Chapter Thirty-Five
She had vexed me and my primal urges gave in.
I wouldn’t say I regretted it, because she had the biggest smile on her face and I had one to match.
We were bare, our bodies exposed to the world. The cloth that once adorned me was gone, leaving me feeling the cool breeze against my skin. I had ripped her dress like a savage beast, mercilessly shredded it into pieces. All cloth was now laid in tattered, unusable pieces on the ground.
We were both sated, exhausted, and my seed leaked out of her body, so much so, that I wondered if I would die because I had no life left in me.
I scooped her up, after the fifth time of expelling my seed. I only stopped because she said she couldn’t take it anymore. I gave her ass a slap, she moaned like my good female and leaned into my body seeking comfort. If she ever ran again, I’d take her twice as hard.
She was stronger than she looked and I could move the little feline in such interesting ways.
I cleared my throat and tried to start the inevitable conversation while we walked back to get my weapons. I didn’t know why I was dreading the response that she was about to give me. I needed to know who accompanied her to her thinking swing . Was it a male? Was it her uncle? If it was anyone she was related to, they should have known I would have been insanely worried and covered with fury.
“Little fairy, what happened? Why, in all the rich soil in which we step, did you go to the swing and then why did you run?”
Her naked body, plastered to mine while I carry her, was already giving rise to my shaft. The cool night air blew on the tip of the angry head and more seed gathered.
I guess I do have more seed to give.
“My fairy godmother led me out. Apparently, I was sleepwalking, anyway.”
I blinked several times. There was a lot to unload in that statement.
“I need more information, before I rip the trees from the soil and start rutting you, again.”
My female slapped my chest and laughed. “Oh, my fairy godmother. You probably don’t know the fictional stories, but she is a special fairy in—fairy tales? Wow, this might get complicated. Let me see.” She tapped her finger to her lips. “Fairy Godmothers are fairies, they are legends, that have magical powers and act like your mentor or someone to look up to and guide you to where you need to go. She helped me find you!” My miresa beamed. “She isn’t really a fairy godmother though, she’s actually a witch—that’s what she keeps telling me. She’s pretty bad-assy. Starla has purple hair and wears dark clothes. She’s got this awesome corset and these giant melons—”
“Female, that’s enough.” I shook my head as I watched my little fairy make pretend big tits on her body. My miresa’s tits were perfect the way they were, and I could not imagine having them any bigger. “And why was she here, why did she lead you out?”
My little fairy twisted her fingers together and winced. “Technically, she wasn’t really here. She was in my dream. It takes a lot of power for her to transport herself from the Earth Realm back to Bergarian. She came to me in my dream and had me walk out here.”
A deep growl resonated in my throat. “You were alone, then.”
“Not in spirit, though,” my miresa corrected.
“You will spend time staring at the wall when we get back, which I do not think we will make it before daylight. The light sources will rise soon.” I stopped us in front of my sword, just as Simon walked around from the bushes. His eyes widened when he looked between my legs, let out a long yell, tipped over and fell onto his side. “Bassza, what did I do? I was just standing here!”
Calliope wrapped her arms around my neck as I gathered my supplies. “He saw your dong. It would scare me, too, if I was a poor, defenseless creature. He probably thought you were going to hit him. You might have to carry him. Want me to walk?”
I grunted and heaved the goat up under my arm. He was frozen solid, not just fainted. His legs were stiff, his head moved in an odd position.
“We can go to my parent’s tree house. It’s over yonder.” My miresa pointed to the left, and I carried them both in my arms.
My shaft was not that scary, and I did not see how a goat would faint over something as simple as a naked orc.
By the time we reached the tree, my miresa was yawning and rubbing her cheek against me. The dirt and grime was falling off my skin, but human bodies were not resistant to the outdoors and their bodies were prone to sickness. I had to get her clean and warm, and hopefully this treehouse would have a way for me to do that.
I wanted to wash her in the stream we traveled through, but she refused, saying she would rather have a warm show-er. I was not looking forward to holding two bodies against me while I climbed, but when we reached the tree, my miresa pointed to a small hidden lev-er and a mysterious ele-vator came from the thick branches of the tree.
She motioned for me to step onto the platform, with its wooden surface cool beneath my feet. With hesitation, I tested its sturdiness, feeling the weight of my body press against it. Satisfied, I tightened my grip on my precious cargo, feeling its weight in my arms. Her laughter did not bring confidence even as she assured me that the platform could bear more than just my weight. It was a claim that seemed unbelievable. As we ascended, sounds of creaking branches and rustling leaves surrounded us, and my tension did not ease until I jumped off the platform.
As we came into the main living area, my eyes widened. It was not a simple treehouse as I had imagined, but a grand house woven into the very fabric of the trees, a strange fusion of nature and cabin.
The spacious living area was created with comfortable sofas and chairs, while vibrant cloths dangled from branches, making the room a rainbow of colors. The sight of the colorful fabrics brightened the space, while the gentle rustling sound they made added a soothing nature.
I did not have these colors back at our cabin, and I would need to make sure that we would bring many colors back to decorate our home together.
“The shower is back there,” my miresa pointed. “You can set down poor Simon over here, that’s his bed.”
Simon was still stiff. When I set him down, he toppled over and let out a long whine.
“When he gets over-tired, sometimes his body won’t unlock for a bit. He’ll be okay.” She patted my shoulder, and I shook my head.
This goat was going to be trouble when we took him back to the Wood. There were creatures twice his size that would eat him alive. Not only would I have to keep my miresa tied to me, but a goat as well.
I would be a laughingstock.
My miresa showed me where their bathroom was. There wasn’t a tub, but a shower. It was large, a place for sitting and even a lounger where someone could lie. There were many shower heads that all came pouring from the walls and I looked in awe at how many knobs there were.
“Mom always wanted a fancy shower, so Dad built it for her. I don’t like it so much; I’d rather take a bath.”
“But there is no tub.” I looked around more as she turned on the knobs. Steam rolled out of the shower and the water on my muscles instantly relaxed me.
“Nope, I usually go bathe in a hot spring.”
I felt a sudden surge of tension, as my muscles contracted and swelled, creating a taut, rigid sensation in my back muscles.
“Naked?” I growled and watched her as she squirted oil onto the towel.
“Well, one tends to get naked when they bathe.” She snorted and continued with her bathing. I watched as the water droplets dripped down her breasts, her nipples hardening.
“You will not be naked, not without me. Do you understand?” I stood next to her and my shaft rubbed up against her leg.
She squeaked and stared up at me. “Never? Without you? So, are we always bathing together, then?”
She stuck out her lips into a pout and shrugged her shoulders. “Okie dokie.”
I blinked several times, waiting for her to brat back at me, but it never came. Satisfied with her answer, I washed the rest of me and helped her with her hair, combing it with my claws and fixing it into a large braid so she could sleep.
When she showed me her room, I knew my stature was far too large. I had to squeeze inside the doorway and when I finally did, I could see the variety of color she had created on the walls. Pinks, yellows, and purples swirled together in patterns of flowers, streams, mountains and forests. I wanted to wait until the light sources came above the horizon, so I could see what she had done to create such beauty.
Could she paint our cabin this way? Make it bright and beautiful? Perhaps I didn’t decorate my cabin because my miresa would make our house into a home.
My miresa yawned again, and I shook that thought away, wrapping my arm around her waist.
“Come, we sleep.” I grabbed a ribbon from a shelf and tied it around her wrist and then to my ankle. She eyed me for a moment, but again, she did not argue.
“I’m gonna put some pajamas on.” She rubbed her eyes. I shook my head and took the towel that she used to dry her body.
“No, your body goes against mine. Consider it your punishment for leaving me alone in the bed of furs.”
My miresa muttered under her breath, “But is it really punishment?”
I chuckled, and she fell into her bed, which was far too small for my body. She curled up next to me, her cheek resting next to my chest.
“We still have stuff to talk about.” She yawned and closed her eyes. “Lots of important stuff.”
I hummed, stroking the little piece of hair around her face. “We will, in the morning, sweet female. Sleep long, we have all the time.”
Her nose scrunched up, and she blew out a breath.
If she wasn’t so tired, I was sure there would be an argument there.
“Oh, don’t pet the fart squirrels, if they come by at light sources rise,” she added.
My eyes darted open.
“Fart squirrels?”
“Yeah, they are black and white, and sometimes hang outside my window and I give them treats. Don’t go near and pet them. They throw stink at you if you scare ‘em.”
I tried to contain my laughter, but my body shook. “My little fairy, that is a skunk.”
She grunted. “No, it’s a fart squirrel.”
I rolled my eyes and let her be. Soon after, I fell into a light sleep, because I would not have her running off without me again.