Cal: Hi.
Row: Hey.
Cal: Can I show you something?
Row: Is that something going to end up in my spank bank or with me bailing both of us out of jail?
Row: Either way the answer is yes, I just like to be prepared.
Cal: It’s a rough draft for one of my podcast episodes. I wrote the layout, bullet points, etc.
Row: Show me.
Cal: Will you tell me if it sucks?
Row: Abso-fucking-lutely. I made a career out of putting people down.
Row: It’s the sole reason for my success. I actually barely know how to operate a microwave. Best kept secret. Don’t tell.
Cal: sent an attachment
Row: brB.
Cal: It’s twenty pages. Obviously, take your time.
Row: I’m done.
Cal: ???
Cal: It’s been twenty-five minutes and it’s the middle of the night.
Row: Sucked me in. Your fault, really.
Cal: Are you saying that it’s good?
Row: I’m saying that it’s perfect.
Row: Exhilarating, funny, sad, heart-wrenching. Should I continue?
Cal: Really? Because I plan to use it for one of my first five episodes.
Row: Record the podcast, Dot, and I promise you I’ll be your first listener.