Tri-Subgender Society, also ABO (alphas, betas, omegas): A population that comprises, in proportion, 1/3 alpha males (fertile), 1/3 beta males (infertile/marginally fertile), and 1/3 omega males (fertile).
Mateship: Describes the varying degrees of genetic compatibility among alphas and omegas, ranging from 0% (so-called incompatibles) to 100% (True Mates). Individuals who are genetically incompatible, often referred to as ‘incs’, can produce children, but the likelihood of genetic mutations is very high. Societal recommendations discourage such pairings due to the increased risk of health complications in the offspring, as well as low energetic/psychological compatibility.
Low Mates (10-40% compatibility) Half Mates (40-70% compatibility) and High Mates (70-99% compatibility) : Individuals who are genetically compatible to a various degree. Approximately 50% of the population can find a Low Mate during their lifetime, while only around 30% can find a Half-Mate. High Mates, representing a very high level of compatibility, are rare, with only about 10% of the population being able to find such a mate. Couples with high compatibility have a greater chance of maintaining successful relationships, with up to 90% likelihood of staying together for their whole life. This level of compatibility is highly regarded by society and such relationships are often pursued even more intensely than that with True Mates, since they are considered strong but not that overwhelming as the True Mates’ case.
True Mates (TM): Describes a union of two people with 100%, perfect genetic compatibility, and also mental and energetic compatibility. True Mates bond for life in a scientifically unexplained manner, displaying abilities such as healing each other, rejuvenation, quasi-telepathic connection, and guaranteed faithfulness. This rare phenomenon occurs in only a few percent of the population, depending on the population density in a given region (usually between 1-5%). The government supports and protects by laws the union of True Mates due to the genetic advantages their children possess (no mutations, good health, longer life expectancy, and elevated chances of finding mates with good genetic compatibility).
Heat: A fertile period in an omega's reproductive cycle, characterized by a strong desire to copulate and conceive a child. The first heat occurs around 18-22 years of age and is typically infertile. The second heat is fertile and occurs between 19-23 years of age. Heats usually repeat every 1-2 years for omegas under the age of 40 and once every 3-4 years for omegas under the age of 60. Some betas are able to experience 'hidden heats', which occur in about 10% of cases and can result in unexpected pregnancies, but with a high percentage of miscarriages.
Allure: A pheromonal scent produced by the neck glands of sexually mature alphas and omegas, indicating the level of mateship. The more alluring the scent, the higher the genetic compatibility. In the case of True Mates, the scent is unmistakable and described as sweet and enticing, impossible to resist. Betas either do not produce this scent or do so in marginal amounts. The Allure can be blocked by pheromone suppressants. The scent of the Allure changes during heat and pregnancy (also in the case of mated partners), and the pheromones allow other AOs to recognize such changes.
Alphas: They are born the same as the rest of the ABO population, only showing rapid growth spurts and beginning to exhibit typical alpha behaviors during adolescence. They are stronger and taller than betas and omegas, typically ranging between 6'4'' to 7'1'' in height.
By nature, alphas tend to be more aggressive, competitive, and assertive. However, in society, they usually occupy fairly specific positions, such as in the military, police, or other uniformed services, as these roles require strong hierarchies to prevent the riots and upheavals.
They are not welcomed in many private companies, and there are several regulations indirectly allowing for their discrimination in various areas of life. It is widely accepted that they are rarely employed in organizations or companies involved in scientific research or technological development.
Young alphas are often taken from their single omega fathers, as a young alpha without an adult figure at home begins to exhibit dominant and aggressive tendencies and requires the energy of another alpha to balance him out and allow him to function properly in society. Alphas are able to influence each other mutually—calming each other through pheromones and the dominant energy of the older alpha.
Alpha orphans can't be adopted by omegas or betas who do not have alpha guardians; they can only be adopted by couples where one partner is an alpha. This allows the alpha to regulate them during their formative years via his pheromones and dominant energy. Consequently, abandoned newborn alphas are often victims of illegal auctions and are sold to underground fight clubs, where orphaned boys are bought, raised, and trained to fight.
Omegas: They are born the same as the rest of the ABO population and only start to exhibit the first typical omega traits during adolescence. Their growth slows down, and they begin to display typical omega behaviors such as nesting. They are shorter than betas and alphas, typically ranging between 5'3''-5'9'' in height.
They have slightly wider hips and slightly larger nipples than alphas and betas, and their uteruses gradually grow from adolescence, reaching maturity during the second heat (the first heat being infertile). Omegas are able to get pregnant and carry a child to term, and they can have children up to around 60 years old. They go through intense fertile heats every 1 to 4 years, depending on their age, and the need to conceive is unusually strong and overwhelming. They are the only subgender that gives birth in normal circumstances, so the burden of sustaining the population growth is on them.
Omegas were always regarded as the most valuable and precious part of the human population. But their position has greatly strengthened over the past century, to the extent that in certain areas of life, they have an advantage over alphas and betas. They are protected by a large number of rights and enjoy many privileges. During the last decade, the government has started to combat any manifestations of violence and abuse against omegas even more strongly and decisively than before, especially fighting their illegal auctions.
Betas: are born just like any other members of the ABO population. It's only during adolescence that their subgender is revealed. Unlike other subgenders, which undergo distinct physical changes, betas remain largely unchanged. They don't experience the enlargement of neck glands or the production of Allure around the age of 17, nor can they detect it. Additionally, they can't hear some part of the AO sounds. In terms of height, betas fall between alphas and omegas, typically ranging from 5'9'' to 6'2''.
Betas are typically infertile, accounting for 90% of cases; however, a small percentage may exhibit varying fertility, both in terms of sperm viability or the ability to get pregnant. Like all other ABO members, they are born with a small, underdeveloped uterus, but the lack of hormonal stimulation during puberty inhibits its development. A certain percentage of betas may be stimulated and show increased fertility in specific situations, which are the subject of intense research by many government organizations, concerned about decreasing birth rate.
Betas are often referred to as the backbone of society because they are present in all organizations and institutes, involved in inventions, administration, and are members of governments. Typically, each government is composed of 50% betas, 25% alphas, and 25% omegas, a situation sometimes protested by AOs, but it remains unchanged.
Since ninety percent of them cannot have children, they often adopt young betas and omegas. They cannot adopt alphas because they lack the ability to hormonally regulate maturing alphas.
Mating Sounds: These sounds (called also the AOs language), whether voluntary or involuntary, are primarily exchanged between alphas and omegas, serving various purposes related to mating. These purposes include attracting a partner, signaling readiness for sex, expressing interest, or indicating submission. Alphas can also emit warning sounds to convey aggressive intentions, protective behaviors, or signal entry into a fighting mode. Betas, with their limited hearing range, are unable to perceive the full spectrum of these sounds. They can only produce a handful of them, including those that signal peaceful intentions or loyalty pledges. The superior hearing of omegas and alphas enables them to hear higher and lower ranges of the sound scale.
While some sounds, like warnings, can be emitted voluntarily, most are involuntary or semi-voluntary responses (fight/flight/mating).
The hearing of alphas and omegas is better than that of betas, approaching the sensitivity of a dog's hearing. They can discern the heartbeat of another person in a sufficiently quiet room.
Neck Marking is a practice commonly observed between adult alphas and omegas during heats, with the exception of True Mates, who can mark each other even outside of heat. Its purpose is to alter a partner's scent, signaling to others that they are 'mated' / taken. The allure of a mated person is generally less sexually attractive to others, though True Mates can still recognize each other despite being previously mated. This practice needs to be repeated during every heat, as the scent fades away after approximately 1.5 years. The bite itself does not involve pain and is often described as pleasurable. Additionally, the bite markings typically fade within about 2 years.
Pheromonal Suppressants : Suppressants block the ability to sense the Allure scent of compatible mates and make it impossible to recognize the level of mateship. Some can even block the First Touch or weaken the First Orgasm effect on True Mates.
First Touch, First Orgasm, The Pull, The Joining, and The Bond are terms associated with the unique circumstances of meeting between True Mates.
The Pull begins the moment True Mates make contact, often occurring after sensing each other's Allure. It's a sensation that's difficult to resist, sometimes even causing pain that can be excruciating.
Even if the Allure scent is subdued by pheromone suppressants, True Mates can still recognize each other through an electrifying First Touch . Certain suppressants can significantly diminish this effect, and individuals already mated with other partners may experience a weaker reaction to the First Touch. However, the First Orgasm remains unaffected by most blockers, and the first sexual encounter serves as the "closing of the circuit" ( Joining ) between mates, sealing their energetic Bond . However, there are some suppressants that can weaken the strength of the First Orgasm.
This intimate connection, known as the Joining , possesses the remarkable ability to heal illness and revitalize the older partner, reducing their age to match the biological age of the younger mate. In cases where older individuals meet as True Mates, their age is typically reduced to around 30 years old.
However, the drawback of finding True Mates is that if one partner dies, the other will also perish, regardless of the distance between them. They are permanently energetically linked for life and cannot seek new partners.
Numerous legends surround True Mates, not all of which are rooted in science fiction. Some suggest that Fate, a force revered by all ABOs, actively orchestrates the union of True Mates, creating favorable conditions for their encounter.
Marital Contracts Auctions and Fairs, are legal auctions that offer the opportunity to purchase marital contracts between ABOs. Alphas, betas, and omegas have the ability to acquire limited-term marriages ranging from 1 year up to lifelong contracts. Individuals with sufficient wealth can engage in acquiring such contracts, which are formulated in a manner akin to business deals, detailing the duties and privileges of the parties involved, referred to as ‘contractees’. Violations of the contract rules incur substantial financial penalties and, in some cases, imprisonment. All subgenders actively participate in these auctions, with omega contracts being considered the most expensive, starting at several million dollars for young, never-mated omegas. Contracts involving alphas and betas are relatively more affordable, ranging from a few hundred thousand dollars up to a million dollars.
Fighting Mode is a primal state that alphas enter when their mate is endangered. This mode is characterized by increased strength and speed, bulging neck glands and a change in iris color to red. A supercharged version of Fighting Mode is exclusive to alphas protecting their True Mates. This advanced state includes the extension of claws and fangs, along with even greater increase in strength and stamina.
Rose Omegas represent a rare subspecies of omegas characterized by a high admixture of so-called 'alien' DNA. Their distinguishing features include a smaller stature than other omegas, with more pronounced breasts, and with genitalia (anus) that differ from typical omega anatomy, resembling the petals of a flower. Some theories suggest that these omegas may possess unexplained 'magical' powers.
Purple Alphas: A rare subspecies of alphas that can only find a True Mate among rose omegas. They have a high admixture of the 'alien' DNA. They are usually larger than other alphas, often reaching 7'2'' feet, and have an unusual purple line along their spine and limbs. They can raise bony spikes along their back and limbs, transforming into a unique, supernatural form during fighting mode, surpassing even the form of an alpha fighting for his True Mate.
Neck Glands: Positioned on the sides of the necks of all ABOs, glands play a crucial role in producing substantial quantities of sex hormones. They are, however, highly active only in omegas and alphas, with betas remaining only marginally active. These hormones modify the bodies of AOs, facilitating the development of subgender-specific traits. The glands are susceptible to marking, a process carried out by thin mating fangs concealed in the gums above the AO's regular teeth. Betas also have them, but only as a vestigial trait, and are unable to extend them without strong hormonal stimulation.
When in a state of sexual arousal during heat, AOs bite these glands, altering their pheromonal profile, which allows creating recognizable mated status in the partner. Visible signs include reddening of the neck glands during intense sexual arousal, slight bulging in alphas during fighting mode, and a pinkish hue during heat and pregnancy in omegas.
ABOs Prepubescent: All subgenders are born virtually identical; only genetic tests can unveil the presence of a gene responsible for higher/lower levels of specific hormones that will shape their destined subgenders. ABOs exhibit similar sizes and behaviors up to approximately 12 years of age when subtle differences start to emerge.
Genetic tests to determine subgender are prohibited to ensure equal treatment of all children, but there are still parents who conduct illegal tests in private laboratories.
The only group that is legally tested are children put up for adoption, to prevent alpha boys from being raised by omegas or betas.
The sense of smell: Alphas and Omegas have a strong sense of smell, allowing them to sense the pheromones of other subgenders and a variety of sex-related smells, signaling arousal or the proximity of heat. Betas have a much weaker sense of smell, although it has been proven that in cases of serious hormonal imbalances, some betas can significantly strengthen their sense of smell.
The pregnancy, the sex change, and Beta True Mates: In theory, all subgenders are capable of becoming pregnant under suitable hormonal circumstances. There are documented cases in isolated communities where environmental pressures have led to situations where even alphas were able to conceive, due to a strong hormonal surge. Conversely, there are instances in isolated communities comprised solely of omegas where some individuals began to display typical alpha behaviors, accompanied by what is referred to as ‘late-term growth’, effectively transitioning them into fertile alphas.
Additionally, there have been reported cases of long-term, very close couples (such as beta+omega or beta+alpha) where the betas gradually underwent changes in their hormonal profiles over time (neck glands activation), exhibiting behaviors typical of the other subgender (for instance, a beta transitioning into an alpha while in a relationship with an omega, or a beta transitioning into an omega while in a relationship with an alpha).
Furthermore, there are sporadic instances of True Mate pairings between betas and individuals of other subgenders, although such cases make up less than 0.1% of all recorded instances.
Some suspect that betas can indeed have more True Mates in the population, but due to the absence of Allure and the inability to experience ‘First Touch’, they can only recognize each other through the First Orgasm, which limits their chances of finding their True Mate, especially since using condoms (and the strongest suppressants) greatly blocks the experience.
However, it has been observed that in instances where betas are in relationships with other subgenders (as True Mates), they always undergo strong gender transition into the opposite subgender of their mate, allowing them to conceive or impregnate their partner. In the case of beta-beta couples, where both betas are True Mates, they both transition into alphas and omegas, respectively.