I smooth the little black dress over my hips. “I’ve never been on a real date before.”
Stryker pauses, staring at me with an indecipherable expression before he puts on his shirt.
I’m standing inside the bedroom of the RV. He told me he wanted to take me to dinner, so we showered together and headed here so he could change his clothes.
“I’m honored to be your first.” The long-sleeved shirt clings to his muscular chest and arms.
I forget what he said as I stare at him, drooling over how good he looks.
He tilts my chin, amusement dancing in his aquamarine eyes. “Did you hear me, little prey?”
Blushing, I say, “Sorry. I got a bit distracted.”
“I noticed.” He gives me a chaste kiss, trying not to smear my lipstick. “I’m honored to be the first man to take you on a date.” His thumbs stroke my cheeks.
“My ‘dates’ were scheduled by my parents. They were always a publicity stunt and only for parties and charity events. ”
“While I’m sorry they did that to you, I’m glad I don’t have to kill any ex-boyfriends.” He smirks, but the look in his eyes suggests he’s serious. Considering he’s already murdered for me, I don’t doubt it.
“You look amazing.” My gaze roams over his dark jeans and long-sleeved shirt.
“So do you,” he growls. “We need to get outta here before I throw you on my bed, strip you naked, and fuck you until morning.”
My breathing accelerates at the thought. “Is that on the agenda for after dinner?”
He winks as he grabs my hand and pulls me from the room. “You bet. Your pussy is gonna be sore when I’m done with you, little prey.”
His words shouldn’t turn me on like they do.
I sit across from Stryker, chewing on my bottom lip as I stare at the menu. He grabs my hand, his fingers stroking my skin in soothing circles. “Relax, baby. Just enjoy yourself.”
Licking my dry lips, I nod. “Right. Relax.”
He gives me a teasing smile. “Don’t make me sit beside you and finger you in the restaurant.”
I nearly spit out the water I just took a sip of. “Stryker.”
He chuckles. “How about I order for you?”
My shoulders relax. “Okay.”
He grins, closing the menu and taking it from me. “Tell me your favorite childhood memory.”
I bite my lip, contemplating. “Mine is a bit unorthodox.”
Stryker shrugs. “So is mine. Tell me.”
“Nannies raised me because my parents were too busy to bother with me. One of them was Jessica. She was sweet and genuine. A twenty-year-old college student. ”
“Just like you.”
I grin before growing serious. “She was student teaching a fifth-grade elementary school class. They were reading a book called ‘The Westing Game.’ I was only in second grade, but I asked her to read some of it. I fell in love with the story. So much so that she got me a copy of the book.” The smile dies from my lips. “My parents found it. Said it wasn’t age appropriate and fired her.”
“Awe, Mallory. I’m sorry.”
“I hated them for it. She cared about me. We did things that other kids got to do. Like going for ice cream and to the park. Part of me thinks they got rid of her because I liked her better than them.” I take a sip of water. “I know that’s terrible to say.”
“No, it’s not.” There’s a stern look on his chiseled face when he says, “I hate my parents.”
I cock my head, reaching across the table and rubbing his hand. “Tell me about them.”
The waitress approaches, and he smiles at me. “Hold that thought.” He orders for us. I’m impressed by his choices and the fact he knows exactly what I like despite this being our first dinner.
When she walks away, I whisper, “Stalker.”
He grins at me and winks. “Takes one to know one, my Insta stalker.”
I laugh, shaking my head. “Okay, so back to your parents.”
His expression changes, becoming closed off. “It’s not a pleasant story. My dad abandoned my mom and me when I was five, leaving me to deal with my drunken mother on my own. My uncle stepped in and helped, which is how I became close to my cousin Megan. I was helping her move in the day I met you.”
“Megan Ward. I’ve said hi and a few words to her. But I don’t know her. ”
“I’ll introduce you soon.”
“I’d like that.” I squeeze his hand. “Do you ever see your father?”
He shakes his head, averting his eyes. “No. Last I heard, he was still in prison for murder.” Stryker runs a hand through his hair. “I hope your opinion of me doesn’t change.”
I shake my head. “Nothing could change my opinion of you.”
He gives me a weak smile, doubt on his face. “My mom was a one-night stand that resulted in me. He tried to do the right thing but wasn’t interested in her. His only genuine interest was a woman he was obsessed with.”
He swallows hard, his Adam’s Apple bobbing. “Unfortunately, she didn’t feel the same way. He eliminated the obstacles between them….”
Stryker eyes the other restaurant patrons before lowering his voice. “That was his downfall. He killed her boyfriends. She ran, and he followed. She thought she had escaped him. She met someone, fell in love, and got engaged. This infuriated my father. He went after him with a vengeance, nearly killing him, which was how he was caught.”
Taking both his hands in mine, I squeeze them. “You are not him, Stryker.”
He swallows hard, his Adam’s Apple bobbing. “Are you sure?”
“I’m positive. You love me, Stryker. You did those things because you were trying to protect me. Those guys weren’t good people.”
His aquamarine eyes study me as he takes in my words.
“You prevented those two assholes from hurting me because you wanna protect me. You love me, and I love you.” I lean forward, staring deep into his eyes. “This isn’t a case of obsession and unrequited love. We’re different. We’re forever.”
The smile that lights up his face warms my insides. “ You’re right, Mallory.” He lifts my hand and kisses my knuckles, a promise in his eyes. “You’re everything I didn’t know I needed in my life. The best blessing I’ve ever received.”
Tears fill my eyes. I blink rapidly, trying to prevent them from falling.
“I cherish you, Mallory. The way I am with you now is how I’ll always treat you. I’ve lived a hard, shitty life but was lucky enough to have an uncle and cousin who set a good example for me.”
He shakes his head, awe in his eyes. “I have no idea how you turned out to be so damn amazing, considering how selfish your parents are. Jessica was your role model, an inspiration for the person you wanted to be. You held tight to that and didn’t let the elite lifestyle corrupt you.”
His eyes shine with love as he squeezes my hand. “You’re like a diamond, shining brightly. People may try dulling your shine, but you refuse to allow it. Instead, you shine brighter.” He shoots me a breathtaking smile.
“Damn it.” Tears slide down my cheek. “I told you not to make me cry. You’re ruining my makeup.”
Stryker winks at me. “Oh, I haven’t started ruining it yet, my little prey.” He leans forward and smirks. “Just wait until you’re choking on my dick.”
The waitress arrives with our food. Stryker calmly sits back, his intense eyes watching me splinter apart from his words.
As soon as the waitress walks away, I clear my throat. Slipping off my heel, I drag my foot up his leg. “I’d crawl on my hands and knees to choke on your cock, Daddy.”
He curses, nearly spilling his water, as I giggle. Score one for me.