I t took a long time but at last, Drago got full control of his Drake again. When it was finally settled, he dared to go back into the palace. He hoped that Addison had been able to get some sleep. He didn't like leaving her alone for so long, but he couldn't put her at risk by staying close when the beast inside him was trying to break free.
He hurried down the stone corridor, his bare feet slapping the flagstones. He still had on nothing but his sleep trousers, which he’d been wearing the night before when he heard the shrieking of the spider and Addison’s call for help.
That seemed about a hundred solar years ago now. So much had happened between them—so much that he couldn’t take back. He just hoped she could forgive him for not being able to stay with her after he tasted her…for not being able to Claim her.
He got to their rooms, but both of them were empty. The enormous spider was back in its cage in the corner of the main bedchamber, but it was completely silent. A quick glance showed why. The lid to the feeding box was open and when Drago looked, there wasn’t a single squeaker left inside it. There were, however, a number of tiny, silk-wrapped cocoons hanging from the ceiling of the cage.
Clearly the spider had gotten into its own food supply and satiated its hunger. Drago shook his head. He just hoped that Addison hadn’t seen the grizzly sight. She had a weakness for small, furry animals. She’d told him about a pet rabbit she’d had as a child called “Chewy” that had run away and gotten hit by a car. Her eyes had gotten teary as she told the sad tale, making him wish he could gather her up and hold her.
Just like you did last night and look where that led, he lectured himself. But he had no time for self-recrimination—he had to find his charge. Where had Addison gone to?
He pulled on his flight leathers and boots and hesitated a moment before putting back on the black leather harness. He didn’t love it and would much rather be wearing his uniform shirt, but he didn’t want to offend the Vargans.
As he dressed, he got more and more worried about Addison. He had a bad feeling that something was happening to her—but what?
Whatever it is you’d better go find her and stop it! a little voice in his head whispered ominously. Drago agreed with it.
He set out from the bedchamber at a near run to search the vast palace—he had to find her before something bad happened.
He had no idea that it already had.