. If anyone knew anything about secrets, I imagined he might.

Yet I wanted to hold this moment in my hand, keeping it to myself for a while longer.

“Let’s say it was a good thing,” I said. “What’s got you the most curious?”

He scanned me again and I couldn’t help but feel like he was memorizing every detail.

“I wonder why you’re here with me.”

“Where else should I be?”

“Curled up in bed with someone who adores you, who’d never be foolish enough to let you go. Who’d spend his days discovering details that bring you pleasure.”

I felt my cheeks warm pleasantly. “You’re quite the flirt.”

His mouth twisted into an impish grin.

“I also spend an unfortunate amount of time wondering what you look like, the color of your hair, the shade of your eyes. I want to know who you are, what occupies your days.”

He paused, as if waiting to see if I would offer any information up. Clever, clever male.

I gave him a coy smile of my own.

“You’ll need to try much harder to wrangle secrets from me.”

“Very well, Lady F.” His playful grin turned downright sinful. “I must confess, I spend the most time thinking about what it’ll feel like to slide that pretty costume off and worship every inch of you. I dream about the silkiness of your skin, the quiver of your thighs. You’ve got me in a viselike grip and I’m eager to return the favor.”

My heart decided it was a wonderful time to start racing.

I returned his open perusal. His dark-blue suit was cut to his frame as if it had been molded to him—showing off his toned muscles and all the work he’d put into looking like a god. His clothing indicated he had money to spare, though I wasn’t sure if he was nobility. Since glamour didn’t change clothing, I knew he had to have some wealth.

I wondered what he did for work, assuming it had to be something where his body was a weapon itself. Perhaps a royal guard or member of the hunting guild. Or the owner of a secret club of vice…

I’d felt the power of his body when he’d pressed me against the railing and couldn’t stop myself from envisioning exactly how he’d look as I’d peeled each of his layers off.

“If you keep looking at me like that, we’ll never make it to a private chamber, Lady F.”

I ran my gaze over him again, partly in challenge and partly because I couldn’t stop myself. “Maybe I want you to take me right here. Over the railing.”

I don’t know what possessed me to suggest that.

Maybe I wanted to take him up on his offer from the other night. Or perhaps I was still thinking about what the prince had said earlier, about taking me over his knee.

As much as I hated to admit it, I craved that show of untamed desire.

He paused for a moment before his mouth hitched up on one side.

“You are full of surprises.”

He glanced at the street below, where several patrons were spilling out of nearby establishments, their voices loud as they downed more spirits and celebrated, as he seemed to consider my request.

Shouts of Axton’s name carried upward, quickly followed by my sister’s name. It was startling to hear strangers cheer for her.

Not that I wasn’t happy they threw their support behind her. It just brought the very news I’d been running from back to the forefront of my mind. Any levity I’d felt from our flirtation slowly dissipated. No matter where I went, the damned prince was lurking.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d come here tonight,” my stranger admitted. “With all the celebrations.”

I hesitated before responding. He hadn’t mentioned anything about me standing him up last night, which made me wonder if that meant he hadn’t shown either.

If he wasn’t here, then what had kept him from our date? My intuition told me to tread carefully, that some unknown trap might be laid.

Another whoop for the prince went up through the crowd below, saving me from having to answer him directly.

“I think it’s actually quite sad,” I admitted. “Choosing a potential partner from a name in a bowl.”

He snorted. “When you put it that way, it’s rather unromantic, isn’t it?”

“Lonely, I imagine.”

I was startled by the realization. Normally, I couldn’t give two cares about the prince and his lack of meaningful relationships. But now that my sister was involved, it bothered me.

“Bloody hell. We’re a sad pair of sinners tonight.”

I smiled at that. “It’s unfortunate, but true.”

Our conversation had started off promising, then the crowd ruined it with the reminder that tonight was only a distraction. Tomorrow I’d be moving into House Gluttony with my sister and stepmother and the rest of the suitors.

“Well, then. It looks like there’s only one way to salvage our evening,” he said, his voice laced with teasing. “If you’ll pardon me, Lady F. I shall return in a moment.”

He bowed over my hand like a valiant knight, then left me on the rooftop, curious about what his plan was.

A few moments later, he returned, a fur throw clutched beneath one arm and a silver tray laden with desserts balanced on the other. Perhaps he really did own the club. The thought sent a thrill through me, the secrets he’d have access to, the gossip. He might be a very good contact to have indeed. Good for business and pleasure.

I couldn’t help but laugh as he made a grand show of laying out the fur, then serving me one of the pale blue petit fours after I’d settled down for our impromptu picnic.

He set the tray filled with the rest of the desserts on the ground near us, then tapped his petit four against mine.

“Cheers to indulging in your sweet company tonight, my lady.”

The strangest thing was, he sounded genuinely pleased. As if sitting together on a fur blanket while the world cheered below was everything he’d hoped and more from our evening.

“I would have thought you’d be disappointed,” I said. “This is a pleasure club.”

“Ah. Well, this is all part of my master plan to make you fall wildly in love and share all your secrets with me.” His grin made butterflies take flight in my stomach. “It’s working, isn’t it?”

I smiled down at my next petit four, thankful for the lack of light. “With confidence like that, my new guess is you’re definitely from House Pride.”

We chatted for a while longer, sharing light, fun conversation without touching on topics that were too difficult.

Finally, once the last little cake was devoured, he brushed his hands off and stood.

“Will I have the pleasure of your company tomorrow?” he asked, helping me to my feet.

I sank my teeth into my lower lip. Tomorrow I’d be living in House Gluttony and sneaking away might be difficult, but I’d find a way. I fought the urge to ask about his access to the keys to this club, not wanting him to change his mind about the invitation.

There would be more opportunities to subtly ask about his life tomorrow.

He’d certainly been digging into mine all night, and I wanted to know if there was a larger reason behind his curiosity.

I thought back to the question for Miss Match, about trusting yourself after previous mistakes. Maybe my stranger was simply inquisitive because he liked me, but I needed to be sure of his motives before I handed over my trust.

Finding out who he was outside this club would go a long way to soothing any remaining fears of admitting to what I actually wanted. There was one secret I couldn’t keep hiding from—what started as a fun night of passion was slowly turning into something more. I shouldn’t want to keep indulging when there was so much else I needed to focus on. Yet the idea of setting him aside… it made my insides twist. Surely I could find a way to balance it all.

“Only if you promise to bring more dessert.”

The slow, wicked smile curving his lips indicated far more interesting things would be on the menu tomorrow.

I suddenly couldn’t wait to see what delicious treat he had in store for us next.

My handsome stranger might have ulterior motives for hunting down my identity, but he wasn’t the only one willing to break some rules to accomplish his goals.

One way or another, I’d unravel one mystery that haunted me.

He drew my hand up to his lips, brushing a kiss across my knuckles.

“Until tomorrow, my lady.”

Maybe it was a trick of the moonlight or the glamour at play, but I could have sworn his eyes suddenly twinkled like he’d won some secret match. I also couldn’t help but think his innocent tone had sounded a little like a promise.

Whatever his silent vow was, I couldn’t begin to guess.

But I’d be on guard until I knew.

I withdrew my hand and offered him a little wave, pretending I wasn’t at all suspicious.

“Sweet dreams.”

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