D rago knew he had to make himself stop. But Gods, it was so hard! His Fated Mate was moaning and crying his name as he sucked her tender nipples and made her come. Her breasts were so warm and soft in his hands and the Drake inside him was insisting they needed to do more—that they needed to Claim her once and for all. The feelings of possessive lust coming from the beast inside him were so hard to fight…
But then he remembered what Addison had said earlier.
“I don’t think I’m drunk anymore—I think I’m high.”
Clearly she’d had some kind of mind-altering substance during that damn ceremony in the Room of Sighs and it had made her react like this. It had made her admit things and do things she never would have done if she hadn’t been under the influence. He had already gone further than he should with her— much further.
He gave her time to finish her orgasm—he wasn’t going to interrupt her pleasure—and then, very reluctantly, he pulled away and sat up.
“ Mmm .” Addison looked up at him with a dreamy expression of sated pleasure in her lovely blue-green eyes. “That felt so good, Drago. I didn’t know I could come that way.”
"Do you believe that I love your breasts now?" he growled hoarsely. He wished she would cover up. Her bare breasts were so beautiful and enticing and his shaft was as hard as a rock in his flight leathers. At its base, his Bonding Knot was throbbing with need and inside him, his Drake was demanding again that they Claim her.
“Yes, I believe it.” Addison smiled dreamily up at him. “You made me feel beautiful —thank you, Drago.”
Some of the harsh, lustful urgency he was feeling melted into affection for his stubborn, headstrong charge.
“I’m glad, baby,” he murmured, cupping her cheek.
Addison surprised him by turning her head to kiss his palm. Her eyes were sleepy now, as though the orgasm she’d experienced had worn her out.
“Thank you for making me feel better about my nipples,” she murmured and then yawned before continuing. “And thank you…” She yawned again. “For giving me the best orgasm ever.”
“Really? The best ever?” Drago asked, surprised.
She nodded.
“I’ve always wanted a man to pay more attention to my breasts, but after Jason I was always too ashamed to ask them to. And most guys just want to skip the foreplay and get to the main event. You know—sex.”
Drago frowned.
“So none of the human males you’ve been with has taken the time to pleasure you before taking you?”
She shook her head sadly.
“No. I kind of gave up on finding a guy who wanted more than a ‘wham, bam, thank you Ma’am’ encounter after a while. I haven’t had sex in ages— not since you became my Protector, anyway.” She sighed. “I guess I kept hoping that you would have an interest in me. But when you didn’t, I decided that Lx Sambla was the next best thing.”
Drago felt the Drake inside him roar with possessive rage.
“Don’t say that fucker’s name to me,” he growled. “It makes my Drake angry.”
“It does?” Her eyes widened for a moment…but then she yawned again. “Tell him I’m sorry. I just…gave up any hope of having you, that’s all.”
Drago didn’t tell her that he’d given up any hope of having her, too. As much as he wanted her, it just wasn’t going to happen. His Drake was too dangerous—too possessive. In fact, he needed to get away from her now if he was going to keep it contained. Being intimate with their Fated Mate had brought the beast inside him much too close to the surface. If it burst out of him now, it would demolish the bedchamber and very possibly kill her.
“I’ll tell him,” he said. “But now I have to go.”
“Do you really? Can’t you sleep in here with me?” She looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Please? It’s lonely and cold in this big bed all by myself.”
Drago wished he could do as she asked—wished he could climb into bed with her and hold her close all night. But he knew that was a recipe for disaster.
“Afraid not, baby,” he said gently. “It wouldn’t be safe—my Drake…”
“What about your Drake?” she asked, frowning sleepily.
Drago shook his head.
“Never mind. It’s just better if you stay here and I go back to my own room.”
Gently, he pulled up her dress and then tucked the covers around her so she wouldn’t get cold. By the time he finished, Addison’s eyes were already closing.
“G’night…Drago,” she murmured.
Drago stood for a moment beside the bed, looking down at her. Her lovely cheeks were still flushed from the pleasure he’d given her and her flame-colored hair was spread around her head like a halo of fire. Gods, she was so beautiful it made him ache!
But I can never have her, he reminded himself. Never. It’s too fucking dangerous.
Reluctantly, he turned away before he could lose his resolve and went back to his own room.
He didn’t know that he’d taken the first step on a path he couldn’t turn back from.