Valpar (Under the Moon: Orc #2) 22. Chapter Twenty-Two 43%
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22. Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Two


My mouth gaped after my little fairy told me what this period was.

Females bleed. Regularly. Once every twenty-eight moon rises, give or take.

I did not know if my ogamie did this. I never asked, and she never told.

My female cannot do this. I cannot have her bleeding. She will hurt, she will have cramps in her stomach. I cannot see my female hurt. She cannot cry unless she cries in pleasure.

“You can’t!” I stood from the stool where I sat and pulled her off the table. She yelped when I threw her over my shoulder. “You will tell your body you are not allowed to do this.”

“Valpar!” She groaned. “I can’t just tell my body not to menstruate. It’s normal. I won’t be having a period for a while, I just finished before the ball. You will get used to the idea.” She patted my backside. “I have medicine I can use to take care of the pain, but it really isn’t that bad. I don’t bleed much, I’m small for an adult human, too.”

A stab to my drums made me falter. It was because of her past. She did not grow to her full height. I shook that thought away.

I growled and set her on the bed. “And you bleed because you are not with an orcling?”

She nodded. “Yup. But don’t get any ideas. I don’t think we are ready to have any orclings, yet.” She wagged her finger at me.

I growled again and wrapped my arms around her waist. “No, we are not. I want you to myself for as long as possible. I do not want to share your tits or your body until I have had my fill.”

She giggled, placed both hands on my face and rubbed our noses together. “Goodie. Then show me the good stuff. Where is little orc?”

Little orc?

“You know, little orc that hides in your loin cloth? I’m ready to meet him. You pleasured me—” She counted on her fingers. “At least three times. Now it is your turn for me to get some.” My miresa blinked several times from one of her eyes.

“Is there something in your eye?” I leaned closer to check.

“No, I’m winking. I’m letting you know I’m ready to play with your little monster.”

I huffed. “There is nothing little about my little monster—er, big monster! Stop talking like it is another orc! It is a part of me!”

My fairy shrugged her shoulders. “Fine, suit yourself. Now let me see the big dilly properly.”

I rubbed my hand down my face. “No, you are not ready. If you think that worm over there is what my shaft looks like, you are sorely mistaken.”

She groaned. “Then give me a little peaky poo, and I won’t have to try and guess what your serpent looks like,” she cooed.

I groaned again. This. Female.

“Not yet,” I grumbled. What if she was afraid by its appearance? It was mostly covered before when she saw it. It wasn’t pink and it wasn’t smooth. It was larger than any of the other dil-dos that were in the chest. Or even worse, what if she was excited by it?

I could not put it inside her — not yet. I did not have the strength to hold back the last brand.

“I’ve only seen two sausages before, and they were pretty similar. They didn’t look like that pale pink one over there. They were kinda veiny looking, but I didn’t get a great gander at them.” She tilted her head back like she was trying to remember.

I snarled fiercely, the sound echoing in the tense air, as I firmly grasped her delicate chin with my thumb.

“What do you mean you have seen a sausage? I thought we were talking about shafts!”

My miresa tried to hold back her laughter. “I am. Just another word for a talley wacker. That worm on the floor over there. But it’s attached to a body.”

“A shaft? Are you talking about a cock?”

My little fairy blushed and giggled. “Yeah, I don’t enjoy calling it that often, though.” She leaned forward and whispered. “It sounds so dirty. I like coming up with different names. I can’t wait to see yours and give it a proper one.”

Moon Fairy help me, I cannot keep up.

I sighed heavily as I pushed my long hair away from my face. “What males have you seen? I need to know.” Jealousy beat heavily through the life force of my body.

“My dad’s…”

“What!” I roared and stood up. “How could—what!? Did he touch you?!” I stomped across the room and picked up one of the chairs and threw it across the cave. It shattered into pieces, splintering across the floor.

My miresa stared in awe.

“The muscles,” she whispered.

“Miresa, why have you seen his—”

“He accidentally came out of the shower without a towel. And one time I walked in on Mom and Dad doing the—” She made a circle with one hand and stuck her finger through the hole. “— hokey pokey. You know, you put your dilly in, you put your dilly out?”

I stared at her with a blank expression.

“You saw your parents—”

“It was an accident!” she sighed. “They were being quiet for once and I saw them doing it. It was gross.” She stuck out her tongue and shook her body.

“And the other male?” I gritted my teeth.

My fairy’s shoulders went up to her ears. “I’d seen Aunt Melina get spanked when she does something naughty. It just fascinated me. There was one time I watched too long and Osirus’ thingy kinda popped out.

I let out a low growl. “Do not lie to me, miresa.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fiiiiine. I’ve seen it several times. But I don’t watch them do the dirty. I leave before anything happens. They are my aunt and uncle, like yuck.”

I rubbed my hand down my face again. My miresa needs a leash on her for sure. “You will not be watching the king and queen doing any of that from now on. Do you understand me? The only shaft you will look at is mine.”

My little fairy raises a brow. “Can’t promise that if you don’t show me what you’re packin’.” She smirked and lifted a brow. “I’m pretty sure he wants to meet me. He’s been pointing at me for the last twenty minutes.”

I snarled and pounced on her, tickling her sides. She screamed and laughed, and the drums in my chest became lighter as her smile continued to widen.


Valpar was on his back. He breathed heavily while he slept.

He said that orcs need little sleep, but since I’ve known him, he sleeps each night with me. On top of him, too. He kept both hands on my butt, my head on his chest and when he stirred in the night, he would take a whiff of my hair.

I don’t find it weird, many souls in Bergarian do that. Especially the shifters. They are always sniffing their mates because they are part animal. Good thing they don’t sniff each other’s butts, or at least, I don’t think they do. Whatever they do in private is their own business.

One of Valpar’s hands fell away from one of butt cheek and I lifted my head to see him still fast asleep. His face was relaxed, his brow wasn’t creased or filled with worry. He’d done a lot of that lately since talking to Osirus, and I’m, actually, a little mad at my uncle for that.

Valpar was still holding back, I could feel it. Something else was bothering him. He was afraid of breaking me. Just like other people close to me.

I rubbed my lips together and felt something poking my butt. When I turned around, I saw it was his little-orc that was still covered by his loin cloth.

My eyes widened then narrowed. He was sleeping, he wouldn’t mind if I took a look at it now, would he?

Nah, it would be fine.

Not like he would punish me, anyway. Or maybe he would?

I slipped off his body carefully and put a pillow on top of him. He still didn’t move as I crawled to the lower part of the bed. He didn’t need a blanket to cover him because he stayed so warm, but he had kept a blanket on me the whole time.

Such a thoughtful orc.

As I got to the loincloth I rubbed my hands together. I felt like it was Christmas morning and I was going to unwrap my present.

With the mushroom jar by the bedside table giving me enough light, I moved the loincloth to the side. What I saw before me was nothing I had ever seen before.

Valpar was large to say the least. He was long and girthy and his shaft was not smooth and veiny like I’d briefly seen before. Of course it was green, just like his skin, the head was purple and just under it were three distinct knots? That went down to the base. His balls were large and heavy. What made me lick my lips instinctively was how the tip of the head had a light blue, iridescent pearl of come. At least, I hoped it was come.

Why did I find that hot? When I got all needy I thought Valpar might not like it ,but he certainly did. I’m starting to see the appeal.

And for some reason, I really liked that he had a drip going.

I tilted my head and put my hand around it. When I gently squeezed it, a groan came from Valpar and more of the shining liquid seeped out.

Oh Goddess, his dilly reminded me of an eclair.

Mmm, I wonder if it tasted like frosting.

I bent down, taking a lick. It didn’t taste like frosting, but it was still sweet, like a flavor of candy I could not describe. I wrapped my hand around the base of the head and slowly put it into my mouth.

Valpar groaned, his hips raising upwards.

I no longer cared if Valpar woke up, I was too busy savoring his taste. More leaked into my mouth and, as it did, I was able to take him deeper.

I hummed, his come coating my throat. It was relaxing the muscles, helping my throat take more of him, and I was both intrigued and horny at the idea of getting more of him inside me.

I cupped his heavy sack, kneading them. Valpar groaned and his hand reached for my head.

“Little fairy, what are you doing?” he rasped while trying to push me lower.

Mmm, more.

“Bassza, you are trouble,” he growled louder. “You will be punished for this.”

My body trembled and my heart raced at his dominance. The thought of being punished filled me with excitement, and I knew I would do anything to please him.

Best decision ever!

I let out a small whimper, my eyes locked on his and the heat that came from them made my clit pulse with desire. I longed to touch between my legs, and I slowly took my hand away from his balls and reached between my legs.

“No!” he barked.

I let go of him with a pop.

“You do not pleasure yourself. You are not allowed to touch yourself. Now suck.”

I panted and placed my hand back on his balls. My pussy fluttered, wanting to be touched but I was too entranced by his command. No one has ever talked to me that way, and I really loved it.

I took more of him into my mouth, my lips skimming the veiny, bumpy shaft, my tongue stroking the underside, savoring every inch of his arousal. My hands gripped his thighs, pulling him closer, wanting more, needing more.

“You like that don’t you, being told what to do.” He gritted his teeth while I sucked.

Valpar’s breaths were ragged, and his hands tightened in my hair, pushing me closer to him. I could sense his desire growing, his body trembling beneath me. The knowledge that I was causing him such pleasure only fueled my hunger.

“Female, look what you do to me.” His words were a mix of anger and lust, his voice a deep, gravelly growl that sent shivers down my spine. “You’ve started something you have to finish, little fairy. You have to take me deep.”

With renewed determination, I took him deeper. I don’t know how I was taking him all. He was freaking huge. His length stretching my lips, my throat constricting around him. His groans turned to grunts. I wanted him, needed him, and nothing would stop me from having him.

“That’s it, drink me in.”

Valpar’s hips bucked, thrusting harder into my mouth, his body tense. I gripped his thighs, pulling him further into me, my mouth moving in a frenzy, my lips slick with our combined desire.

More of his leaking come filled my mouth, it soothed the tightness in my throat to let him slide deeper. I dared not touch my neck, because if I did, I knew I would feel him at the base of it.

“Drink all of my seed, don’t waste a drop,” he said with a strained voice.

Valpar’s body shook, and I could feel his release building as his sack contracted under my hands.

With a final, desperate effort, I took him to the base, my throat expanding to accommodate his size. I hummed when I felt his release, hot and thick, coating my throat.

His come soothed my throat aching from his large shaft. I panted when I pulled away and licked my lips. For a first blow job, I hope I did okay because I very much enjoyed it myself.

Ten out of ten I would do it again.

Then, with a soft growl, Valpar’s hand went to the back of my neck, his lips brushing against my ear.

“What a naughty little fairy you are,” he whispered, his voice filled with both warning and promise. “I think it’s time to face your first punishment.”

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