Chapter Two
I tilted my head, and my fingers brushed the delicate vine to make a perfect circle on the ground. It was perfect; this was the greatest trap I had ever created.
There was a pixie on the loose, who had stolen one of my cupcakes. It was a special one, too, made at the palace, and I had saved it for a rainy day.
Everyone knows cakes from the Golden Light Palace never went bad. They stayed fresh, never molded, and tasted as fresh as the day they were made. It was my favorite flavor, lemon with a lemon custard filling. It had a blueberry-swirl icing with a mint leaf on top.
I had it hidden away in a special cupcake chest under a floorboard in my roost.
My roost was a sacred place. Where I slept and kept all my belongings. No one could go there. But that little flying turd went in there and stole it!
Crumbs were over my blankets and pillows. He’d gnawed on the wood with his sharp little teeth. Then, he broke into the chest, and with the pixies being so small he couldn’t eat all of it. He could have taken a few small bites and put it back at least, but no. He called all his friends to come eat it with him.
I whimpered and sat back on my heels.
That flying piece of glitter-turd was gonna pay.
I leaned forward and put a strawberry-flavored cupcake in the middle of my trap. I fastened the vine to the tree behind me while I worked. I had to keep checking on it to make sure Simon would not eat it.
Simon was in a mood, too, because he knew how much I enjoyed my lemon custard blueberry-frosted cupcakes.
“Simon, do you eat pixies? You eat everything else.” I mumbled and stood up to back away.
Simon bleated and went back to eating the grass.
The trap would have to do. I had little time.
Simon’s high-pitched bleat echoed in my ears as I walked ahead, his wiry chin hair gently dancing in the cool breeze.
“You best get out of here. There is gonna be blood when I’m done with him. You don’t need to see it.” Simon let out another bleat and trotted behind the tree, flicking his tail.
Yup, best idea ever. I couldn’t wait to dunk the pixie’s wings in some water, so he couldn’t fly for days.
I peeked my head up from behind the tree and gripped the vine.
Maybe that was too mean.
I tapped my lip. What else could I do to him?
“What are you doing?”
I felt someone sit on my shoulder.
I hummed and let my fingers twirl the vine. I had to keep my concentration; I could not go squirrel and forget my task.
“Trying to catch Karma. The pixie stole my cupcake.”
The person on my shoulder grunted and I heard their wings flutter.
“What a drag.”
“Yeah, who does that? Steal a poor fairy’s food?”
The person sitting on my shoulder scoffed. “You ain’t a fairy. Maybe you deserved it.”
I growled and jerked my head to the offender to find none other than Karma, the pixie.
“You!” I snapped. The bane of my existence.
I let go of the vine and tried to grab him, but he flew off, leaving a trail of fairy dust. I fell into the thick grass, and Karma flew above my head pulling on my wings.
“Seriously, Calliope. Still wearing these?” Karma taunted.
Simon belted out a long bleat, and I heard his little hooves vibrating on the ground. I tried to scramble up from the ground, but Simon used my body to launch himself and headbutt Karma.
Karma laughed, darting away, and Simon’s body seized, falling to the ground, his body ridged.
Ah, the woes of having a pet fainting goat.
Karma laughed, his arms wrapping around his belly, yet with his impressive ability at flying, he was able to stay in the air.
I groaned and let my face rub into the thick green, blue grass, and took my defeat. That stupid pixie will get his one day.
“What is the meaning of this?” I heard a stern voice come from the distance and my head poked up immediately.
I instantly felt my sour mood sweeten, when I saw my uncle fall from the sky and land with a powerful stance.
Like one of those superheroes on Earth.
My uncle always exuded a regal and powerful presence, dressed in a royal purple ensemble with silver trimmings that glistened in the sunlight. The intricate designs of his clothing radiated luxury and commanded attention. The silver buttons on his coat were so bright that they nearly blinded me, reflecting light like tiny mirrors.
Today, he braided his long hair behind his back, and a few pieces fell in front of his face when he scowled. He didn’t scare me though, few people did, but him least of all.
“Uncle Osirus!” I jumped up from the ground and ran toward him. He held out his arms, but his sight was still on Karma.
“I said, what is the meaning of this?” Osirus engulfed me in the hug. He held onto me tightly and I relished his cotton candy smell.
Mmm, candy.
Karma’s stuttered voice made me laugh, and Osirus pulled me back by the shoulders. “Calliope, what happened to your wing? It’s bent?” Uncle Osirus fiddled with the top of my hand-made wing and frowned.
“Oh.” I looked back at Karma, who was shaking his head. His glitter was pouring out of his body like he was taking a pee right there.
Osirus took me by the chin with his index finger and thumb and raised a brow.
It’s super hard to lie to Osirus. He had this aura of power, and he could read me like an open book. He could read my emotions, and he knew exactly what I was feeling. I didn’t have to say anything at all for him to know what was going on.
He sighed and shrugged his shoulders.
“Little one, I know you are trying to do big things, but Karma is my subject, and I will not let him treat my family this way.”
Osirus’ features transformed, as if a shadow had cast upon his face. The wings on his back, usually resembling a delicate honeybee, now writhed with sinuous black lines, which gradually consumed them entirely.
“He just ate my cupcake.” I tugged on Osirus’ arm. “I can get another one at the palace, right?” I fluttered my lashes at him.
Osirus gripped my hand and pulled me with him to get closer to Karma. Karma was already on the ground, nearly covered in the tall grasses.
“I gave her the gift to speak with pixies so she can befriend all of you, and you think it is wise to pick on the King’s favorite niece instead?”
“Oh, hamburgers,” I whispered, covering my mouth.
Karma was in a deep poop hole.
“Get to the palace and request to be put into the dungeon, by my order. If you are not there when I return and I have to hunt you down, you will not live another day.”
I held back a snort when I let my vibrant pink hair fall in front of me.
This was too good . He was getting a swat.
Karma shook and crawled away from us.
“Fly, imbecile!” Osirus barked, and I broke into sobs of laughter without letting go of Osirus’ hand.
When I was done with my fit, Osirus looked down at me with a smirk on his lips. “Now, Calliope, why could you not just say he was bullying you?”
I wiped a tear from my eye and grew quiet.
Because I didn’t want to look like a loser.
I lowered my head and bit my lip.
“Ahhh.” Osirus kneeled and pushed my chin up with his knuckle. “Nothing to be ashamed of when you have family here. Especially in high places, hmm? Now, do you remember what today is?”
I pouted and looked up at the sky. The only thing that was on my mind was my cupcake.
Osirus stood up and chuckled, leading me back home. “I can’t believe you forgot. I’m offended.”
Well, now I really needed to remember .
It wasn’t the Spring Festival or the Summer Festival, it wasn’t my birthday, and it wasn’t the Moon Goddess celebration. I stopped mid-stride, and my eyes widened.
“A month-long sleepover!” I screamed.
I grabbed Osirus’ hand and pulled him along. He threw his head back and laughed, while I continued to pull us.
“And why are you so far away from your house? Where are your parents? Usually, they are watching you like a dragon guarding its hoard,” he paused. “Even though you are twenty-five…” he muttered.
I giggled and nodded as I continued to pull him along.
“Yeah, well, they were playing the Hokey Pokey this morning. I get to sneak out when they do that.”
Osirus choked and sped up to keep up with me. “Pardon? The Hokey Pokey?”
“Yeah, the Hokey Pokey. It’s a game. You put your right arm in, you put your right arm out, ” I sang and showed him how I put my arm in front of me and behind me. “But instead of their arms and legs, your brother likes to put his thing in between mom’s legs.”
Uncle Osirus said little for the rest of the trip. He just smiled, shook his head, and ran his hand down his face.
As we neared the towering tree house, nestled amongst the tallest trees to the north of the majestic Golden Light Palace, the distant sound of my mom’s voice reached my ears.
It was like the piercing sound of nails scraping against a chalkboard. Instinctively, I spun around, ready to flee, only to be halted by Osirus’ firm grip on my shoulders. He swiftly turned me back around.
“We are going to do this right. She was worried about you.”
I groaned and pulled on the strap that held my wing in place. I felt the leather tug on one side of my shoulder where the wing was bent. It would take time to fix it since I made it with a special type of thread and tulle. Luckily, Uncle Osirus and Melina had an outstanding sewing room at the palace.
“Calliope! Where are you?” My mom’s worried tone struck through my heart. It was the one where she was at her last nerve, and soon she would have Osirus’ brother, Birch, my adoptive father, send out the cavalry.
The entire army of the Golden Light Kingdom.
It had only happened once, but it was a hot mess.
I waved from below and yelled, “I’m here, Mom!”
You couldn’t hear my mom’s feet running through the thick planks of the tree house. Now that she was a fae, a true fae, she was light on her feet.
Birch, the only father I’d known, built this tree house with his own bare hands. He built it before he went in search of his mate on Earth so long ago. He swears it is the sturdiest of all the homes of the Golden Light Kingdom. It withstood a war. The only thing missing was the furniture and a few personal items.
Since bringing my mother and me from Earth, Dad said that she truly made it a home. Birch got the help of the elves and had vines grown all around it, so it blended into nature.
The tree house was surrounded by lush green vines, creating a natural camouflage that blended seamlessly into the forest. Tiny leaves and delicate flowers add pops of color to the otherwise earthy tones. From a distance, it looks like a part of the trees themselves, hidden among the branches and leaves. Only upon closer inspection could one see the detailed workmanship of the elves Birch had hired, who had carefully intertwined the vines to create a sturdy foundation for the tree house. It was truly a hidden gem of the forest, easily missed by those who passed by.
There was one thing that stood out though, letting everyone and their mamas know there was a home here. It was the platform that helped me get up and down from our house. It was built with planks of wood and a small railing, that mom insisted on, so I wouldn’t fall off.
“Get up here this instant!” Her harsh whisper let me know she meant business. I sheepishly stood on the platform and Osirus followed me.
“You can just fly up. You don’t have to ride it,” I said and took off my wings to make more room.
“And miss another moment standing next to you? Never.” Osirus wrapped his arm around me and my face flushed.
I wish I could have a mate like Osirus.
Hamburger! I wish I could have a mate.
Mom pulled the lever at the top of the tree house before I could press mine at the bottom.
Boy, she sure is antsy.
The welded metal and vines worked together. The pullies let out squeaks and groans the higher we went. The elevator was so heavy it didn’t even swing in the wind, so it was safe in all ways, just how Mom wanted it for me.
When the elevator rose to the platform, Mom stood at the entrance. Barefooted and arms crossed, wearing her favorite yellow flying dress. Her wings fluttered violently, like they always did when she was agitated, but when she saw the sight of Osirus by my side her eyebrows shot up to her hairline.
Dad strode in with just a towel around his waist from a fresh shower and ran his hand through his hair to shake off the water.
“Brother, fancy seeing you here. You’re early!” Dad stepped forward and gave Osirus a big hug, all while my mom was shooting daggers at me.
I tried to scoot to the side to escape, but she stepped in front of me with her arms folded. “Where were you? Honey, I’ve been worried sick,” her voice softened, and she pulled me into a hug. “Just anyone could have snatched you away and taken you. My sweet Calli, don’t do that to me.”
“She’s fine, Kelsey. She’s grown.” Osirus pulled away from Dad. “Besides, your game of Hokey Pokey was enough incentive for little Calliope to go on a pixie hunt.”
Mom paled. “A what?”
“Hokey Pokey. You know, when you go in and out? In and out?” I made my index finger and thumb into a circle with one hand, and then took my finger from my other hand and put it in the hole I made.