Valpar (Under the Moon: Orc #2) 32. Chapter Thirty-Two 62%
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32. Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Two


I had her positioned on all fours, her rear nestled in the firm grasp of my hands. Despite her small body, the undeniable satisfaction flooded over me as I witnessed myself being pulled into her tight cunt.

With each thrust, I delved deeper, drawing closer and closer until I reached my brand. It was the largest, the throbbing knot-like bulge that would bind us forever. Once I forced it inside her, my essence would be imprinted upon her skin and her soul, forever marking her as mine. From that moment on, there would be no doubt or questioning of her ownership, as her scent alone would serve as a reminder to everyone of our bond.

I pressed my brand against her entrance, feeling my shafter shudder. Her back arched, a silent plea for more. Her warmth engulfed me, her desire obvious. I emitted a low growl. My primal instincts took over as I firmly gripped her hips and my claws sank into her flesh.

My head leaned back, and I tried my hardest not to push it inside. I needed her like I needed air, the fish water and the bees nectar. I wanted, with every fiber of my being, to be connected to her. My soul needed her.

“Valpar,” her quivering voice caught me off guard and my attention snapped to her as my last bulge sat waiting to enter her.

“Not yet, I’m not ready yet.”

My eyes snapped open, the darkness that surrounded the room a reminder that it was all just a dream. My cock was unbearably hard. I wrapped my hand around it and took in deep labored breaths.

It’d been days since we were stuck in the cave. My miresa said that there must be a tropical storm outside. It happened every so often, when a storm came from the sea causing wind, rain and thunder. During those days we played some board games , fucked, and she has shown me how to draw.

I even let her play with my hair.

She was not good at braiding but getting better. I had fun showing her and it brought me great joy that she would want to learn.

Would she want to braid our future orclings’ hair?

My throat grew tight at the thought.

My little fairy had not brought up the subject again, about knowing of her past. Not that I would want her to. Knowing that her past was erased was enough for her to be upset, I would not push the idea for her to know.

It was enough of my burden being lifted that she came to terms with it herself. She knew I would be here for all her answers.

I did worry when she started to push the issue of our bonding. I could not bond her without her knowing the full truth, and I don’t want her to feel like I am forcing her to know.

Why did having a female have to be difficult?

I shifted and rolled to my side, searching for my female and her comfort. I didn’t want to leave her in the cave alone and beat a tree out of the soil or rub my shaft until expressed my seed. I wouldn’t leave her in the cave by herself anymore. I would bear the stiffness until she woke in the morning, so that she was properly rested.

Then, I would relieve myself inside her body.

She had been in deep thought the past few days, and I believed she was having trouble coming to terms with losing her memory. I didn't believe she had thought about it before, or even wanted to think about it. Now that I have talked about my family, she was more curious.

She knew about my past, my time as an orcling, and so she wanted to know hers as well. Something was holding her back. It had something to do with those daydreams.

I reached over the bed to find her. Normally, she slept on top of my body and I found it strange she was not there. “Little fairy?” My voice was raspy when I sat up and I didn’t find her there. The furs were cold and my eyes darted around the cave to see if she had gone to get something to eat.

“Miresa?” I sat up completely and saw Simon in the corner. He yawned, stood and seemed to look for her, too.

The drums in my chest beat rapidly and I jumped from the bed and went to the bathroom. The light was on, but there was no sign of my miresa.

“Calliope?” I roared and there was still no sound or sign of my mate. With a snarl, I took in deep breaths, trying to find her scent, but the trail was old, stale and panic ensued.

She was not here, and it had been hours.

Had she left me? Did someone take her?

No strange smells other than the stale scent was in the cave, but I would not take any chances.

I pulled on the leather bindings around my forearms, placed my weapons around my hips and my sword on my back. I swore to the Moon Fairy I would find her and drag her ass back here before the night was through.

Simon was already trotting down the hall, letting off noises of worry, and I stomped after him.

Calliope wouldn’t just leave her companion, surely there was something wrong.

Once we got to the mouth of the cave, I saw the boulders were still in place. My miresa must have squeezed through or someone had come to retrieve her and put them back. Simon didn’t wait for me, he squeezed through the small opening that I had left him. I pushed the boulders with little effort, my anger and panic increasing by the minute.

Why did she not make any noise?

Once the boulders were pushed away, a clear night sky greeted us, but it did nothing to ease my nerves. The waves continued to pound into the sand, the surrounding scents pure from the freshly fallen rain.

This would help, all scents washed away and the soil was soft, good for tracking.

Perhaps the gods were on my side.

I quickly found tiny footprints, just one set, and I quickly realized they was just hers. Perhaps she was following a flying creature, why would she do that.

I worried that she could be persuaded easily, because of her good nature and believing the good in all.

I pulled my sword from my back and took off into the darkness of the forest.

I wanted to scream her name, demand that she come back to me, but doing so would be foolish. It would alert others she was missing. Others, meaning ogres. They still roamed the land since the wall came down, and though there were not many I would not take that risk.

I would not put her in any more danger than she might already be in.

One of those things being my twitchy palm.

I grunted as I picked up the pace. I traveled past the palace, where I nearly lost her footprints. Her scent became stronger once we reached the other side, to another forest but then I lost her footprints entirely. I scouted the area and pulled at my messy strands. I was panting, frustrated and wanting to push over the trees in the area.

These trees, however, were filled with low-lying lights and ribbons, meaning they were homes to someone. I could not take my anger on these trees, I could not pull them from the soil, let out my frustration and wake up the rest of the forest.


I let out a growl and a panting Simon came up behind me. He pulled on my cloth and fell to the ground, whining.

“I don’t know where she is!” I hissed. “Where is my miresa?!”

I should have put my fingers into her cunt while she slept. I would do this more often. Better yet, I would tie her to me at all times. It was a mistake not to do this, I would do this always.

I picked up the goat and he sighed in relief as I carried him with me. I could not believe my miresa would have traveled this far, but she was an energetic female. She did not sleep long. She craved me as much as I craved her, and I would find myself waking up with her mouth around my shaft.

Simon groaned and lifted his head, nodding his horns to the right. I watched him as he continued to nod, his groan long with exhaustion, and I turned to where he wanted to go. Her footsteps were long gone, but I still smelled her scent. It grew stronger and light was building near the middle of a clearing. A stream of water curled around a tree where I stood.

I laid Simon near the water, where he greedily lapped it up, and I gripped hold of the hilt of my sword when I heard water splashing.

Blue lights swirled in the distance. I closed my eyes and groaned and immediately knew it was a whisp. I tried not to let them distract me when one comes into view. Those annoying lights that had a mind of their own flew above the foliage where humming was coming to my ears.

It spiraled upward, showing off a rope. Another whisp flew up parallel to the other, and I gritted my teeth as I watched them disappear into the trees. The ropes tightened and it was like I could hear the whisps tenfold. They swayed underneath the branches and a hum came from the other side, with splashing sounds echoing through the darkness again.

The blue lights fell back down from the trees, landing on the other side of the brush. I took tentative steps toward the sounds, my miresa’s smell becoming stronger, and I knew she must be on the other side. I didn’t smell anyone else or hear anything that could be a danger, but I could not be certain. Not with these whisps playing with her.

The whisps are legends, here long before any of the souls that had lived in Bergarian, but I worried what they were up to. They liked to frolic with the females, liked to cause trouble, but others said they were the ones that ultimately led to your destiny.

I had found my destiny already, so why would these whisps be here?

My steps became frantic. I rushed forward, unable to take the anticipation any longer. I pushed through the bushes and found my miresa sitting on a board, swaying with the ropes bound on either side of it. She was swaying over the stream, her feet dangling over the waters and she kicked, making water splash over the embankment on the other side, dousing the blue wisp.

“Female!” I roared, and the whisps squealed and shot up into the trees.

As she turned, the delicate crunch of the purple moss beneath my feet released a burst of golden light, illuminating her face. The radiant glow momentarily distracted me, causing my anger towards her to fade into the background.

“What are you fucking doing?” I sheathed my sword and stormed over to her, my feet leaving footprints in the soft soil, and stomping into the stream.

The seat had slowed, and she was no longer waving about over the water. I picked her up by her hips and carried her back over the shoreline.

“Swinging?” she said innocently, when I dropped her onto the grass and her toes weaved into the blades.

I pinched between my eyes. “ Swing-ing ? Is that what you were doing? In the middle of the night?” I growled and paced in front of her. “You left me in the cave,” my voice rose. “You left me in the furs, alone, and you left Simon. You walked out, into the wilderness by yourself and you didn’t think to wake me? You are MINE! I am supposed to take care of you. How am I to do that when you wander away from me?”

Her bottom lip curled, and her hands went behind her back.

“Why? Why are you out here, Calliope?”

She gasped. “You called me by my name!”

I jutted out my jaw. “Of course I did!” I roared. “You ran into the wilderness and who knows what creatures could have taken you from me. Another orc? An ogre? A dragon? I would burn down the whole kingdom to get you back!”

Instead of looking guilty, she smiled. “Aw, you’d do that for me?”

Moon Fairy above, please help me.

“Why, my sweet human, would you put me through this? You will give me hair grey as my orgamo’s.”

My miresa stood up on her toes and pulled on my hair to inspect it. “Nope, still black. I still got a little more time.”

I groaned and stepped away from her, pulling at my strands.

“The reason I was out here,” she began, “was because I had to think.”

Think? She had to think?

“About what?” I hissed. “What did you have to think about out here alone, that you could not do in the cave safe and within my arms?”

She winced and my little fairy made circles in the grass with her toes. “Um, well, I wasn’t alone when I came out here. I was perfectly safe.”

My head ticked to the side, my eyes narrowing. “Who was with you?”

She giggled and cupped her hand to her mouth, whispering, “I can’t tell you yet. They made me promise.”

She stopped digging her toe into the grass, winked at me once and then took off on swift feet and ran through the bushes.

She did not just—

Simon groaned and fell over onto his side, after he had just gotten up, letting out a cry of defeat.

I snarled and threw my weapons to the ground, puffed out my chest and felt my body shake with anger. “Stay, Simon. I will catch my female.”

A primal force surged from within me, as if a hidden chest had been unlocked. It unleashed a ferocity so intense that I knew, it would ceaselessly pursue its target until I had this woman within my grasp. She had stirred something deep within me, transforming me into a predator, while she became my helpless prey.

I was the monster, and she was the helpless human.

How dare she run from me.

Her laughter echoed into the wood. “Come find me, Valpar!”

I snarled and took off into the forest where she had disappeared. I would find her, and I would rut her in the forest, and I didn’t care if the fae or the pixies watched.

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