Chapter Seventeen
Valpar really sucked at tying rope.
It was a basic handcuff knot with rope twine. It was kinda funny because even Simon could bite through the stuff with a few minutes of nibbling.
The question was, did I sit there like a good girl, or get out of it and march right out of the cave and take a punishment?
Decisions, decisions.
On one hand, it made my tummy flutter with excitement to wait for Valpar to come back and see his mate sitting waiting for him. On the other, seeing him get all mad and gruffy and put me over his leg was exciting in itself. I wanted to see if he would follow through with a punishment.
I’ve never really had a good punishment. Spanking looked like fun, and with some of those books I read, it was more than the sexual part I craved. It was the care that came with it. It was how the person delivering the punishment showed their love.
On the outside it sounded twisted and messed up, but I really wanted that. Mom and Dad just ignored my cries for attention, ignored the unacceptable behavior, when I was basically screaming for them to pay attention to me.
“Calliope!” I heard my name sung at the mouth of the cave. My ears perked up and my back straightened. It was Aunt Melina.
“Hi!” I waved both hands in the air, knowing dang well they couldn’t see me.
I snorted and Simon let out a bleat of excitement.
Aunt Melina always gave him treats. He trotted closer to the passageway, and I still had that decision to make.
Do I make a break for it?
Valpar’s head between my legs was pretty tempting.
Good girl or bad girl?
“How’s it going? Is Valpar treating you right?” Her voice echoed, and I nodded my head.
Oh, right, she can’t see.
“Yup, kinda caveman-like, but that’s okay. The matching cave works great. He tied me up and everything.”
There was laughter echoing down the passage, and soon footsteps followed. Why they were coming in the cave I wasn’t sure. I didn’t think Valpar would let them inside.
He didn’t leave, did he?
Surely he wasn’t tired of me already?
I pouted while I sat there waiting, and Aunt Melanie and Sugha appeared. Simon yelled and ran towards Sugha.
“It’s my favorite goat, and human! Hi, Calliope!” Sugha lowered himself to pet Simon, and Simon rubbed his horns all over the orc. At least Simon got along with one of the big green men, if only Valpar hadn’t threatened to eat him.
Was still out there?
Melina pranced over to the bed and landed at my side, as she studied the ropes. “This is a terrible knot,” she said. “You should have been able to get out of these by now, why not?”
“I’m still deciding between the two P’s.”
“Two P’s?” Sugha stood and sat on the chair in the kitchen area. He was leaner than Valpar, more of a slim athletic build, and had a short haircut, very different from the rest of the orcs at the ball. I guess you could say he was more—indoctrinated into the ways of Bergarian.
Melina nodded. “Yes, the two P’s. Pleasure or punishment. Is she gonna be a good girl or a bad girl? She gets it from me.” She puffed out her chest. “What are you feeling up to, Calliope? Have you figured out what you want?”
“I don’t know, is Valpar still out there?” I nodded my head to the mouth of the cave.
Melina made a face. “Duh, he’s talking to Osirus.” She nudged me with her elbow. “Guy stuff.”
Oh. My shoulders relaxed. Good, he hasn’t tired of me yet.
“Well, what’s your decision? The P’s?” Melina prodded.
I shook my head. “No. I’ve only had a little bit of one of them so far, and I want more of that one.”
Melina smiled and shoved my shoulder. “Atta girl. You got time to explore each. You picked the right place for that, too. That door over there—” She pointed to a large wooden one on the other side of the room with a large, heavy chair blocking it. “— has a bunch of toys inside. There is a chest full of dildos, and some straps, so if Valpar wants to take some in his ass, he can.” Melina winked and my face grew red.
I started giggling uncontrollably when she did, too. I didn’t think I could ever do that to Valpar. I would have to stand up while he was bent over.
Plus, Valpar is too dominant, I don’t think he would want anything in his butt.
“They are all brand new,” Melina blurted, “the dildos. Before we sealed the cave this was Odessa and Creed’s rutting cave, slash, my parents’ home away from home. But then, Creed and Odessa started having all those dragon babies, and they made a cave closer to the tribe so they could come home if they really needed to. And my parents, I force them to stay in the palace now, because I’m worth it.” Melina fluttered her lashes and flipped her hair.
Sugha’s eyes bounced between us. He looked very lost.
“What’s a… dil-do ?” Sugha tilted his head and scratched his cheek. “Does my future miresa need one? Do I need a collection?”
We both started laughing hysterically, flopping all over the bed.
“I don’t know. Depends on your girl.” Melina cackled. “If your height has anything to do with the size of your dick, I don’t think that you will need them. Sometimes females and even males like to experiment, put things in places that might be taboo .”
Sugha tapped his temple. “Do you have a book for me to study? I want to know all these things my miresa might like.”
Melina rubbed her hands together. “Yes, I certainly do. I’ll help you once we leave here. But right now, let’s concentrate on you, Calliope. Do you have questions? I didn’t get to speak with you before you were carried off by that barbarian. It was rather hot. It is the talk of the kingdom, you know.”
I bit my lip and tried not to smile. “I liked it a lot. Last night, I felt like I was part of my own fairy tale.”
Melina’s smile was soft, but there was a sadness in her eyes that she sometimes got, like she was remembering something. I’ve never asked what it was, because I was afraid she would cry if I did. “That’s wonderful. I’m so happy you are getting your fairy tale, Calliope.” She held my hand and squeezed.
I beamed and gave her a big hug. Her wings fluttered, and I heard her sniffle before she pulled me up by my shoulders. “Do I need to give you a lesson about the birds and the bees?”
I gave her a bewildered look. “I’ve read enough romance stories. I know what happens.” I looked away, my face turning red. Sugha was watching intently.
“I do have questions for Sugha, though!” I pushed my tied hands out to Sugha, and he pressed his hand to his bare chest.
“Me?” He squeaked. “What would you want to ask me?”
I got more comfortable on the bed, wiggling my butt into the furs. “Valpar wasn’t honest with me in the beginning. I need to make sure what he has told me is the truth.”
Sugha rolled his eyes. “I knew him being a grouchy piece of fungus would bite him in his rump one day. What do you need, little fairy? I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
Sugha brought his chair closer to the bed, and Simon laid his head on his thigh.
“Well, what do orcs call their mates?”
“Miresa,” he said simply. “We call them miresas. I plan on calling my miresa, ‘mate’, from the start. I have studied the book quite well, and I still study it every day.”
“Book?” I asked. “What book?”
Melina put her hand on my arm, rubbing it gently. “Queen Clara made a book for the orcs, and it helped them understand the different female and male species of Bergarian. There is even a section on humans, since more have come into the Bergarian Realm. It talks about body parts, culture, certain words that we use. That’s why we have the balls. The Moon Goddess promised them mates, but it has taken time to find them since—”
“We’re different,” Sugha interrupted. “Most of the realm shifts into animals or into humanoid bodies. We don’t. We stay green, and we are monsters to much of Bergarian. Even our shafts are different.” He looked away. “Some species are just curious what hides behind our cloth, but we have waited this long for our mates, and we will wait longer for them without exposing ourselves. Valpar became bitter that we hadn’t found the females promised to us. He was always a bit of a grouch, though.” Sugha winked at me.
“I like him grouchy, it’s like a gift when he smiles,” I said.
Sugha barked out a laugh. “What? Valpar smiled? Never, I don’t believe it!”
I nodded, my face turning red again.
“Valpar is a good orc, Calliope. And I know he ran away at first. It was because he thought you were too good to be true, and he would rather believe you weren’t real, at all, than to be disappointed. He is your mate.” He wagged his finger at me. “I’ve known my brother a long, long time. I’ve never seen him this possessive and wanting. He almost crushed a fairy, on the way here, who threw herself at him.”
I narrowed my eyes. Some fairy tried to hit on my orc? “What?”
Melina snorted and fell back on the bed. “Oh girl, you got it bad. You both are definitely mates.”
I sat up straight, my anger fell away.
Sugha was his brother, and miresa meant I was his mate! So, it’s all true, and I shouldn’t have doubts about this. Should I throw myself all over him?
“And what about the tribe? Why won’t he let me meet your tribe?”
Sugha scratched the back of his head and leaned back in the chair. “That, I’m not as certain about. I haven’t been bitten by the mate bug yet. I can tell you that orcs are very alpha. We don’t come together very often. The only time we normally get together is for trade, tribe meetings, and for this trek to the mating balls. We like our space, our own territory. Just finding a female that is destined to be yours, that could spark a whole new side I don’t even know about. He must fear someone might take you away.”
Sugha sighed dramatically and rubbed his large hands down his thighs. “I cannot wait for that day.”
Melina and I blinked at him several times before turning away.
“Right, so, the dick is different. How different we talkin?” Melina asked. “Because, my girl here might have had a glimpse or two of a—a dick, but not a dick of orc caliber.”
Sugha shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “Well—”
A throat cleared. “And why would my mate need to know what an orc dick looks like?” Osirus drawled.
“And what are you doing in my cave!?” Valpar shouted as he stomped inside.
My pussy fluttered when I saw him breathing hard, his eyes wild with anger.
Darn. Maybe I’ll get a punishment and a reward. Could I be that lucky?
Melina and Sugha jumped out of their seats. Simon stilled, then fell over from the abrupt noise.
Oopsie, daisy.
“You told me to stay in the cave,” I said innocently, as I held my hands up. “See, still tied!”
Valpar’s face softened, and his eyes filled with warmth as he hurriedly approached me. Melina and Sugha stepped aside, making way for Valpar. Meanwhile, Osirus, nonchalant and relaxed, leaned against the cool wall, exuding an air of calm indifference.
“You did, little fairy. I’m so proud of you,” Valpar crooned as he untied my hands. “That deserves a reward.”
“The rest of you can leave,” Valpar barked. “And stay out! Keep your female on a leash, Osirus.”
Uncle Osirus's lip twitched.
“Don’t be a meanie.” I flicked Valpar’s nose.
He turned to me and growled, sucking my finger into his mouth.
Oh, my!
“It’s alright, Calliope. We will see you before you officially move to the Wood, if that is what you want?” Melina raised an eyebrow to Valpar.
“Please,” I asked Valpar. “I talked to Sugha about everything. But I haven’t talked to my parents yet. I think they would be worried if I just moved and didn’t tell them goodbye.” I forcefully pulled my finger out of his mouth. “Wouldn’t it be fun to hang out here, get to know each other, just for a time?”
Valpar picked me up and made me wrap my legs around his massive trunk of a body, then he tied the leather around my ankle so it was long enough for me to move around the bed, slightly. He cupped my butt so no one else could see it. My bare pussy was right up against his hot skin, and it took everything I had not to make a whimper of pleasure.
“You talked to my brother? About?” he rasped.
“About the miresa thing, and you being grouchy and not claiming me at first. I get it, waiting for so long for a mate, and thinking I was just another fairy trying to trick you would make me double check things, too.” Valpar’s face softened even more.
“I do wanna go find that fairy that hit on you and rip her wings off.” I let out a growling noise. Valpar smiled, his forehead touched mine, and his shoulders shook.
“Moon Fairy above! Valpar just laughed,” Sugha muttered.
Valpar put his hand over the side of my head and cradled it into his chest. “Out!” he roared. “Get out of this cave and don’t come back! I swear to the Moon Fairy, I will hunt you down, Sugha, and rip off your shaft and feed it to you!”
Sugha’s eyes widened, and he bolted out of the cave. Melina and Osirus still stood there, laughing to themselves.
“That means you, too, you kinky-ass fae.”
Osirus gave a small bow, something he didn’t do often. Only to the people he really liked. It made me happy that he liked Valpar, because I cared a lot about what he thought. My aunt, uncle, mom, dad and, of course, Simon were my everything before Valpar.
“Please, come to the palace for dinner.” Uncle Osirus turned for Aunt Melina to hook her arm around his. “Drop in anytime. You both are always welcome.”
“Bye, Uncle Osirus, Aunt Melina!” I waved.
Valpar grunted, holding me tighter against his body. My pussy rubbed up against the heat of his skin, and a zing of arousal went through my body.
He better stop doing that.
“My miresa. You obeyed me, you stayed in the cave. What a good little fairy.” Valpar cupped my cheek.
My breath caught and I leaned in further to his touch.
“Does that mean I get rewarded?” I whispered, almost too shy to ask.
Valpar’s growl in his chest vibrated, tickling that spot between my legs.
“I don’t know if the reward is for me or for you,” he confessed. “I would really like to try mouth dancing.”
Mouth dancing?
He stared at my lips and his head leaned closer, pausing halfway.
“Ohhh, you mean kissing!” I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Yes, I would very much like to kiss! I’ve never done that.”
“Good, I will be the only one you kiss. First and last.” Valpar held me tight and crawled onto the bed as I held onto his body. He lowered me on the soft furs and groaned, pushing his body into mine, just enough so I could feel the weight of him. “I will be the last to touch you, lick you and place my shaft inside you. You are mine, every part of you, miresa.” His eyes turned from yellow to deep gold.
My fingers dug into his shoulders, as my body lit on fire.
Come on, give me the good stuff.
“Your body is small.” He came closer and my heart sped up. “We will need to go slow.”
I don’t know if he was telling me or himself, but I was tired of all this talking.
“I don’t want to hurt you—I don’t want to make you cry—”
“You talk too much!” I snapped and grabbed both sides of his face as I pulled him toward my lips.