Ever was right about Biloxi. It was a tiny, redneck Vegas. There were several casinos bunched together right on the water. It was lovely for someone who enjoyed flashing lights and losing money. Carver was having a blast, but the entire incident with Boris wouldn’t stop bugging him. He checked in every day with Casper, ensuring he planned to stay with London. While he got the feeling the move might become permanent, he didn’t think it had anything to do with fear. His brother sounded dreamy and in love. Carver decided to do what he always did, he protected his brother, and chose not to tell him what Ever had found.
Carver looked away from his slot machine and focused on Ever. “I think we should take what you found to my boss.”
A deep line appeared between Ever’s eyebrows. “What?”
Carver laughed. Sometimes, he forgot Ever couldn’t read his mind. There was no way the poor guy knew what Carver had been stewing over. “That file you put together for me about the Casper situation. I can’t explain it, but the guy who owns Leather Bait, his husband is oddly scary as fuck. When he found out about our situation, he was furious, and it only took seconds for him to arrange for London to guard Casper.”
“I’d ask why he didn’t find someone for you, but I know you too well.”
A bright smile lit Carver’s face. “Exactly! But anyhow, you’ve seen London. That guy looks pretty scary too. I get the feeling Asia has some sketchy acquaintances.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. I just get the feeling he could help.”
“You could always just move in with me.”
Carver nodded. “I could, but then I’d still feel like I was looking over my shoulder everywhere I went. Do you want to live like that?”
Ever’s expression snapped closed. “I don’t know how to answer that. On one hand, yes, because I’d have you in my bed every night. On the other, no. I don’t want you scared.”
His honesty always made Carver want him even more. Most people were liars. Not Ever. “You don’t need the excuse of a psychopath killer to have me in your bed every night. You could just ask. I’m always willing to talk about things.”
Ever looked uneasy. Carver almost laughed. He practically felt the wheels churning in Ever’s head, trying to decide if Carver had just agreed to move in with him.
Carver changed the subject. “Are you tired of losing money yet?”
Ever glanced at his machine. “Actually, I’m up a hundred and eight-five dollars.”
“Wow. Really?” Carver stood and moved closer. He leaned Ever’s way. Ever wrapped his arm around Carver’s waist and continued punching buttons. He was immediately up two hundred dollars.
“Dang. You got the hot machine today.” Carver jinxed it. The next turn lost twenty.
Ever hit the cash out button. “Best to stop while I’m ahead.” He stood. “Let’s find that machine that spits out the cash.”
Hand in hand, they circled the edge of the casino until they spotted the machine to cash out.
Once Ever had his money, he focused on Carver. “I had a bit of an ulterior motive for choosing Biloxi.”
Carver gave him the side eye. “Proceed.”
Ever shifted from foot to foot. “My parents live nearby in Gulfport.”
Ever shifted nervously again. “It’s like a thirty-minute drive from here.”
Carver sighed. He snagged Ever’s arm and headed for the door. “Let’s go see Mom and Dad.” The way Ever beamed at him made the sacrifice worthwhile. He just hoped he didn’t regret this.
Ever was a hell of a lot more nervous than he wanted Carver to know. He never won at slots, so he used that streak of good luck to fuel his courage. Ever considered knocking, since he hadn’t warned his parents he was coming. But Ever knew his parents would fuss about him not feeling like their home would always be his if he didn’t come in without invitation. Still, he made more noise than necessary as he unlocked the door, hoping not to spook them too badly. He should have known better. His parents were kicked back in their recliners, gaming controllers in hand. They had their game paused, obviously intrigued to see who walked through the door.
“Ever!” His mom struggled to get up from the slow-moving electric recliner. Finally, she made it to her feet to hug him. “I thought that was your brother coming through the door. I didn’t know you were in town.”
Ever hugged her back. He caught his dad’s gaze over his mom’s shoulder.
“Hey, son.”
“Hey, Dad.” Ever took a step back and to the side, calling attention to Carver. “This is Carver. Carver, Mom and Dad.”
Carver gave an awkward wave. “Hey, Mom and Dad.”
His mom chuckled. “I’m Evelyn. That’s Arther,” she said, motioning over her shoulder. “You can call us Mom and Dad, though. Everyone does.”
Carver’s eyes lit with good humor. He motioned between them. “Evelyn and Arther. Ever. I get it. That’s cute.”
His mom laughed like she couldn’t be happier with Carver. “Exactly! People don’t usually realize Ever’s name is ours squished together without me having to tell the sickeningly sweet story of our love.”
“Please don’t,” Ever begged under his breath.
His mom slapped his arm. “Stop. You wouldn’t be here today without our love.”
“Dear God.”
Carver laughed and hugged Ever’s arm.
His mom met his stare at the gesture. He could see the question burning in her eyes. Carver’s actions were clearly the action of someone more than a friend, especially since he didn’t let go. Ever had never had any intention of hiding Carver, but he also hadn’t known exactly what to say to warn his parents. Ever smiled. He tried to let his expression answer all her questions.
A smile exploded across his mom’s face. He had known she would be thrilled for him to have fallen for anyone at all. She focused on Carver. “What about you, Carver? Any wild stories behind your name?”
He laughed. It was a musical sound. “Actually, yes. My mom is Simone Night. Of course, she named my twin and me as spooky of names as she could without being too embarrassing. So, Casper and Carver, it was.”
“Simone Night? The actress?”
Carver nodded. “That’s the one.”
His mom snagged Carver’s arm and dragged him toward the kitchen. “Oh, my gosh. I love all her slasher films. Arther and I just beat the video game based on her last movie last weekend.”
Ever shook his head as he watched them go. When they disappeared from sight, he looked his dad’s way. He had his nose buried in his phone. Ever stood, feeling uncomfortable.
Finally, his dad looked up. His green eyes had deeper laugh lines at the edges than the last time they saw each other. It hit Ever. He didn’t come around enough. His parents weren’t old. In fact, they’d had him when they had both still been teens. But Ever still felt like no amount of time with them would ever be enough. “Well, sit down.”
Ever moved to his mom’s recliner and sat. He didn’t know what to talk about. Ever never did with his dad. His dad was a great dad, but he had always also been a quiet man. More observant than most.
“Nice catch.”
A smile exploded across Ever’s face. He looked his dad’s way. “I think so too.”
His dad gave him a sharp nod and went back to clicking around on his phone. “For him, not so much.”
A bark of laughter burst from Ever. He knew his dad was joking. The way he smiled at his phone warmed Ever’s chest. He had known his parents would be fine. In fact, he imagined they were happier with this than a possible daughter-in-law. They were the type of people to wear the free mom and dad hugs t-shirts at Pride.
Carver reappeared, carrying two cups of coffee. His mom was right behind him with two more.
She headed his way. “Get the fuck out of my chair.”
With a laugh, Ever hesitated. He loved screwing with her, but he figured today probably wasn’t the day. He moved to the nearby loveseat. Ever would rather have Carver tucked against him than tease his mom by refusing to give up his seat. The way Carver smiled as they sat was everything. His chest warmed. They were a real couple. This was everything he ever dreamed of having, especially with Carver. Now all he had to do was win the guy’s love. No problem… maybe.