Utah (Knights Corruption MC: Laredo #4) Chapter 39 85%
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Chapter 39


Even though I didn’t want to, I left Ria’s house yesterday after our last talk because she needed space. I’d put her through a lot recently, and if the roles were reversed, I’d want the time to think about the situation. I only hoped the decision she landed on was to take me at my word and give us another try.

Pulling into the parking lot of Ria’s doctor’s office, I killed the engine and pulled out my phone.

Me: I’m here early

Me: Take your time

Four minutes later, Ria responded.

Ria: Just dropped off my mom

Ria: Be there soon

She told me her bleeding stopped, but she wanted to visit her doctor to make sure everything was still okay. I insisted on being here, and thankfully she didn’t argue.

I couldn’t imagine what it was like to grow a human being. The constant worry that everything was happening as it should to ensure a healthy baby at the end. If men had to be pregnant, I guarantee the human race would’ve ended a long time ago. I had no idea how women did it. And I loved Ria even more for giving me this gift—a gift I’d never be able to repay her for.

Twelve minutes after I arrived, Ria pulled into the space next to me. I hopped out and was opening her door before she turned off her engine.

“Thanks.” The smile on her face appeared tentative, and I had a feeling it didn’t have anything to do with me.

“Everything will be fine.”

“I know.” I squeezed her hand. “I know,” she repeated, that time with a bit more conviction.

Every room we were ushered into was smaller and smaller. Or maybe that was just me because I didn’t like any kind of confined space.

After asking Ria a series of questions, the nurse pulled out a thin sheet and placed it on the exam table.

“You don’t have to fully disrobe, just your bottoms. Place the sheet over your lap, and the doctor will be in shortly.”

“You seem nervous,” she said to me after the nurse left.

“You know I don’t like doctors.”

She kicked off her shoes and popped the top button of her jeans. “It’s a good thing she’s not gonna have to insert something inside you, then.”

“What do you mean? Never mind. Don’t tell me.” She laughed as she started to tug on her pants. “Do you want me to leave while you get undressed?”

“I think you’ve seen everything already. How else did I get into this situation?”

The smile that graced her lips melted my heart. How did I get so lucky to not only have this incredible woman in my life, but also have her as the mother of my child?

After she sat on the table and placed the sheet over her legs, she exhaled. “I hate this part.”

“What part? ”

“The waiting for the doctor to show up. Will she be two minutes, five minutes, ten?”

No sooner did she finish speaking than the door opened.

“Looks like it was only one minute,” I said, stepping to the side so I wasn’t in the way.

A woman in her mid-fifties with short black hair and glasses appeared. “Hi, Ria.”

“Hi, Dr. Fulson.”

The doctor’s gaze swung my way. “Hello. I’m Dr. Fulson, as you might’ve heard.” The warmth of her voice put me at ease. “Can I assume you’re the dad?”

“I am.”

Ria pointed toward me. “This is Utah.”

The doctor nodded in my direction before she sat at the computer. Several keystrokes later, she wheeled her stool in front of Ria.

“I see here you went to the ER two days ago because you were bleeding. Is that still happening?”

“No. It stopped yesterday.”

“Good.” She retrieved some sort of device that reminded me of one of Ria’s curling irons. “Let’s just have a look to make sure everything is still okay. Scooch down a bit for me. A little more.”

I stood by Ria’s shoulders and grasped her hand when she reached for mine.

“Is that gonna hurt?” I asked when she moved the odd-looking device between my woman’s legs.

“No. Just some pressure.” I must’ve looked like I had more questions, so she explained further. “This is called a transducer. It’s inserted vaginally, and we can see the images right here,” she said, pointing to a monitor.

Ria tensed up and squeezed my hand.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I’m fine. Like she said, just some pressure. ”

“This is gonna take a bit. So, if I’m quiet, that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong, okay?” The doctor’s attention bounced between us both.

“I had one in the emergency room, so I remember,” Ria said, and the reminder I wasn’t there with her bothered me.

The longest fifteen minutes of my life passed, and even though she warned us that her silence didn’t necessarily mean anything was wrong, I couldn’t help but feel like she stalled for time to tell us bad news.

The squeak of metal rollers against the tile floor echoed in the room.

“All done. Your baby looks good. At this stage, he or she is starting to develop teeny tooth buds under the gums. And bones and cartilage are forming. Knees and ankles are starting to take shape, and the tiny elbows are already working.”

“Wow,” I said with astonishment.

“I know,” Dr. Fulson responded. “A baby’s development is truly a miracle.” She patted Ria’s leg. “Do you have any questions for me?”


“If you think of anything later, just call the office.” She took a step toward the door. “As long as you don’t start spotting again, give it another two or three days, and then you can resume sexual activity. Otherwise, I’ll see you next month.”

Her words floated in the air after she’d left, and I’d never been so happy to follow a doctor’s orders before.

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