Utah (Knights Corruption MC: Laredo #4) Chapter 9 20%
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Chapter 9


One of the effects the narcotics had on me was haunting and realistic nightmares. I’d dreamed Ria gave birth to our baby on the concrete floor of an abandoned warehouse. I saw her but couldn’t get to her. When she held the baby in the air, the smile on her face morphed into confusion right before disturbing screams passed her lips. The baby dissolved into a pile of mush before eventually evaporating into thin air. I tried to yell to Ria, but I couldn’t make a sound, and as I reached out to her, she floated further back into a blackened tunnel.

I’d woken with a start, covered in a sheen of sweat. My heart raced, as well as my thoughts. The images of the nightmare faded, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that perhaps my subconscious mind tried to warn me.

“Good, you’re up.” Ria strolled into the room, carrying a cup of coffee and a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast. “I made you some breakfast.”

My stomach growled at the enticing aroma, but all I wanted to do was take a shower and wash away the remnants of my nightmare.

“I’d really like to take a shower first. Is that okay? ”

“Of course. I can reheat your breakfast.” She placed the tray on the top of the dresser. “Do you need a pill?”


Ria retrieved the pill bottle from the bathroom along with a glass of water. “Here you go.”

I tossed back the medication and handed her the empty glass. “I’m gonna need your help.” I carefully swung my legs over the side of the bed and extended my hand. I didn’t realize how much I used my core muscles for simple movement, cursing when I moved the wrong way.

“I’m aware.” She smiled, and all I wanted to do was pull her into my arms and never let her go. “Careful.” She placed one of her hands under my elbow and gripped my hand with the other. “Go slow.”

I managed to stand without too much issue. I was still stark naked, but bashfulness had never been my thing. I caught her glancing at my dick a few times but didn’t call her out on it because I liked that she still appeared interested.

Once inside the bathroom, Ria turned on the shower, then removed her T-shirt and shorts, standing in front of me with nothing but a light purple bra and flower-printed underwear.

She was the sexiest woman I’d ever met, and I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact she was mine. Well, not technically, but she was having my baby, so she’d be in my life forever, one way or another.

“Why are you staring at me? You said you needed my help to wash up. I’m not about to get in the shower fully dressed.” She bit her bottom lip as she held my gaze.

“Sorry. I didn’t realize I was staring.”

She placed her hand under the spray. “Are you sure you can get the bandages wet?”

I removed both. “There, all good.” Before she protested, I followed up with “I don’t give a fuck if they get wet. We’ll just dry the areas off afterward and rebandage. ”

“Okay. I’m not gonna argue.” She mumbled something else I didn’t catch as she ran her hand under the water to check the temperature. “Watch your step.” She moved to the side so I could enter the shower. Thankfully, it was a walk-in and not a tub that I had to exert too much energy to get into.

A sigh of relief fell from my mouth involuntarily. The water felt amazing on my back. I’d closed my eyes to enjoy the spray but popped them open when I heard Ria groan. I was seconds from asking her what was wrong when I caught her looking at my dick. Again. I’d grown, and apparently, she couldn’t look away. I’d come to realize that no matter how sick, tired, or injured I was, sex was always on the table for me.

“Don’t make noises you can’t back up, sweetheart.” I closed my fingers around her waist.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was looking at your wound.”

“Okay,” I responded unconvincingly, allowing my arm to fall to my side.

“You’re so arrogant, you know that?” The rhythmic spray of the water didn’t diminish the sound of her frustrated breaths. “I’m trying to help you and you’re riling me up.”

“I’m not,” I lied. “I’m just playing with you. And thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it.” My hand found a home on her waist once more, and her body relaxed into my touch.

She squirted shower gel onto a washcloth. “Turn around. I’ll do your back first.”

I followed her instruction and turned toward the water, bracing myself against the tile for balance. I dropped my head as she ran the cloth down my back, over my ass, then my legs. If I turned around right now, I bet she’d be eye level with my cock. I wondered if she’d do me a favor and give me some relief. Or would she hop out of the shower and leave me to fend for myself? Corralling my wandering thoughts, I focused on enjoying the attention she provided .

As Ria washed my legs, I reached for her vanilla-scented shampoo, but before I could dispense any of it, she took it from me.

“I’ll do that. I don’t need you losing your balance and falling on me. You’ll crush me and the little bean.”

I turned my head to the side so I could see her. “The little bean?”

“That’s what I’m calling her or him for now.”

“Little bean,” I repeated. “I like it.”

She lathered the shampoo, her nails gently scraping my scalp as she worked the product through my hair.

“Your hair is so long. I’m a little jealous.” Her soft chuckle made my heart ache in the best way possible.

The entire reason I grew my hair, had an extensive beard, and was covered in ink was because, on some subconscious level, I wanted to shield myself from the world. Ironically enough, all those attributes made me stand out like a sore thumb.

After I rinsed the shampoo, I angled my body to face her. Her shoulder-length blonde hair was piled into a messy bun on top of her head. The spattered freckles across the bridge of her nose gave her the appearance of someone innocent. She was anything but. The things we’d done in the sack…. Let’s just say Ria was adventurous. Even though she was out of the direct stream of the water, her bra and underwear had gotten wet, the outline of her nipples hard to miss. I tried to be respectful, to not comment, but she glanced down at herself before I could tear my eyes away.

“Is it wrong I’m not sorry for staring?” My expression was stoic, but my tone teased.

“I’ve been looking at you this whole time,” she said, her shoulders quickly rising then falling. “Tit for tat.”

“Tit for sure.”

She playfully slapped my arm. “Okay, hold still. I’ll get your front.” She held up the washcloth. “Are you still feeling okay?” I nodded. “No dizziness?” I shook my head. “Good. Close your eyes.”


“Because I don’t want to get soap in them.”


I did as instructed, and she washed my face and beard. I could’ve done it, but I allowed her this time to care for me. Who knew how many more times in the future she’d cater to me on this level. I was going to enjoy this for all it was worth.

After tilting my head back to rinse my face, my eyes were glued to every movement she made. The pinch of her brows when she washed around my wound was cute, so worried she’d hurt me. When she crouched in front of me, my dick jumped in response to her proximity. She noticed, the rush of pink to her cheeks so goddamn sexy. She didn’t say a word, though. Not until she stood back up and ran the washcloth between my legs.

“Can’t forget this area, right?”

My breath got stuck in my throat, the gentle tug on my balls making me harder than before, if that was even possible.

“Careful, Ria. I might be injured, but I’ll muster the energy necessary.” I didn’t have to spell out what I meant. She was fully aware, which was apparent by the glint in her eyes and the tip of her lips.

Her gaze locked with mine as she squeezed my dick, running the soft, wet material up and down my shaft. The singular gesture was quick, but I squeezed her arm all the same, dropping my mouth close to hers.

“There. All done,” she abruptly said, reaching around me to shut off the water. She exited the shower and snatched a towel from the rack. I walked out after her and braced my arm against the nearest wall. I was still weak from my injuries, but I was more amped up from her teasing. “I’m gonna dry you off now. ”

I relieved some of the pressure in my lungs. “Don’t tease me.”

I hadn’t intended for my voice to be so gruff, but I didn’t think I’d be able to restrain myself if she touched me like that again.

“I won’t.”

Luckily for us both, she told the truth.

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