Two Purple Gloves (A Pear Street Christmas #2) CHAPTER THIRTEEN 57%
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“Ooh, hottie with a body alert.”


T his is wild. And probably dangerous. But mostly awesome. The local lido-—a huge, outdoor, heated pool in our university town—is hosting a New Year’s party. Jake and I travelled back to my place today and he’ll be heading on to his own school tomorrow. I couldn’t stay back with Mum and Dad and Nel for long as I’m expected back at work the day after tomorrow and Jake has a job to get back to. But we couldn’t miss this.

It's an exclusive party, only one hundred tickets sold, and I got ours months ago. The area around the pool has been decorated in twinkling fairy lights in a rainbow of colours and there are large decorations dotted around, including the life-size Santa and sleigh, but only two reindeer. There’s already a couple in the sleigh making out like no one’s watching, but quite a few people are. A bar has been set up in the corner and there’s a four-drink maximum, although by the looks of it, several people started before they got here. The air outside is clear but freezing, the steam from the heated pool rising in the ambient glow of the lights, looking all kinds of inviting. Thankfully, there are several lifeguards patrolling the pool perimeter, watching like hawks as partygoers mess around in the water.

“Drink first or pool first?” Jake asks me, already stripping off his clothes to his trunks. No reindeer costume today.

“Pool first,” I decide. “Don’t want to peak too early.” I pull my shirt off and unbutton my jeans. There are already several people in the pool, splashing and playing. I start to push my jeans from my hips and stop halfway.

Emerging on the pool ladder, pulling her soaking wet body out of the water in slow motion—it feels like slow motion, or my brain has fried—is Lisa. An angel in a purple fucking bikini. Every inch of perfectly taught skin dripping with droplets, her white-blonde hair darker where it’s weighed down by water and slicked back. She stops at the top of the ladder and swipes her hands up over her face and over her hair to wring it out back into the pool. As she hits the cold night air, her nipples poke at the thin fabric of her bikini. A bikini that only covers the most intimate areas, tied at her hips, her neck, and her back. The perfectly round swell of her breasts visible on each side of the little triangles covering them.

I could just pluck one of those little bows and have her naked. I could press my body to hers and feel the dampness of her skin all up against mine. I could suck the water from her tits and feel the heat of her pussy with my fingers while we were out in the crisp December air.

“Dude, you’re drooling,” Jake deadpans.

I swipe my hand over my mouth to find that I’m not actually drooling, and slap his shoulder but my attention is drawn back to the woman I’ve spent the last week getting to know via text and phone calls. I’d forgotten just how utterly stunning she is. Tall, slim, endless legs, and great tits. Nothing compares to the smile that lights up the whole fucking party though. She’s talking to a guy when I find her again and an ugly thing grips at my chest, making my nostrils flare. I stomp over to her, mentally urging myself to remember that she’s not actually mine yet. Even though she totally fucking is.

“Hey,” I say, trying for casual but coming out much angrier than intended.

She turns and that smile only grows at seeing me, which releases some of the tension in my shoulders. “Harry!” She leaps at me, her arms wrapping themselves around my neck as mine double up around her waist. How can she feel so warm in this cold? She smells of chlorine and the lingering scent of her perfume: berries and vanilla. I don’t let go when she first tries to pull away and to my absolute delight, she giggles and just holds me tight again. I glare at the guy she was talking to, a handsome fuck with floppy brown hair and black trunks, nothing else. He’s got a decent body but I’m bigger. I could take him.

Lisa pulls away and I let her. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she says to me with a sweet smile that I can’t help but return, looking at that sugar-pink mouth that I’m still betting would look fantastic stretched over my cock.

“Me too,” I rasp. “Even more so now I know you’re here.”

She bites that soft bottom lip and my dick struggles against the confines of my trunks and jeans still halfway down my hips. “Harry, this is my friend Cooper.”

I nod at him, narrowing my gaze slightly, which he seems to find highly amusing. “Oh Harry, I’ve heard soooo much about you,” Cooper coos, giving me a very obvious once over.

“Oh, shut up,” Lisa says, slapping at his chest.

The obvious interest Cooper has when he looks at me does make me a little more relaxed and I’m practically buzzing when another guy comes over and wraps his arms around Cooper’s shoulders from behind. “Ooh, hottie with a body alert,” the new guy says giving me the same up and down.

“You guys are good for my ego,” I beam, and they both smile at me with flirtation in their eyes.

Lisa looks at me unimpressed. “Your ego needs no help.”

“That’s right,” I say, pulling her to me again. “You keep bringing it back down to earth, Angel.”

“Eurgh, and he calls her Angel? Be still my beating heart,” Cooper says dramatically, one hand slapped to his chest. I wink at him, much to his delight, and Lisa blushes.

“Mind if I steal this one away from you?” I ask the guys and they both shake their heads, gesturing for me to go ahead.

Lacing my fingers with hers, I lead her back to the sunbed that Jake and I have adopted as a place to dump our things. Jake has gone, probably in the pool surrounded by girls and deciding which one he’ll be taking back to my house tonight. None of my housemates are home yet, so he’s got a bedroom to himself with the explicit instruction from Steve that he’s to wash the sheets before he goes tomorrow. So, Jake will no doubt be hooking up tonight.

“How come you didn’t mention that you’d be here when I told you I was coming?” I ask Lisa.

“It was a last-minute decision,” she says, shrugging it off.

“Tickets sold out months ago.”

“Cooper’s boyfriend works here, and he had spares.”

I look back over at the couple who are now face to face and sharing a private joke with salacious smiles and eyes only for each other.

“Were you jealous, Frosty?” Lisa looks at me, her smile telling me she already knows the answer to that question.

“No,” I grunt, fooling no one.

She steps forward, and places her hands on my bare chest, flicking her thumbs over my tight nipples. “Cold?”

“Suddenly feeling quite hot actually,” I say over a swallow, making that grin stretch until her face is split in two.

“Want to come swim with me?”

I can only nod, pushing my jeans down and kicking off my shoes. She watches with keen interest, and I have to get in the water immediately or everyone here will see the effect this woman has on me. Lisa slips elegantly into the water from the side, and I jump. When I resurface, everyone in the immediate vicinity is laughing and splashes my face in retaliation. She comes to me, unprompted, wrapping her arms around my neck, her legs around my waist.

The way she rocks her hips against me, I know she can feel how hard I am, how much I want her. “Lisa,” I warn, dipping my head into her neck and sucking up some of the water clinging to her flesh.

“Hmmm?” she hums as my tongue worships the column of her throat .

“You keep moving like that and I’m going to fuck you in this pool in front of all these people.” My teeth latch on to a little bit of skin and she groans, bringing herself closer to me.

“Is that a promise?” Her whisper in my ear is like a stroke to my cock.

“Lisa,” I breathe, bringing my forehead to rest on hers. “Fuck, baby, I’ve been thinking of you constantly since we met.”

She hums again, an indulgent smile on her lips. “Yeah?”


“What have you been thinking about?”

“Your body,” I say without thinking. If I were a smarter man, I may have thought about a less objectifying answer. Unfortunately, her body is literally at the forefront right now, pushed against mine in a delightful, wet embrace.

The truth is, I’ve been thinking about her smile, her laugh, the way she arches a brow when I say something stupidly arrogant. The way she goes from confident bombshell to demure wallflower in the blink of an eye. I’ve thought constantly about the look on her face when she comes and the surprise when she comes again so soon after. Yeah, I’ve thought about her body, but it’s just one thing on a long list of things I can’t get out of my mind when it comes to this woman.

“And what exactly is it about my body that has you so distracted, Harry?” she asks, breathy and lustful, not at all put off by my shallow response.

“How it feels.” I kiss just below her ear, and she stretches her neck to give me better access. “How it responds.” I suck her earlobe between my teeth. “How good it’ll feel when I sink into your tight pussy.” I claim her mouth, hard and demanding. She gives as good as she takes, slipping her tongue past my lips to flick against mine.

I’m undone. My cock is painfully hard, pushing against her centre, aching for access but coming up against two layers of bathing suits. Lisa grinds down on me and I have to rip myself away from her kiss before I do something stupid and actually fuck her in the crowded pool. “Harry,” she gasps, breathing heavily.

“I’m having you now,” I growl, walking us to the side of the pool.

“I thought you were making me wait,” she says, too excited by my sudden lack of patience as I lift her onto the side.

“That was before the week of foreplay,” I grumble, hauling myself up and standing, holding out my hand to pull her to her feet. The air is freezing compared to the warmth of the heated water, but my dick doesn’t get the memo, still tenting my shorts like it’s fucking Glastonbury. I see Jake the other end of the pool, crowding a pretty brunette against the side. When I stand above them, he looks up at me.

“You need to find your own way back to the house.”

“Excuse me?” he asks.

“Make your own way home, I’m leaving.”

He looks momentarily affronted until he sees Lisa behind me, and he smiles at her. “Hey, gorgeous.”

“Hey, Jake,” Lisa says behind me, the smile evident in her voice and I glower at my best friend.

He grins and gives me a nod. “Sure, stay safe.”

I frown at him. “I haven’t had anything to drink.”

He looks at my crotch with a raised brow. “That’s not what I meant.”



I flip him the bird and lead Lisa to the sunbed to collect my clothes. Let me tell you, pulling jeans on over cold, wet swimming trunks with a raging hard on is no easy feat. I deserve a medal. Lisa’s shivering, so I throw my towel over her shoulders as we find her things and I call a cab. Within twenty minutes, we’re back at my house and I’m silently leading Lisa up to my bedroom, but I divert and bring her to the bathroom first .

“What are we doing?” Lisa asks, a little of her confidence gone.

“Showering,” I answer, turning to pull her sweater dress up over her body. She raises her arms to help me, her purple bikini still wet and showing those hard little points of her nipples. Purple is my favourite colour now. I’m a grown-ass man with a favourite colour.

“Together?” She gulps.

“That’s right, Angel. Gonna get you nice and warm.”

On cue, she shivers, and I tug at the tie at her neck, the damp making the fabric cling to her skin and stay in place. With shaking fingers—that have nothing to do with the cold—I peel it down, to reveal the pebbled flesh beneath. Her nipples are stiff and firm, begging to be touched. Sucked. I dip my head to bring one rosy bud into my mouth, wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her in place, her wet hair brushing my forearm as she tilts her head all the way back, gasping and panting. Nails scrape my scalp, fingers tug at my hair, and I feel her legs shaking beneath her but I won’t let her fall.

“Harry, please,” she begs, tugging at the shirt at my back. “I want you naked.”

I smile with her breast still in my mouth before popping off only long enough to say, “Oh, yeah? Then what do you plan on doing with me?”

“Riding your cock until you pass out,” she moans.

I come away from her tit, standing at my full height and blinking down at her for a full twenty seconds as those filthy words penetrate my soul and fully make me fall in love with her. I’d been teetering on the edge of full-blown infatuation since the moment I met her but, in this moment, my heart and my dick are absolutely certain I want to hear her say words like that for the rest of my life.

While I’m still processing my stupor, she pulls the strings at her hips, divesting herself of the rest of her bikini and standing in front of me, unabashedly naked.

“Come on then, Frosty. Warm me up. ”

“WAIT!” The panic in my wife’s voice has me sitting up straight in my chair, gift forgotten on my lap. I already know what it is.

“Babe? You okay?”

“Everyone, give their presents back,” she shrieks, snatching from her mother first and then her auntie. She turns to me and takes the square from my lap, hugging all four she now holds to her chest like a child refusing to give up their teddy for the wash.

“Lis,” I come to a stand in front of her, panicked eyes staring up at me. “Are you okay?”

“Lisa! What’s going on?” Rhiannon asks from the dining chair she’s sat on across the room.

Lisa turns slowly and levels her with a look I wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of. “ You ,” she growls. “You are not my favourite cousin.”

“I’m your only cousin,” the woman says with as much confusion as I’m feeling right now.

“Exactly,” Lisa snaps, climbing over the people sat on the floor to get out of the room. Scurrying off into the hallway before I can establish what the fuck just happened.

Nel stands up, laughter hiding behind her attempts to keep her face turned away from me. “I’m just going to go…” She points in the direction my wife just disappeared, but I grab her wrist before she can follow.

“Is she okay?”

“Yeah,” Nel answers with an amused smile, that she tries to hide with her hand at her mouth. “Everything’s fine, just keep yourselves entertained for a minute.” She turns to Rhiannon. “You better come. And bring that with you.” She gestures to the gift Rhiannon still has in her hands.

They all leave, and I look around the room to see if anyone is able to shed any light on the matter but I just see faces as gormless as mine.

“What did you do?” Jake asks me.

“Me? ”

“I can only assume it was you.” He shrugs and I throw my hands up in frustration.

“Sounds like it was Rhiannon,” Hen says with a face that tries to portray sympathy for her daughter, but the love of drama is at the forefront.

Luke, with actual concern for his wife looks out toward the hall. “You think we should go check on them?”

“That seems like a bad idea, my man,” Jake says, leaning back on the sofa with his hands interlocked behind his head, obviously no way near as worried as Luke or me.

“Oh my God!” We hear Rhiannon exclaim from the other room.

“I’m gonna go,” Luke says, passing Jake Freddie, who had been perfectly happy on his lap. He heads out to the kitchen, and we all hear the emphatic voices of the girls telling him to get out. Returning, he just shrugs. “It’s above my pay grade.”

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