Unloved Mate (Wolves Of Night Shade Pack) 15 75%
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As soon as Kane had left the house with Leda, I found my way to the dining room where Rohan had said he would wait for me. We were both going over the procedures of how the Lycan shifters would sign up for the Sentinel training program. I had to make sure Midnight Shadow was ready before I got back to Logan. I think it was high time I returned to the pack to keep them updated on my whereabouts so they wouldn't have to worry, especially if Zeke tries to pull a stupid move by going back there. “Hey.”

I said to Rohan and settled into the seat next to him. He gave me a big smile, and we started by arranging the list of every eligible Lycan blood in the pack—those eighteen years and older. By the time we had compiled the list and sorted out the already available team and other requirements for training. It was almost afternoon, and during our work, my body was tired and my unexplained grumbles raised concern in Rohan.

“Is everything ok?”

“I’m just easily exhausted. It has been happening for days now, but I didn't want to tell Kane.”

“Hmm. Do you think it's related to what happened a week ago?”

“No. I've healed from that and…”

“Maybe we should go to the pack hospital. I'll finish this up while we are there.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“You’re the Alpha’s wife and if anything happens to you, he'll have my head.”

“We are not married yet!”

I said, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

“I know, but you will be. Now come on, let's go, let's go.”

He said giddily and packed up his laptop and paperwork.

We headed over to the hospital, and Rohan helped fill in the patient's forms while the nurses assigned me to a ward. I didn't know that these shifters already knew the Alpha and I were mates, and the smiles and words they gave me had my heart bubbling. I was glad that not only Kane's closest family had accepted me, but even his pack. I changed into the patient's gown and lay on the bed while the pack doctors ran their tests. Rohan sat outside the ward and kept working on the project. I heard him cuss a few times, and I giggled.

“I can hear you, you know.”

“Yeah. I'll be out of here soon, and we can finish it together.”

I sighed and knotted my hands together, coming up with scenarios of what the examination result would be. Maybe my wolf was sick.

“I’m not sick, you motherfucker.”

Leo barked at me. Well, that's me assuming wrong. I put up my hand, backing away from any further protest with him. But what could it be? Maybe somehow Zeke’s manipulation had affected my brain. But that couldn’t be the reason for the fatigue or the sudden food cravings or the constant urination. Fuck, what was happening to me? I was beside myself in confusion when the door pulled open and the doctor walked in with a clipboard in her hand and a big smile. Hey, that smile belongs to me. You know, the goofy one.

“Hey, how are you feeling?”

“Better. Is something wrong?”

“No. But it's good news,”

she said with an excited expression, and I cocked my brows at her. “You’re pregnant.”

She revealed, expecting some enthralled reaction from me. But I didn't say or do anything. I just sat there, lost in my own thoughts. How is this even fucking possible? How was I supposed to know that mating with an Alpha would get me to this situation? I'm not even ready to raise a fucking kid. How am I supposed to carry this baby for five months on my own? Does Kane even want this?

“But how is this…”

“Possible? You're an Omega, Valor. Every male Omega shifter can bear children.”

“So you're saying we have a uterus?”

“Don’t think about it. You're only going to get confused further. Anyway, that's how it is. I have a brother and he's an Omega like you. He had a child two years ago,”

she said. “You know it’s beautiful that two men or women are able to raise kids regardless of their children being biological or adopted, and show them the love they truly deserve. And this baby is in luck because I know you’ll both make wonderful parents.”

“But I don't think I'm ready for this.”

“I wasn't ready for my first child either. I think what you should do is talk with the Alpha to know what he wants. Once you've both decided, I'll give you every necessary information you need,”

she told me and sighed, turning on her heels. “I’ll leave you alone. Anyway, you're ready to go back home if you want to. I'll ask Beta Rohan to get your clothes.”

She said. It wasn't too long that she left and Rohan came into his room with my clothes. I sighed and looked at him. “Are you ok?”

“Yes, I am. I just don't know how to react to this or what Kane would say.”

“I guess you'd have to wait and find out.”

He shrugged. I got to my feet and changed into my clothes, and we walked out to the hallway and finished up the paperwork at the hospital before returning to the pack house.

Now all I had to do was wait for Kane to return from his work and I did that by lying on the large bed, rolling from one end to the other, rising from the bed and falling back, pacing from the bed to the door until night time. I was so excited to see him, so happy to tell him I was carrying our child and maybe I needed time to think about how this pregnancy would work by getting more information from the doctors. I stood in the middle of the living room, hearing his footsteps from the hallway. As he walked closer, my heart grew with anticipation until he had walked through the door. I tried to embrace him, but he just shrugged me off, unbuttoning his shirt and moving away from me. I walked up behind him, but he just stepped away.

“Where is all this attitude coming from?”

“Attitude? Are you seriously going to tell me that after fucking Zeke?”

“What are you talking about? You're the only man who has ever.”

“You slept with Zeke and you're fucking denying it.”

“What is wrong with you? Why are you saying this?”

“Everything is wrong. You need to leave. Now!”

“But you promised…”

“I don't fucking care what I said in the past. It was just me and you, and you went behind my back to sleep with him. What happened to hating him, after everything he had done to you. You just fucking walked back into his arms.”

“Can you just listen to yourself? Zeke is manipulating your memories the same way he did with me.”

“No, I think we are past that. I think we should stop fucking blaming him!”

“You’re stronger than this, Kane. Please don't do this.”

I murmured in a pleading tone and cleared the distance between us, pulling him closer and palming his cheeks. He sighed, and I saw a glint of uncertainty in his eyes before he tugged me off himself, turning away and taking two steps forward.


my voice broke as tears wormed its way down my cheeks, and I wiped it off. “Kane, please listen to me.”

I tried to touch him, but he turned to me with the flash of his crimson, ordering me out of his house. He slammed the door into my face, and I brushed off the tears on my cheeks and turned on my heels, seeing Rohan at the other end of the hallway. His room was on the same floor as the Alpha’s. I headed for the stairs, hoping to beat him to it. It was worse that he kicked me out now I had to face his Beta. I was halfway down the stairs when I heard Rohan’s voice behind me. “Valor.”

“I just want to go home. I can't do this anymore. The running, the stupid decisions. I just want to go home to my dad.”

“I’ll drive you.”

“No. Just give me the keys.”

I sniffled, and he dug his hands into his pocket, pulling out the keys and tossing them to me. I walked down the stairs without looking back, getting into the Beta’s car and leaving the pack.

I didn't stop driving until I had made it far away from him. I wasn't ever going to return to him for any goddamn reason. I was so stupid to think that someone would ever fight for me, that I'd find love. It was one heartbreak after another, except this time I ended up with a baby. I just couldn't handle this anymore. My leg hit the brake in the middle of nowhere, and I burst out into a full-blown cry. How could I have fallen for this, fallen for him? He didn't even make it exactly hard. All the memories, the first time we met, how magical it felt, the chase, the ball and the dance, the full moon run, the way he smiled, laughed and the way he looked at me. How could I have convinced myself into believing that it was real. That someone would truly see through me and love me with every single thing they had. It was all a lie. Everything about him that made me happy. Now all those things blurred into frustration, hurt, and heartbreak. My broken heart just couldn't handle it anymore. This time I wasn't sure I'd be able to pick up the pieces because it hurt much more than I had imagined.

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