O nce I know she’s eaten her fill, I can finally relax a little and throw a munch. I hated knowing she was out there somewhere, hungry and possibly in danger. Here I know she’s safe, fed, and will have everything she’ll need. Blair’s my wife . It’s a label I was confused over before, but having her here, by my side once more, everything has sort of clicked into place. I was already leery about giving her up before and getting the marriage annulled, even though I know it’s what I probably should do.
I’ve never been good at doing what I should, I’ve always been better at doing whatever the fuck I want to and in Blair’s case…I want to keep her. I’ll help her get her kid and then she’ll be mine until either we die or I get sick of her. Whichever comes first, but my gut tells me it’ll be death that finally makes us part and nothing else will suffice. “You good, Sugar?” I lean in, close enough to draw in a breath, taking in her scent. She smells like my soap and fuck if I don’t want to beat on my chest in the middle of the club over it.
This bitch is mine.
She has my last name.
She’ll have my cum inside her again.
And once I get her daughter, she’ll be in my debt forever.
“Yes, stuffed. Thank you,” she responds and leans forward, grabbing my soda from the table. She takes a sip, humming in pleasure. “I haven’t had Dr. Pepper in years.” Her quiet, almost bashful admission has my brothers’ brows jumping in surprise. I told them a little about her, but not much. They don’t know the depth to how sheltered and removed from society she’s been since the cult sucked her in and consumed her life.
I tip my chin, “Drink as much as you want, babydoll,” I murmur, making her smile. She likes the pet names I’ve discovered. Every time I call her one, the serious set of her mouth softens a touch and one day I swear it’ll be gone for good. Her shoulders will no longer be weighed down and she’ll spend her days getting smile lines, none of the bullshit she put up with from her ex.
I can’t wait to kill that fucker. It’ll happen, I guarantee it.
Resting my hand across the top of the couch, I lean back so Blair falls into my frame. She tips towards me until she’s practically snuggled against my chest. I like her close and touching me.
When I heard Rooster’s whistle earlier, I took one look at my beautifully broken woman with her damp, dark hair, and long lashes surrounding her soulful chocolate eyes and wanted to rip everyone’s heads off for staring at her. She looked like a goddamn wet dream in long socks and a hoodie; I nearly choked on my own spit, thinking it was the only thing she had on. Thankfully, I remembered the clothes I had set out for her while she was in the bathroom and the shorts that were included in the pile. Jesus, thank fuck I thought of those. I’d have broken someone’s nose if she’d been bare, I’m certain of it. The only way I could get my point across to every single male in the vicinity was to feed her with my hands in front of them all. It was a reminder she’s an owned woman.
By me.
My wife.
The thought hits me again and my chest feels weird as I want to cuddle her to me, maybe shift her to sit on my lap completely and pet her like she’s my perfect little kitten. She’d probably throat punch me if I took it that far, though. She’s sweet, but I can tell she’s got strength under her pretty smile and curvy little body. Give her some time to open up and she’ll remember her backbone, I don’t doubt it.
I’d bet money every club slut in the vicinity is jealous as fuck from my display with Blair, but none of them matter. They’ve been aching for a property patch, but the brothers and I all know it’ll never happen. Their best bet is to work on the prospects, but even then, I’m not sure they’d land one when they eventually get fully patched. A newly patched brother typically wants to use it to his advantage and fuck as much pussy, as possible as it’s usually offered up for the taking. To lock a bitch down right off the bat, well, she’d have to be a high school sweetheart or some shit.
“Brother,” Havoc grabs my attention away from glowering at the prospects. I notice the fuckers trying to cast sneaky glances over here. They’ll be lucky to get that patch at all, as they may end up buried in the back of the clubhouse if they touch my female. “I’m clearing out some shit from the bar in town tomorrow. You still knocking out that wall we discussed?”
I nod, glad he’s planning on going through with the renovations after all. He bought the local bar and has been working on a plan to remodel it, then eventually open the business up to the public once again. “Yeah, I need to go for a ride tomorrow anyhow,” I confirm, reminding them of my plan we discussed while waiting for Blair to get showered and dressed.
Creed and Rogue both nod my way. We’d talked about riding out by where the House of Worship cult is located, it’s an hour or so away. I want to scope out the area. I need to get as much information as I can to figure out the best way to get Blair’s daughter. Creed and Rogue agreed to ride along and have my back. Havoc already had shit he planned to take care of or I know he’d be leading the trip.
It’s not far away for us, we just have to watch for another club out of the south side of Huntsville we don’t get along with. The last thing any of us need is to be caught away from the club with a group of those fuckers trying to start shit. They’d just straight up shoot us, leaving us on the side of the road for a bloody death, and skip making it a fair fight. Dirty motherfuckers, and that’s saying something coming from a one-percenter such as myself. I look forward to the day Havoc declares war on them and we get to rain hell down on their shit. I’m all for getting along with other riders, and I typically do, if they keep their fucking traps shut, but the club in particular is shit for brains who deserve to be taken down about five pegs.
“I’d like to come with you,” Blair states, and I immediately shake my head, my arm moving to rest around her, placing my hand on her exposed thigh possessively. Her skins pale from wearing her jeans constantly, and I can’t help but wonder what they’ll look like once she has a chance to lay out in the sun and be lazy like the club girls. If she wants to, that is. I hope she’ll take some time to rest and relax; she fucking deserves it after everything she’s been through the last few years. At my silent answer, she begins to argue, “I can’t? But I-”
Havoc grunts, shooting her a look that makes her stop talking. I can’t help but smirk. She’s not used to being around a bunch of big, burly bikers who tend to be moody at times. Havoc’s serious, he always has been, but she doesn’t know it’s his personality. Just like I’m a dick. Creed will call me on my shit, and Rogue talks shit. It’s just how we all are with each other. Blair will hopefully grow comfortable with our dynamic and different personalities over time.
“We’re riding by the cult,” I inform her and her sharp gasp in response is all the reply I need to know she’s aware of the possible complications if she were to ride with me. She’s hiding out, which I respect that for now. Once we get shit situated, though, she’ll have to learn how to get over her fear of her ex. The worst thing he can ever do is come after her or give her shit. I will burn the entire fucking compound of theirs down to find him if he tries shit. “Eventually, you’ll be on the back of my bike again,” I promise.
“Is it safe?” she whispers, glancing around the four of us. There’s worry in her gaze, but there needn’t be when it’s the brothers and me. We’re tough bastards, we always have been, it’s why we’re so damn good in this way of life. When Havoc nods, her body relaxes a touch.
“Let’s go watch a movie,” I stand, grabbing her hand and helping her up. “Brothers,” I acknowledge and carry our dirty plates in my free hand, tossing them in the trash at the end of the bar on our way to my room. I’ll go over details with the guys later. I’m sure they want to enjoy a smoke without Blair being on edge with the news of tomorrow’s recon mission. If she has questions, I want to be the one she asks, not anyone else. Is it selfish of me to crave all her attention? Yes, but I also don’t care. “Anything in particular you want to see?”
She shrugs, having to walk fast to keep up with my longer strides. “Aside from our time spent at the hotel, I haven’t watched television in years. I wouldn’t know the first thing to pick.”
“Anything older you may’ve wanted to watch from before? I can look it up.”
Rather than answering my question, she’s quiet. Once we get into my room, she glances around the space once again and then apologizes. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you out there. I wasn’t expecting so many people all at once. Especially not the same guys who kidnapped me.”
“Why would you think you embarrassed me? Did I make you feel that way?”
“Well, no, but, surely-”
I cut her off, “Then don’t assume I’m embarrassed. I wanted to knock a few people out for checking you out, otherwise I was content to eat a meal with you and my brothers. As far as the prospects, ignore them, I wanted you here, so they merely did what they were told.”
“What if your brothers don’t like me? What if they don’t want me here?”
“Blair, you’re my wife. The brothers won’t care you’re here. I already discussed your ex with them, and they know you need our help.”
“And…they’re willing to just do that?”
I plop down on the bed after kicking off my boots and setting my cut on my dresser, then pull her down with me. She lands on top, sprawled a bit, thighs spread enough to capture mine between hers. My hands move to her waist, holding her on my lap as I lick my lips, dreaming about tasting her cunt next. “They’re going to help because I asked them to. It’s what we do for each other, have one another’s backs.”
“I wish I had friends like that,” she quietly admits.
“You do now,” I assure her, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“What will you do tomorrow? I’m scared you won’t be safe.”
A chuckle escapes before I can help it. “Sugar, the only motherfucker you have to be worried for is the one trying to get between you and me. Their fate won’t be so lucky.”
She leans in, resting her forehead against mine. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because it’s what any husband should do for his wife. Or in my case, my ol’ lady.”
“I’m not old.”
He shakes his head. “Mm, I say you prove it. Let’s see how limber you are.”
“You didn’t just say that,” she laughs, making me crack a smile. I want inside her cunt so bad I swear I may lose my goddamn mind if it doesn’t happen sometime soon. I won’t pressure her, though. Never. It’s fucking disgusting when a man does that to a woman and I’ll never be one of ‘em.
“Decide on a movie yet?”
She shakes her head and falls to the bed beside me. I hate letting her go, but now that I study her a little closer, I can tell she’s exhausted. She yawns, tucking her face towards the bed to hide her tiredness, and damn if it isn’t cute.
Clicking on the TV, I pull up the streaming service I have and turn on a show I’ve been invested in called Yellowstone. I remain sitting up against my headboard and rest my hand beside her head. My fingers find their way into her hair and I begin to lightly brush my digits through the strands. In no time, her eyes droop, as she watches the show, not really paying attention. Ten minutes later and she’s sleeping, her mouth parted as little puffs of air escape, alternating between quiet snores, I shouldn’t find adorable, yet somehow do regardless.