Valpar (Under the Moon: Orc #2) 11. Chapter Eleven 23%
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11. Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven


Valpar’s body violently collided with a towering tree. The impact shook my body as I found myself in his protective embrace. I was shaken up, but I didn’t feel any pain. Slowly, his arms slackened, and I cautiously opened my eyes. The sight that greeted me was Valpar’s eyes shut, but the rhythmic sound of his breathing reassured me that he was still alive.

“Valpar?” I bopped his nose, but he was fast asleep.

Knocked out.

I’ve knocked myself out a few times when I fell out of the tree house, but for me being human, it was much worse. They had to call the palace physician to mend a broken bone or two and check my head for swelling.

That’s why they put the elevator in because they were tired of me falling out of the tree.

Valpar was an orc, and orcs were known to have hard heads.

I opened his eye with my thumb to check and see if they were still dilated, and the moonlight hit his pupil.

Phew, he looked okay. Maybe I should go get Uncle Osirus.

“Well, if it isn’t little Calliope,” a voice sneered from the top of the tree. I pushed Valpar’s heavy arm off my body and he groaned. “What did you do now, drug an orc to make him think he was your mate and make the whole ball jealous? Such an attention hog.”

Karma gracefully descended from the tall tree, landing with a soft thud on Valpar’s head. The minuscule pants he sported were exceedingly small, even for his pixie form. They were frayed cut-offs, revealing his toned legs and well-defined chest. If he were a fairy or a fae, I guess he could be considered an attractive male, for someone.

But he was a pixie, and pixies couldn’t be trusted. As my godfather and King of the Cerulean Moon Kingdom has once said, never trust a fucking pixie .

I snorted. I couldn’t say that word out loud but in my head I could.

Karma scoffed and folded his arms.

“I didn’t drug him. Valpar really is my mate!” I explained, pointing to the giant heap of muscles on the ground. “Orcs are immune to magic and potions.” I crossed my arms in return.

Karma walked lightly across Valpar’s body, jumping over the mountains of muscle. “Then you must have tricked him, with your uncle’s persuasion, that he is your mate because there is no way that Calliope, a human, would get an orc.”

I growled watching Karma walk over Valpar’s body. There was a pressure in my chest that I couldn’t explain. I didn’t like him touching Valpar, and the more he walked over his body, the more I wanted to squeeze his guts out.

I wonder if he would poop glitter.

“Get off of him!” I stomped my foot and walked closer to pluck at his wings.

Karma’s mischievous laughter echoed through the air as he swiftly soared away from Valpar’s body, slipping through my fingers like a playful breeze. “Aw, is Calliope jealous? Jealous that someone else is touching what shouldn’t be hers to begin with?”

If smoke could come out of my ears, it would have. “He’s mine! You leave him alone!” I swung my arms at Karma, and he laughed again, along with the posse of pixies in the trees.

“Calliope, he isn’t yours. Why would an orc have you? Orcs can have anyone they want. They are the heroes of the realm, and what have you done? Become the kings’ favorite, and more like a nuisance everyone is trying to get rid of.”

I tilted my head in confusion.


Karma landed on a high branch. His close friends nudged him to continue while other pixies shook their heads at him. They didn’t come to my rescue, though.

“Yeah, Osirus is just trying to pawn you off for a while, so his highness Birch can have his mate to himself. King Osirus and his mate can have time for themselves and not have to watch you. These poor fae can’t get anything done with you around getting hurt and being weak all the time.” He waved his hand in the air.

I grabbed a nearby branch to steady myself. “What are you talking about, Karma? Valpar and I are mates, chosen by the Moon Goddess herself. He told me so!”

At least, that is what I was starting to believe.

Karma scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Do you really believe that? The Moon Goddess choosing a mere human as an orc mate?”

I clenched my jaw, trying to control my anger. “Yes, I believe it. And even if it isn’t true, it doesn’t matter because he chose me.”

Valpar came around after a while. He recognized the bond in the end, right? Then again, Uncle Osirus went to talk to him. Did Osirus have something to do with us getting together?

Karma snorted. “Choose you? More like your uncle persuaded him to be with you. Everyone saw his majesty leave the room with the fleeing orc.”

My blood boiled at the accusation. I wouldn’t let Karma think he won. “That’s not true! Valpar and I have a connection!” The desire in his eyes was proof enough of that, right?

The other pixies started gossiping among themselves, some siding with Karma while others murmured. But none of them came to my aid or stood up for me. They were all too afraid of offending the popular pixie leader.

Karma continued to taunt me, getting closer and closer until he was right in front of me, his face only inches away from mine.

“Face it, Calliope, Valpar is just your babysitter,” he sneered before flying back up into the tree and sitting on the branch with a laugh.

Why is he so mean?

I balled up my fists and stomped toward the tree. I was going to beat his tiny little butt into a pulp. I growled, stuck my bare foot onto the first limb and climbed.

Karma jeered, his close friends laughing along with him. “Look at her trying to climb! Where are your wings, Calliope? Why don’t you fly up?”

I huffed and climbed higher, higher than I should, but I continued to press forward. I would not chicken out. I was going to catch Karma, shove a stick so far up his butt and then roast him over an open fire until he popped like a popcorn kernel.

Skittles, I’ve become so violent .

Karma continued to laugh. The one brave pixie who hadn’t laughed flew towards me pulling my dress. “Calliope, just let it go. He’s a jerk,” Meadow said. “He’s jealous he wasn’t part of the court before you arrived and got all the attention. Come on, climb down.”

I growled and continued to climb, but Meadow stayed by my side. “Calliope, you are going to fall. Don’t!”

“I gotta do this, destroy him before he destroys me!” I snapped.

I wondered if Valpar would grind Karma’s bones and eat him in his bread.

Wait, giants do that.

Valpar is as big as a giant.

Just like that giant thing in his pants.

As I began climbing out onto the limb, it shook and I wrapped my legs around the branch.

Uh, oh.

“Calliope can’t even climb a tree!” Karma fell over the limb and flew around to get into my face.

I repeatedly swiped my hand through the air in front of me, while firmly wrapped around the tree with my legs, determined to maintain my position. With a surge of frustration, I released my grip on the tree with one arm and forcefully slapped my hands around Karma when he wasn’t looking.

I caught him.

While I held Karma tightly in my hands, he struggled and became more frantic as he realized he was trapped.

Revenge was so close I could practically taste it.

“I’m gonna pop you like a pimple. Ain’t so mighty now, are you pixie!?” I taunted, feeling a surge of power and satisfaction.

But then the branch beneath us cracked loudly. I looked at the side of the tree where a giant crack shot from the limb to the tree.

Oh, no.

Meadow screamed from below, “Calliope, let go!”

But I couldn’t. Not now that I finally had Karma right where I wanted him. The branch gave way completely, my legs let go and we tumbled through the air.

I squeezed my eyes shut and braced for impact, but instead of hitting the ground, I felt myself being caught by a soft body.



I had to get my miresa away from the tribe, from her family, especially the King and the Queen.

If I did not, they would take her, so I knew I must take action to keep her. I could not fight them on my own, because they were many and I could not leave my miresa alone in the dark. She would hurt herself trying to defend her family.

Knowing that she would defend them brought fire inside my belly. She should only want me, not them. I am her sole protector, now. She no longer needed any of them.

When I grabbed our supplies and my miresa, I did what I did best. I sunk back into my instincts, as when I was back in war time and needed to get one of the fallen away, to be protected and hidden.

And I would, I would protect her with all my being.

I didn’t realize how steep the hill was, but it was no match for me. I would have evaded the tree, but when my miresa became frightened she blocked my view, and my balance was thrown.

It was my fault; I should have known better. Calliope had just met me and she was still a skittish little fairy. It most likely didn’t help how I was lost in my desires to bury my face between her legs.

Her cunt .

I remembered the word from so long ago, along with many words that are of human origin. The female anatomy of many creatures had fascinated me. They all looked similar but had their own differences.

My brother Thorn hardly paid attention to the classes or even read the book that was given to us. He was too busy trying to keep the tribe’s hopes up. There was a time, years past, when I studied it every night, and I had not forgotten the pleasure areas of a female—and a male.

Luckily, I have a female, because I found my little fairy’s body more appealing.

I couldn’t wait to see it in the daylight, couldn’t wait to see the rest of her, to taste her properly and touch her.

If I wasn’t so lost in my desires and didn’t have to shift my shaft to avoid it getting in the way of our escape, we could be sliding down the hill towards the forest, and I could be buried into her cunt now.

Instead, I heard annoying bells in my ear and wings fluttering near my face.

I groaned and waved the flying nuisance away from me. It was a pixie. Why it was coming near me I wasn’t sure.

“I’m gonna pop you like a pimple. Ain’t so mighty now are you, pixie!?” I heard my miresa speak.

I didn’t know my miresa could speak so harshly, but it had my cock filling with need that I could have done without, right now. I needed to keep her hidden, away from the tribe, and away from the royals.

No one would steal her from me.

I sat up, rubbing the back of my head, where a large knot was forming.

Bassza, I hit the tree. Luckily, I am a powerful male, and my skull cannot be cracked by one of the weak trees in the Golden Light Kingdom. These trees were brittle and when I looked at the base, I saw a crack at the base, leading up to the taller branches.

Some fairy or pixie can fix it.

I rubbed my hand down my face, and the ringing bells sounded again. I opened my eyes and saw a pixie flying in front of my face, pointing up into the tree.

Wait, where is my female?

“Calliope?” I got ready to stand, but before I did, the cracking of a branch sounded, and a familiar squeak came from above.

A soft, light creature fell into my lap and when I looked down, I saw the beautiful head of pink hair and the scent of chamomile fell around me.

I growled, “Female.” I pushed back her hair and ocean-blue eyes stared back at me.

“I got him!” She held out her closed-cupped hands, but when she opened them, there was nothing inside. “Aw, fiddle sticks. Where’d he go?!”

Ringing bells sounded off to my right, a male pixie waving his fist near my mate. I scowled and blew wind in his direction, causing him to be caught in the draft and fly away.

“Come back here!” Calliope tried to escape my lap, but I wrapped my arms around her and held her still.

“Female, you are nothing but trouble!” I held her down as she squirmed right on my shaft. I groaned, holding her tighter until she gave up. “You will not leave my side; you hold my hand or I carry you.”

“But I almost had him!” She pouted. Her thick bottom lip stuck out. “I must get my revenge!” She showed me her fist and shook it.

My little fairy was a fighter. I didn’t know what sort of revenge she wanted, but now was not the time.

“Calliope!” I heard Queen Melina call from above. “Calliope! Where are you?”

My miresa opened her mouth, and I covered it with my hand. “Be my good little mate, so I can reward you.” She squirmed again in my lap. “I would very much like to lick your cunt again if you will be willing.” I breathed down her neck and she stilled, moving closer to my voice.

Hmm, it seemed she likes to be rewarded. I would have to remember that.

Before I stood, I was greeted with a bump in my side. When I turned, I saw none other than the white goat taking steps back to run into me again.

“Simon!” Calliope whispered. “That’s not nice!”

“Are you sure you will not let me eat him?” I ground my teeth.

Simon paused, his body frozen mid-run, and then he just fell over.

Bassza! I broke him.

What will my mate think?

“Whoopsie daisy.” She got off my lap, and I let her, watching her go over to the goat and pet him. “It’s okay. He does that sometimes. Now, are we gonna go, so we can do more than what you did earlier?”

Moon Fairy, what is happening?

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