B lythe found the jacuzzi tub in the bathroom. Aside from this room being incredibly romantic, the tub added another level of spontaneity we never had. Did I think we would end up in said tub— hell no . Do you know how many people have had nasty sex in that thing? I don’t want my dick to fall off because I very much enjoy using it.
I scrolled on my phone while Blythe freshened up because my nerves were causing my stomach to do flip-flops. I could barely keep my breakfast down on our drive here. I have never been this nervous in my life. Tonight needed to be perfect, and Savannah was the ideal backdrop.
Earlier this year, before Blythe moved in, I texted her at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning and asked her if she was up for a random trip to a zoo an hour away from Wippowa. Without hesitation, she agreed. The whole way to pick her up, Wren kept talking about how excited she was to see the turtles with Birdie. The two of them both shared an affinity for the hard-shelled creature. The irony wasn’t lost on me that if life was metaphorical, I was the turtle in this situation.
That day will go down in history as one of the best days we’ve ever had. On the car ride there, Blythe sat in the backseat with Wren, and they looked up the map to see where they needed to go first to see the turtles. By the time we pulled into the parking lot, the two of them had an entire plan of attack for the zoo. Wren’s hand was locked with Blythe’s the whole time we were there. That was the day they became inseparable, and our little family was formed.
Once we had dropped Blythe off at her place, Wren and I went about our regular nightly routine. I was tucking her in for the night when she started crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she said that “her Birdie” didn’t live with us. I explained that Birdie lived in her own house and might one day move in with us. That answer didn’t help at all . It raised more questions about why Blythe wouldn’t move in.
I squashed her questions about the move, but as I was closing her bedroom door, Wren hit me with the kicker—“Why don’t I have a mom?”. How was I supposed to answer that? I sat back down on the edge of her bed to broach this sensitive topic. I delicately told her that her mom had to leave and wasn’t returning. You can imagine how well that went over with a five-year-old. She started sobbing and asking why her mom didn’t want her. I held her and told her it was for the best, reminding her I would always be there for her.
I rocked her to sleep that night—or so I thought. I laid her back down and tucked her in before she hit me with a “Can Birdie be my mommy?” Also a question I wasn’t prepared for. I offered up a “maybe one day” and closed the door.
That’s why I picked Savannah for our special night away. I have wonderful memories here, and I know Blythe did as well. Wren talked about the zoo trip every week for damn near the last year, asking to go back.
“Charlie?” Blythe called from the living room, snapping me out of my thoughts. Yes, this suite had a separate living room.
“Are you in the bedroom?”
“I’ll come to you.” I approached her as she looked out the window, deep in contemplation. I snaked my arms around her waist and rested my head on hers. Her hair smelled like lavender, and it drove me crazy.
“I’m ready to head out whenever you are.” She pointed to her feet, “I even changed into walking-appropriate shoes!”
The woman was notorious for wearing the worst shoes when we went out at home. Which, granted, wasn’t often at all. “I’m proud of your sensible choice.”
She turned around and wrapped her arms tightly around my stomach. “Now, later, that’s a different story.”
“What shoes did you bring for dinner?”
“You know those silver strappy ones?”
I nodded. It’s cute that she thinks I’ve ever paid attention to her shoes. With eyes like hers, why would I look anywhere else? Except her boobs. And her ass. I do look there.
“Those! And my dress is to die for.”
The lightbulb went off, and Blythe kept what she was wearing a secret. Whenever we went out, she would do a little fashion show and try on all the options she was thinking about. This time, she kept it to herself.
“I’m surprised you could keep it a secret,” I complimented.
A slight grin spread across her face, “Both your mom and Wren have seen it and thoroughly approve. Wren even told me that it’s the prettiest I ever looked.” Blythe did a little happy shimmy.
A slight blush crept up her cheeks.
“If Wren said that, I can’t wait until later.” I can’t even imagine what she picked. Blythe came from Seattle and loves that it’s pretty warm in the South in December. One day, her blood will adjust, and 70 degrees will feel chilly to her, too.
I slid my hands in the back pockets of her tight jeans, “We could also stay in…”
She slapped my hands away, “No! You have stuff planned, and dammit, we’re going to go do it all.”
“I don’t have that much planned,” I muttered, disappointed we hadn’t christened the room yet.
“Is there anything planned that has a time associated with it?” She raised an auburn brow.
I shook my head feverishly, “Only dinner.”
Blythe snaked her arms around my torso, “Then I think we might have a few minutes to spare…” she trailed off.
“A few minutes?” I asked, exasperated. “Since when does it only take a few minutes?” I placed a hand on my chest in mock offense.
“Well…never. But I want to do you and get on our way. We have lots to see before dinner.” When we first met, she beamed at me with a smile that melted my icy exterior.
“You should lower your expectations. What I have planned isn’t anything special.”
For right now .
She stood on her toes and kissed my lips, “Whatever you have planned is special. You put thought into it and somehow kept it a secret.”
I lifted her and carried her to the bed. I laid her down and hovered over her, “I didn’t have this planned.”
She pressed her lips hungrily against mine, “Quite all right with me. Now shut up and kiss me.”
My word, this woman is the love of my life.