“ S he drew this?” Zayne’s incredulous face fills the screen of my phone. “Holy shit. That girl is wickedly talented.”
“Wow! Fucking talented.” Jaxson’s face is awestruck.
“We need to figure out who this guy is and why he’s watching my girl.”
“Shit, Jaxson. While we’re freaking out about her talent, Stryker took over your role as the voice of reason,” Zayne jokes.
Jaxson scowls at Zayne before giving him the middle finger.
“Mallory said the guy was wearing black trousers and a black jacket. From her drawing, he doesn’t look like a college student. But that could be a ploy to throw us off.”
“Was she afraid of him?” Ryker asks.
“No. She assumed I had someone watching her.” Irritation courses through me as I run my hand through my hair. “She was inside the coffee shop, and he was outside by a tree when she spotted him. ”
“Natural assumption, considering how possessive you are,” Jaxson adds.
“I’ve dealt with two problematic students. Now I have some asshole watching her…” I blow out a breath, trying to control my temper, which is about an eleven on a scale of one to ten.
“I’ll send someone to watch her,” Jaxson says, typing on his phone. “How about Corey, Zayne? He looks like a college student.”
“Yeah, he’ll be a good choice. I’m sending you his information, Stryker. Corey has worked for us since he was twenty-one. He’s twenty-seven now, but the dude looks younger.”
“I received his picture.” I examine it, nodding. “Oh, yeah. He looks like a college student.”
“Is Mallory an art or graphic design major?” Zayne asks.
“No, but she should be. I’m trying to convince her to switch.”
“She should. That drawing is awesome.”
“You should see the ones she did of me. She’s working on one she wants to surprise me with, or I’d show you. They’re amazing.”
“If she’s drawing your ugly mug, that woman loves you,” Ryker jokes.
I chuckle. “Shut the fuck up, asshole.”
“Just enjoy your time with her. Keep your head up. We’ll send someone to watch over her. Do you want to meet Corey before you leave?” Zayne asks.
“That would be great.” My tense muscles finally relax, knowing it’s going to be handled.
“Don’t worry, Stryker. We’ll figure out who this asshole is and deal with him accordingly,” Jaxson adds.
“I appreciate it.” I blow out a breath. “I’m gonna do some searching. See if I can get any matches based on her sketch.”
“Good idea. Keep us posted.” Jaxson says .
“Absolutely. Day or night,” Zayne adds.
“You know I’ll do whatever you need me to do. I’ll watch over her when I bring Devyn to class.” Ryker’s brows furrow in concentration. “What about Megan? Why don’t you introduce the two of them and have her keep an eye on Mallory, too.”
“Shit, I never considered her. I’m losing my head here.”
“No, you’re not. I remembered you training Megan to fight after…” Ryker trails off.
“After she was nearly trafficked.” I tense, hating how close we came to losing her. “Yeah, she’s pretty badass.” I text Megan, asking if she can meet us for lunch.
“But we saved her before she was. That’s the most important thing,” Zayne adds.
“True. Plus, Megan is a badass now. She doesn’t take shit from anyone, and the girl can throw a punch.” My phone beeps with a text from Megan. “Good. Megan just said she can meet us for lunch.”
“Mallory will be safe,” Jaxson reassures me. “If you need me to swing by campus, I’ll do it.”
“No, this will be good. She’ll be in good hands with Ryker, Megan, and Corey.”
“Am I in danger?” Mallory’s voice comes from behind me. I spin around to find her standing there with the sketchbook.
I put my arm around her, pulling her against me. “No. We’ll ensure you’re safe.”
“Hey, Mallory. I’m Zayne.”
“I’m Ryker.” He waves at her.
“I’m Jaxson.”
She smiles at them. “Nice to meet you.”
“Can I show them one of the sketches you did of me? They’re impressed with your drawing of the lurker.”
“The lurker? ”
“Black dress pants and jacket guy.”
“Oh, yeah. Him.” She looks shaken as she hands me the book. “Yeah. Hopefully, they don’t think they suck.”
“Stop. You’re talented as fuck,” Zayne says.
I open up the sketchbook and hold it up. The guys lean closer.
“Holy fuck, Mallory.” Jaxson’s mouth is hanging open. “That’s incredible.”
“Fuck, Mallory. That’s perfection. You’re a very talented artist.”
“I agree. Hold on. Lemme show Devyn.” Ryker yells her name, and a few seconds later, Devyn appears.
“Wow. Who’s the artist who sketched that?” Her eyes are wide as she whistles. “That’s some gorgeous work.”
“My woman did it.” I lower the sketchbook, squeezing her against me.
“Holy shit. That’s amazing. I may need you to sketch Ryker and me.” Devyn smiles, kissing Ryker’s cheek.
Mallory’s face is scarlet, but she’s beaming. “Thanks. I appreciate all the love.”
“You should change your major to art,” Jaxson adds.
“You’re not an art major?” Devyn looks incredulous. “Shit, girl. You have natural talent. Change your major and blow the entire department away.” She grins and then adds, “I’m Devyn James. Ryker’s wife.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“Devyn is a student at Stone Ridge University,” I tell Mallory.
“Really?” Her eyes are wide.
“Yeah, I commute to campus. We should meet up and have coffee or lunch. Or both.” Devyn’s eyes sparkle with excitement.
“I’d love that.”
Ryker gives me a look, and I nod, knowing everything is handled and she’ll be safe while I help Zayne.
“I’m gonna go spend time with my woman. I’ll talk to you guys later.”
They practically ignore me in their haste to say goodbye to Mallory. I don’t mind, though. I’m glad they like her so much.
As soon as I end the video call, Mallory grins at me. “I like your friends.”
“They like you, too. Zayne is the one I’m working for right now.”
“What kind of work do you do?”
I study her before I say, “Remember I told you I’m good at hacking? Well, the woman Zayne is interested in is in danger. Some of her family members are doing bad shit.”
“Do you use the dark web to find information on them?”
“Yes, as well as other resources, like their phones, laptops, computer networks.”
She nods. “Did I ever tell you how sexy it is that you’re so freaking smart?”
I grin. “No, I haven’t heard that one yet.”
Her hands flatten against my bare chest. “I’m in love with a hotter-than-hell, mask-wearing thirst trap who is wickedly smart.” Her fingertips glide over my tattoos, stopping at the one over my heart. “He even has my name tattooed on his chest.”
I lift her in my arms so she straddles my waist. “You occupy every piece of my blackened heart.”
Her fingertips glide over her name on my chest. “Your heart isn’t black, Stryker.”
I raise my brows. “Didn’t you call me an unhinged stalker?”
She giggles. “Yes, you are those things. But you’re so much more. ”
Her hands move to my cheeks, cupping them. “You have so much love in your big, beautiful heart. In less than two months, you’ve removed every bit of the emptiness I used to feel. Your love gives me courage. You helped me overcome my fear of heights. Because of you, I started drawing again, even after my mom said I had no talent, and I swore I’d never do it again.”
“I don’t hit women, but your mom makes me wanna smack her.” My hands squeeze her ass. “I’ve told you before that you’re perfect.”
Tears fill her eyes. “I love you, Stryker.”
“I love you, Mallory Ward.”
She giggles, shaking her head. “Technically, that’s incorrect. I’m the future Mrs. Mallory Ward. After you put a ring on it.”
I grin and hold my phone up. “Alexa, remind me tomorrow to buy an engagement ring.”
She swats me, laughing. “You’re crazy.”
“Very. I’m insane over you, little prey.” I rub my nose against hers. “We’re having lunch with Megan in three hours.”
“I’m excited to meet your cousin. Beyond just making small talk about the weather.”
“Guess what we’re going to do before that?”
“Decorate your apartment for Halloween.”
She looks confused.“But I don’t have any decorations.”
There’s a knock on her door, and I smile, lowering her to her feet. “I have a surprise.”
I open the door, and Mandy and Jeremy step inside, their arms laden with bags. “Surprise.”
“Oh, my God. This is amazing! Thank you so much.”
Mandy smiles. “Thank Stryker for this. He paid for this. And picked out a few things. ”
“That’s the great thing about ordering online. You can pick it up in the store.” I wink at my woman.
“Stryker.” Mallory throws her arms around me with a squeal. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, little prey. Let’s decorate.”