His days off fucked with Carver’s sleep schedule hard. He tried staying awake all day and sleeping at night like a normal person. It took a lot of coffee chugging to go from getting home from work at four in the morning to not going to bed until ten p.m. Carver also never knew when he would get called in to work on his day off, so that added a whole other layer of bullshit. By five p.m., he was ready to crash and burn. A knock landed on the door, saving him from thoughts of a quick nap. He padded to the door and checked the peephole. Carver didn’t know why, but he wasn’t surprised to see Ever on the other side. He took a deep breath and opened the door.
A bright smile waited. “Hey.” Ever fanned some files at him. “Are you ready to be blown away by my talent?”
Carver fought the urge to tell him it was too late. Nothing good could come of turning things sexual. Carver shrugged. “Sure. Wow me.”
Ever stepped inside and closed door behind him before following Carver to the couch. “You won’t believe the batshit crazy mess I found today.”
He was probably right. Carver didn’t say as much. He simply waited for Ever to sit and get started.
To his surprise, Ever didn’t choose the opposite end of the couch. He plopped down so close to Carver, their thighs brushed. “Okay, so.” He flipped open the first file and pulled out a photo of a man who looked around forty. The guy’s eyes looked dark and mean. “This is Diego Alvarez.”
Carver nodded. “Okay. Is this who trashed Casper’s place?”
Ever shot him an exasperated look. “Just stick with me, okay?”
Carver pretended to zip his lips.
Ever chuckled and moved on. “Okay. Diego rented your brother’s half of the duplex before Casper moved in. I had a chat with your landlord, and he tells me Diego went from never missing a single payment to going totally missing seemingly overnight. As you know, the place is rented fully furnished.”
Carver nodded. He did know. They had almost passed on the place for that reason. They already owned their own furniture before finding the duplex. But both sides being available at the same time was too good to pass up.
Ever continued. “So, that detail made it extra easy for your landlord to show up with the sheriff’s department and clear out what little stuff Diego left behind. He said the place looked like it had been trashed, though. Everything had been tossed. He figured Diego had just had a fit over learning he was being evicted. That happens a lot. People can’t pay, and rather than recognizing they’re getting evicted due to their own choices, they get pissed and wreck the place. Anyhow, he boxed up Diego’s things, set them on the curb, straightened up, and Casper moved in the next morning.”
Carver hadn’t realized they had moved in so quickly after an eviction. Not that it mattered, he supposed. He had seen the boxes on the curb, but they had been empty. Most likely people had picked through the guy’s things and taken what they wanted. Evictions were brutal.
Ever met his stare. His eyes held a certain glint that made Carver’s heart beat a little faster. Ever was proud of whatever he had dug up. He was like an excited kid, ready to be praised. That shit was so fucking hot.
Ever closed the top file and moved to the next. “This is where shit got real and took me down a whole-ass rabbit hole. It turns out Diego is a known sex trafficker. He worked for this guy.” Ever pulled out a second picture. The man in the second photo wore an expensive suit and looked to be relaxing at a country club.
Ever nodded. “I have no doubt Diego is dead in a shallow grave somewhere. No loss. But this guy, Raymond Popov, is the crime boss who profits from people like Diego’s dirty work. It seems after the last time Diego got caught, Raymond made it clear it would be the last time he bailed him out of trouble. Diego was bringing too much attention to the organization. He was becoming more of a problem than an asset. The problem with threatening a low-level employee is they’re usually the one collecting the money.”
Ever nodded. “Yep. The next batch of people Diego auctioned, Diego decided it was a good time to cut his losses. He took the millions and ran.”
“Millions? From one auction? Goddamn.” Carver couldn’t even fathom it.
“And millions will help you disappear pretty damn easily,” Ever said, adding to Carver’s thoughts. “Overnight, Diego fell off the face of the planet and Raymond sent his right-hand man.” Ever opened the third file and pulled out yet another photo. This guy looked even deadlier than Diego. “Boris, to take care of Diego and retrieve his money.” Ever met his stare, turning extra dramatic. “He hasn’t found the money. Since your brother moved in so closely on the heels of Diego leaving, I think this guy believes Casper lived with Diego and could know where that money is. Either that, or he thinks Diego hid that money in Casper’s apartment somewhere. That would explain the whole tossing it thing.”
Carver could barely breathe. “It sounds like you’re telling me my brother is in serious danger.”
Ever made a gesture like he had nothing. “Honestly, I don’t know. If he moves out, and keeps muscle head around, he could be fine.”
Despite Ever’s terrifying findings, a smile exploded across Carver’s face. “Muscle head?”
Ever nodded. “You know, big muscles. Expensive suit.”
Carver laughed. “I knew who you meant. It’s just hilarious to me that you found all this information at the speed of light, but you don’t know muscle head’s name. It’s London, by the way.”
The way Ever stared at him stole Carver’s breath. “I’ve been busy gathering all this for you. You’re the one I care about. I’m here for you.”
Goddamn. He was ridiculously dangerous. Carver took the files from Ever and focused on them to save his sanity. He flipped through each. There were leases, a copy of the eviction notice, and arrest records. It was an impressive amount of information. “How did you get all this?”
A sexy smile stretched Ever’s lips. “I told you. I’m very good.”
Carver shook his head and tossed the files on the coffee table. “What do you think, Mr. Very Good? Do you think that money is hidden somewhere inside Casper’s place?”
Ever looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. “Unless it’s hidden in some super-secret compartment or something, I don’t see how no one would’ve found it by now if it was. I mean, they obviously trashed the place before Casper moved in and then again yesterday. Surely, even if they couldn’t find it, then Casper would’ve stumbled across it before now. Still, with you being Casper’s twin and living right next door, I think you should keep a close eye on who comes around. Pack a go-bag and be ready to run. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
Carver set his feet on the edge of the table and shoved his clasped hands between his knees to hide the way they shook. “I’m surprised they haven’t taken my brother and tried torturing the information from him.”
Ever’s hand lifted and fell again. “All I can do is theorize. With that said, I’ve been at this game for a long time, and I’ve seen a lot a shit on my many trips around the block. In my opinion, what’s kept Casper safe is that he doesn’t live like a man who’s hiding millions. He works at a club and doesn’t own a car. He’s made zero moves that would align with someone biding their time for a big payday… or to run. These guys also know what that looks like. I honestly think they’re trying to shake him, hoping he’ll either move so they can search harder, or take off with the money. Either way, they’re one step closer to finding those millions.”
“He’s safe with London.” Carver honestly only said the words to make himself feel better.
Ever eyed his face and then traced the shell of his ear with his fingertip. Goosebumps rose on Carver’s skin. “Do you believe me now? That I didn’t trash Casper’s place, I mean,” he clarified.
Carver hated to admit it, but he believed him. “Casper said they’d plastered his walls with pictures of him. I went through your phone, and you didn’t have any photos of him. Of course, you could own a camera too, but you didn’t have one on you when I confronted you.” Unfortunately, that observation led to another question. “Have you broken into his place before? Do you watch him sleep?” The idea creeped him out more than he wanted to admit. It was a definite ick.
Ever blushed. “Um. No. I’m not even sure I could get through that window. But I was getting desperate for you to notice me, and I remembered something you told me. You said you had a bit of a dub-con fantasy of someone sneaking into your bedroom.”
A surprised bark of laughter burst from Carver. “I only said that to keep you calm. That’s not a fantasy of mine. I’m way too dominant for any sort of dubious consent.”
Ever’s expression changed. His eyes filled with hunger. He licked his lips. “Dominant, you say. Is that why you have handcuffs?”
Heat stirred between them. “Yes.”
“What else do you own?”
Carver turned, going up on to his knees. He straddled Ever. “Maybe one day you’ll find out. I don’t think you’ve earned that yet.”
Ever huffed, but his hands found Carver’s ass and squeezed while towing him closer. “Even after all the work I put in, putting that file together, I haven’t proven myself?”
Carver shook his head. “You say you’re good, but you couldn’t even figure out you were stalking the wrong twin.”
He looked defeated. “I didn’t want to leave a trail of asking questions in case you took out a restraining order against me.”
Another bark of laughter escaped Carver. Ever was such a disaster, but he was a mess over Carver, and that shit was hot as hell. Maybe he was a little crazy. “What am I supposed to do with you now?”
Ever stood, lifting Carver as if he weighed nothing. “I know exactly what you can do with me.” He turned and took Carver down on the couch, covering Carver’s body with his. Their mouths met and clashed. Carver didn’t deny him. His body was on fire immediately. He couldn’t recall anyone getting him as hot as fast. But Carver’s body recalled the way Ever had fucked him. Ever might have spent his life thinking he was straight, but he knew how to use his dick.
Ever didn’t try for more. He knew he was lucky Carver even let him back through the door. That didn’t mean Ever could resist him completely. He had to taste his lips. Ever knew he wouldn’t get enough. It was impossible. He was obsessed.
Carver tugged at Ever’s shirt. Ever let him have it. He needed Carver to lead. Carver had every reason to toss him out and file that restraining order. So far, he hadn’t. Ever would keep doing whatever it took to stay. With his shirt gone, Carver pulled his off too before dragging Ever back down for a kiss. Their tongues licked and explored. Carver bit his bottom lip and sucked. Ever’s cock leaked inside his underwear, working on creating a swamp of pre-cum.
Carver’s hands followed the line of Ever’s waistband. Ever’s mind kept track of every touch. When Carver headed for the button on Ever’s jeans, he sucked in his gut and made room for Carver to have what he wanted. His jeans loosened. Carver shoved his hands down the back and squeezed Ever’s ass. Lust made it harder for Ever to breathe by the second.
“I know you think I’m psycho, but I’m over the moon for you.” Ever kind of wanted to bite his tongue off to stop the confessions. He couldn’t. “You’re amazing.”
“I thought you said I’m mean,” Carver said against his lips with a chuckle.
Ever pulled away and stared down at Carver. He needed Carver to see the truth in his eyes. “I saw the real you in Daytona. Not the fake person you pretend to be at Leather Bait. I saw you.”
Carver’s smile fell. He looked uncomfortable. “Yeah, well. Don’t tell anyone. I need my tips to survive.”
Ever didn’t know why Carver hid behind such a tough shell. It didn’t matter. Like he said, he had seen the real Carver. Ever wanted that guy. “Your secret is safe with me.” He reclaimed Carver’s mouth before he used it to hurt Ever’s feelings.
Carver’s hand found its way inside Ever’s underwear. He grabbed Ever’s cock and squeezed. A stuttered breath escaped him.
“I want you to blow cum on my skin.”
He was killing Ever. “Oh, God. I want to make you come too.”
An evil-sounding chuckle vibrated from Carver’s throat, making Ever even hotter. “Don’t worry. You’ll make me come.”
Fuck. He was so sexy. No one knew how Carver had rocked him from that first meeting. He had gotten on his knees with zero expectations. Ever knew Carver was a sickness for him. He didn’t care. No one else made him feel like this. His breathing deepened with every stroke of Carver’s hand. With his forehead pressed against Carver’s, Ever held his stare and rode Carver’s palm. The way Carver watched him punched Ever in the chest. His hips moved in time with Carver’s strokes. The air got thinner by the second.
“That’s it, gorgeous. Give it to me. Remind me how your expression turns to bliss when I touch you.”
His heart was more than at risk. Ever had fallen in love with a memory months ago. Everything he had dreamed about and sought was every bit as wonderful as he remembered and imagined. No matter what it took, he had to keep this.
“Goddamn. I’ve never seen anyone so sexy when they fuck.”
Like that, Ever blew. There was no holding it back. Carver messed with his head. He was so far under Ever’s skin, he had stopped being able to picture his life without Carver a long time ago. He moaned as Carver stroked out every burst of pleasure. Ever couldn’t resist tasting his tongue again. He kept coming back to one thing. This was a sickness. He didn’t want to be well.