Two Purple Gloves (A Pear Street Christmas #2) CHAPTER EIGHT 35%
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“Quite um, stimulating.”


“C an I touch you?”

I blink at her several times as my mouth goes sandpaper dry, my heart drumming a crazy rhythm against my sternum. Before I can come up with an enthusiastic but still super chill answer to that, she continues.

“It’s just, I’ve never actually seen a body that looks like this in real life, just in magazines or in movies, you know?” She’s staring at my abs like they’re the last roast potato on the Christmas dinner table and she’s still hungry. Thank God I got a job at the gym, I get to use the facilities free of charge when I’m not working. Between that and my spot on the rugby team, I’ve gotten pretty jacked, and I’m very grateful that she likes what she sees.

“Yeah,” I croak before clearing my throat. “I mean, yes, y-you should uh, you should touch me.” I’m nodding like an idiot, but I can’t seem to still my head.

She reaches over to me, but I catch her wrist before she can touch. She looks up at me with wild eyes, a reindeer caught in headlights, like I’ve caught her doing something wrong, even though I’ve just given her express permission. Slowly, teasing myself as much as her, I tug on the fingers of her purple glove until the whole thing whisps to the floor. I take her other hand and do the same, so all of her fingertips are exposed, putting us skin to skin when she reaches forward and skims her nails over my pecs. My flesh pebbles and trembles where we touch, and I try to summon enough moisture to swallow .

Her lips part like she might say something but instead, she runs her tongue over her bottom lip before biting down on it. Perfect white teeth a stark contrast to the hot pink stain on her lips. I’m transfixed by the sight, by the heavenly blush creeping over her cheeks and the way her eyes are shimmering in different shades of blue as she tracks her own path over my nipples and down my ribs. She’s stunning. I’m pretty sure Lisa’s picture is pasted next to the dictionary definition of beauty.

It takes everything I have not to moan loudly, tip my head back and close my eyes, but I don’t want to miss a single moment of this, nor do I want to snap her out of whatever hypnosis my muscles seem to have her under. My chest is heaving with my laboured breaths, trying to keep some thread of control, I almost miss when her hands reach the waistband of my too-tight gym shorts. Grabbing her wrists, I stop her just as her fingers curl into the elastic. Again, she looks up at me with wide, worried eyes, but I don’t give her any time to dwell on whatever concerns are swarming her mind. I step forward and lower my head to hers, slanting my mouth over her lips and taking what I’ve craved since the moment I saw my angel across the room.

Her sweet gasp gives me access to slide my tongue between her lips and stroke it along hers. Dropping her wrists, my fingers plunge into her hair, gripping the strands and tilting her head to get a better angle to deepen the kiss. Lisa’s hands roam my skin again, stroking the length of my back, around my waist and over the bumps of my abs. Before I can stop her, she reaches down and palms my excruciatingly hard dick over my shorts.

I hiss and break away from her kiss, licking my lips to savour her taste. “Easy baby, you’ll end this before it begins.”

She smiles wickedly and squeezes me, making me moan and tighten my grip in her hair. “Then get things started, Frosty.”

I smile at her eagerness. “I’m not fucking you tonight. ”

She jerks her head back, all humour dissipated. “What? Why?”

I chuckle. “Because I’m not giving you everything you want tonight so you can walk out of here and never see me again.” I dip again, laying soft kisses on her cheek and jaw and feeling pleased with my devious little plan.

She moves away and arches a haughty brow. “Everything I want?”

“Oh yeah,” I nod seriously. “You’re desperate for me.”

She glares, sucking on her teeth in a way that has my cock jumping again and my grin spreading arrogantly. I kiss her, deep and desperate and she instantly melts for me, curving her back to mould her body against mine. My arms around her back, my hand sliding from her waist to her arse, squeezing firmly and holding her against me to feel the affect she’s having on me as my dick presses to her hip.

Bending my knees, I grip the back of her thighs and lift, forcing her to wrap those long legs around my waist and taking her to my bed. I lay her on her back, coming over her to keep our lips locked together before I drag them down to suck on her neck, feeling the thump of her pulse beneath my lips.

“I thought you weren’t fucking me,” she pants.

“I’m not,” I mumble over her creamy skin. “That doesn’t mean you don’t get to come.” Because I’m dying to see the look on her face when she does.

The desperate little whimper she lets out has me smiling over her sternum. Kissing her chest, I come to the soft fabric of her nearly non-existent dress and nuzzle at the low neckline until it dips below one bare breast, pert little nipple standing firm. I take it into my mouth, and suck sharply making her body jerk and her breath escape her. I move over to do the same to the other one, my palm replacing my mouth on the first.

My hips nestle snuggly between her thighs feeling her heat through her underwear, my shorts, and my boxers. I roll my hips and stroke along her slit, her breath stutters and her eyes flutter closed. It feels amazing and I decide instantly that this is how I’ll make her come. The first time.

Nuzzling between her gorgeous tits, I kiss my way up her chest to her neck, I nibble at the sensitive flesh all the way up to her jaw and to her ear. “So fucking beautiful,” I rasp before sucking on her lobe.

“Harry,” she whines.

I feel her wiggling beneath me, and I look down to see her trying to push her underwear down over her hips. “No,” I growl, taking her hands in mine and pinning them above her head. Her eyes flare with one-part indignation and one-part pure heat. Interesting .

“Why?” She looks at me with frustrated anger.

“Because if I get a glimpse of your pretty little cunt, I’ll be sinking balls deep before I can stop myself.”

She moans. “Oh god.”

“I told you, Angel, you’re not getting all of me tonight.”

“Eurgh,” she grunts. “How do you know it’s pretty?”

I hum, my lips still right next to her ear. “Because everything about you is pretty, Lisa.” When her eyes fall closed again, I resume fucking up against her, rubbing my rock-hard cock against her needy centre. “You’re perfect. Sweet, beautiful, fun,” I continue, panting into her neck and feeling sweat gathering at the base of my spine, my balls tightening.

“You don’t even know me,” she breathes, her hips undulating beneath me, the friction we’re creating absolutely sublime.

“I know enough. Everything else, I’ll enjoy discovering.”

Her back arches, pushing her whole body further into mine and she gasps. “I’m coming, oh god, I’m coming.”

That’s all it takes, my dick shoots off in my boxers and I grunt into her neck, thrusting against her through my orgasm as she pants and whimpers. I still feel desperate for her, I want to feel her, I want to be inside her .

While kissing her senseless, my hand delves beneath the white lace of her panties and without hesitation or resistance, I slide two fingers inside her. She gasps and I groan as I feel her muscles contracting around me, still winding down from her orgasm. I need more. So I pump my hand, my thumb tracing firm and slow circles around her swollen clit.

“Give me one more,” I murmur against her lips.

“I can’t,” she cries, a tear pushing through her closed eyes, falling against her temple. Despite her protests, her hips start grinding against me.

“You can, and you will. You can do anything, can’t you Angel? I bet you could have beaten me at beer-pong if you’d actually wanted to, couldn’t you? But you wanted me to bring you up to my room. You wanted me to bring you here to draw out every drop of pleasure you have to give, didn’t you?” I don’t know where this smooth talk comes from, I’m normally painfully polite and respectful with girls during sex, but Lisa is bringing out a beast in me that I’m really enjoying let take control.

“Harry, oh god, Harry,” she whimpers.

“Come for me, Lisa. Let me feel you. Let me imagine what you’ll feel like coming on my cock.”

She cries out, her chest rising, her neck arching and her mouth gaping as she struggles to catch her breath. She’s beautiful, spent and glowing and I can’t keep my lips off her, kissing her mouth, her jaw, her neck. “So perfect, baby. You look perfect in my bed, your legs spread, and your face blissed out on your own orgasm.”

Her eyes open slowly, and her mouth stretches into a slow and easy grin. “That was incredible.”

I can’t help but smile down at her. “Glad you think so.” I check the alarm clock on my bedside table and then look back down at the gorgeous creature laid out beneath me. “You still have ten minutes until you’re free. What do you want to do?”

Her smile turns wicked as she moves her hands back above her head, crossed at the wrist. “I’ve never had two orgasms in quick succession before. ”

I look at her in question.

“Want to try for three?”

My smile is feral as I lean down to kiss her again. Challenge fucking accepted.

“Right,” Jake snaps me out of my own memories as he stands, both hands slapping on his thighs. “We should be off.”

I blink up at him as he and Nel gather their things and start saying their goodbyes. My sister looks a little spaced out and deep in her own thoughts. I used to think it was her being rude when she stopped joining in on conversations at gatherings, she’d sit there with a blank expression and nothing to contribute to whatever was being talked about and it irked me. I realise now that it’s her social battery drained to nearly nothing and anxiety lying dormant.

She’s made such an effort over the last year, joining us for almost everything we invited her to. After a while, she explained to me how she has a limit on how much of herself she can give when there are so many people around. The great thing I’ve witnessed is how Jake always notices it before anyone else. How he’s always the one to make their excuses. How he leads her away with a gentle hand and tender affection to take her home to recharge.

I wasn’t completely on board when I first found out my best friend had made a move on my little sister—I think ‘ dick ’ was the word several people involved used to describe me—but I see it now, how good he is for her. It makes me smile.

“Why you looking at me like that?” Nel frowns at me.

I guffaw as I stand to say goodbye. “Because I love you and I’m happy you’ve found your happiness.”

Her eyes widen slightly, her surprise evident.

“You drunk, mate?” Jake smirks as he comes up behind her.

“No, just trying to be supportive. Prick.”

“Dickhead. ”

Nel rolls her eyes at us as Jake and I snicker at each other, I bend when she rises to tiptoes to kiss my cheek. “Goodnight, big brother.”

“Goodnight, little sis. Rest up, yeah?”

She blinks at me again. “Uh, yeah.” She smiles sleepily up at me and squeezes my arm. “Yeah, I will. Thanks, Harry.”

I put my arm around her shoulders and give her a squeeze. “See you tomorrow.”

Jake slaps my shoulder and gives me a wink before they leave for their hotel. All the kids have been in bed for hours and Rhiannon retired early claiming that growing a human being had sucked the life out of her for the day. Luke is asleep on the sofa, mouth open and whiskey snores rumbling from his throat and my in-laws, and Lisa’s aunt and uncle all decide it’s time to head up to bed. Lisa yawns wide and I pull her into me.

“Why don’t you head up to bed, babe?”

“Yeah.” She sighs, resting her head on my chest. “I think I will. You coming up?”

Kissing the top of her head, I smile down at her. “I’ll be up shortly, warm up the bed for me?”

She smiles sweetly and pulls herself up onto tiptoes to plant an all too chaste kiss on my lips before disappearing up the stairs. A loud snore comes from Luke, and I laugh to myself, approaching and knocking his knees together with the back on my hand.

“Hey, wake up, man.”

He startles awake and looks around confused by the lack of people in what was a full living room when he passed out. “Jesus, how long was I out?”

“About an hour,” I laugh. “Go on up to your wife.”

“Yeah, thanks, dude.” He stands and pats my arm thankfully before leaving me alone.

This is my time. I know Lisa works like a dog for these holiday get-togethers and it must look to everyone that I hardly contribute but I do what I can to help .

Lisa wouldn’t let me near the cooking if I tried. I can cook, I’m quite good actually, something my parents were insistent on. Both Nel and I had to know how to look after ourselves, cook, clean, change a tyre, and budget our finances. Despite this, Lisa likes to manage the food when we entertain, and I’m more than happy to let her. My part is played in the silence of the night.

I pull my ear pods from the drawer and connect them to my phone to listen to the audiobook I started this week. Okay, so I might not strike you for the type to listen to spicy romance novels, and, up until very recently, I had never given them the time of day, but I caught Lisa listening to one when I came home earlier than expected on a night I was working very late. I got to our bedroom door and heard her moaning, panting. When I heard the male voice in the room, my heart dropped out of my chest. I flung the door open to find my wife mid-orgasm, back arching off the bed and her hand clearly between her legs under the covers. Luckily, there was no one else in the room, but I could hear the audio playing from her phone on the bedside table as a growly male voice—that even I have to admit was sexy— gave praise to the female character.

Good girl.

Such a pretty cunt.

You take me so well, baby.

I’d blinked at the sight before me for a solid twenty seconds. Lisa had no idea I was there, so lost in her own pleasure, not until she opened her eyes and found me staring at her. She sat up in a panic and stopped her phone playing.

“Harry! I was…uh…”

“Good book?” I asked, suppressing a smile.

“Quite um, stimulating,” she’d replied biting down on her own grin.

I wanted to crawl over her on the bed and show her how stimulating I could be but she pulled the covers up to her neck, hiding herself from me and refused to meet my eye again. It sent a sinking weight down my centre to sit heavily in my abdomen. I’d taken a shower and held her until she fell asleep that night, but I couldn’t drift off. So, I looked at her phone to see what book she’d been listening to and then downloaded it myself, listening for two straight hours before I finally shut my eyes. I’ve kind of been addicted ever since. It’s been a blessing and a curse, I like the stories and learning a lot about what my wife might like but I’ve been hornier than a teenager at prom for months.

I collect the glasses from the lounge and take them through to the kitchen. The dishwasher has finished so I start unloading as the female lead in my current book starts her new job as an assistant to the notoriously difficult to work with but—by all accounts—incredibly good-looking CEO. Oh yeah, we know where this is heading.

With the dishwasher empty, I hand wash the glasses and cups we had left over from the end of the evening to avoid loading it back up. When they’re dried and put away, the chapter ends and the next one begins, this time in the CEO’s point of view. He recollects his first meeting with his new assistant, how he felt annoyed by his body’s reaction to her low-cut blouse and the way her smile was too perfect.

I’m acutely aware of how long it’s been since Lisa and I were intimate, and I’m growing more and more worried about it. I didn’t bring it up to Jake, it feels disloyal to Lisa to talk about it. I want her so freaking much it hurts. Literally . My cock has basically been standing to attention for months and I’m struggling to get him to stand down. Lisa and I have always been very physical in our relationship. When we first got together, I couldn’t keep my hands off her and that new-relationship-magnetism never faded. After the boys were born, we were both chomping at the bit for the six-week safety window to pass before we could have sex again. But after Mary, Lis wasn’t ready. She didn’t seem herself and I didn’t want to pressure her so I told myself I would wait until she initiated something. Nearly a year later, my dick is about ready to fall off.

It was walking in on Lisa pleasuring herself that started this rippling thought that she’s mad at me. I thought she just wasn’t feeling sexual after Mary was born, but clearly she still has needs, she just doesn’t want me to sate them. I know I need to talk to her. I know I need to find out what’s been going on. I’m just being a total coward about it. I sigh out loud at my own idiocy as I head to the garage and open the overhead cupboards to check Lisa’s crazy to do list. Anything in pink I know I can do so I check what she has for tomorrow and see that she wants to lay the table for breakfast first thing in the morning. Great, I can do that now. I take the deep red tablecloth off the table and switch it for the fun one with Santa and Elves on it. This is apparently the breakfast tablecloth. Not the dinner tablecloth. Anyone with half a brain should know that…according to my wife.

By the time I’ve laid all the cutlery perfectly perpendicular to the Santa Claus placemats and put out glasses for both champagne and orange juice, the grumpy CEO is wanking off in the shower to inappropriate thoughts of his assistant. I feel ya, buddy . Although are they inappropriate thoughts if they’re about your wife? Interesting . I quickly sweep, give the kitchen surfaces a final wipe over and vacuum in the lounge before finally heading up to bed.

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