T he minute they got into the Room of Shadows, Addie noticed some differences. For one thing, it was daylight now, so more of the vast, airplane hangar-sized room was visible. Dim light filtered down from a huge skylight in the ceiling far above them and there was an enormous, silk spider web at the far end of the room. However, it was currently empty, which she hoped was a good thing.
The round dais where the Ceremony of Choosing had been held was still there, in the center of the enormous room, but there was a new piece of furniture placed on it. It was a high-backed iron chair with thick leather straps dangling from its arms and legs. Clearly it was meant to restrain someone.
The sight turned Addie’s blood cold. Were they going to strap Drago into the chair and then set her loose on him? What if she lost control and killed him?
The idea would have been laughable just twenty-four hours ago. She was short and curvy and her Protector was a seven-foot-tall Kindred warrior with muscles that would make a Pro Wrestler jealous. But she could feel The Thirst tearing at her throat and her pussy was so swollen she was aching with need. What if she sucked and fucked the big Drake Kindred to death without meaning to?
As the guards sat him down and began strapping his arms and legs to the iron chair, her fear overwhelmed her.
"Drago," she said, looking anxiously at him. "Please—you don't have to do this. You don't have to stay here with me. Maybe…maybe you should let someone else take your place."
“The fuck are you talking about?” he growled, frowning at her. “I’m not leaving you alone, baby. And nobody else is going to give you what you need but me.”
“But what if I need too much?” Addie asked desperately. “You don’t understand, Drago—I’m so thirsty!”
As she spoke, she tried really hard not to look at the thick vein throbbing in the side of his neck. It looked so juicy and ripe—just watching it pulse made her fangs itch…
No, you have to stop thinking like that—you have to keep control of yourself! she told herself sternly, tearing her gaze away.
Drago started to answer, but Ls Prissa was suddenly there, between them.
“I see The Thirst is about to take you, so let me give you some instructions before we leave the two of you alone,” she said to Addie. “Once The Thirst takes hold, you will need two things—blood and male seed. You must drink from your man’s vein as you ride his cock. That way, a Choosing Child will hopefully be conceived.”
“A Choosing Child?” Addie could barely speak now—her throat felt like sandpaper.
“A child like my own Sambla—one who will grow to rapid maturity,” Ls Prissa explained impatiently.
“I thought you said we could leave after the The Quenching was over with— not that I’d have to wait nine months to give birth before I could go!” Addie exclaimed.
“Don’t be foolish—everything about a Choosing Child moves rapidly, including the pregnancy,” Ls Prissa snapped. “You’ll be able to tell at once if you get pregnant because your belly will swell almost as soon as your male fills you with his seed. And then you will give birth within an hour of becoming pregnant.”
"What? Only an hour?" Addie could hardly believe it. But Ls Prissa kept on talking, as though what she was telling them should be common knowledge—which it probably was to the Vargans, Addie thought.
“We will, of course, require you to leave the child here once you deliver it. But after The Quenching and the birth is done, the two of you will be free to go,” she said.
“Wait—you expect Addison and me to make a baby for you and then leave it here?” Drago demanded.
"That is what I said—did you not understand me?" Ls Prissa gave him a cold look. "It will be raised to serve Sheelash and to go out and find fresh blood for the High Borns of Crimson Moon, just as my Sambla does. Please don't worry," she added. "Your child won't be neglected—I will take over his or her education myself and be personally responsible for their welfare."
Addie felt sick all over again. There was no way she was going to have a baby and leave it for this evil bitch to raise! But she sensed it wouldn’t be smart to say that. So she only nodded silently.
“Good, so the two of you understand?” Ls Prissa asked. Drago only glared at her, but Addie nodded again.
“Very good, my dear. Do try not to drain him completely of blood before you get his seed in yourself,” the older woman instructed. “And do your very best to conceive. Don’t think that we won’t know if you don’t,” she added, pointing at Addie. “Though we are giving you a modicum of privacy, we will know if you don’t breed.”
“Fuck off!” Drago growled. “Why should we do anything you ask?”
“Because if you don’t, you won’t be allowed to leave when The Quenching is over,” Ls Prissa snapped. “So if you ever want to get back to your precious Mother Ship, you’ll breed this female like your life depends on it—because it does!”
“All right—we get it!” Addie said. It wouldn’t do them any good to piss off the other woman—even though she wished she could tell her to go screw herself.
“Very good.” Ls Prissa nodded regally. “And now, we will leave you. Guards—come!”
And they marched away, leaving Addie and Drago alone on the dais.