Throne of Secrets (Prince of Sin #2) Forty Adriana 73%
Library Sign in

Forty Adriana

I T WAS SETTLED . I was going to the gallows for regicide. I couldn’t believe Axton had sent a note—with obnoxiously neat handwriting—that strongly suggested I was to attend this grand public event.

He didn’t say “or else I’ll disqualify your sister and burn down your entire world including all your undergarments and perhaps steal your puppy if you have one” but I’m sure he would have if he had an attention span longer than that of a fly.

I wasn’t sure what he was hoping to prove with this display, aside from knowing our magical oath would make this rather… uncomfortable.

Of course there was also his rakish behavior in his study last night, commanding me to my knees. And he wondered why I despised him? More the fool was I for thinking that things would ever be different, that he’d ever choose me in any capacity.

I stole a glance at my stepmother. She stood with the other parents of the suitors, her attention sharp on the competition. She’d barely spared me a second look when I’d taken my place near the back, thank the old gods for that.

Now I could seethe in private. I’d never felt territorial before; pissing contests ought to be reserved solely for dogs and ridiculous princes. Yet part of me wanted to march up to the throne and either slap or kiss Axton senseless.

Watching him gather Vanity up in his arms—kissing her like she was his favorite indulgence and he’d die if he didn’t drink his fill of her—made me see a decidedly murderous shade of red.

It was, of course, proof that he would make an abysmal husband and my sister should run far and fast before getting swept up in his debauchery.

I pressed my mouth into a hard line as Cobra, the House Wrath suitor, strode up to the prince next, grabbed his lapels, and crushed her lips against his, taking his lower lip between her teeth in a punishing display of affection that made him wince.

The petty part of me hoped she made him bleed, but he’d probably enjoy it, the fiend.

I averted my gaze, trying to focus on the book of hexed objects I’d spent all night reading. The witch’s book had been a wonderful starting point but wasn’t as forthright as texts written by demons about the objects. Which meant I’d need to sneak into Axton’s library and see what he had on the subject. Perhaps I might even delicately ask another prince if I could visit to see their libraries under the guise of research for my column.

Ryleigh was still the most likely resource for answering my questions about hexed objects, but I wanted to avoid going that route for as long as possible.

If this were any other time, if there wasn’t any strange sort of tension brewing between us, I would feel differently. I hated that I’d stopped confiding in her—I hated it more that I’d kept so many secrets. One day soon I needed to sit down and talk with her, fill her in on everything that had happened these last few weeks.

Including my unintentional tryst with the prince I hated.

I stole a peek at the other Princes of Sin. Except for Prince Pride, all were in attendance. Each seemed wholly invested in the competition, their gazes alight with the need to win.

Even Prince Sloth was tense, watching from where he leaned against a column. My attention drifted over to Emilia, who stood beside her husband, Wrath, then drifted over to the silver-haired beauty standing with them. That had to be Camilla Antonius, the woman who’d beat Prince Envy at his own game.

My focus went back to the throne.

The next suitor pulled her shoulders back and marched up to the dais, looking like confidence made flesh in her flowing emerald gown. House Envy in all its jealousy-inducing glory. I ignored the languorous kiss now taking place between Omen and Axton, instead focusing on my own strategy to slip away to investigate.

Allure from House Lust flipped her long golden hair over her shoulder, then sauntered up to the prince, her entire aura exuding seduction as she tapped Omen on the shoulder and dismissed the House Envy suitor with a flick of her wrist.

Instead of yanking him to her or leaning in chastely as the others had done, Allure slowly circled him, trailing her fingers across his chest, his shoulders, his back.

I didn’t know why I was still watching the scene; I ought to—

Axton grimaced. The look had been there and gone in an instant, but I’d been watching him closely. And I didn’t think his reaction was because of pleasure.

He’d flinched when she touched his back.

There. It happened again. This time he’d winced.

I was suddenly very curious about his reaction.

Allure raked her nails down his spine, drawing him nearer. He stiffened, his chest barely seeming to rise with his next breath. I’d wager my soul he was injured.

Badly, if his actions were any indication. Princes of Sin normally healed within moments.

Allure didn’t notice his reaction. But I couldn’t help but stare as he slowly drew in a breath, the movement seeming to cause another bolt of pain.

What in the realm had he been doing to cause such an injury? But the better question was, how had he not healed yet?

Allure rolled onto her toes, her tongue teasing the seam of his lips. Axton didn’t deepen their kiss. I wasn’t sure if he was in that much pain or if he simply wasn’t interested.

Undeterred by his lack of participation, Allure moved her attention to the column of his throat, kissing her way up it. Axton’s smile seemed to be stuck in place.

Lust catcalled from the crowd, encouraging more hoots to go up.

A diversion from a rival House of Sin. First Envy had been in the dungeons where that red-eyed beast was. And now Lust was making a scene.

How curious indeed. At least three Houses of Sin were involved.

This whole competition was growing more mysterious by the day.

I thought of the scandal sheets. The rabid excitement sweeping across the realm. Could it all be a clever distraction? If that was true, it would be an inter-court plot to fool us all.

I glanced back at Prince Lust, who continued to whoop and cheer, drawing the attention of the gathered crowd. If at least two of the other princes were involved, there had to be something big they were hiding. Something worth setting aside any inter-court rivalry.

Which meant they had to be scared.

While the final suitor staked her claim on Axton, I asked myself the same question I had the night before.

What would frighten a Prince of Sin?

Hexed objects and ice dragons attacking certainly. But what if it was more than that?

No one noticed when I slipped out of the throne room and hurried along the empty corridor toward the second floor. No one, that was, until Val stepped out from the shadows like some meddling ghoul from the Great Beyond. If only I had some holy water to banish her with.

I subtly patted down my bodice in case an errant vial was tucked away.

“Are you lost, Miss Saint Lucent?”

Her tone was pleasant, but the underlying feeling I got from our encounters was that she was mentally stringing me up and dicing me into little bites to feed to the dragons.

I didn’t take it too personally. Val didn’t care for most demons, vampires, witches, or really anyone—it wasn’t as if her dislike was directed solely at me.

I had a feeling she’d prefer to stalk off into the woods and live her life peacefully in a cave, far from debauchery and anything else that annoyed her. Prince Gluttony very much included. Under different circumstances, I would rather enjoy spending time with the curmudgeon. I was sure she had a great many stories she’d like to vent after having to deal with him and his antics for so many years. Truly, she ought to be awarded some medal for her service.

“I was heading to the kitchens.”

“Since your sister is one of Prince Gluttony’s suitors, you needn’t trouble yourself with fetching your meals. Simply call for service in your rooms.”

“I only wanted a cup of tea. It’s no bother.”

Her smile never faltered. “I’m afraid I must insist. We wouldn’t want anyone to report that our hospitality was less than extravagant. Would we?”

I studied the woman standing between me and the library, silently cursing. Unless I decided to barrel through her and thus cause a scene for Eden, I’d need to keep up my ruse of hunting down the kitchen and sneak out later.

“Very well.”

I gave her a bright smile and silently hexed her firstborn to scream all night for months on end as I slowly made my way back to my family’s guest suite.

I would rather sit on needles than return to the throne room and be forced to watch Axton swoon over anyone who’d have him while claiming it was done to help him find true love. None of the fairy tales ever said the prince had to kiss every maiden he saw to find his princess.

I made sure to stop and admire each painting I passed before returning to my chambers, wasting time in case someone was waiting there to escort me back to the cursed event to vote.

Unless I could cast a ballot to depose the prince, I wanted no part in deciding who kissed him best.

When I arrived at my family’s suite, I wished I’d taken my chances with Val.

I glanced longingly into the corridor, debating if I should slip out again. One sharp look from Sophie decided my fate. I stepped in and closed the door with a quiet snick.

“You cannot honestly believe he’d think a peck on the cheek was the most passionate kiss, Eden. Do you have any idea how close you were to being sent home?”

Sophie towered over my sister, who sat primly on the edge of the settee. Eden’s attention darted to me the moment I entered the room, her expression pleading. Despite the opportunity living in the castle provided for me to hunt down clues, and as much as I’d love for Axton to send us all home for personal reasons, I set my feelings aside and sat next to my sister.

Controlling my emotions was a monumental task, considering the aggravation that still burned through me from the whole miserable kissing contest.

Instead of showing any annoyance that would lead to questions, I pretended all was well.

“Do you think I ruined everything?” Eden asked.

“I happen to think he was amused by your kiss. It was the only one of its kind, therefore made you memorable.”

Eden’s bleak expression turned hopeful. “Are you just saying that to make me feel better?”

“Of course she is,” Sophie snapped. “He’s a Prince of Sin, not virtue. And if your sister had any clue how to snag him or any husband, we’d—Anyway, you’ll need to do better.”

I shot my stepmother a scathing look; she’d almost confessed my secret history with the prince.

“Did you see the corners of his mouth twitch after the kiss?” I asked. “Or read the way his body had angled toward her as she left? He was definitely intrigued. He didn’t respond that way to anyone else.”

Eden’s brows rose. “I didn’t notice that.”

“It was fairly obvious,” I said, not liking the spark of interest entering her gaze as she looked me over more carefully. “I’ve been watching him for a decade for my articles,” I added, a touch defensively. “I’m used to seeing how he interacts with potential… suitors.”

Before my sister could comment, Sophie tossed her hands in the air. “And none of it matters after Vanity’s performance. Anyone could see he was the most passionate with her.”

I had to mentally force my hands to remain unclenched at my sides.

Gods’ cursed blood oath.

That had to be the sole reason for my surge of… unpleasant emotions. Except I knew seeing him act as rakish as ever after our encounter at the Seven Sins was stirring up old hurts. He hadn’t cared one bit that I’d been standing there, watching the whole encounter. In fact, he never seemed to remember anyone else had feelings when his power-hungry sin ignited.

I would do everything I could to avoid him from here on out. For multiple reasons.

“Who did he end up choosing?” I asked, trying to thwart Sophie’s next tirade about Vanity Raven and her supreme kissing skills. I could only play pretend for so long.

“He hasn’t decided on a winner—they’re still tallying votes.” Sophie crossed her arms. “But he sent Allure Whitlock home.”

“The House Lust suitor?” I asked, as if I didn’t know. My stepmother shot me a look like I’d lost a few hundred brain cells in the last moment. “But that makes little sense.”

“Why?” Eden asked, seeming genuinely curious.

I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. I lifted a shoulder. “It’s surprising that House Lust would lose the kissing contest.”

A furrow formed between my sister’s brows. It was the best excuse I could come up with and extremely plausible. Eden knew me well, though, and always spotted when I was diverting attention. She looked me over for a long moment before finally glancing away.

I exhaled quietly, then turned my thoughts inward.

If House Lust was involved in either covering up a dragon attack or preventing one, why in the world had Axton sent that suitor home? I would have thought he’d want to keep Lust close as a cover story. If that really was what was happening behind the scenes.

The plot had just thickened and the mystery lover in me was more determined than ever to fit the seemingly random puzzle pieces together tonight.

Rumors frightening enough to put the shadow network into hiding.

Ice dragons attacking.

Hexed objects.

Jackson’s unconfirmed cause of death.

The realm-wide hunt for Prince Gluttony to find a bride.

Somehow, some way, everything tied together. And once I figured out how, I’d have a story that spanned farther than I ever could have imagined.

So far the picture being painted was bleak—the ice dragons had attacked, someone did die, and we were being fooled by our own press.

While Sophie and Eden argued over how to proceed in the competition, I excused myself under the guise of writing my next column and retired to my room, waiting until the castle had turned in for the night before putting my plan into action.

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