Treat (Leather Bait Twins #2) Chapter Nine 100%
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Chapter Nine

Ever lit the candle inside his freshly carved pumpkin. It looked okay for his very first attempt. At least, the first he remembered anyhow. He vaguely recalled “helping” his parents carve pumpkins when he had been a kid, but he didn’t think he had done any actual carving. Likely, he just danced around his parents, shouting directions.

“I wonder how many people carve pumpkins with their mother on their wedding night?”

Casper and Carver both beamed at Simone, looking happy. Ever and London exchanged a knowing glance. They both recognized they would get tonight and the rest of their lives with their new husbands. Halloween with the twins’ mom only happened once a year. The three needed every chance to heal.

Carver laughed. “I doubt there are many people out there like us.”

Simone nodded. “That’s fair. I guess you two didn’t get the typical childhood with me.”

Casper blew a raspberry. “Who wants normal?”

“Not me,” London muttered under his breath, making Ever chuckle. London met his stare and smiled. “You want to help me carry all these pumpkins outside?”

With a nod, Ever carefully picked up two pumpkins and followed London to the door. Simone’s house was a nice three-bedroom in an upscale neighborhood. Still, no one would look at her home and know it housed a star. A warm fall Florida breeze ruffled Ever’s hair as he positioned the pumpkins. He stepped back and eyed their work. London moved next to him. For a moment, they stood in silence, admiring their wedding night project.

“It was a nice wedding, wasn’t it?”

Ever smiled at London’s quietly spoken words. In the year he had been dating Carver, Ever had noticed London wasn’t much of a talker. He had also noticed how he watched Casper. The guy was every bit as obsessed with his new spouse as Ever was with his.

“It was. I’m glad we decided on a double wedding. It didn’t feel as stressful.”

London nodded. “I’ve never liked being the center of attention.” He met Ever’s stare. “Did you hear from Jericho?”

Ever wondered if this was the real reason London had wanted to step outside. Nearly a year ago, when Carver had handed that file to Asia, they hadn’t realized exactly how perfectly they had chosen. It turned out Asia worked freelance for a company run by Jericho Wrath. He was who really ran the east coast. Mafia or crime lord. Ever had never asked. It was for the best that way. Nonetheless, Jericho’s company disposed of any traffickers doing business on his side of the country. Ever would have never even known that much, except Asia had been right. He had known someone who would pay big bucks for Ever’s investigation skills. Jericho had wasted no time reaching out. Ever made more money than he ever had in his life for a quarter of the work with Jericho. He made a good life for Carver and him.

“He did,” Ever said, answering London. “I guess they finally found Boris and Raymond.”

London nodded. “I guess that means we don’t have to worry anymore.”

Ever laughed. “Were you ever worried? I’m not sure anyone would cross you.”

London laughed. He wasn’t as scary when he smiled for real. “Not really, no. I knew I could keep Casper safe. Still, I’m happy to hear two more perverts are off the streets. I’ll sleep easier.”

“Oh, you’re not sleeping anytime soon,” Casper said, stepping outside in just enough time to catch the tail end of their conversation.

Carver was on his heels. They placed their lit pumpkins next to Ever’s and London’s. “What was that about sleeping? It’s not even nine yet.”

Ever shot London a laughing look before responding. “You missed the first of the conversation. London and I were agreeing we’ll sleep easier now, knowing you two have finally broken down and put us out of our misery by marrying us. What were you two thinking? Are you crazy?”

London laughed.

Two smiling, identical faces headed their way. It was odd, though. Even though, logically, he knew the pair looked alike, Ever had no trouble telling them apart. Carver had a wickedness that made Ever ache. Casper’s gaze rarely wavered from London. London and he were lucky bastards, for real.

Carver walked right into Ever’s arms. From that moment, he didn’t see anything else. The way Carver’s eyes swam with happiness had him fascinated. He was every bit as sickeningly obsessed as he had been since the moment Carver walked away from that elevator. Sometimes he still found himself awake at night, staring at his prize. His stomach muscles clenched just thinking about it. Carver had married him. He had really done it. This was forever.

“Come stand on the porch and let me get one last picture for the day.”

At Simone’s demand, Ever tore his gaze away from Carver. Hand in hand, Casper and London headed for the porch. Ever stole a quick kiss before they did the same. Between the dozen newly carved, flickering pumpkins, the four of them stood huddled together. Happiness filled the air to the point of cloying.

“Smile and say trick or treat.”

They dutifully chanted, “Trick or treat.”

The camera flashed. Ever turned his head and found Carver staring at him. His expression couldn’t be read.


Carver shook his head. “I was just thinking about last Halloween. It’s only been a year, but it feels like a lifetime. An amazing lifetime,” he tacked on, making Ever smile.

“Imagine how mind-blowing the rest of your life will be.” Ever turned serious. It was out of his control. “Because it will be, you know? I’ll never let you forget how lucky I am you saw past my crazy.”

Carver’s intense expression matched Ever’s current mood. “I didn’t. I embraced the insanity and savor it every day. You’re everything to me. Every part of you. You’re exactly what I want and need.”

God, he was perfect. “I love you.”

A smile exploded across Carver’s face. “I love you too, sexy husband.”

Goddamn. He liked the sound of that. They needed to get home and then escape to their honeymoon. Ever needed time to soak himself in his infatuation. Thank God this was forever. Ever wasn’t sure that would even be long enough for his one-track heart. He would take it, though. Ever would make it the best years of Carver’s life. His little insane soul couldn’t let it be any other way.

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