A DRIANA SLANTED A look in my direction, then glanced back up at the Ox she’ll spit in your potpie.”
I held the thick wooden door open, and Adriana gave me a filthy hand gesture before slipping inside. My mouth curved. It was the first time I’d seen my sweet nemesis since the attack days ago, and I fought the urge to wrap her in my arms.
After taking my dagger to the chest, I’d fallen unconscious for a few hours. Regenerating a heart was no small task, especially since I’d been so drained.
While I was healing, Val hadn’t bothered to send word to Adriana that I was indisposed, not because she disapproved of our relationship, but because she’d been occupied with her own new romance. She and Sascha had grown close after the attack.
Witches and demons could bond without bloodshed. I was happy for my second.
The moment I came to, I sent a letter to Adriana, requesting an audience with her at once. We had a very serious matter to settle and if she wanted to negotiate, I was ready to accept her terms. She’d replied within the hour, thanking me, but declined. She said she was pleased I was healing but needed time to think without my insufferable charm getting in the way .
I swore the female would drive me to the brink of madness and I’d happily hand her the reins. I wrote her back immediately, unwilling to accept defeat.
It had taken days of constant persistence, but she finally agreed to meet me to talk.
I would use every moment of our time to show her who I truly was behind all the secrets and masks. Starting with my favorite meal.
The scent of savory delights hit us along with a burst of warmth.
Patrons were already deep into their cups of winter ale and barely paid us any attention as I placed a palm to Adriana’s lower back and guided her to my favorite booth in the corner.
Adriana scooted onto the bench, uncaring that the scarred table was still littered with bowls and empty mugs from the patrons who’d vacated before us.
A server came over and hurriedly cleaned. “The usual for you and your date, Axton?”
“Yes. Please tell Shirlee to add extra garlic rosemary butter to the crust.”
“Will do!”
Adriana watched the encounter with interest. Once our first round of winter ale was set before us and she’d taken a few sips, she leaned back and surveyed me.
“You seem more relaxed here.”
I gave her a sly grin. “I’m relaxed in most situations, darling. But I really enjoy the simplicity of eating a good meal in a casual setting.”
“It’s not very gluttonous of you, Prince Gluttony. ”
“On the contrary. I’m feasting like a king on this fare. I’m indulging in your company, and I couldn’t be more satisfied. My sin isn’t about the most lavish or rich; it’s about indulging in things that give pleasure. The simple things are what bring me the greatest amount of pleasure. Good food, good drink, good conversation. A good companion. Those are the things that mark a good life. So, yes, I’m feeling rather full on my power at the moment.”
She sipped her ale. “This is so delicious. I think it’s my favorite drink.”
“It’s mine too.” It was such a small, insignificant detail, but pleasure rocked through me. I liked that she enjoyed it as much as I did. “How are things between you and Ryleigh?”
A hopeful smile crossed her face. “We’re meeting for tea tomorrow. We’ve been friends for far too long to let secrets and misunderstandings come between us.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” I wanted everything in her life to bring her joy. I truly was turning into a lovesick fool like my siblings. I prayed to the old gods that Lust would be struck down next—that meddling bastard had it coming. “I’ve considered your request.” She glanced up. “Ryleigh will be the new royal reporter. She accepted the offer this morning.”
Shirlee came out from the back, a tray laden with our food and next round of ales raised high above the tables as she made her way to us.
“Got any other requests concerning my cooking, you royal pain in my ass?” she said by way of greeting.
Adriana snorted and clapped a hand over her mouth.
I stared at her, fighting my own laughter. “That was the most undignified sound I’ve ever heard. Do it again and I’ll fall in love harder.”
Shirlee looked over at my companion, a smile flickering across her stern face. “Seems like you finally found someone who doesn’t worship the ground you walk upon. I like her.”
Adriana stopped laughing long enough to straighten. “I’m Adriana Saint Lucent. I’ve heard wonderful things about your food.”
“ The Adriana Saint Lucent?” Shirlee surprised me by wiping her hands on her apron and taking Adriana in a hug. “I hear you’re the one who broke the hex. You come here whenever you like. Take this pain in my ass with you.”
“You flatter me with compliments, Shirlee,” I drawled. “Don’t let it go to my head.”
She rolled her eyes and gave Adriana one more gentle squeeze. “I’ll have some of my special chocolate frostberry mousse sent out.”
Once Shirlee left, I pulled the item I’d been holding on to for the last decade from my suit and laid it on the table before Adriana.
“Open it,” I said, nodding to the little velvet pouch.
My heart pounded as if I was on an intense hunt. I’d hoped it would be a nice surprise. A way to prove I wanted to be more than the rake I’d been. At least when it came to her. Adriana’s gaze narrowed in suspicion and I did a better job of schooling my features.
She gingerly loosened the string and dumped the contents into her palm. The bracelet sparkled in the low light of the tavern.
Adriana’s throat moved as she swallowed down her emotions. “You knew this was mine.”
It wasn’t a question, so I didn’t treat it as such.
I gave a slight nod, allowing her to sort out her feelings on the matter. She searched my face, and I saw a myriad of emotions play across her features.
I took a long pull of my ale.
“Because I love you,” I said simply.
I watched hope and disbelief war across her face.
I’d said the words before, but it felt different now. This time we had no threat looming, no hex interfering. We were not lost to passion. Or performing for a crowd of courtiers and reporters. Or any other excuse she might dream up in that wildly creative mind of hers. It was just me sitting before her, confessing the truth of my heart.
Today I was not her prince, only the male who loved her fiercely.
“I’ve adored you from nearly the first moment I saw you. I loved you when I didn’t like you. I loved you when you bested me. And when I bested you. I love your smart mouth, your clever mind, your darkest fantasies. Your brightest joy. I love that you never let me win, that any victory I have is fleeting but earned. And I will live out the rest of eternity loving you.”
She dropped her gaze. And I would have paid an obscene sum to know what she was thinking. I waited, watching her absorb my confession.
“I thought my mother’s bracelet was lost forever.” She picked it up gingerly, tears gleaming in her eyes. “How do you have it?”
“I’ve been holding on to it since the All-Sinners Ball. I couldn’t quite remember how I came to have it—with our memories restored, I now recall vividly that it broke while we were in the garden.” I gave her a shy smile. “I’d put it in my pocket, wanting to have it repaired.” But then that event was rewritten, and I found a mystery bracelet. “For the sake of complete honesty, it reminded me of you. Your eyes, your hair. I couldn’t part with it.”
“I didn’t think I’d ever see it again. Thank you. It means more than you know.”
“Here. Allow me.” I gently turned her wrist over, draping the bracelet around it and fastening it in place. Adriana was so fixated on her mother’s jewelry that she hadn’t noticed the small velvet box I’d set before her. I cleared my throat. “There is one other matter.”
I popped the box open, revealing a wildly extravagant ring.
A diamond nestled with a sapphire and aquamarine.
Adriana went perfectly still.
“Marry me, Adriana Marianna Saint Lucent. Fight with me, vex me, love me for the rest of our days. Just as I vow to do to you.”
My heart thudded painfully as she slowly shook her head.
Just when I thought she’d deny me once more, she gave me a tentative smile.
“You truly are abysmal with declarations of love, Axton. But yes. I wish to marry you and irk you for eternity. Because I love you just as foolishly and fiercely.”
I leapt across the table and gathered her into my arms, taking her mouth in a kiss that was both punishing and promising of all the wicked delights to come.
The crowd slammed their mugs of winter ale on their tables, cheering. And I kissed her harder, deeper, until all I heard were her soft exhales.
“I’ve never petted a dragon before.”
I glanced down at my fiancée, smirking as I guided us behind the stables of House Gluttony to where Silvanus waited. “Untrue. You know that’s what I call my cock.”
“Heathen.” Adriana lightly punched my arm, and I tugged her close.
Silvanus emerged from the woods, snuffing the air, and I swore he rolled his eyes. Warmth spread through my chest at seeing my favorite dragon restored.
His eyes shone with the familiar iridescent gleam as they flicked to Adriana.
I’d had Sascha spell us so we could communicate, and when Sil let loose his thoughts, I rather wished I hadn’t.
She’s far too good for you.
Adriana laughed, the best sound in the world, and strode over to the dragon. “I adore him! He’s clearly wise.”
And handsome.
“Let’s not forget I took a dagger for you,” I interjected.
Sil huffed, but I saw a slight sheen in his eye. If I didn’t know better, I’d think the sassy bastard was getting emotional over my injury.
Adriana held out a gloved hand. “May I?”
The dragon nodded, then sank down, granting her access to his giant head. Adriana lightly stroked his scales, then drew her hand back. “You really are ice-cold.”
I can warm my scales should you like to take a ride, milady.
I scoffed. “Are you serious? You’ve never offered me a ride and I raised your sorry scaled bottom. And, need I remind you once more, took a dagger to the heart for you.”
Perhaps if you minded your tongue, Prince. Though I suppose you ought to make sure your princess doesn’t lose her seat.
“Will wonders never cease. The great Silvanus is playing the role of royal horse.”
Sil scowled the only way an ice dragon could, by growling and spewing flames at my favorite boots. I flipped him off, then helped Adriana up.
I was about to hop up behind her when a frantic bleating drew my attention back.
Vex, the little baby dragon, launched himself into my arms.
Apparently, he was coming along for the ride.
Adriana held her hands out. “Isn’t that the cutest thing? What’s its name?”
Sil and I both huffed at her calling the baby the cutest thing.
“This is Vex. He’s been vexing me almost as much as you, sweet nemesis.” I gently placed him in her arms, monitoring her shiver. “If you bite my intended,” I warned him, “I will bite you back harder, Vex. Understood?”
The little dragon nudged me with its head. Charmer.
Is our fine lady secure?
Adriana nodded, then nestled into my chest, the little dragon cooing from where he snuggled in her lap. Both Val and Envy would be incredulous when I told them the little deviant dragon didn’t bite Adriana.
I held her tightly to me. “I’ve got her.”
Good, try not to let go.
“That, dear dragon, is a vow I intend to keep forever.”
You’re finally using that upper head; the pack wasn’t sure it worked.
In a show of great power, Silvanus launched us into the sky, and Adriana’s excited shriek echoed through the air along with the excited bleating of the baby as we soared toward the mountains, feeling the wind whipping at us as snow began to fall.
This next journey was sure to be the most thrilling adventure of my existence.
And I’d make sure that every gossip columnist in the realm knew this rake was indeed reformed and my heart belonged solely to my rival, my love, my match.
Though I was sure we’d find plenty of fun ways to stay scandalous.
As Silvanus banked around and raced toward the city, flying dangerously low across the rooftops in the night district, I felt the moment Adriana realized where our destination was.
She twisted to look at me over her shoulder, a grin twitching at the corners of her lips.
“The Seven Sins?”
“As the secret owner of that fine establishment, I fully intend to bring you as often as you’d like.” I nipped playfully at her ear. “I seem to recall a few fantasies we’d like to indulge. If you’re bold enough to play, Lady Frost.”
“Perhaps I’ll bring you to your knees tonight, Your Highness.”
I’d never heard a more seductive threat and welcomed my demise.
“You can try, but don’t think I’ll make it easy just because you’re to be my wife.”
Adriana’s gaze darkened with the challenge, and I knew tonight would be one to remember. “May the best heathen win, darling.”
Dear Miss Match,
How do you know when it’s time to stop staying scandalous and enjoy your happily-ever-after?
Secretly Scandalous
Dear Secret,
When you find the one who drives you to the brink of insanity and tests your patience (and who tests your will to not commit a bloody, vengeful murder), then you know it’s time to settle down and settle into your eternal bliss.
Humor aside, when your heart flutters madly each time you see them, when they love and respect you without limits or rules, when you find your idea of a perfect match for you, that’s when you know it’s time for your happily-ever-after. Even if he or she is a reformed rake.
Until next time, sweet sinners, stay scandalous.
Miss Match