Unmasked (King Morine #4) 60. Stryker 85%
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60. Stryker



I slowly peel my eyes open. My head pounds, and my stomach hurts. I close my eyes, wincing, trying to remember what the hell happened.

Delaney went to a party. She drank too much, so I had her sit on the porch and went inside to get her a bottle of water. Once inside, I realized someone was there.

My eyes fly open to see Zayne hovering over me, the Michael Myers mask sitting on his head. He lifts my head off the floor, pulling the purge mask off.

I wince, my hand moving to my stomach. Why does it fucking hurt so bad?

“I need to check your wound.” Zayne moves my hand and pulls up my shirt, his brow furrowing. “It looks shallow. Let me get a towel to stop the bleeding.” He jumps to his feet and rushes into the kitchen.

I groan, my head and stomach aching. Zayne returns, squatting down beside me. “Hold this right here. I’ll get you to the truck in a minute.”

Nodding, I press the towel against the wound, my head falling back against the floor.

Closing my eyes, the memories wash over me.

How did he get in? I used the code to get inside.

I groan, my head spinning. I blink, trying to fight it. I have access to the cameras in her cabin. I need to see them to figure out how the asshole bypassed the King Morine security system and got inside.

I open my eyes, watching Zayne carry a man, his feet and wrists bound, over his shoulder. That looks like the fucking asshole who attacked me.

Oh shit. Where’s Delaney?

I push myself to a sitting position, closing my eyes as a wave of nausea crashes over me. I pause, breathing through it.

Get up and help Zayne.

I drag myself to a sitting position, using the wall for support. Zayne comes in, his brows furrowed as his eyes meet mine.

He reaches down, helping me to my feet. “Keep pressure against the wound. Lean on me. I’m getting you out of here.”

I groan as I lean against him. “Sorry, Zayne. I should have protected her.”

“You were ambushed. Not your fault. Jaxson is looking into how they got around our cameras.”

The cool October air refreshes me. I suck it in, feeling more alert, as Zayne helps me to his truck. He lifts me into the backseat, telling me to lie down and get comfortable.

Yeah, right. My head pounds, and I’ve been fucking stabbed in the stomach.

I spot Delaney’s dark hair when Zayne opens the driver’s door. He throws his arm around her, dragging her so she leans against him. It hit me that his truck was running when he helped me into it.

He must’ve driven like a maniac to get here, threw it in park, and rushed into Delaney’s cabin to save the day.

“Is she okay?” My voice is weak, but I need to know. Delaney has been nice and considerate to me. I’d like to think we formed a friendship.

“Daniel threw her against the fireplace. Her forehead is split open.”

“Fucking asshole.”

I hope Zayne kills her brother, father, and every other fucking clown that was involved in the shit that drove Delaney and him apart.

Zayne glances over his shoulder at me, anger burning in his eyes. “Just rest until we get to my house in Stone Ridge. Ryker is calling the doctor. He’ll be there when we arrive.”

Stone Ridge. I’ll be close to Mallory again.

I smile as I close my eyes. Just imagine her here with you, in your arms.

I wake up as Zayne carries me into the house. I immediately resist, mumbling, “I can walk, fucker.”

He laughs. “You’re becoming more like me by the day, Stryker. You need help. Doc Zimmerman is gonna take care of you. Check you over and stitch your wound.”

Zayne carries me to a bedroom and lays me on the bed. A man in a white coat comes in, a smile on his face. “I’m Dr. Zimmerman. I’ll be taking care of you, Stryker.”

Zayne looks up at the doctor. “He also has bruises on his chest and stomach. Like the asshole used a belt on him?—”

My laughter causes Zayne to shut up and stare at me.

“Sorry for laughing.” I hold my hand over my stomach, wincing from the pain. Laughter is not a good idea right now. “Those came from my girl, Mallory. She tied me up and whipped me with my belt.”

“Jesus. What the hell did you do to her?” Zayne puts his hands on his hips, looking pissed .

“I’m gonna check on Delaney. I’ll be right back.” Dr. Zimmerman smirks as he exits the room.

“It was after her parents threw her that early birthday party, and I proposed.”

“You proposed to her, and she beat you with your belt?”

I laugh again. “Ouch, dammit.” I wince, trying not to chuckle at Zayne’s perplexed expression. “I gave her power and let her take control. She had this fantasy about tying me up while I wore a mask. I taunted her, making her hit me harder. Again, giving her the power and control her parents never allowed her to have.”

“Ahhh… I see.” Zayne’s dark eyes glimmer with amusement. “That’s a great idea. I may use that with Delaney before she unleashes on her brother.”

“You don’t have Richard yet?”

“Not yet.” He glowers, his posture snapping straight, making him appear taller and bulkier than usual. The man is built like a beast. “I’ll get my hands on him soon. Then I’m ending this shit for good.”

“I need my phone so I can do some research.”

“Oh no.” Zayne pulls it from his pocket. “I took it, knowing you’d wanna work. You need to rest. Let Doc take care of you.”

There’s a knock on the door, and Ryker pokes his head inside. “Devyn is with Delaney. Is it okay if I come in?”


Zayne glares at me as I try to sit up. “Just lie down, fucker.” He shakes his head. “This is why I have your phone.”

“Fuck. My computer is in my truck.” Frustration fills me as I lie on the bed.

“I’ll have Jaxson get it on his way here.” Zayne pulls his phone from his pocket.

“It’s locked.”

“We can get around it.” Zayne winks at me, and I nod, knowing it’s not complicated. I got him inside Delaney’s car within minutes. “Hey, Jaxson. Can you grab Stryker’s laptop from his truck?”

Ryker comes over and pulls up a chair. “The doctor will be in soon. How are you feeling?”

I shrug. “My head hurts, and I was stabbed. Otherwise, fine.”

Ryker chuckles. “Yeah, dumb question, huh?” He grins at me. “I’m glad you’re okay, though. We’re gonna take those fuckers out.”

“No doubt. End those fuckers, and then I can go home.” I blow out a breath. “As much as I enjoy working with you, I miss my girl.”

“I can imagine. You’ll see her soon.”

Zayne ends the call and comes over. “He’s bringing it, but I’m not giving it to you until the doctor stitches you up and you get some sleep.”

I salute him. “Understood, captain.”

Zayne rolls his eyes. “I’m gonna go check on Delaney.”

“Yeah, get the hell outta here and stop hovering, Dad.” I grin, and he gives me the finger before he heads toward the door, muttering about “ungrateful kids.”

Ryker chuckles. “You two seem to be getting along well.”

I nod. “Did Zayne tell you what happened?”

Ryker nods. “He called and asked me to get Dr. Zimmerman to his house. He said he texted Delaney when you went inside to get her water. She heard a noise and followed you.”

“Zayne said her asshole brother threw her against the stone fireplace.”

“Yeah, Zayne was fucking livid. He watched the cameras on one phone while calling me and Jaxson on the other. I talked to Jaxson. Zayne planted a bomb inside city hall before he left for Devil’s Den. He detonated it on the way out of town with you and Delaney. Richard wasn’t inside, but he took out a ton of his corrupt motherfucking minions.”

“Good. They fucking deserved it. Trafficking drugs and people… what the fuck?”

“I know. Poor Delaney. I don’t know how much she knows, but Zayne will tell her everything.”

I nod. “They don’t need any more secrets driving them apart. I told him he should’ve told her who he was before this. Not only did she and I have a conversation about him, but I watched her on the porch one morning, sobbing and saying, ‘Goodbye, Zayne.’ She looked so broken.”

“Zayne’s a stubborn mofo. Course, so was I, considering what I did to Devyn and how long I kept my identity a secret. So I’m not one to talk.”

I laugh. “Yeah, same. I hid behind the mask for a while.”

Dr. Zimmerman knocks on the door and steps inside. “Time for me to examine my patient. I’m going to give you something for the pain. It’ll help you get some sleep.” He smiles at me. “I’m under orders from Mr. Morine to ensure you rest.”

“I just want my phone back so I can text Mallory,” I grumble.

“Not gonna happen. Not until you sleep. Zayne specifically said you’ll be up all night talking to her instead of resting.”

Ryker pats my shoulder. “Just think. The sooner you get some rest, the sooner you can talk to her.”

I sigh, knowing it’s best to give in to their demands if I want to talk to my little prey.

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