oBITCHuary: Okay, I have a confession to make.
McMonster: If it can end up with a criminal charge, I’d rather not know.
oBITCHuary: I’m starting to have feelings.
McMonster: What kind of feelings?
oBITCHuary: Horny ones.
McMonster is typing…
McMonster is deleting…
McMonster is typing…
McMonster is deleting…
oBITCHuary: Are you okay?
oBITCHuary: It’s been twenty minutes and I can see that you’re online.
McMonster: Sorry, had to go scream into a pillow.
McMonster: Anyone specific that makes you horny, or is it just general horniness?
oBITCHuary: My not-so-nice dick of a boss.
oBITCHuary: Who also happens to have a VERY nice dick .
McMonster: The plot thickens.
oBITCHuary: Not just the plot.
oBITCHuary: Sorry, I’ll stop. No straight guy wants to hear about some other dude’s penis.
McMonster: So what are you planning to do about it?
oBITCHuary: Nothing! He’s my best friend’s brother and pretty horrific most of the time.
oBITCHuary: Plus, I really like you.
McMonster: I really like you too.
McMonster: I should really tell you that something.
oBITCHuary: Tomorrow, okay? Promise. I’m pooped. Good night, Mac.
McMonster: Good night, Bitchy.