T here were compact living quarters at the back of every Kindred long-range shuttle and this one was no exception. Drago told himself he shouldn't be doing what he was doing, even as he shepherded Addison through the living area and the narrow food prep area and into the single bedchamber.
You’re getting too close—going too far. Especially if you’re going to leave her, he told himself sternly. But Gods, how could he pass up one last chance to suck her sweet nipples and eat her soft little pussy? Her juices were so delicious—sweet and salty and perfect. And the way she moaned and tugged his hair made his shaft so hard it ached!
Well, just be sure you keep your shaft away from her, he warned himself. You know you can’t risk Bonding her to you. She doesn’t want to be tied for life to a male with a Primal Drake that’s already injured her.
Speaking of his Drake, it seemed strangely content. Even when he had given into the temptation to lick Addison’s pussy, it hadn’t demanded to come out. Drago wondered if that had anything to do with its recent flight. Maybe it was too tired out by all the action at the Palace of Sheelash to put up a fight.
At any rate, it was nice not to have to contend with the beast inside him for once. He could feel it, curled at the back of his mind, and there had been definite feelings of enjoyment as he tasted their Fated Mate. But the Drake wasn't pushing its way forward and demanding that he Claim her, which was good. At least he didn't have to worry about it bursting out and hurting her as he healed and pleasured her.
He opened the door to the bedchamber which contained a single piece of furniture—a large bed built especially for a Kindred warrior. It was big enough to share, in case the warrior in question had a bride.
“There you go, baby—lay down,” Drago said, nodding at it.
But when he put his hand down to the small of her back to help her up onto the puffy gel mattress, she gave a little moan and twisted away from him.
Drago frowned.
“Hey—what’s wrong?”
“Nothing!” she said quickly. “I’m just sensitive, that’s all.”
“Yes, but why are you sensitive? Here—let me see what’s under that shirt.”
Before she could protest, he was pulling his uniform shirt down and away, baring her back for the first time.
What he saw made him bite back a gasp. She still had the spider web pattern on her back but it had gotten much— much bigger.
“What is this?” he asked, bewildered as he traced the pattern with one finger. “I thought your fangs and all the signs of being ‘the Queen of Night’ were gone.”
“I thought so too—until I saw it.” Addison looked over her shoulder, her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t know why it’s still there but it burns , Drago.”
He was immediately filled with concern for the small, curvy woman he loved so much.
“Hey, baby, don’t cry.” Turning her so they were facing, he cupped her flushed cheeks in his hands and swiped away the tears with his thumbs. “Everything will be all right,” he promised her. “Do you want me to try to heal it?”
Addie looked up at him hopefully.
“Do you think you can?”
Drago shrugged.
“Only one way to find out. Tell you what, get on your hands and knees in the middle of the bed so I can reach you. Okay?”
She nodded.
“Good girl.” Drago helped her up onto the high mattress, being careful not to touch the thick black web markings on her back so he didn’t hurt her.
When she was in position, he couldn't help admiring the erotic sight. Addison was on her hands and knees, her full breasts and tight, puffy nipples hanging down like ripe fruit. Her gorgeous thick thighs were spread wide, giving him another glimpse of her hot pussy, all wet and swollen from the recent pleasure he had given her. It made him want to taste her all over again.
But he reminded himself that he wasn’t getting her into position to eat her pussy. Though the idea of tasting her from behind was intriguing, he was supposed to be healing the burning design on her back.
Getting up on the bed behind her, Drago straddled her small body with his own much larger one and leaned over to lick her. He dragged his tongue over the thick black line that ran from the center of her back up to the nape of her neck. But though Addison shivered and moaned softly beneath him, the line didn’t get any smaller or lighter. In fact, it almost seemed to be darker after he finished licking it.
Frowning, Drago tried again and then again and again, but all with the same unsatisfactory results. At last he stopped and sat back on his heels, frowning in frustration.
“What is it? Is it working?” Addison turned her head to look up at him hopefully.
Reluctantly, Drago shook his head.
“Afraid not, baby. I’m not sure why. Does it feel any better?”
Addison had an uncertain look on her face.
“A little, I think. But it seems to be having a different effect on me,” she admitted.
“What kind of effect?” he asked, frowning. “Good or bad?”
“I mean…it feels good and bad.”
Drago shook his head.
“You’re going to have to explain better than that, baby.”
“Well…” She bit her lip. “It makes the burning on my back a little better, but every time you lick me there, I get this…this empty feeling. You know, inside.” She nodded down at herself and Drago finally understood what she was saying.
“You mean in your pussy?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Your pussy feels empty?
“Yes.” She nodded, looking ashamed. “Like I need to be filled. But not with your fingers this time—I need something bigger .”
Both of them looked involuntarily down at the bulge in Drago’s flight leathers and he frowned and shook his head.
“I don’t know, baby…”
“Please, Drago?” she begged softly. “Remember how Ls Prissa told us that The Thirst would make me crave both blood and seed? And, well, I drank your blood, but I never really got any of your seed inside me where it was supposed to go.”
“She also said that you might get instantly pregnant,” Drago reminded her.
“Yes, but that was while Sheelash was still alive,” Addie pointed out. “She’s dead now—don’t you think that will make a difference? Since she’s not around to, you know, exert her will?”
“What if it wasn’t her will? What if it was her venom—that ‘Bounty of Sheelash’ that you drank?” Drago asked.
Addie wilted.
“You’re right—it was a stupid idea. I just feel so empty inside and my back is burning.”
Drago felt a surge of pity and worry for her. She was so sweet and delicate and naked—he wanted to gather her into his arms and make things right for her. It killed him to say “no” to anything she wanted.
But he didn’t want her to have to risk the instant pregnancy and he also didn’t want her to end up Bonded to him. On his home world, it was a great shame for a woman to be Bound to a male with a Primal Drake. He didn’t want to do that to Addison—he cared about her too much. But at the same time, he had to do something for her—she was in pain!
Suddenly he had an idea.